Alpha & Omega

Chapter 47: Chapter 46 – Awoke

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Mirian calmly listened to his story from start to finish, never interrupting him. Sylen was exhausted from her long day and crying, so she quickly fell asleep. She was lying on the couch next to Omega.

"..." Mirian slowly closed her eyes after he finished retelling his memories that now were as clear as day. "It is hard to believe." She said after a long sigh, licking her lips, mulling over his words. It took her a long minute before reopening her eyes. "But they do give a lot of answers why you all disappeared. Answers that are too wild to belie-" But then she stopped.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Omega was only moving his fingers, yet a miniature statue of her likeness rose from the ground. It was just like her, down to the most minor details. Even weirder, it moved around like a little puppet, bowing towards her before it melted, returning to the floor she came out from.

"H-how…?" She gulped, looking at Omega with widened eyes.

"I told you already." He said, shaking his head, standing up, and walking towards the panoramic window. He was holding his hand behind his back as he continued. "I am truly the last human alive… My current name is a fitting one." He murmured, shaking his head a little. "And as long as I am here, you are in danger."

"Because of you? Are you going to leave?" Mirian asked, watching his back.

"Because of me. Yes..." He answered and fell silent for a brief second. "But I won't leave."

"..." Mirian remained silent, not blinking her eyes, waiting for him to continue.

"Even if I leave, my existence alone would still threaten you. And I mean…. THAT… Creator, as he calls itself, would not show mercy if it learns I made contact with you."

"Do you know what it is?" She asked.

"No," Omega said, looking back over his shoulder. "But whatever it is, it is not a God." His eyes were calm on the surface and hid what he really felt. Mirian tried to read him, but she failed to do so.

"So… what are your plans then?"

"Raise you up." He said, turning back towards the ocean. "I am going to raise your strengths. Enough, so you can protect yourself from anything this Galaxy may throw at you."

"You mean…" She gulped, feeling excited. It was slowly but surely rising inside her chest. She had ambitions and dreams that she never shared with anyone, keeping them to herself.

"You are the remains of my people. I am obliged to ensure you survive, whatever the cost… and…."

"By helping us, we can help you in return fighting that… Creator… thing." She said, standing up and walking next to him.

"I don't know if you could fight that thing. At all. But I did learn a lot of things while being part of it. About things that not even the Hegemony had access to."

"How do you want to do this?" Mirian asked seriously, watching the bobbing waves in the distance. "I don't think people would even believe you. I barely do!"

"I know." Omega smiled a little. "I won't tell it to anybody else… also… Whatever I tell you or the people around you will come from you. Not from me."

"So I will be the figurehead?" She chuckled, tilting her to the side for a moment, but she was not offended by it.

She always wanted to do more than her ancestor. Now, they had their home, but theirs was still fragile existence. It was slowly getting overpopulated, and even if there had been no real danger of an attack for centuries, it did not mean that would stay the same. In the vast Galaxy, millions of others from hybrid species were enslaved, bred, and traded away like cattle. Who says one day they won't come for them again? She hated the thought of that.

"Ironic, isn't it?" Omega chuckled, biting into his lower lip. "I was created by a man's money, power, and ambition. He was acting from the shadows, and now I plan to do the same."

"If you put it this way… then yes, it is truly ironic." Mirian agreed after a brief pause. "I can make it work, but I don't want this to turn into a dictatorship or some despotic dystopia!" She said, raising her voice, turning towards him, searching for his eyes, wanting to see his thoughts.

"It won't," Omega promised, looking at her, not averting his gaze. "I am sure you have some methods to let the other groups besides yours somehow 'discover' some things. If you want to balance the powers amongst your people, then so be it! My focus will be on condensing down what I know and gifting you with solutions to your problems."

"I think the Professor will have a field day with you! I mean, with your ideas!" She laughed finally.

"He reminds me of an old friend…." Omega smiled softly. "I will ensure he has enough time to work on everything and focus on the most important things."

"Which are?"

"For now, let him finish the Xanthe. I need time to collect everything in my head. It is still a bit… overwhelming."

"I can understand that!" She sighed, gently patting his shoulder. "Can I ask… for something?"

"Sure." He nodded, encouraging her.

"Can I get my own Suit of Ares?"

"Ahaha!" Omega laughed out in the end. "Sure. I am going to work it out with you and let you design it! The Xanthe will be Sylan's. I will retrofit it to her wishes. Don't worry; you are going to field multiple squadrons of it in the future!"

