Alpha & Omega

Chapter 12: Chapter 11 – Technical Sergeant Ruru’rin

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“What do you think is going to happen now?” Sylen asked, being a hostage in their luxurious room for two days by now. She was just coming out from the bathroom, enjoying another hot bath that she got used to very quickly. Wearing a soft bathrobe, she just dropped herself on their couch, looking at Miyon and Omega.


The former was making coffee, from real beans and not a synthetic source, just so he could divert his constantly worrying thoughts a little, towards something else. Whatever anybody said, they were under house arrest as two guards were always present at their door. If they wanted to go somewhere, they were escorted, kept under surveillance, 24/7. Every time they tried to go and have a look around it was quickly ‘suggested’ to them to return to their rooms and just wait. 


“They are debating as to what to do. With us and with the information we gave them.” Omega answered, still calm and relaxed. He was sitting on the windowsill of their room, before their one and only, big, rounded window. It was a perfect place to be laying back in there, watching the outside world and just relax.


“About silencing us?” Miyon asked, his mood heavy.


“Pa!” Sylen grumbled, leaning against the couch’s backrest “Don’t be such a whining puppy! Why would they silence us?”


“That is a valid option.” Omega smiled, agreeing with Miyon. “We do know something that could be deemed ‘top secret’ by them! But I don’t think they would kill us, so no worries about that. Yet.” chuckled, seeing Miyon’s downcast gaze and how even Sylen flinched, listening to him. “Plus, I wouldn’t let that happen.”


“Like you could do anything about it!” Miyon groaned, pouring out coffee for himself after it was finally brewed.


“I want one too!” raised her hand Sylen with a grin.


“What do you think is going to happen to us?” Miyon asked, bringing a mug to her granddaughter then one to Omega too. 


“We are going to be enlisted.” answered honestly, taking it away just in time, so the trembling hands of Miyon wouldn’t splash it all over him.


“To the army?” Sylen grimaced “I don’t want to be a soldier!” 


“Not like soldiers.” Omega shook his head, slurping from the mug “They are debating how to infiltrate the Frezt… frezh… Pez… that bugged system.” smacked his lips after almost biting his own tongue, trying to say it out loudly. “They already decided they are going to do it, now they are only undecided about how to make the big escape!”


“And… how do you know this?” Miyon asked, furrowing his brows.


“The bracelet.” chuckled, climbing out from the window, walking to the console on the kitchen area’s wall. Tapping on its screen they saw how easily he accessed the internal communications, going into systems that not even should be possible from here. 


“Damn… not even hackers in the best holo-movies can do that!” Sylen gawked, watching him do it in real time.


“Because I am not hacking.” Omega answered. “I am rewriting.” added in his mind, as it would be hard to explain it to them. Under his fingers, invisible, little strands were extending outwards, into the wall’s socket, changing the programming on a fundamental level. Where there was no connection, he built one. It was the same reason he knew what was happening, since at the start he left one, invisible strand connected to the bracelet, knowing everything its wearer did. Those strings were not something one could interfere with. Not in the real world anyway. To do what he was doing, one had to have access to the quantum level of things. He knew that the Major General was unwilling to take the bracelet off, deeming it necessary to keep it at hand, all the time. Literally. It was perfectly logical to keep a connection attached to it and listen into their conversations.


“Yeah, sure!” Sylen rolled her eyes as there was no other explanation for her mind, besides master level hacking skills.


“Here.” Omega said, tapping once more and from the small speakers, Parthen’s voice echoed out; 


“That wouldn’t work, the Veil’s shields couldn’t withstand power like that for long enough! It would be destroyed the moment we appeared from the Astropath.” 


“We also can’t use these paths!” spoke up another, male voice “We know that two leads deeper into the bugs territory! The remaining leads to who knows where, only the bugs would know… and whatever it is, it must be under their influence! That is for sure!”


“We are stuck…” interjected a female voice, accompanied by her sighs. “We have been debating this for days now! We can get in, undetected… but getting out is impossible!” 


“What do you think, Admiral?” asked a new, different female voice. 


“I have an idea…” came the answer after a brief pause. “But… It is risky. It could mean we lose the Veil.” 


“We would lose it in any other attempts we came up with so far!” Parthen answered and Miyon and Sylen could feel that he was smiling on the other side.


“If we emerge from the bugs’ space alone, we are going to be shot down, no matter which neighboring empire we are fleeing towards! Then they are going to know about the Veil and may even get their hands on the goods we went for in the first place after our ship is destroyed!”


“Yes.” agreed a dozen voices at the same time. 


“But what if we do not emerge by ourselves?” the Admiral asked with a faint, tangible smile. 


“You mean…” Parthen thought a little, already seeing where he was going with it. 


“I mean; We rile up the bugs after we get our cargo.” the Amiral continued “Get a swarm of their ships following us as we enter the Astropath. They are relentless so they ARE going to come after us. Tech, birthing flesh and food. They can’t resist that!”


“And inside the Astropath it is impossible to do battle…” murmured a female voice once again.


“Any weapon fired, projectile or not, would fire way slower than the speed of the ships being carried forward by the flow of the Astropath… it would just… fall out into real space instantly. Or destroy themselves.” murmured a male voice, possibly to himself.


“When we emerge, we just need to withstand the initial bombardment of the chosen side’s defenses.” finished his speech the Admiral “When the bugs pop out behind us it is going to create chaos, which we can use to slip by. The Veil is capable of doing that!”


“Still…” answered a different, so far silent, male voice. “We are still going to let them know about the Veil’s existence.”


