Ankle-Deep Into the Dungeon!

Chapter 3: 3. Into the dungeon!

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The next day we walk around the city to prepare our equipment.


“By the way, Rubelia’s [Job] is [Samurai] isn’t it? Does it mean you’re good with sword, particularly certain eastern sword?”

“Is there relation between [Samurai] and sword, Master?”

Well I thought in JRPG fantasy Samurai’s main weapon is always sword, specifically Japanese sword.

“Well, then how do [Samurai] fight?”

“I don’t know, Master.”


“There’s no known record of [Samurai] job in this kingdom.”


“But it seems Master know something. Please do tell me, so I can better assist Master.”

“Really, even though it looks like quite a powerful [Job].”

From [Status Board], the job [Samurai] seems like it’s even higher tier than my [Mage] next tier job, [Sorcerer].




Experience: 189,114/225,000

An agile knight of the orient specializing in sword arts.

200% bonus to [Strength], [Dexterity], and [Perception] statistics.

Bonus to [Strength], [Dexterity], and [Perception]'s potential for each level up.



“Is it really powerful, Master?”

“Well at least it’s what my [Status Board] tells me.”

I already told Rubelia a bit about my smartphone before, calling it a special personal magical device.

“Is that so…? Then I’m glad.”


“Because unknown job like [Samurai] is treated as defective. If it’s really powerful then maybe I can be useful.”

“Defective? Why?”

“We simply don’t know what they can do and more importantly, there’s also the problem of learning [Exclusive] ability.”

“Exclusive ability?”

“It’s the main ability used by a [Job]. For example, in case of Master, [Mage] would have [Magical Art]. It allows Master to use and strengthen various basic magic as Master levels it up.”


“Hmm… by the way, how do you check level in this world?”

“We can check it at the church or temple. There’s divination service offered to check our [Job] and [Level] as well as [Abilities] and [Traits].”

“Do they check our statistics too?”


“You know, things like [Strength], [Dexterity], and the like?”

“What are those, Master?”

It seems attribute statistics is unknown information here. I then proceed to show [Status Board] to Rubelia.



[Status Board]

Name  : Rubelia
Race    : Human
Sex      : Female
Age      : 19
God     : Lyl of Wind
Job      : Samurai
Level   : 6

Strength        : 48     (16)    Best
Constitution : 10     (10)    Decent
Dexterity       : 54     (18)    Decent
Perception    : 45     (15)    Decent
Learning       : 22     (22)    Hopeless
Will                : 8       (8)       Great
Magic             : 9       (9)       Decent
Charm           : 21     (21)    Hopeless

Life                : 100 (100)
Mana             : 100  (100)
Speed            : 70     (70)

HP       : 41/41
MP      : 17/17
SP       : 103/103

Armor            : Light

Abilities (80):
[Memorization 80] [Baltran Literacy 22] [Noble Etiquette 21] [Housework 11] [Negotiation 14] [Tailoring 9] [Gardening 9] [Cooking 12] [Baltran Language 33]

Traits (4):
[Photographic Memory]



I found out that I could check Rubelia’s [Status Board]. So I showed her it. It seems she’s a bit surprised, her eyes widened.

“I’m surprised, Master. Master said you have magic device to check someone’s [Job] and [Level]. But it seems there is more detailed information here than I’m aware of. It even shows the Lady Goddess I worship, Lady Lyl of Wind.”

It seems she can read what’s on it.

“Is it surprising?”

“At least I have never heard of similar magical device.”

“I see. Then keep this one a secret too ok.”

“I understand, my Master.”




“Excuse me.”

We entered a weapon and armor shop.


A middle aged uncle shopkeeper greeted us.

“We are looking weapon and armor for beginner adventurers.”

“Then how about this basic adventurer set.”

“Hmm, can a [Mage] use it?"

“Is this big bro a [Mage]?”


“Then I recommend this slightly different set instead.”

Like that we purchase our basic equipment.


“Hmm? This is…”

“Ah it’s a rare sword I bought from travelling merchant. It seems it came from land of the furthest east. I thought I was going to make a killing with it. But it seems no one willing to buy a weird sword.”

A Japanese sword. It’s definitely one, a matching weapon for a [Samurai].

“How about selling it to a sword collector instead then?”

“I already tried it, but it seems the merchant actually brought quite a bit of them. They flooded the market for collectors. So it’s still impossible to sell it even to collectors.”

“I see… by the way how much it cost?”

“Is big bro interested? Even though you are a mage?”

“Depending on the price. I don’t exactly have lot of money you see.”

“12 000 Zeni.”


“Master, please let me.”

“Alright Rubelia. It’s probably going to be your weapon.”

I whispered to her.

