And Back Again

Chapter 5: Chapter 3: The Not Reunion Reunion

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Day 2 - Morning - August

New Amster City

*yawn* *stretch*

*squeeze* *rub*


Light through a small window reflects off a metallic coppery skinned beauty snuggled up to and fondling me. A sexy voice whispers in my ear.

"Ready for your wake up blow?"


Feel tingles from her tongue and fingers. It's very… stimulating and part of her design. Finally letting me experience what my women say I do to them.


And damn does it feel good.

Thank god the reconstruction was done by bedtime. Having only one hand, one foot, and zero dick is no fun. Do not recommend signing up for the "eaten alive" option in the goblin vacation package.

*chu* *chu*

Nina begins lightly kissing down my chest. On course for my cock.

Now I kept junior fleshy, unlike my new arm and leg. But that's not to say there aren't any "improvements." Added my favorite bits of the "erotica" package I installed in cyber world. The ladies are going to be reduced to quivering puddles in no time.

My sexbot loved it but she's hardly an impartial judge. Girl was designed for maximum compatibility with yours truly. Built to keep up with me at my best, and worst.


Well what do ya know. It's blow-thirty. Mm… Harem alarm clock. Only wake up call you'll never want to sleep through.


Some thopters want my attention so I focus through their optics.

Several blocks away.

A short woman in a black bodysuit, called "Lez" I believe, for reasons that become obvious whenever she's drunk, speaks.

"Anybody else freaking the fuck out right now?"

Huh? What's got her spooked?

Turn the mosquito sized bots to get a good look around. Badly damaged buildings with missing windows and walls? Check. Cracked and broken streets pocked with potholes from hell? Check.

Oh, and plenty of monster corpses? Double check. Our celebratory "we made it" bang got a little… adventurous. Leading to an impromptu safari. By the way, just in case you're wondering? Riding in a crab bot while a sexbot's riding you? Two thumbs up.

Her bum.

"Max," the team leader and swashbuckling type who Lez totally has a secret crush on. Solves the mystery for me.

"What species of monster leaves the bodies, but takes the cars?"

Ah, yeah, my bad. There's no abandoned vehicles. But, can you blame me? Cars are full of great stuff! Iron, copper, lead, aluminum, glass, plastic, and rubber galore. You can even find magnesium and titanium in some! They are my goats favorite meal.

So we might have, kind of, hauled all the autos back and made a giant pile of them. But left the corpses to rot. And why not? Already harvested their mana stones and got plenty of food in storage.

The armored cleric, "Po," and oldest in the group, answers.

"Nothing that anyone's reported so far." Looks at the buildings. "Be cautious. [Divination] is saying we are being watched. But the entity is not hostile." Pretty much stares right at me. "For now."

A woman sporting a classic slutty witch outfit nearly grabs the priest.

"Is it Louis? Is he okay?"

She's "Ce." The casher of Louis's v-card and madly in love with him ever since he knight in shining armored her.

Hissing in my ear.

"Oh, the poor thing. She has it bad. Barely stopping herself from sprinting straight here. Consequences be damned."

"Ha! That will be cured quick enough. Once she sees what I've become."

The love machine tsks.

"I know I was programmed to stop loneliness and rampages. But don't think I'm okay with depression. Give yourself more credit."

Meanwhile the Minutemen's conversation had continued.

"-robot monsters?"

Ah, that's "Vin." Not the sharpest tool in the shed. Nor the bravest. But he's tough, reliable and does what you tell him too. Good qualities for a tank.

Po seriously considers it as they continue carefully down the street.

"Robots are available through the system store. Some appear very sophisticated. Almost human." Nina scoffs. "But their prices are beyond what even King Louie could probably afford."

Max continues the thought process.

"And if there are robot servants? Robot soldiers? Then why wouldn't there be robot monsters too?" Facepalms. "Great. Really don't want to run into megatron. Eyes open guys. Way open."

The party moves further down the road. Watching their sectors. And each other's backs.

Lez with her pistols and short swords is up front. Max with his longsword and assault rifle in second place. Po? Third in line carrying a shield, mace and hunting rifle. While Ce is fourth. Handling a staff and submachine gun. Then finally Vin. His spear, shield and shotgun covering the rear.

Despite every survivor being armed nowadays? People prefer not to use them. Why? Because they're hippies!

Hehe, no. It's all about the ammo, dude. As in the lack of it. Within the first two weeks, every depot, armory, and gun store had been picked clean. Every firearm fired. A lot.

And with resupply basically a pipe dream? "Ammo conservation" is the new phrase of the day. Every day.

