ATLA: A Fire Nation Mob

Chapter 11: Chapter 11

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I've been having dreams I'm back on the island being hunted, before waking up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night to now familiar wood cell.
'This is better.'
Suki visits me everyday, I've come to accept the little girls presence, 'having no choice in the matter'.
'She is a very energetic girl, but I keep my distance from her.'
I'm 'living' in a wooden cell eating, sleeping, and 'nature calling' in a plank cover hole in the ground.
'Its a step up to what I'm used too'.
I've been wearing the Kimono loosely trying to get used to the feel of it.
'I think its the fabric it's made from, which makes it uncomfortable'
A different female warrior visits me each day in the same attires of Sukira I've met before. The conservation consist of part interrogation, part sympathetic looks, and eating delicious cooked foods.
"Where are you from? what is your name? how old are you? why were you on a fire nation ship? Are you alone? Who help you Killed the Unagi? Who made these? Is this your family? Does this talisman belong to you? Where did you get this bag from? What is this? Where are your parents? Do you have any family? Where were you going? Are you from the fire nation? Do you belong to north or south water tribes? Were you being held prisoner somewhere? How did you escape? Why were these on you? Are you a spy? Is the fire nation coming after you? Are you tired? Are you hungry? Are you hurt? You should eat more. Are you cold? are the blankets enough? Would you like some water? Do you feel safe?"
'Should I say I lived on island that turn out to be a giant lion turtle, or that the people I think are my parents are dead. Should I also tell them this is a fictional world and they aren't real?'
'No, I need less questions, as for my name. "Riku". That will be my name in this world, it similar to what those soldiers were calling me before.'
"I don't know" or "I don't remember" where the response that I gave out the most, with "yes" and head nods when it came to food.
They had looks of sympathy, frustrations, and confusion when ever I spoke to them.
'Somethings wrong, but I can't seem to place it.'
They brought me my stuff they found, showing interest in the whip, bolas, blowpipe, and leather pouches. Especially in how the blowpipe works.
'Should I tell them that I'm a water bender, and it works by water pressure?'
I was surprise one day when Suki brought me Miffens and said she's taking good care of him for me. Suki was proud to say Miffens has been taking care of the rat spiders in the village.
'I'll just ignore that last part.'
It's almost been a week. Suki has a brush in her hand and a look in her eye, 'I don't like that look'.

"Um, can I brush your hair?" Suki ask politely.
'I don't have a choice do I? I've have to start braiding my hair again, but for now I'll comply'.
Still keeping some distance I slid my white hair through the slacks
'Should I cut it? I only kept it long because it was very useful living in the jungle.'
While Suki was happily brushing away at my hair much to my discomfort, I barely felt the presence of another person entering the room watching us from the doorway.
"Riku, would you like to become a part of our family?". It was Sukira who asked loud enough for Suki and I to hear.
'really '
"Really! I get to have him!" Suki grab my hair in excitement.
'I should be concern in how she stated that, but beside that is she serious, I don't mine living on another island, I'm pretty sure this place was safe during the show, I think?'.
"yes". Was my respond to Sukira question.
I saw that sympathetic pained expression on Sukira's face when ever I spoke.
Sukira took me out of the wooden cell, taking and leading Suki by the hand. Sukira began to take me on a tour around the village.
This place is Kyoshi island, it's the home of the Kyoshi warriors. A group of all female warriors founded by Avatar Kyoshi during the warring era of emperor Chin almost 400 years ago. Avatar Kyoshi was the one who separated the island from the mainlands of the earth kingdoms, defeating "Chin the Conqueror" in the process. She created the kyoshi warriors to defend her homeland from invaders which has never been conquered since.

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'so, Avatar Kiyoshi was over 7 ft tall and lived to be 230 year old and her descendants still live here today.'
I'm at a banquet in the middle of the village, there's abundances of foods and desserts are spread along several tables. There are other family's celebrating from all over the island. Sukira and the other Kyoshi warriors are performing on stage, playing drums and dancing gymnastic in rhythm. The village is celebrating there independence festival from the earth kingdom, called "Kyoshi day". There's a familiar eel like monster being carve and serve to the people who came, the bone dagger is still lodge in its forehead missing the spear pole.
I'm eating alone but still close enough to the other children of the village.
'The sudden festivities and people is something I need to get used too'.
Suki has been showing me off to her friends
"This is Riku, he's the boy my mom said I can have". Suki drag over two girls with her to introduce me.
"Are you sure he's a boy?" A plump girl with long knot and bob hair style ask skeptically.
"He looks scary". A skinny girl with a short haircut said hiding behind the plump girl.
'"Sigh", if I'm going to live on this island, I should be friendly to them.'
"Hello". I said in a friendly manner.
Their was a look of fear and disgust when I spoke to their faces.
"Whats wrong with him?" The plump girl frankly asked.
'I knew it'.
"Whats wrong?" I asked.
"He's scary, why does he sound like that?" The skinny girl said with growing fear.
"Mingxia, Jie,stop it. My mom said Riku's voice is hurt." Suki said defending me.
Subconsciously I ran my fingers along the scars on my neck area, the first scars I ever got. 'I thought they healed'.
"How do I sound like?". Hoping they would understand the question.
The 3 girls look like they were pondering in thought.
"Yek, sek lik thk, Like that". Suki said.
"It's like, kek kak lak, scary". The skinny girl named Jie said.
"There's a "clicking" when you talk". The plump girl Mingxia added.
Before I was going to ask more questions they were dragged away by their parents and scolded for making fun of me. Mingxia by her 2 mothers received a spanking in front of everyone present. Jie by her parents receive a lights scolding not to do it again. Sukira took Suki and I home, with Suki arguing about being taken home early.
I tried to explain to Sukira, but it seem to only make it worst for Suki.
Sukira's home was nice, it was attach to a wooden dojo. When Sukira remove her make up and worn a more comfortable kimono, she was a very pretty lady with a modest face and athletic physique. She showed me to my room and bed.
I got into my new bed which was more comfortable then the wooden cell one. Sukira wished me good night and promise to show me more of the home and the rest of the island tomorrow before leaving to tuck in Suki.
'This is nice, I can do this, a new life a new day.'
I went to bed to be excited for the next day drifting to sleep.
I'm running for my life through a thick forested jungle. Stumbling, tripping, and falling in the jungle I received more cuts and scrapes as time went by. I look over my shoulder to see the countless eyes staring at me from the darkness. The sensations of my skin being teared off, my inside ripped out, my bones pull apart as I'm devoured piece by piece as those countless eyes lunge at me with claws and teeth.
I woke up in a cold sweat, but I'm being held down tightly by Sukira, who's hugging me from behind me laying in the bed with me.
'Get it together, you stuff these feelings deep down, your not in the jungle anymore. Your a normal child now, act like one.'
Drifting back to sleep in Sukira's embrace, who now brings me a warm sense of comfort to my chest, I prayed for the night terrors to past.

A/N I don't planned to keep this vibe for long. He won't be on the island for a long time like last time, promise.

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