Alpha & Omega

Chapter 13: Chapter 12 – Veil

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When the time came and the three were escorted away by a group of soldiers, their first stop was at a sterile chamber. They had to shower and clean themselves and it was the worst experience of Sylen’s life. Ever.


“Hell no!” protested, throwing the towel into the lone soldier’s face, accompanying them into the room. “I won’t shower in front of you and in front of others! Fuck you!” growled, showing her canine teeth, looking into the unimpressed eyes of the female guard before her.


“You are going to.” replied the woman, wearing a black uniform, with her pistol holstered at her side, one hand always resting on its grip. She was 1.9 meter tall, her skin was as if it was made from smooth, carnelian stone. Her eyes were completely black, without irises, giving the impression to others, they were made of some-kind of black gemstone. All light going into her eyes was lost, not even reflecting faint silhouettes. Her tone was flat, unbothered and cold. “The shower pods are separated. Go and do it, then comes the inspection.” said, looking at them without a change in her stone-like expression. 


“Inspection?” Sylen flinched and felt the soldier’s eyes, wandering lower on her body. She involuntarily covered herself, even if she was still dressed up. 


“Is this to shame us into submission?!” Miyon also flared up, protecting his granddaughter's dignity.


“Leave it to me.” Omega stepped forward, raising one hand.


The woman was quick in reaction, already aiming her pistol to shoot at him, but Omega was even quicker. With one tap on the tip of her pistol, not just the weapon but she herself was frozen in place. Seeing it happen and how she was unmoving, unblinking, Miyon just gulped, while Sylen scoffed loudly.


“Hah! Serves her right!”


“Is she… dead?” Miyon asked, afraid of him now, how easily he stopped someone from moving. 


“No.” Omega smiled “Biological matter is hard to manipulate, too many variables and I don’t want to hurt her. She is just doing her job. I just froze her perception of time, she is going to be fine!” shook his head with a smile.


“All humans were this… strong? Then… Why have you disappeared? Where are the rest of you?”  Sylen asked, walking around the frozen guard of theirs.


“I… I don’t know…” Omega looked towards Sylen, unable to answer her questions, looking completely lost in expression. “But I don’t think I am like the rest of the humans…” whispered, thinking, feeling pain rising up and not just in his head but in his chest, holding onto it. “Omega meant… being the last. I may be the… last of my kind?” asked, but it was not aimed at them but at himself as he was unable to recall it clearly. He was only remembering that he was called Omega once… precisely because he should have been the last. But by who? Or why? He was unsure of it yet. 


“It’s okay, don’t stress about it!” Sylen stepped towards him, patting his arms with a gentle smile. “It seems you are in pain… stop thinking about it! When the time comes I am sure you are going to remember it!” 


“She is right.” Miyon agreed, once again, turning towards the immobilized soldier. “What about her? What should we do now?” 


“Take a shower.” Omega smiled, still rubbing his chest as the pain slowly subsided.


“Huh?” Sylen flinched, tilting her head.


“Our bunny-handler has a sharp nose I guess! Take the soap, and shower. After that, we dress up in the uniforms they gave us. Relax! I’ll make sure our stone-faced guardian is going to ‘remember’ she did as she was told!” winked at the two playfully while now concentrating on her brain, gently altering her neurons.


“But… but!” Sylen stuttered, looking back and forth of the pods and them, turning red as a tomato. 


“We won’t look!” Miyon patted her head. “I won’t let him either!”


“I wouldn’t.” Omega nodded, even placing the towel of his on the guard’s head “See? She can’t either!” 


“Heh…” Sylen chuckled finally but then pointed at him with her index finger. “You better not, you hear?!” 


In the end, the two just turned around, facing the frozen, towel covered statue in front of them while Sylen took a shower first. Miyon decided not to ask anything, better to be oblivious to something than be overwhelmed by a lot of things. He was the next to do it, after Sylen finished and lastly came Omega. When he finished dressing up, he just smiled, walking past Sylen, flicking her fluffy ears.


“Hey! What was that for?!” screamed, holding onto them angrily. 


“For looking.” Omega chuckled while Miyon just looked at her granddaughter with slanted eyes as she tried to play the innocent. 


“I did not…” murmured.


“Get ready, and stand in line!” Omega said, as she ‘fixed’ the posture of their guard and inspector, pulling out gloves from her belt, putting them on her hands, before standing back next to the two. “I modified her memories, we should be clear, just play along!” said, and with a flick of his finger, he cut the strand that was connecting him to her.


“Good!” the guard blinked for a moment, ‘restarting’ her movements as if nothing happened. Taking off the gloves she was nodding approvingly, seeing them in the correct, military uniform. She had to admit, the man named Omega was even a little bit charming, wearing the black getup with the insignia of a ‘Technical Advisor’ on his shoulders. “You are all clean to board the Veil! Follow me!” turned around, leading them out.


“She…” Sylen murmured, but Omega just smiled, not answering.


“Just… go with the flow!” Miyon nudged her. “Isn’t it what you always told your grandpa?” 


“Haah… sure!” Sylen shrugged, following them with hurried steps.





“...” Sylen was nervously fidgeting in the seat of their small craft, traveling through an Astropath. When arriving at their designated position they were put on a sleek looking shuttle and shipped out into the void. To her surprise, they entered into an Astropath and were traveling outside of the Neo-Hegemony’s borders. She was sitting next to Miyon, while on the opposite seats were occupied by Omega and Rururin. 


“Where are we going?” Miyon asked but no answer came from the bunny-girl, only a faint smile.

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“This kind of secrecy could only mean that our target is highly classified.” Omega answered, instead of Rururin.