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"So, we start with the military, huh?" She said, crossing her arms under her breasts, but she was not against it. She was just curious."

"You also know that the Neo-Hegemony has limited resources. We need more."

"And for that, we need more territories." She nodded. She was looking for colonizable planets not only because they needed new worlds to settle but to also gain more resources for the Neo-Hegemony.

"I have a deep and varied knowledge of the stars." He tapped his temple, "The 'Creator' had the whole Galaxy mapped out. It is the thing that created the Astropaths so they could move freely around the Galaxy. I need time to see what we can reach from here, and then we can start expanding our borders!"

"Hearing you say things like this…." Mirian licked her lips, getting excited. Her eyes were already glittering with stars. "I am getting butterflies in my stomach!"


Slowly everyone learned about Omega's return. When Sylen finally slept through a whole day, she was fired up to return to work again, vowing Omega that she won't tell anybody what he told her. Not to even his grandfather. Of course, hearing that, Miyon quickly asked what the hell it was all about and Omega, once again, retold everything to him. It was a lot to take in, and he didn't believe most of it, just like Mirian, but he couldn't question his sincerity and the look in his eyes. He was surprised to see that Miyon also breathed a sigh of relief after returning and listening to his tale, patting his shoulders without saying anything.

When Keshnar learned that he survived, he just nodded, already focused on replicating the so-called Celestial Bronze so they could replace everything for the Xanthe as soon as possible. That was the reason why he was a bit grumpy when one day he was called into the underwater office of Mirian.

"I have a lot of work to do. Is this really important?" He sighed, rolling in, looking at her and Omega.

"No, it is not important." Mirian shook her head. "I just wanted to chat!" She chuckled. This alone already set off the Professor, making his body jiggle as if there was an earthquake.

"You! Do it with your retainers!" He shouted, already turning backward, stretching towards the door.

"Okay!" Mirain sighed, playing with him. "I am going to ask them if they know how to build this!" She tapped on her desk, and the complete theory of how to refill the Abyss Battery with dark matter and anti-dark matter started to scroll before them in a blueish projection.

"...?" Keshnar stopped, turning only one of his beady eyes backward. Yet after only one glimpse, with a loud, sloshing sound, he was already before the table, stretching up and reading it, growing dozens of 'eyes.' "No way! You had this all along, didn't you?!"

"We had it, yes," Mirian said, tapping on the table calmly as Omega stood behind her chair, hands held together behind his back. "But we had trouble decoding the ancient security locks and failsafe placed on it. We almost lost it."

"Be careful! Don't let idiots handle it!" Keshnar snapped at her. "Let me do it next time!"

"No," Mirian answered with a sly smile, leaning slightly forward and turning the projection off. "I know you, Professor. Better than I would like to!"

"Give it back!" He said, crying out like a kid who had his favorite toy taken away from his hands. Or, in his case, from his tentacles.

"Here!" Mirian laughed, giving him a small card that Keshnar simply gobbled up, afraid she would take it back again. "It has more on it. Even about how to build it."

"..." The Professor just recollected himself, literally, as he was twisted, disfigured like a plasticine that a kid got bored of playing with. "So… what is the catch?"

"You know more people than I do," Mirian said slowly. "We need the military and the merchants in on this, and we need to start working together from the start."

"I already planned to leak the way to create the new material with Formium. They can start manufacturing suits at Mors Caminus as soon as the station gets enough materials. But the core… I won't share that!"

"You don't have to!" Mirian giggled. "But we are going to need that in every suit built. You will find the old tests and their details on them. You can compare how they perform with it and without it."

"Let me go through it first. I am smarter than you." Keshnar said, already saying anything; just be let go so he can study it."

"Make this our priority for now!"

"Um!" He jiggled then hurried away, excited beyond belief.

"Heh, you are an interesting woman," Omega said, smiling when the Professor left.

"I know!" She grinned, leaning back with a proud grin. "And now I also have Admiral Jankho owe me a favor!"

"Hm?" Omega tilted his head, walking next to her table and leaning against it.

"I sent the Keelan drive to him directly. I told him that we found this. More precisely, my head historian did." She pointed at him. "You and your team, consisting of Miyon and Sylen, are my secret sources for old tech! I already got a response that they are going to retrofit the Veil with it first. They are…"

"Also upgrading its hangar bays to be capable of housing the Suits." Omega finished for her.

"Exactly." She smiled, turning with her chair towards the window, enjoying the view of the colorful fishes swimming outside of it. "It is time that the others learn to not kick into us every time because one day, they will miss and slip… cracking open their skulls…."

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