“Then, mister owner…”

In the end together with a smaller Japanese sword, we obtained them for 15 000 Zeni.


In total our spending is something like this:

2 beginner equipment sets = 5 000 + 6 000 (mage) = 11 000

Wood Staff = 5000

A pair of big and smaller Japanese swords = 15 000

For a total 31 000 Zeni.

Money left is 968,880 Zeni.




After paying the entrance toll of 500 Zeni, right now we are in a wide space area of the first floor of [Talba Great Cavern] near the entrance.

Even though it’s inside a cave there’s small grassland here. That just shows how big this cave system is. And even if it’s a cave there’s somehow sufficient lighting with dark blue tint permeating throughout our view.

If I was brought here in blindfold, I would just believe them if someone tell me the whole area actually is somewhere outside at night, and not inside a cave.


In front of me, Rubelia in an easy to move beginner adventurer outfit, consisting of a long jeans-like pants with a short jacket layered over a tank top, showing her navel. She’s holding Japanese swords in each hand, one shorter than the other.

In front of her is apparently one of the weakest monsters to exist in this world, a [Rabbit]. It’s really just seem like a rabbit though, a fierce looking rabbit.

Closely watching each other, the air tensed up.

The rabbit launch the first attack, it charged its body at Rubelia. But she evaded it to the side and quickly counter attacked with a stream of slashes.

The rabbit sliced to multiple parts and its body parts fell onto the ground. Soon it disappeared into particles of light, leaving behind a colorful small magic stone.


“How is it?”

Rubelia turned towards me.

“It’s incredible, Master. Even though I have never touched a sword in my life, it felt like I had trained for a bit somehow.”

“Well I spend quite a bit of money after all.”

I showed her [Status Board].



[Status Board]

Name : Rubelia


Abilities (1):
… [Bushido 35] [Dual Wield 1] [Long Sword 1] [Short Sword 1] [Evasion 6]




30 000 Zeni for learning [Bushido], 20 000 Zeni for [Dual Wield], 15 000 Zeni each for [Long Sword] and [Short Sword], and 5 000 Zeni for [Evasion]. Then 79 [AP] for ranking up [Bushido] to rank 35, because it’s [Samurai]’s exclusive ability. Finally another 5 000 Zeni to rank up [Evasion], because it seems really useful. For 90 000 Zeni in total.


“90 000 Zeni for you to learn these useful abilities, much more than our equipment cost. Thankfully it seems it’s well worth it.”

“Eh? Are you sure It’s not wasted on me, Master? Master should have prioritized himself first…”

“What are you saying, me investing in you who would protect me is of course about me prioritizing myself.”

“I see. Then I will do my best to live up to Master’s expectation.”

“Well just be sure to take care of yourself as well though. If you aren’t here then who will take care of myself as well.”

“Understood, Master.”


With the confirmation of previous battle, at least I know the efficacy of having abilities. So this time I get serious and buy some more of abilities recommended for [Samurai] Rubelia.



[Status Board]


Name : Rubelia




Abilities (1):
… [Bushido 35] [Dual Wield 1] [Long Sword 1] [Short Sword 1] [Evasion 6] [Tactics 1] [Two Hand 1] [Eye of Mind 1] [Healing 1] [Light Armor 1] [Guts 1] [Heat up 1]




Traits (1):
[Photographic Memory] [Experience Bonus] [Statistic Growth Bonus] [Ability Growth Bonus]



In total I bought 7 more abilities for Rubelia, for another 110 000 Zeni, for a total 200 000 Zeni with previously bought abilities. While at it let’s spend her [TP] as well on growth bonuses.

I also already bought some [Actions] for 40 000 Zeni as well, so the total became 240 000 Zeni. Money left is 728,380 Zeni.



Action and Magic Store

User: Rubelia


Learned Actions and Magic:

  1. Shadow Step
  2. Dual Flurry
  3. Iai Slash




“Um… I’m glad to have Master trusts me so much. But are you sure it’s okay spending so much money? How about preparing some funds for better weapons and equipment for Master as well?”

“Well it’s fine I think? I made sure to read carefully all those abilities, and thought that it’s most useful for you.”

Yes, I have been careful by reading those abilities description carefully. It was definitely not an impulsive spending.

“Beside like I said, I think it’s better to have people think of us as beginners wearing beginner equipment since we just started. I don’t want to attract unwanted attention.”

“If Master decided so then.”

“Well, I might make mistakes in my decision too. So if you have better ideas for our wellbeing, please do tell, Rubelia.”

“Understood, Master.”


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“Next is my turn to see what I can do.”

Looking around for monsters, we find this time [Snail]. Though it’s a snail, it’s actually quite larger than snail, it’s on the same size as previous world dogs.