Now there are "firearms" for sale through the store. Ones usable by humans. There's ammo for them too. But they are far more expensive than "cold steel" and a bit of a trap.

Naturally the bullet calibers and cartridge dimensions are different. Meaning they don't "fit" in Earth guns. Someone would have to start making 9mm, .45, 7.62mm etc… and sell it to the store before it would be available.

Yes I thought about doing it but it's just not worth it. Due to the trap part. With his humility and good looks? Louis was able to get a lot more info out of the alien store managers than he should have.

Which is why he encouraged the switch to cold steel weapons like spears, swords, etc… I, he, had already noticed guns having trouble killing E's. F's were tough but could be put down reliably with a couple rounds. G's might need only one bullet.

He learned from the managers about the mana density curve. How it related to grades. That the D's coming with Phase 3 would be much harder to kill with conventional "gunpowder" guns. And once the C's arrive for Phase 4? Tank cannons will be the "conventional" option. B's in 5? A's in 6?

Yeah… Did you get the memo? No? Well it says you're fucked.

Curiously the super dense caseless from cyber land aren't listed anywhere. So it seems that planet has not been "integrated" yet. While steam world's "world engine" was similar but missing a lot of stuff. Like the store.

Would be hilarious if the gods there bought a pirated copy of this one. Got caught pretending to be a 40 year old student to make microsoft office cheaper. Hehe, or they're using the freeware version.

Both "engines" using the same source code would explain why my steampunk "magitech" works perfectly here. No conversions needed. Meaning the same airship tech should work too. Holy crap. I could probably even build a freaking SHIELD style helicarrier.


Anywho… Once integration is complete, A's will still be rare. With likely only a handful of the three S ranks on the entire planet. Meaning magefire ammo should still be effective. But do I really want to sell them through the system? Does it care about patents? What about intellectual property rights? I say this as I look at the totally not copied at all sentry bots.

Ugh. More thinkering to do.

Pull my senses back out of the thopters to find… Nina laying on top of me. Elbows down. Palms up. And chin resting on them. Gazing at me from inches away.

"Thank you for bringing back your eyes." Soft smile. "I love how they were."

Sexbot is talking about cyber eyes. Where the pupil and iris are replaced with rings and lenses. The LED like rings spin independently of each other during zooming and filtering.

Expensive as hell but very effective. And looks super cool. Kept most of my head flesh and bone during reconstruction. Except for certain bits. Like the eyes.

Decided to keep Louis’s face and body. Mostly. Guy was in fantastic shape. And he's good looking. So I'm not really losing anything. Haven't even tried changing the name on my stats screen yet.

After all, John Barton was just a made up name because I was paranoid about revealing my real one. And my original face? Well four bodies later, six if you count the rebuilds, the memories of that first face are pretty blurry.

Lift and tilt my head to meet her lips.


"Thank you. Love you too." The way Nina's metallic coppery skin blushes is mesmerizing. Give her ass a squeeze. "They'll be here in an hour." Order the bots to give them a clear corridor in. "Looks like the dining room and kitchen are going to get a workout."

"Master, have you decided who you will be yet?"

Scrunch my eyebrows.


Fingers trace my jaw. Caress my cheeks.

"On the first world you became a conqueror. An emperor. For the second you chose to be an adventurer. A mercenary. Number three witnessed a merchant. An industrialist. So what will number four see?"

"Huh. Never really thought about it." Shrug. "I… don't know. We'll see what happens." Give her ass another squeeze. "Now get up. They haven't had a proper meal in weeks." Grin. "Let's give them a taste of the good life."

An hour later the adventurers are finally in sight of the development. Nina giggles as we set the table.

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"That big dumb looking one, master? With the Guardian class? He has spent far more time staring at the slut's ass than watching out for monsters."

I place silverware.

"Really? Huh. Ce said they dated before the apocalypse but it didn't last." Fill glasses with water. "She never felt she could trust him. Kept catching him in little lies."

Nina places a tray of crackers.

"Well the way he's staring? If you add her to the sucky fucky club, watch out for a knife in the back."

Fold a napkin.

"Thank you for the heads up."

But I'm not worried. Why would I be? There's only a handful of E's in Fort Matthew. And these guys are almost half of them. Plus every one of those elites? I, he, raised.

Louis had just reached D before Cynth was exposed. And thanks to that goddess, he then skipped right past C to B. Technically that poison shouldn't have worked. Wouldn't have worked if he had any desire to fight it. But by the time he saw his mom and sis? It was too late.

Should be one of the toughest beings on the planet right now. If not numero uno. So worry about an Iron ranked damage sponge? A class 2 aggro muncher? Uh-uh, not gonna happen.

