Alpha & Omega

Chapter 46: Chapter 45 – Judgment Day

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Since that day, Alpha has focused his work on his and his daughter's discovery. His experiments at a distant place were a success in the end. He not just opened up an Astropath. He created one. Standing in the emptiness of space, without any protection, he was mesmerized by the blue, swirling corridor before him. It was still small, smaller than any other Astropath. It was only at the size of himself, yet he knew it was a fully working one, leading back toward Earth. He finally understood its principles down to the last number and letter. He could create strings and not just interact or modify them.

"This is incredible…." He whispered to himself, yet suddenly all his excitement and wonder turned to dread.

He couldn't explain why but he felt horrible. His stomach dropped, his senses screamed at him, and he KNEW that something had happened. He didn't hesitate. Stepping into his own Astropath, he traveled along it faster than any other routes in the Galaxy. When he arrived back into the Solar System, everything looked normal. On the surface. Yet he felt it. All of the Astropaths were closed, and something was coming. He didn't hesitate, returning home and stepping into the middle of their room.

"What is it?" Marin asked, surprised by his sudden appearance. Seeing his face, she immediately felt panic overwhelm her. She never saw Alpha this troubled. This… scared.

"I don't know… I… I don't… know!" He stuttered, feeling his heart thumping in his chest.

"Dad…?" Kaya murmured, waking up as she just had fallen asleep in her mother's embrace.

She was also fussy all day long, and Marin had to fight with her to finally put her to sleep. Seeing Alpha like this and knowing her daughter was acting weirdly, Marin knew something did happen. It was that moment when every living being heard a mixed voice echoing in their minds and souls. It was plucking on the strings that made them up, and Alpha and Kaya could see it with their eyes.

"This power is not for you to wield. None of you are worthy of it."

Ezekiel slowly opened his eyes in a dark room deep beneath the Himalayas. He was floating in a human-sized wat, connected to many machines. His consciousness was hooked up to sophisticated AIs and devices that the world knew nothing about. He was still under the influence of Alpha's discovery, knowing that his people now would forge their own path amongst the stars. Literally. Yet, at this moment, he also understood that it brought the last hurdle before his Hegemony. Before his species.

"God…" He thought to himself, already feeling his body starting to disintegrate. "I expected that I won't see the finish line…." He smiled even when turning to ashes. "But MY God will still replace You one day…."

It was happening everywhere around the Solar System. Not just humans but every living being besides animals was turning into fine dust. As soon as he noticed it, Alpha reached forward, grabbing onto not just his wife and daughter but their strings.

"Alfy…" Marin whispered as Kaya held onto her with a terrified look in her eyes.

"...!" Alpha wanted to say something, but he couldn't. The moment he grabbed them, reinforcing their strings, stopping their disintegration, it was the moment the Creator locked onto him.

He felt an unshakable will descending on him, freezing him into place. He wanted to scream, fight and move, but he could not. He watched as Marin and Kaya's figures turned into grey dust, falling apart like nothing, only in a fragment of a second. He was frozen in place but not by the invisible force. He simply couldn't believe what was happening, what he saw. His mind refused to do so.

"Finis. Bring him along; I will focus on cleansing the Galaxy from them." The mixed voice ordered as it downloaded the entire knowledge and history of the Hegemony while simultaneously wiping out their AIs, the people, and most of their databanks.

"Yes." He said, appearing next to Alpha.

When he put his hand on Alpha's shoulder, he suddenly felt a shockwave hit him. It blasted his body backward through the now completely empty station's walls. He stopped only when he reached the Moon, but as he looked up, he saw a crazed Alpha smashing into him with a force that sent him through the Moon's surface, through its core, and back out at the other side, shattering it in the process.

"Hmf!" He scoffed, raising his arm, engulfing Alpha in a black sphere. He was creating a human-sized black hole, swallowing him completely, and making him disappear. "Creator, it resisted. I destroyed him."

"No, you didn't." The mixed voice answered.

Finis wanted to say something, but then the shrinking black sphere stopped its movement. It started to crack, and Alpha's fingers came out from it. He grabbed onto it before tearing it apart and reemerging into reality. His body was mangled, yet it quickly repaired itself, regrowing everything inside and outside. He was reforming himself from nothing, shocking Finis with it.

"You!" He trembled, now directly tearing apart Alpha's strings, deleting his matter altogether from reality. Yet no matter how many times he did, they simply reformed, regrew, even stronger than before. This was unheard of. When he looked into his eyes, he saw a monster whose violet eyes were no longer clear nor sane.

"I'll do it." The voice said, and when it spoke, Alpha's head snapped towards the giant, white ship floating close to Earth.

"What?!" Finis blurted out as he saw the crazed being before him reach for the Creator's strings.

