Alpha & Omega

Chapter 22: Chapter 21 – Mirian

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Miyon and Sylen were sitting in the cockpit, getting ready to exit out of an Astropath. They were six systems away from the Gynkwhons already. They were taking random routes, to get as far away as possible from the potential pursuers. Weeks had passed since they made their escape and to their surprise, they had little to do. The now much more intelligent Dawn handled almost everything for them. 


“I could get used to this!” Sylen joked as they reappeared in real space, much more smoothly than before.


“Where are we?” Miyon asked as they entered so many Astropaths, they had no idea at all where they were going.


There is trouble ahead.” Dawn said suddenly, making the two immediately tense up in their chairs. “My scanners picked up a distress call. Its source is a Neo-Hegemony vessel. It is stranded and not far from here there are two other ships. They are also disabled. My scanners designate them as Wulfhaarn Enforcer vessels.


“Hm?” Miyon furrowed his brows, looking closer at the readings, popping up on his screen.


“Enforcers are not easy to deal with.” Sylen added, watching the image of two, robust ships, looking like giant, crimson bricks, flashing with electricity. They were badly damaged and disabled. Some may be still alive on them but neither Miyon nor Sylen wanted to hail them. Instead they focused on the silver, drifting ship, not that far away from them. Its shape was that of a spearhead. Its engines were dead and it left a trail of brown smoke in its wake, slowly spinning in space, moving further and further away from where their battle took place. 


“Then that silver ship was pretty strong, I assume?” Omega asked, looking at it.


“Um.” Sylen nodded. “The Wulfhaarn built their own ships to ram them into their target! To damage them this seriously and survive… it must pack a mean punch!”


“There are people on board.” Omega said, taking a deep breath, closing his eyes and sensing it. “Around a dozen. They are trying to get it back online… but I don’t think it is possible.”


“You can tell that?” Miyon asked.


He has better sensors than me.” Dawn chimed in, almost sounding like someone who was admiring Omega.


“Really? Do you know each other well?” Sylen chuckled, looking back at him.


“We chat a lot.” Omega nodded but then he focused on the images of the disabled Wulfhaarn ships. “The other two also have a portion of survivors. Triple that of the silver vessel. I advise you to rescue them and get out of here, because they are going to come back online pretty soon.”


“That is… not good!” Sylen said, looking at her grandfather who just nodded and the Dawn was already heading towards the silver, damaged ship, hailing them on the open, Neo-Hegemony channels.


“This is the Dawn.” Sylen said. “We are approaching you from the left and going to use our tractor beam to stabilize your vessel!”


“This is Shooting Star, copy Dawn! We request to board your vessel, our ship is critically damaged!” Miyon just looked at Sylen, signaling with his eyes that this was still a dangerous bet. What if they were boarded previously? “Dawn… we have an important individual aboard. If nothing… at least take her!” The voice repeated after no answer came. He was clearly desperate. “Sending her details over!” 


“No… way…” Miyon gasped and Sylen was also speechless.


“Hm?” Omega looked over, seeing a young woman’s image on the screen. She looked like a human, with fair, white skin and reddish, long hair, accompanied with green eyes. The gentle look on her face was calming, even in the picture. Her name was Mirian Kaltazar. “Oh!” Omega realized who she was, after reading up a little on the Neo-Hegemony's structure in the past, free days of his, chatting with Dawn.


“We have to help them!” Sylen said and Miyon was already driving the ship towards them.


“Of course!” Her grandfather replied. “Shooting Star, this is the Dawn. We are going to stop your ship and get as close as possible! We have nothing to dock with you, so you are going to have to put on suits and come over through the open cargo hold of ours!”


“Roger! Will do! Thank you!” The relieved answer came a moment later.


I am going to remain silent until then.” Dawn said suddenly. “I know my presence is… problematic. Don’t worry.


“Worry not, nobody can take you apart.” Omega chuckled. “Miyon, can you do it alone from here?”


“With Dawn’s help, easily!” He nodded as since her awakening, everything became much more smooth and easier to do. 


“Okay! Sylen and I are going to welcome them then! If something goes wrong, I can protect us!” Omega smiled, standing up.





Omega and Sylen were standing before the main cargo bay’s door. They were waiting for them to all board the Dawn and pressurize it, so they could go in. Sylen barely could control her wagging tail. It was an impossibility to meet her yet here she was, waiting to do just that.


“I can’t believe it’s her!” She said.


“Hm? Is it that big of a deal?” Omega asked, tilting his head.


“It is!” Sylen answered, not even angry. “She is from the line of Kaltazar, the one who created us a safe home! I heard about her when she took up the name! She carries herself like her ancestor!”


“Meaning?” Omega asked, tilting his head to the other side.


“She cares about the people! We are getting more and more populous as the decades go on and she is pushing for the colonization of other systems! To expand our territory! She is trying to convince the other parties to jointly explore and find new parts of the Galaxy to call as ours! Even if we are stuck being this far away from everything else, there are still dozens, even hundreds of star systems to explore!”


“Mmm.” Omega nodded. “That is only logical. If you find good enough plantes, you could also terraform them.”


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“Terraform?” Sylen asked. “That is… too much of an undertaking. We can’t afford something like that!” She sighed softly.


“I see… Anyway, that is something only logical. I thought you were doing just that.”


“We are… very much of an isolationist!” Sylen said, looking into his eyes. “The fear is always there. Stretch ourselves too far, too thin and we are going to be destroyed. We have been cooped up in our few systems for a very long time by now.”


“Hmmm… I am interested in this Mirian now.”


