An Arrow To Your Knees

Chapter 2: 2: New Challenger

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“Oh god, this is delicious.” I muttered as I took another bite of the asian dish in front of me.


“Uhm, Young Master Xiaotang? Is it really okay for me to eat this?” Asked Daiyu as she nervously took a bite from her plate.


“Honey, I am treating you to lunch with me at the best restaurant. I’m paying for all of this in the first place. So go ahead and take what you want. I’ll even let you take some home if you want. So eat, I can ask to bring you another plate since it might be warm now.” I said as I continued devouring the feast in front of me.


“Oh, you don’t have to! Thank you!” She said, as she finally relented to her desires.


As we began to eat, I couldn’t help but glance at the side to see the show playing out in front of us. Music played by the side of the stage with a group singing and playing a melody, while on top of the stage were a group of women and men doing a show. A story about how a mortal man fell in love with an immortal and strove to do whatever he took to marry her. About how the “adventures” he went through. As it reached its climax, I couldn’t help but snort out loud at the implications.


Why the hell would the woman even accept it in the first place? I can for sure say that she didn’t fall in love with the mortal man in the first place. Heck, why the hell would she wait for him when there are others. I should thank dad for telling me to strike while the iron is hot. Daiyu is definitely going to become a very sexy girl in the future and since cultivation helps with appearance. I can very much say that I’m fortunate to ask her out before I lose the chance. Thanks dad!” I thought as I finished my plate.


Suddenly, a female servant came to our table to pick up the empty plate and left without a word. Going down the steps from the balcony we were eating on. A few seconds later, another servant came up from below with a few plates filled with deserts.


I couldn’t help but smile as I saw the food coming to me, causing the servant to slightly miss a step as her face blushed red.


“Apologies, Young Master.” She bowed deeply as soon as she placed the food in front of me.


“No worries. Thank you for the food. Compliments to the chef.” I told her without looking as I began to eat the dessert.


Bowing once more she left the table, leaving the two of us by ourselves.


“So, how did you do? What's your story?” I asked her all of a sudden.


“Hmm?” She paused. “D-Do you want to know about me?” She asked.


“Of course I do Daiyu. See, I like learning about everyone I meet. If you’ve ever visited my lessons for the outer disciples, I like breaking the ice and getting to know my students. That way, I can help them with their problems and give them a sense of security inside the sect.” I said.


“Really? I didn’t know that.”


Nodding, “It’s true. Another reason is so that in case they have social problems regarding the sect. They can talk to me so I can see what I can do. Now enough about that, what’s your story Daiyu? What makes a beautiful junior like you apply to the sect?”


“Well … if I’m going to start in the beginning. I’m originally a village girl who happened to be sought out by an elder from the sect.” She said with a small smile.


“Really? That’s amazing! Who was the elder who found you?” I asked.


“Elder Cho.”


“Elder Cho? Huh, I didn’t know he went out.”


She giggled, “Of course he goes out. Did you think all Elders simply just cultivated inside the sect their whole lives?”


“To be honest, I kind of did when I was younger. In fact, when I was a kid. I thought all the elders would just power down like golems after they were done with their daily tasks.”


“Fu Fu Fu~ That’s adorable thinking!” She laughed.


Smiling at the fact that I was able to make her laugh, I continued with our conversation, “Indeed. But considering the fact that I was young, I did learn it wasn’t the case. Now, what about your village? How was it?”


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This time, she gave me a soft smile, as if reminiscing the times when she was younger.


“My village was a farming one. It wasn’t poor thankfully as we sold and raised pigs and cattle. But I do remember the times when I would help out. Feeding the chickens, pigs, and cows in order to help out my parents. During festivals, we would butcher a few so that the whole village would get together for a feast.”


“That’s amazing,” I sighed, “What about friends? Do you have any who were able to enter the sect?”


She sighed sadly, “Unfortunately not.”


“What a shame. What about your parents?”


“My parents?” She hummed, “Well, my original dad died before I was born, so I wasn’t able to meet him. My mother stayed single throughout my childhood and raised me the best she could. But even then, I was happy. I think the best way I could describe it was that the whole village was my family. Everyone helped each other out and we learned to be kind.”


“I think your village sounds amazing. I’d like to visit it with you one day.” Smiling at her as I took another bite of my dish.


“What? Really? Young Master, do you really want to visit a backwater village like mine?” Daiyu asked me with a shocked look.


I snorted, “Of course I do. I mean, if you didn’t already figure it out. I, Xiaotang, like you, but I don’t know you well enough. I’m taking you out on a date so that I can get to know more about you and you about me. Maybe to see if we’re compatible or not. Even if we aren’t, I’d still want to be friends with you.”


“... I’m surprised you did this.” She pouted, “And why me?”


“Well, why not?” I said, “See, Daiyu. Here’s the thing about life that everyone tends to forget. Everyone only lives once.”


“Everyone lives once?” She wondered out loud.


“Yes, everyone only gets to live once. And so, the first thing I promised myself once I learned about this is that I must live my life to the fullest. You get one shot at life and I don’t like missing. And if that shot must be you? Well, why not?” I said as I began eating the next dish. This time, it was a cold, jelly-like sweet that tasted similarly to Mexican Flan. My smile only widening as I inwardly cried in happiness to once again eat something that my mother made from my last life.


Daiyu simply stared into space, repeating the same words I said earlier.


“I think … I understand.” She finally said.


“Good,” Smiling brightly at her as her face flushed red, “So Daiyu. Would you like to go on another date with me some time soon?”


“... I would love that.” Returning another smile.


“Are you sure I can take this?” Asked Daiyu as she accepted a rather fancy looking bag filled with containers.


“I’m paying for it. Also, I have a lot of money to pay for this Daiyu. So don’t worry.” Waving off her concerns.


“Alright,” She sighed.


After paying the fee, the two of us began to walk out. Chatting with one another as we ignored the show and walked through the first floor reaching towards the exit. But I couldn’t help but feel like there should have been something to mess up my date with her. Shrugging, as soon as we were almost out of the door something finally happened.


“Gong Daiyu? Is that you?”


I FUCKING CALLED IT!” I screamed in my thoughts while keeping a normal smile.


A young man about mine and Daiyu’s age stood in front of us as we were outside. Due to where he was, I could see the people that were waiting in line looking at us with annoyance but kept quiet due to noticing me or wanting to see the drama.

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