“No comment.” Rururin looked at him with one eye, not even turning her head.


“Yet they are taking civilians to it.” Omega continued, drawing a little smile onto Sylen’s face, liking that he was trying to tease their assigned overseer. “So it is questionable if it is truly that big of a secret.”


“You seem to think you know a lot!” Rururin scoffed “You are only coming with us, because you also seem to know a lot about the suit. So don’t get too cocky! You two on the other hand… we are unsure about you but until everything is solved, it is best to keep you close at hand.”


“So you are dragging us to our death? Or to be your hostages?” Miyon shook his head, hating her already.


“If you die, that means we are also dead.” Rururin nodded “Then nobody lives to spill the secrets! The best method to protect our home against others is complete secrecy.” said calmly and with conviction. Just as she finished speaking, their shuttle trembled once and they returned to normal space, exiting the Astropath.


“Huh…” Sylen looked out the window next to her, watching the thick, multi-colored nebula they arrived into. The ionized soup of hydrogen and dust was the cradle of future stars, taking millions and millions of years to form. Now, it was nothing but swirling clouds on an astronomical level. “Where are we?” blinked her eyes, enjoying the beautiful view. 


“We are here.” Rururin spoke into her comlink, hidden in the wrist of her uniform, ignoring Sylen’s question.


“Oh…” Omega eyes moved and his lips formed a smile, before turning towards Rururin. “You replicated a cloaking device?” 


“You!” Rururin gasped, her eyes shrinking to the size of pins, almost attacking him by instinct.


“Cloaking?” Miyon asked, but was interrupted by Sylen's excited scream.


Outside, not far from them, the clouds of the nebula moved, like when a ship pushes the water to the sides as it traveled the ocean. Yet the eyes could only see its effects on its surroundings and not the ship itself. Not until it stopped close to the shuttle and turned its cloaking device off. Suddenly a huge, kilometer long warship revealed itself, right out of nothing. Its body flickered in a bluish light as the invisibility wore off, bit by bit, returning its reflective surface into its original, obsidian colors. Even, without its cloaking capability, against the backdrop of the darkness of space, it would be hard to notice. It was like a sharpened arrowhead, ready to launch forward at any time. It’s huge, four engines were hidden under its tail end, and metal flaps could wrap around them if required, masking its emissions as much as it was possible. Their shuttle was approaching it from the underside, from the direction of its belly, where the hangar doors were already open, ready for them to dock into.


“Apt name.” Omega said calmly, turning his head away from the window, facing Rururin once again. “I now understand why the secrecy. Cloaking technology, especially if it is functioning at the size of a destroyer, is commendable.” 


“It is a battleship.” Ruruin countered, furrowing her brows, breathing more heavily now, one hand resting on the hidden blade under her sleeve. She was unable to tear away her eyes from Omega’s face, not even blinking so she could be ready for everything he might do next.


“Oh!” Omega blinked his eyes, looking out the window once again, scanning the massive spaceship. “This counts as a battleship?” whispered to himself but they could hear him clear as day. “This is too tiny for that…”





“Hmmm…” Parthen leaned back in his chair. Behind him, through an oval window, the nebula was clearly visible as he was listening to Rururin’s report. As the current captain of the Veil, his chamber was right next to the bridge. Walking out from here, he would be immediately greeted by his trusted crew and a top of the line command center. The most advanced in the entire navy of the Neo-Hegemony in fact. This ship was the hidden ace of theirs, one that already made dozens, successful infiltration missions into dangerous enemy territories for intelligence gathering. It battled not just pirates but other battleship-class vessels, where no witnesses remained to tell about its existence. “So he was not even surprised… but also realized what we have, before the ship revealed itself?” asked, leaning forward, crossing his fingers and resting his chin on the top of his hands. 


“Yes.” Rururin nodded. “He also said… this was too small of a ship to be classified as a battleship.”


“...” Parthen closed his eyes, mulling over that sentence, before reopening them. “Bring him to me. Only him.”


“Yes!” saluted, turning around immediately.




“Yes?” stopped, looking back, waiting for him to finish.


“Be polite.” 


“...” She just slowly nodded, before leaving, going to fetch that enigma of a man.


Sylen, Miyon and Omega were, once again, in house arrest. Only this time it was a small, little room, with two bunk beds and nothing else. Not even a window to the outside world, awakening a little bit of claustrophobic feelings in both Sylen and Miyon. They felt the ship move, traverse the nebula, heading towards who knows where but they couldn’t look out and see for themselves.


“I envy you!” Sylen moaned, looking down from the top of her bed, looking at Omega who was laying under her, with closed eyes, waiting patiently. “How can you stay so calm?” 


“Hm?” Omega asked, opening his eyes slightly. “Sorry, I was feeling out the ship. What was it?” 


“You are weird…” Sylen murmured.


“I know.” Omega nodded “So… what did you say?” looked into her eyes with a gentle smile.


“Nothing! Hah, I think this is such a bullshit situation!” moaned, voicing her grandfather’s honest thoughts too, making him nod his head involuntarily. “Are we going to be held here? All the time? Then why the hell did they even bring us along?! Such idiocy!”


“Paranoia is hell of a drug!” Omega shrugged, standing up and stretching. “I’ll be back soon!” said and before they could ask, the door to their room opened.


“Let’s go!” Omega walked past Rururin before she could say anything, honestly surprised at his actions. There was no time to say anything, ask anything as he was walking as if he already knew where to go. She just looked at the stunned two in the room, before closing the door, hurrying after the strange man, turning left on the narrow corridor.

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