Those were uniformly white and thicker than any other beings' in the whole Galaxy. Anything or anybody who tried to touch them was absorbed by it or was destroyed. Yet now, this… thing before him just did that. Alpha not just held onto them but tried to tear them apart.

"..." Finis couldn't say anything, just watching as Alpha tried… but failed in the end.

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"You are going to make a good servant." The voice said, and Alpha suddenly felt his mind being invaded.

It shook him back to reality, back to his senses from his maddening rage. He wanted to fight back, but he couldn't. He tried to scream but couldn't. He was powerless to stop his memories from being wiped away and destroyed. Faces and images of the past slowly disappeared from his mind. The last few to go was Lizzy, then no matter how hard he tried, Marin's face became distorted in his mind as he slowly forgot how she looked, how she felt, and how her scent lulled him to sleep at night. Worse, he soon started forgetting how holding Kaya in his hands felt. Her laugh and impish grin when she managed to convince him to do something… all was turning to dust as he forgot she existed.

"Finis." The voice said as Alpha's body went limp, only floating in space without any light in his eyes.

"Yes!" He knelt, expecting punishment for what just happened.

"From now on, his name is Omega. He is the last of his kind. A good monicker for a failed creation of mortals. You are to monitor him. Kill him if he ever regains his memories."

"His memories?" He asked by instinct. "That can't be, Creator! You just destroyed them!"

"Enough. I have spoken. Bring him in and place him in a pod so I can regenerate the damaged parts inside him. After that, system by system, we need to remove his species from my Galaxy."

"Yes, Creator!" He said, looking at the unmoving body of Alpha, grabbing him by the hair as he dragged him forward. He felt disgusted by just touching him, yet an unexplainable rage was also boiling in his mind. Why was he not destroyed? Why was he taken in…? Will he replace him? No… that can't be…


It was already a month since the Dawn barely managed to escape the violent explosion. Since then, the Astropaths leading to that system have been closed, and nobody could reach it. Even though Sylen was worried sick, she returned to Saphir with her grandfather. She buried her thoughts under constant work. Miyon tried to comfort her, but she was having none of it. She wouldn't accept that Omega was dead. Mirian and Keshnar also tried to console her but to no avail.

The former was distraught because they seemingly lost the last living human. She shouldn't have let him just… go, all willy-nilly, without proper protection. It was a stupid thing to do. Not that she would know, it would have made no difference. Keshnar, on the other hand, was mostly indifferent. They had what they went for; he was already working on how to get more and not bother with further unnecessary details. If he survived? Good. If he didn't? Doesn't matter. The suits, the schematics, and the materials were all there. They just needed to solve the question of the main drive and, if not, find something to replace it with.

"Haaahhh…" Sylen sighed for almost a minute, returning to her room, starting to strip to head to the bathroom and take a hot bath. She was tired, dirty, and oily, spending 16 hours on the Xanthe, retrofitting its servos on its waist. When the lamps of her cabin lit up, illuminating the dark interior, she almost had a heart attack. "Kyah?!" She screamed out, seeing a man sitting on her couch, facing the panoramic window, looking out the waves crashing against Mirian's manmade island under the night sky. "O-omega?!" She yelped, recognizing him.

"Hey…" He said, turning around with a weak smile, and she immediately noticed how vulnerable he seemed. His eyes were dim, red, and puffy, and his voice cracked and sounded faint.

"You are alive! I knew it!" She said, rushing forward, still only halfway out from her dirty jumpsuit, hugging him, wagging her tail happily. He really needed that hug as he gently hugged back. She was leaving big, black stains on him, but he did not mind.

"Yeah… I am…" He said, sounding weird as if he was disappointed with the fact.

"What happened to you?! Where were you all this time?!"

"Away." He answered, but that did not clarify anything.

"That… is not much!" She said, letting him go, furrowing her brows, looking at his violet eyes and how different he was. "Don't want to say it…?"

"..." He hesitated for a moment, but then he started speaking. Telling her everything he remembered now.

By the end, Sylen was crying with him even more than he. By the time he finished, the sun had risen, but they were still sitting there. That was when Mirian came in to check on Sylen, and she saw them sitting there, cuddled up.

"Oh, sorry!" She said, quickly closing the doors and walking away, but after a few steps, she finally stopped, processing which man she was with. "Omega?!" She screeched, coming back quickly, making sure she saw it correctly. "Oh, thank the ancestors!" She let out a long sigh, relieved that the only human in the Galaxy was back without much of an injury. "What the hell happened?!"

"A lot…" He said as Sylen nodded, still sniffing, trying to hold back her tears. "You also want to hear it?" He asked, now with a bit calmer, relieved smile.

"Of course!" She nodded, walking in and listening to his story that he told her, the same as he told Sylen.

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