I readied myself to fire [Water Ball]. Gathering water molecule or moisture from the air, imagining a chain of hydrogen bond forming, forming a droplet of water and gradually becoming larger and larger. Slowly imagining increasing its internal pressure as well as its viscosity, imagining making the most solid ball of water to ever exist.

In preparation of firing the ball, I imagine a chamber of highly pressurized air surrounding the ball. Once I’m done, I open the ‘valve’ in direction of the enemy, instantaneously removing pressure difference between the chamber and the environment in the direction of the enemy, the chamber pushing out highly pressurized air, firing the ball along.

“[Water Ball]!”

Like that I try to jam every previous world’s knowledge I know into the [Water Ball].


The [Water Ball] crushed the snail, shell and organ and all to smithereens.

The ball though continues into the ground, leaving behind a slanted hole in it.


*Clap Clap* “As expected of Master.”

“So how’s your evaluation?”

“Master’s magic just now has power similar to that of [Water Canon] I once seen in a demonstration.”

“How good is [Water Canon]?”

“I don’t really know much since I was neither an adventurer nor a mage, Master. But from what I heard, [Water Canon] probably can be considered as trump card for many veteran [Mage] adventurers. It’s their most powerful and most mana-costing offensive magic.”

“I see.”

“Um… doesn’t Master need some rest and recover some mana, after launching such a powerful magic?”

Mana probably refer to [MP]. Not the [Mana] in [Status Board].

“Nah, I think I can fire [Water Ball] six more times.”

My MP is 31/36 left, so it seems to cost about 5 MP each. I have enough to fire six more balls.


“By the way Master. How are we going to recover the [Snail]’s magic stone? It seems to be carried along with Master’s magic deep into underground.”


In the end we left behind the magic stone since it seems quite inconveniently deeply buried into the ground. It seems it’s important to adjust the power of my magic in the future for various reasons.


Like that, mainly to get used to fighting monsters, we are going to continue to hunt low level monsters in the first floor of [Talba Great Cavern] for a little bit more for us to get used to combat.

Most of the monsters appearing here are [Rabbit] and [Snail], which according to Rubelia are fairly unaggressive and weak enough, that even kids apparently can easily defeat them.


A short walk later we found a pair of [Rabbit].


“Lia, I leave one of them to you.”

“Understood, Master.”

“[Water Ball]!”

We preemptively attack the pair of [Rabbit].

*Squeak* *Squeak*

The [Rabbit] Rubelia attacked quickly turned into particles of light. While the one I shot [Water Ball] at, quickly turned in my direction.

It seems ready to charge.

“[Water Ball]!”


This time I try to increase [Water Ball] power. The force of the ball pushed it back.

“Still standing? [Water Ball]”

Increasing the ball power further, it hit the [Rabbit] throwing it several meters ahead. It squeaked for the last time before it turns into particles of light.


Hmm? Something else also appeared along with magic stone out of the light particles.

“Congratulation, Master. It seems a rabbit meat dropped.”

“Oh so monsters also dropped something else aside of magic stone?”

“Yes, Master. Unlike magic stone which is guaranteed to drop from a monster, though not always, something else may also sometimes dropped from a defeated dungeon monster. [Rabbit Meat] is most common drop from [Rabbit].”

“Do we sell this somewhere?”

“Most commonly, dungeon drops are sold to adventurer’s guild dismantler. But for some food ingredients like [Rabbit Meat], Master can also sell it directly to an inn or restaurant, though the price is often lower when sold directly.”

“Should we bring it back to the inn and ask them to cook it?”

“That would also be appropriate if Master want to eat [Rabbit Meat].”


We then continue to hunt monsters further. In total we hunted 23 [Rabbit] and 9 [Snail]. We got another 2 [Rabbit Meat] drops and a [Snail Shell].

Apparently the latter drop is something no one wants, we were about to throw it away, but since it’s the first time we dived into dungeon, I opted to keep it as keepsake instead.



Adventure Log:

[Oji level up: Mage 3 -> 4]

Oji earned 10 [AP]

[Rubelia skill up: Dual Wield 1 -> 2]

[Rubelia skill up: Long Sword 1 -> 2]

[Rubelia skill up: Short Sword 1 -> 2]

[Rubelia skill up: Tactics 1 -> 2]

[Rubelia skill up: Eye of Mind 1 -> 2]

[Rubelia skill up: Heat Up 1 -> 3]

The party gained 23 [Rabbit] magic stones

The party gained 9 [Snail] magic stones

The party gained 3 [Rabbit Meat]’s

The party gained 1 [Snail Shell].




