Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 17: Ch 17 – Intentionally Bad

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The morning arrived and the man who had led me to the cell originally was the one to open the door.

“Well, its about time I take you back to your friends.” The man looking down at me stated, “I suppose we’ll need to deal with your restraint, but the captains a bit busy.” He admitted after noticing my shackle.

In truth I didn’t want to go back to them. I had something I needed to do, and while I had privacy in the other hut from the guards. I would be forced to try and preform sexual acts with the woman who thought of me as a sister, and her potential husband. While I might be willing to consider such things, I doubt either of them would.

This left me with one option, I leaned out of the cell and tried to reach for this man.

He of course dodged my advances easily, “What are you doing…” He said narrowing his eyes at me.

I turned around, and wagged my butt at him, “I need it… I can’t stop myself!” I pronounced.

“You…” He said perplexed by my actions.

“Take this slut! Give me your cock! Take me again and again!” I said reorienting myself so that my head was down on the ground, leaving my ass wagging this way and that way. My tail wagging all on its own as if to demonstrate my enthusiasm. I reached back and even flipped my loin cloth up displaying my ass fully to the man.

“You!” he choked out, I glanced back at him to see him red in the face frustration in his eyes.

I couldn’t help but grin stupidly at the response as I continued wagging my behind and my tail continued swishing back and forth.

“I see you need more punishment…” he growled, then he slammed the door closed.

Really? I couldn’t help but be a tad disappointed. Wait, this was what I’d been aiming for! I had to remind myself. I stopped my antics and leaned back against the wall. Was it strange that I wasn’t the least bit embarrassed about that?

“I can’t tell if that was you intentionally getting into trouble… or if you were just being honest.” A voice whisper through the wall.

I wasn’t the only one not sure what I was really gunning for it would seem, “Maybe both…” I admitted.

“Still… why?” He asked clearly confused by my actions.

In the end I’d decided to do this for a reason, not my baser desires. So in that sense the answer was clear, “Because here is better for my plans.” It just so happen that I was a perfectly willing slut at the same time.

We avoided getting into trouble with more whispering, but soon enough we were brought down the stream again. The man who supervised our walk down the river was the same as day prior, no one of particular note as far as I could tell.

I glanced over at the place where the archers spent their days shooting the targets. As usual the man who looked like he preferred live targets was there, he even seemed to be grinning down at me as I glanced my way. Maybe he’d seen something after all? I wondered if gaslighting him the other day would come back and bite me in the ass.

I had other concerns for the moment however, rather then jump into my idea right away I spent the first half hour or so being a good little captive. Dishes steadily got cleaned. We barely spoke, I had the distinct impression that the man next to me felt a bit awkward around me now. I wasn’t fond of that, but I wasn’t sure what to do about it either. When I thought I’d waited long enough I spoke up. “You’ve been quite today.”

“You too…” He replied.

“True… I’ve been waiting for our guard to feel content with our efforts.” I explained.

“Oh. Please don’t tell me you plan on repeating yesterdays antics.” He said a touch worried.

“You disapprove?” I asked tilting my head.

“I’d prefer a more private setting is all. Plus I really don’t want him coming over here again, I don’t like the look in his eyes.” He explained.

“True…” I agreed. “But I don’t plan on that… specifically.” I said.

“Not specifically…” His eyes narrowed on me, “But you do have something in mind?” He asked.

I glanced over at his crotch and noticed he was obviously a bit excited just sitting there talking to me. I didn’t think I was particularly special in the looks department, so he was likely thinking about the previous day. Which couldn’t help but make me smile. “Get your dick out and see.” I said while still working.

“Uhh…” He said uncertain.

“Do it, I’ll be discrete.” I promised.

“I don’t know if I can trust that… I heard what you said this morning.” He insisted.

I giggled to myself, “That was pretty ridiculous…” Then I poked him the side, “Do it.”

A few moments later and he had loosened his pants and exposed himself. He was about half erect without any effort on my part. Maybe I should ask myself why he was so willing to go along with my stupid idea? Then again I supposed the answer to that question was pretty obvious, even if the guards hadn’t been so easily hooked by my approach.

I slid my away towards him on the log so we were right next to one another. I continued to pretend to clean my dish with one hand while I slipped my other hand past his leg, and wrapped my fingers around his manhood.

“That's cold…” He said when I put my admitted wet hand around him.

“Sorry… it should be okay in a second.” I said as began to stroke him up and down, the water making the process easy, at least until my hand began to dry. Up and down, I awkwardly jacked his dick. It took far too long for him to harden this way. I was expecting an instant response, but as it turned out he just wasn’t quite as into the hand job as he had been my outburst the previous day. That of course gave me an idea. He was still working while I did this, so he was most certainly distracted. “I really wish I could suck on you instead of using my hand.” I said as I paused for a moment to spit in my hand before continuing, the additional fluid making a nice sound as I worked him.

“Yeah? Is that something you do a lot?” He asked.

“Suck cock? I certainly wish it was…” I said smiling up at him.

