ATLA: A Fire Nation Mob

Chapter 12: Chapter 12

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9 months later.
"Um, I don't know about this". Jie said with a pensive expression.
Suki, Mingxia, Jie, and I are on a tall steep snow cover hill outside near the village. Suki was behind me holding my waist sitting on a sled toboggan. Next to us is Jie and Mingxia were on another toboggan with Mingxia holding Jie from behind.
I look down a very steep snow cover hill, I'm getting a deep sense of vertigo as my adrenaline was starting to kick in activating blood speed.
'why at this height! why did I agree to this?'
flash back.
It was a few days since coming to Kyoshi Island, I was quietly sweeping the Dojo grounds after the Kyoshi warriors were done practicing.
"Riku, hiyah!" Suki came out of nowhere, jumping on my back.
Reflex's took over, I threw Suki off hard into a nearby wall.
A sudden loud thud sound could be heard.
'sh**, please be OK, please be OK.'
Rushing over to Suki in a blink of an eye, I started to assess the situation. There's a break on a plank in the wooden wall, Suki lying face down unconscious, a puddle of blood starting to form from her head. Rolling Suki over placing her head on my lap, I place my hand on her forehead and the other hand was checking her pulse.
'breathe, focus on the wound.'
Only the sounds of heavy breathing can be heard in the Dojo grounds. Suki's forehead area started to glow with an orange translucent color.
"mmh, what?" Suki open her eye to a warm soothing sensation on her forehead.
"stakyu stilke, Suki, I'ke sorrkyu." I continued healing Suki, not wanting her to receive scars like me.
After some time pass, only a faint scratch scar barely noticeable unless you look for it remained.
'will Suki tell Sukira, will I be kick out? The woods near the village seem livable. No try to convince Suki not to tell first.'
"pleakse, don'k telku Sukirak, I'lk dko whak youk wankt." 'Please understand, please let this work.'
"Hmm." Suki had a look in her eye.

'I don't like this look.'
flash back end.
That's how I became Suki's, Mingxia's, and Jie's 'friend'.
"Jie its fine, see Ku agrees." Mingxia beside us on another sled was being held by a scared Jie shivering in fear and cold.
As I started shaking my head in disagreement to Mingxia's words.
"last one down is a Unagi". Suki held my waist tighter before tipping forward launching the toboggan forward, letting gravity take over.
"Noooo!" Jie scream as Mingxia nudge forward with there tobogan.
A race to the bottom started, In this slow down world I started using water bending in a slight of hand way to steer the sled avoiding large rocks and trees. After some slopes and jumps we made it down to the village all in one piece, However.
"Su, Ku, come quick!" Jie ran in a panic.

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After following Jie for a bit we found Mingxia and a broken sled, a pain expression on her face clutching her arm leaning against a tree.
"Xia!" Suki ran to check on Minxia, then turn to look at me in a pleading look to do something.
I checked on Mingxia, her arm was broken and starting to swell.
Over the past months I learn the Kyoshi hands sign used among kyoshi warriors from Sukira.
"Stay still." I signed to Mingxia.
Supporting Mingxia's arm in one hand, I began piling snow onto her arm with my other hand. I started breathing deeply, as the snow on top on Mingxia began to melt as the her broken arm started to glow with an orange translucent color. After a minute Mingxia's broken arm was healed, her pain expression vanish from her face.
Crouching down with my back facing Mingxia, I clasp my hand behind my back and waited. Mingxia climb onto my back and I began to carry her back.
"Thank you, Ku." Mingxia said while burying her face into the back of my head.
'heh, These kids are cute sometimes.'
Suki, Mingxia, Jie, and I walked back to the village.
'I wonder if there's sweet potatoes at home.'
Pov, a bar in the earth nation fire colonies.
In a corner booth a hooded figure wearing a featureless black mask with a single eye opening. He sat in front of a muscular giant of a man in his 40s with a red curled snake tattoo on his strong bicep, wearing a sleeveless black vest revealing his muscular chest. He had multiple scars adorning his arms, chest, and face giving him a dangerous vibe to to him.
"Will you do it." A low gravely voice came from the hooded figure, pushing a small case to the muscular man.
"What's the bounty". The muscle giant said in a gruff tone then took a swig of sake from a bottle.
"what ever was wearing this?" The hooded man push a small case to the muscle giant.
The muscle giant open the case to check the content, then smirked.
"payment?". The muscle man said in a grunt.
"On delivery." The mask man gravely said.
"payment." The muscle man grunted.
The mask man stood up pulling out a sack of coins tossing it on the table.
"half now, the rest on delivery". The Mask man turned and started to leave the bar.
Abruptly other people got up as well, wearing garbs indicated they were either bandits or mercenaries types, who then followed the mask man out the bar.
After the mask man and his men left the bar, the muscular man began counting the coins in the bag. The man then turned and spoke to an adjacent table.
"Hey, Junebug, are you ready for this?" In a gruff endearing tone, holding the wooden case in the air.
A girl in her preteen's was sitting on top a nearby table cross legged, too focus fiddling with a whip and a riding mount. She had a long black pony tail down to her waist held by a metal skull hair tie. A sharp face that was starting to loose bit of her baby fat. She wore a brown vest dress over a black skinny pants and brown knee high boots.
"Yes papa." Without looking up June responded in a bored tone, but with a hint of a smile on a her face.
Pov end.
A/N I'll be doing some revisions in the early chapters.

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