We stopped about midafternoon and went to the adventurer guild. It seems to double as some sort of pub. I can see people drinking and eating.

We then go towards a guild receptionist.


“Excuse me. We would like to register as adventurer.”

“Welcome. Then please write your name here and touch this crystal ball.”

Rubelia told me that the crystal ball is used to check [Sex], [Job], and [Level] as well as possible crime history.

“Then I will explain the basic of adventurer guild.”


“The adventurer guild is mainly an intermediary between requester of a quest and adventurers set to accomplish them. The type of quests range from miscellaneous task like gathering herbs, finding missing pet, all the way to hunting monsters for drops or loots and monster subjugation.”

Traditionally, adventurers’ main jobs are dungeon exploration and monster subjugation, but over time there are many gaps in society that need someone to fill them. So to say, adventurers are mainly poor freelancers doing odd jobs at worst of time, while treasure hunter and people guardian at the best of time.

Adventurer guild also provides some common adventurer related services. Like buying and selling magic stones, buying monster drops and loots, [Job] and [Level] divination service, treasure appraisal, and more.

While it’s true that in principle you can do without registering as adventurer with the guild, a lot of things become easier by doing so, for example like avoiding scam of either side.

Also for freeman without affiliation, registering with the guild will provide a proof of identity. Without it, you will be often seen as suspicious potential criminals and will be discriminated against when doing many businesses in the city.

While it’s ok to buy from peddler, buying from more permanent establishment you may face some discrimination. Also when entering and exiting the city and city-managed dungeon, registered adventurer from the city won’t have to pay toll fee.

But most importantly, the inn owner already told us to quickly register with the adventurer guild as soon as possible, with the threat of kicking us out.


“Now rank is simply the guild’s method to measure an adventurer’s ability in completing quests. Basically there are 7 ranks from highest to lowest: A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.

G is for people who just entered. F-E for those who have some time and experience of completing quest. D-C ranker have spent a lot of years in questing, also usually the highest rank most people achieved before retiring.

The rank B and A are the highest of rank very few people can achieve. They have some special treatments and privileges, such as stipends. Though there are also obligations to do.

Rank B and A are also often called city-rank and kingdom-rank. Since these adventurers occasionally receive important quest directly from the city or kingdom they are based in.”


After finishing the procedure, we were given a card-like object with small hole where small loop of rope goes through, forming a pendant.

On the cards are some information printed out.



Name : Oji

Sex      : Male

Job      : Mage

Level  : 4

Rank   : G




Name : Lia

Sex      : Female

Job      : Samurai

Level  : 6

Rank   : G



“Then shall we go back, Lia?”

“Yes, Master.”
She replied with a smile.

During our previous monster hunting, I found out it’s more convenient to shorten Rubelia’s name to Lia in the heat of battle. It also seems she like it.


With that out of the way and after selling the few magic stones we earned to the guild, we return back to the inn.



Entering the inn, the innkeeper’s daughter is cleaning up a table.


“Ah, Marika-chan.”
I called out the inn daughter.

“What is it Uncle?”

“These are [Rabbit Meat]. We will give them to you, in exchange can we have some later.”

“I will ask.”


Receiving the three [Rabbit Meat]’s, Marika-chan the inn daughter went to the kitchen. After a short while she returned.

“If you’re okay with tomorrow morning or evening then.”

“Ah ok then.”

After giving 3 [Rabbit Meat] to the inn we go back to our room.




Back in our room, I hold Lia in an embrace.


Because of my [High Libido] I need to release some pent up things okay. If anything’s at fault it’s the [Status Board] for one-sidedly decided [High Libido] as my [Trait].

Also doing it gives us experience and so helps in leveling. So no reason not to.

So there’s perfectly legitimate reason to do lewd stuffs here.

After doing it for one session, we decide to have early dinner first, before continuing it well into the night.



“So there’s this nagging question that’s been in my mind.”

“What is it, Master?”

“What if you get pregnant?”

 “There’s nothing to worry about, Master. By procedure, slaves have had blood magic enchant [Contraception] cast on us. So it will prevent unwanted pregnancy.”

“I see. Is it forbidden to remove the enchantment?”

“It is not, Master.”

“I see. Well I guess there’s no need to worry then.”


Again I bury my face into Lia’s bountiful bosom.



Adventure Log:

[Oji level up: Mage 4 -> 5]

Oji earned 10 [AP]

Oji earned 1 [TP]

[Oji spec up: Will 15 (Superb) -> 16 (Great)]

[Oji spec up: Magic 18 (Supreme) -> 21 (Superb)]

[Lia spec up: Strength 16 (Best) -> 18 (Good)]

[Lia spec up: Will 8 (Great) -> 9 (Best)].


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