*click* *foozh*

Light the fireplace and double check the area.

*decked out victorian era dining room and living room*

Jesus no. I did not have all this in my pocket dimension. However, there's a dungeon portal only a couple blocks from here. With a system vending machine next to it.

So one doubletime shopping trip and dozens of gold scrips later? I've got a fancily furnished basement with a five course sort of home cooked meal for eight, ready to go!

Yeah it should be seven but really it's just six. Nina refuses to eat because she wants too-

"Oops, here they come, master." A mischievous smile. "I better get ready."

A ring on her finger twinkles and that sexy lewd nakedness is suddenly covered. By a cat maid costume! Complete with ears and tail!

What? No, I didn't buy it from the store. She already had it for, um, reasons.

Places everyone!

Five adventurers turn a corner. Finally getting a clear view of the giant city owned apartment buildings.

They all stop, stunned. Finally Max puts his hands on his hips.

"Well, now we know where all the cars went."

Next to the twenty story tall building is a mound of messily piled cars almost half its height. Lez whistles.

"King would have splooged seeing this much scrap."

Vin frowns.

"He can't really still be alive." Earning a dirty look from Ce. "Can he?"

Po ponders.

"The king was," dirty look "or is, a Bronze rank Electrineer. If he survived the ambush or whatever it was? Found a vendomatic?" Nods "Yes, he could have."

Lez asks what they're all thinking.

"Then why not come back?"


Max brings his hands together.

"There's only one way to know for sure. Daylight's burning guys. Unless we plan to camp out overnight." Heads shake. "We need to move our butts."

Five cross the street and enter a wide parking lot. As they approach they notice small three or four foot tall objects on the building and crawling over the pile.

Assassin tilts her head.

"Are those… robots?"


Red beams spear down from multiple balconies and windows. Several for each adventurer. Robotic voices echo through the lot.

"Hello." "I see you." "Target acquired." "Hi." "I don't blame you."

The humans freeze and Max whispers.

"Nobody move. Don't make a sound."

*creak* *clang*

Near one end of the structure a heavy fire door swings open. A cat maid steps out, waves and yells.

"Hellooo! You are minuteman, yes?!"

Spellblade sighs and shouts back.

"Minutemen! Yeah, that's us!"


All the red beams switch off.

"Good seeing you." "Welcome." "Have a nice day." "Product dispensing canceled."

Wary eyes on the turrets, the party walks towards the beckoning servant. Lez glances back.

"Max, aren't those from that gam-"

"Shhh, yeah. They kind of look like them and kind of sound like them." Smiles and waves at the maid. "But I don't wanna get shot, like, a lot. So let's not… Hey, what's that smell?"

*gurgle* *grumble*

Bellies and tummies start rumbling.

*sniff* *sniff*

Vin wipes some drool from his mouth.

"Turkey. I swear I smell turkey."

Next is Lez.

"Cranberry sauce? Gravy?"

Ce drools to.


Max sideyes Po.

"Talk to me, pastor. Is this a trick?"

Clergyman shakes his head.

"No, I do not believe so. The Cleric class provides a lot of resistance to illusions." Eyes water. "There may be real food down-oh." Focuses on the woman. "She's a robot too?"

My sexy cat maid positions her hands to look like paws and turns to show off her tail. Posing kawaii.

"Konichiwa, the master waits downstairs, nyah. Please follow me and watch out for the door. It is so heavy, nyah."

Nobody moves. Max blinks and stutters.

"Are we dead?"

Nina covers her mouth with some fingers. Giggling.

"Xixixi, minuteman is so funny. Master said you like jokes." Beckons with an arm. "Follow me, nyah. Follow, follow."

The five share confused looks and shrugs before going inside. Letting the maid lead them down a wide concrete half turn staircase before reaching another fire door.

In the dim light she turns and speaks again. Her black slit pupils surrounded by glowing yellow irises in the dark.

"Be careful of this door too. It is so heavy, nyah. And please do not disturb master too much. He ponpon so much last night, nyah."

My naughty and will absolutely be spanked later kitty winks and pulls open the door. Unleashing warm candle light, smells of a thanksgiving day dinner and sounds of smooth music.

*clack* *creeeak*

Also revealing me, wearing a purple three piece suit, holding a cane, shuffle dancing in front of a fireplace and singing along with the cd player.

♫Danke schoen~, darling, danke schoen. Thank you for~ all the joy and pain. Picture shows~, second balcony…

The team at my door is frozen. Mouths hanging open. Before Ce recovers. Screams "Louie!" And charges me.


Oh boy.

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