Alpha & Omega

Chapter 65: Chapter 64 – Back to Earth (2)

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When the time to move arrived, Roxo came through. He managed to persuade his people's leading figures and tricked the last one, who was his mortal enemy. Sending a message, he signaled that their end was ready to move anytime. Junita was the same; the Alliance gathered up the most extensive fleet they ever manned, not to mention the hundreds of mercenaries called upon from many independent systems and species.

"We are also ready," Jankho said as everyone in a call, and Omega was on the Dawn, accompanied by Miyon. He couldn't leave them behind, not after even Miyon stepped up, saying if he came this far, he was to see it through to the end. Plus, he wouldn't let Sylen go in alone, who was sitting in the Xanthe right on the top of their ship.

"Good. I am opening the Astropaths. Be ready!" Omega replied, closing his eyes and hearing Mirian's voice coming through.

"See you on the other side."

He just smiled a little as he let his mind expand out, connecting to the nearest Astropath. As soon as he did so, it carried his consciousness forward. The feeling was something that he could not describe. His mind expanded exponentially, traveling millions of lightyears in an instant, soon covering the whole Galaxy, seeing every and all Astropaths before his mind's eye. He saw the image of the Galaxy before him, clearer than ever, and also saw a giant, white ship in the middle of it, circling around the supermassive black hole.

"So, Finis died." The mixed voice said, speaking to him, already sensing his presence in the intergalactic matrix that it built millions of years ago.

"You are going to die too. Soon enough." Omega replied, narrowing his focus towards Earth, opening the closed Astropaths and creating completely new ones, connecting them to all the systems that had ships waiting for them.

"Even if you collect all the living entities in this Galaxy and send them against me, they will be reconstructed and made to rejoin the biological mass of the Universe. Don't sacrifice innocent lives for your revenge." The Creator said, unbothered by him.

"Now they are innocent? What about us?" Omega scoffed.

"The moment you manipulated my matrix, the moment you trespassed on MY domain, you were no longer innocent. I can't let any species disturb my progress or my calculations. You are the blame for your species' demise, nobody else, Alpha."

"I am aware of that… And I intend to carry that sin to my grave. But I do not plan to go alone!"

"But you will." The white ship moved as Omega saw it open an Astropath, creating it while it traveled forward, heading to the same place as they were… Earth.

"We will see. You are overestimating yourself."

"Says the one that saw the secrets of existence yet do not understand it. You can't fathom the threshold that I am at."

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"I was part of you for a long time." Omega answered, smiling a little, "I know you are planning to connect to another reality. To another Universe. A new dimension. But I won't let you. Not because I want to protect whatever is on the other side from you… no, I am more of a simple man than that! You killed my family… So I will kill you. Whatever it takes!"

By then, Omega drew back his mind, opening his eyes ever so slowly, watching the blue swirls of the Astropath. It was a fresh, newly created one. One that was outside of the Creator's control as it was not made by it. They were safe in here, and it carried them even faster than any other.

"We will arrive first," Omega said, communicating not just with Miyon and Sylen but with the Neo-Hegemony leaders. "But it is on its way. We will arrive in close proximity to Earth. The old defensive stations should still be there. Dawn will take control as many as she can."

"Roger," Dawn answered immediately.

"Major General, Technical Sergeant."

"Yes?" Parthorn and Rururin answered simultaneously, surprised they were mentioned.

"Your ships will exit at Titan. There is an old base there; it should be filled with Suits. Send down the newly trained pilots you brought along and let them take control. As soon as we are out, I'll overwrite any security it may still have." The news immediately fired up their spirits. "Even though Roxo is here to help us…." Omega smiled, "I will make sure Earth will belong to you. You are my kind's children; you are its heir, not the others."

"Do I count?" Keshnar asked with a joking voice.

"There are always exceptions!" Omega replied with a chuckle.

"I don't like it," Sylen said, surprising everybody. "You speak like you are going to die. I don't like that! At all! Be more optimistic, okay?"

"Heh…" Omega shook his head but answered with a kind voice. "I'll do my best."

"Do more!" She replied. "Got it?"

"Roger," Omega replied, knowing that the next few hours would change not just the fate of the Neo-Hegemony but the Galaxy as a whole.

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