He looked a bit red in the face, “You really are something huh?” He asked.

His cock had gone from slightly soft to ridged at my words, “You like when I talk about sex huh? Does it remind you of yesterday?” I asked.

“Oh… I can’t stop thinking about yesterday.” He let out a deep moan as I continued, he was obviously liking this a lot more now.

“Yeah? I wasn’t your first was I?” I asked.

“No…” He replied.

“Well its maybe been a while? Or are you just naturally eager?”

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“What do you mean…” He said obviously staring at the bowl he was washing.

“Well yesterday you were practically as hard steel the moment I exposed you.” A little embellishment wouldn’t hurt right? “And today… well you certainly like when I talk about what I want…” I continued.

“It had been a while. I used to have a girlfriend…” he said.

“Yeah? Did she ever suck your dick?” I asked.

“No!” he replied instantly.

“That was certainly a response…” I said, pausing just a moment to spit in my hand again.

“I… I mean she was a quite girl. Not like you, besides her father found out.” He explained.

“Oh, so he kicked your ass?” I asked.

He chuckled, “Yeah… that was basically what happened.”

I gave him my best smile, “Well you don’t need to worry about that, anymore. As soon as we escape I’ll let you fuck me all day long. Or if you prefer I’ll let you just lay there and I’ll ride you all on my own.” I offered, not that I’d really let that slide but I’d be willing to help!

“All day? That seems a bit…”

“Wrong? Perverted? Deviant?” I asked.

“Well we’d starve after a few days.” He offered.

I laughed, “Well what if I have servants to help with that?” I asked.

“You? Servants? Where?” he asked, he even mocked glancing this way or that way.

“Near by, What? Don’t you trust me?” I asked.

“Lets just say… I’m skeptical.” He said grunting. I could tell he was really getting into it as his attention shifted from the conversation to his manhood.

“Just think of it… All day long, your dick in my pussy… Or would you want to try my ass? I’ve not tried that yet, maybe you could be the first to enjoy its depths.”

“What? Your ass?” He asked uncertain.

“You wouldn’t have to of course, I’m simply offering it to you.” I said fluttering my eyes at him.

He smirked down at me.

“Whats your name by the way… Its been all this time, and here I am stroking your dick before asking your name again.” I said.

“Devin…” He said.

I paused to work up some more spit and added it to my hand. “I really wish I could dive over there and really go to town on you… I’m practically dripping wet right now.”

“Yeah?” He asked.

“Yeah.. do you want to stick a finger in and see?” I asked spreading my legs slightly.

“I think this is risky enough..”

“Probably… I really wish I could sit on your cock again… feel your hands on my hips as you really give it to me.” It was hard to tell how much of an effect I was having on him, My hand could pick up on a throb here or there, but I was so focused on keeping up the proper rhythm, and our placement was quite awkward for it. I was growing impatient. “Are you getting close?” I asked.

“Can… Can you got a bit faster…” he asked at my words.

I tried to oblige, “Sure… but let me really know when you are ready, its important.” I explained.

“Sure…” He replied as he was obviously barely washing anymore.

I worked more spit up, trying to build up more fluid. It was frustratingly difficult to do this from the side, besides I preferred to use my mouth more. This seemed to impersonal, the truth was that I wasn’t nearly as turned on as I wanted to be. Sure I was turned on but more from the conversation then anything else, and I was eagerly anticipating what came next. But I’d been a touch dramatic saying I was ‘dripping’.

“There… just… a bit… more…” Devin said after a moment.

I tossed my dish over to the completed pile. And quickly leaned over his leg, “Give it to me!” I said before latching my lips around him, picking up my hand to maximum speed with better positioning. It took moments for him to start pumping thick liquid into my mouth, not nearly as much as last time but then again was I really aiming for quantity? I eagerly worked my lips down further so I could lick around his head. Mean while I gently squeezed his shaft with my hand between each release, tempting just a bit more out with each attempt. Maybe I was going for quantity?

Then he seemed to be spent, I sucked a little more out, emptying him and pulled free. Quickly returning to my seat.

I’d have showed him my dessert if I wasn’t worried I’d loose some of it. It was thick on my tongue, just a touch bitter, mostly just a delightful slimy texture. Still it turned me on more, and it left me frustrated at the circumstance.

I drank what I had down enjoying its warmth work down my throat. Just this much was giving me a bit of a rush. It wasn’t just that I was turned on. I wanted more…. That much did feel a little strange, not that it was bad, or wrong. Just different, maybe some vague memory from my former life? I didn’t really care, I was fully enjoying even this much, even if it left me wanting more.

“Damn… You weren't kidding..” He said obviously feeling a bit weak from that.

“Nope.” I grinned at him. Then picked up an another bowl and simply resumed cleaning.

After a few moments he reached over to put his cock back but I set my hand on his, “What are you doing?” I asked.

“What? I thought you were done…” He said.

I couldn’t help but giggle, “Please… I was just waiting for you to recover.” I said licking my lips, “I want even more of your warm sticky goo.” I said with my sweetest smile.

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