“Don’t even try!” Sylen rolled her eyes. “She is way above you!” 


“Even though I am a human?” He chuckled, making Sylen flinch and put on an interesting expression. “Relax, I am joking! I am not interested in her that way!” He explained, patting her head.


Before Sylen could say anything in her defense, Dawn beeped, giving them a text message on the wall mounted consoles. “Everything is ready. If trouble arises, I am going to reopen the cargo hold and space them.” Omega just nodded and the doors opened up before them, revealing a small group of people. They were taking off their space suits’ helmets right at that moment. One of the man, quickly raised his hands, holding something that looked like a rifle, making Sylen flinch.


“Put that down!” A strong, strict shout echoed out in the cargo bay immediately as he was just raising his hands. It came from one of them. From Mirian. She took off her helmet just then, looking angrily at her bodyguard. “Don’t you dare raise your weapon on our own kind! Especially not as a ‘thank you’ for saving our lives! Apologize! NOW!” Her presence was commanding, strong and forceful. The man quickly lowered his rifle, taking off his helmet. He was human looking, with a fish-like head and scaly, blue skin. He clearly had gills on the side of his neck, but also breathed oxygen with lungs. He faltered a little before finally bowing. 


“I am sorry.” He said while Sylen just gulped, nodding that it was okay.


“Please… forgive them, we are on edge since running into those Wulfhaarn ships.” Mirian said, also bowing, her tone much more gentle and truly apologetic.


It is not a facade.” Omega thought, forming a smile, pushing Sylen forward to speak for them. 


“W-welcomrthf!” Sylen said, biting onto her tongue because of her anxiety, making some of the survivors finally smile. “Ouch…” She whispered, shaking her head. “My name is Sylen, he is Ome..emh, Alfonse!” scratched her throat, making it seem like she blundered once again because of her excitement. “My grandfather, Miyon is piloting the ship, we are already heading towards an Astropath!” 


“That is good.” Mirian nodded, walking closer to them as her men quickly followed suit. “We rigged the ship to detonate in 30 minutes.” 


“Oh…” Sylen flinched a little.


“Smart.” Omega said, nodding approvingly. That explosion would once again hinder their pursuers' attempt in restarting their own vessels. His calmness was surprising for the group and it even made Mirian’s eyes lit up a little. She was tired of everyone bowing and acting as if she was a Goddess amongst mortals. 


“Mr. Alfonse…” She turned towards him, tilting her head, tucking her red hair behind her ear. “Are you a human?”


“...” Sylen almost froze in place, forgetting to even breathe after hearing her sudden question. Omega remained calm, simply picking out a little flashlight, shining it at his palm, turning it see through. 


“Oh… too bad!” Mirian sighed loudly. “It has been my dream since I was a little girl to meet with one… but no matter how many, truly human-looking people I came across, they all turned out to be the same as me!” She giggled, doing the same with her own flashlight, replicating Omega’s feat.


“Ahaha… ah…ahaha….” Sylen laughed nervously, twisting and turning her clothes’ edges. 


“Once again, thank you for saving us! It was a blessing that you came this way!” Mirian said, smiling at them.


“P-please! Ah, um, let me show you to a room where you can all rest!” Sylen said, while Omega also nodded.


“After that, you can tell us where to drop you off.” Omega said, freezing everybody in place, including Sylen. He just looked at them, shrugging as he continued, looking at Mirian. “We are wanted by your army. I guess…” 


Sylen was not expecting him to say something like this so she just turned her head back and forth between him and Mirian, panicking. The latter’s guards raised their weapons already but Mirian just turned back at them for a brief moment, ordering them with her eyes to stop. 


“Because of the thing strapped to your ship?” Mirian asked, her voice unbothered. “I am not blind, you know! Neither am I an ignorant person.”


“Exactly.” Omega said. “We found a human weapon. At first, it was its controlling device. We went and traded it to the military and got wrapped up in a secret mission as civilians.” He explained with a pained look and a tired voice, making not just Mirian but her people to furrow their brows. “I helped them recover it from the Gynkwhon’s territory but I… Well… let just say, I outplayed them.” He smiled and to everyone’s surprise Mirian just laughed out at his explanation. She was already guessing, Omega wanted to trade her and she was greatly interested in this weird man before her.


“Going into that horrible place… and coming out, with a human weapon no less… color me impressed! I would really love to hear the full story!” Mirian said, looking up at Omega curiously. 


“We have a lounge area. Beside a cup of coffee and some cookies we can fill you in about everything~ Later on, you can confirm it from Major General Parthen as he was the one leading the Veil on that mission.”


“Hmmm! Now I am even starting to believe you~ Not many know about the Veil…” Mirian smiled even brighter as her guards were in the dark, what the ‘Veil’ meant. Only she knew.


“It was depressing…” Sylen groaned, relaxing. Seeing how easy it was to speak with Mirian, it made her calm down quickly. “I thought we were going to die! If not for Om- Alfonse here, I think the soldiers would have silenced us! Hmf! I don’t like them anymore!” She said, looking at the others with an unkind expression.


“I totally understand it!” Mirian said, sighing. “Don’t worry, if you get into trouble back home because of this, I am going to help you out! You saved my life, this is the least! But…”


“But?” Sylen gulped. 


“Can we change places? I really love the idea of a bath! And rather than talking about all this here I would like to do it in a… more comfortable setting~” She laughed and Omega also smiled widely, nodding. 


“Mm, that sounds good and I am also curious as to what an important woman as yourself was doing out here, all alone~” 


Mirian was not offended by his words. She just smiled, nodding, showing that she was willing to speak about it, but not right now.

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