“Sooner or later they are going to discover it. We managed to avoid their eyes for a few years, but we can’t keep it up indefinitely!” the Admiral countered “If the reward is there, it is worth it!” 


“If…” said not just one voice. “If it is there, Admiral.”


“What if everything comes crashing down?” asked another, male voice. 

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“Then we initiate Protocol-0 and blow up the ship while traveling the Astropath.” replied the Admiral with a heavy voice. “Let the debris fall out at random points of space and be lost forever!” 


“...” what came next was a long silence between the members of the High Command. On the other side, Miyon and Sylen were listening to it with sweaty palms, holding their breaths back. 


“I agree with the Admiral’s proposition.” Parthen said, the first to speak up. “Even if it is a ‘what if’ scenario, any possibility of recovering something from our ancestors is worthy of a try!


“I agree too.” came the second, female voice and soon it was echoed by the rest, making it a unanimous decision.


“Thank you!” spoke up again the Admiral. “Parthen, I’d like you to lead the Veil this time! I trust your instincts and quick decision making the most.”


“Yes sir!” answered with a strong voice, proudly saluting at the other side.


“What about the source?” asked a male voice, making the eavesdropping duo shudder. 


“Bring them along.” answered the Admiral before anyone else, with an authoritative tone. “The more they know, the more reasons we are going to have to keep them under check legally. Also, the guy you told us about Major General…”


“It is a weird fella, he almost looks like a human!” Parthen chuckled, joking a little “The more disturbing thing was his confidence and calmness. I don’t know if it comes from the side effects of suffering amnesia or if he is someone who saw and did things while outside of our borders.”


“Tell me honestly!” the Admiral asked him, with a much more serious tone. “I want to know your true feelings!”


“He is a warrior, Sir.” Parthen replied immediately “That was my impression, looking into his eyes.”


“If things play out well, we may recruit him.” the Admiral said, after a brief pause “For now, this meeting is adjourned! It went on way too long anyway!” laughed, accompanied by multiple chuckles as Omega cut the feed.


“Fuck…!” Miyon sighed, the only word he could utter at that moment. It was still barely registering for him what they had even heard.


“So we are going to go there anyway!” moaned Sylen, rubbing her temple. “At least not in the Dawn but a warship! If the Veil is a warship!” 


“It should be.” Omega said, scratching his cheek. “I am also more relaxed that the ship we are going to take is something that is attuned for war. Your Dawn is too mild and good willed for battle. She is more about traveling and collecting things, taking care of you two, than going into battle. Especially after what happened in the past.” whispered at the end, watching Miyon’s changing expression.


“Heh, you talk about it like it is alive!” Sylen chuckled, looking at Omega’s smiling face.


“Maybe.” opened his arms, not explaining any further. 





It was Rururin who came to get them, three days later. Sylen was surprised to see her, dressed in a military uniform, her hair kept in a bun and she was much more imposing than before, when she wearing a maid uniform. 


“TSgt… Ruru’rin…” Sylen murmured, reading her name and rank, displayed on her black uniform, trying to make sense out of it as she was completely unaware what each light-blue line or emblem meant on an officer’s uniform. 


“It is Technical Sergeant Ruru’rin. But the latter is just Rururin for you, it only differs in writing.” explained calmly, looking at Omega, ignoring Miyon and Sylen.


“Then why did you cosplay as a maid?” Sylen asked, not wanting to pry into her assumed fetishes, but she was truly curious.


“I am a direct subordinate of the Major General. Whatever he wishes from me, I will do it.” answered proudly, her hands on her hips. “All three of you are now under my supervision! Wherever you go, I go too! Wherever I go, you follow! Understood?” 


“Yes.” nodded Miyon, while Sylen just sighed and Omega only smiled at her, not really bothered by the fact she was clearly provoking him with a small grin. 


“Good!” Rururin clapped with a satisfied voice “Today, 19:15, Dock 7A, Quadrant-Y. My boys are going to escort you there! I’ll brief you all on what is going to happen next when we meet again!”


“Mm.” nodded the trio at the same time, not showing surprise, there were no questions, protest or even fear in their eyes, not even in Miyon’s. As if they already knew this would happen… 


Weird.” Rururin tilted her head, a bit confused and frustrated even. “What is up with this family?” scanned their faces. She had similarly sharp instincts as her leader, but they were honed to notice immediate danger and hidden enemies, not to detect lies or conspiracies. “If there is no question, then I am off!” sighed in the end, turning to leave.


“We wouldn’t want to hold you up, Technical Sergeant Ruru’rin.” Omega said, placing emphasis on her name, making the bunny-girl twitch her mouth a little, feeling that it was not accidental. She did not want to start an argument, not that they had any choice in any matter, from now on. She would have time to see if they are even worthy of recruiting them under the Major General. 


“Don’t bring anything, only yourselves!” Rururin said, looking back over her shoulders, leaving them in their ‘home’.


“Omega.” Miyon spoke up, after they were left alone again.


“I know what you want to say!” looked at him with a confident smile “Worry not, I will protect you two. I never break my vow. Never.”


“...” Miyon just gulped back his next words, nodding at him, seeing it in his eyes that Omega was serious. More serious than ever before. 


“Relax Pa!” hugged him Sylen from behind. “I can feel it, we are going to be fine! After all this, we are going to go back to our usual life!”


“I…” Miyon opened his mouth to speak but he did not want to say what he really thought, so instead he lied to Sylen. For the first time in his life. “You are right! We do this, then we go back to our Dawn!” rubbed her head, with a warm look and smile.

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