ATLA: A Fire Nation Mob

Chapter 13: Chapter 13

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It's been almost a year since I've been living on Kyoshi island.
'I'm happy?'
Sukira and I are on our way to one of the smaller villages on the island, preparing for the upcoming Kyoshi day. Suki, Mingxia, and Jie have begun their Kyoshi warrior training running through the mountains somewhere on the island.
"You've gotten taller". Sukira patted the top of my head then brushed my single big braid with a smile on her face.
Sukira's in her full Kyoshi combat gear in full combat make up walking next to an ostrich horse pulling a empty cart behind. A wry smile came across my face as I rode on that ostrich horse next to Sukira, but I was secretly happy thinking about the past year.
'Its been a year, a year of not fighting a life or death battle to survive. A year doing normal tasks like helping with the harvest of dumpling weed, and sweeping the dojo grounds, it's the best!'
"mmhissss". Miffens yawns making his presence known, while purring around my neck like a fur scarf.
'Miffens has been adjusting to the colder climate, keeping himself warm around peoples necks. He's been getting heavier lately and mostly just sleeps all day, I wonder what's he been eating?'
Off in the distance you could see other Kyoshi warriors riding ostrich horses while shooting arrows at straw targets.
"do you want to try?" Sukira tease.
I shook my head swaying my braid, I hand signed gesturing, "Its ok, you don't have too". To Sukira.
We made our way to a coastal village to visit the weaponsmith and mayor, named Oyaji. Going straight to Oyaji's workshop, Sukira knocked on the entrance door.
"Oh, Sukira and little las- lad". Oyaji greeted us.
Oyaji was a man in his 50s, a stout round belly appearance with a scraggy gray beard and grey pineapple hairstyle.
'hmm, I'm sure he was going to call me a lass. I was going to cut my hair, but was vetoed against by Suki, Mingxia, and even Jie, so I kept it. In the past year my hair started gaining a healthier shine, and I went from skinny child on looking on the verge of death to a thin scrawny dark tanned skin white hair child that's covered in scars. Which the kimono has been helping covering the scars, and I've started getting used to wearing it, but I feel uncomfortable wearing this fabric.'
"Old man, is the new equipment ready". Sukira began rummaging at a work bench at unfinished equipment.
"Hold your ostrichhorses, they are over there". Oyaji gesture over to a few crates with the said items were on top.
It was a crossbow, but not any crossbow, it was a crossbow that I help design with the other Kyoshi warriors. It was a steampunk pump action crossbow that could fire repeatedly base on the amount of pressure.
'I did not think that this was going to work. One day I was ask to demonstrate how the blowpipe works from Sukira to the Kyoshi warriors. Next thing I knew I'm meeting Oyaji, and after a few weeks trying to explain and remember how steam pressure works from my previous world, Oyaji had an epiphany. I really hope this doesn't effect the timeline too much.'
"And for you lass, for all your hard work". Oyaji handed me a cylindrical object.

It was a hand blowpipe of fine craftsmanship made from fine polish woods, leather grip, and a metal interior.
I was deeply moved and just opted just to bow my head to Oyaji.
It was when we were getting ready to depart from the coastal village. A unique scent caught my nose, the scent of blood, no a predator. I turn to see a group of women and children entering the village, I looked in confusion not recognizing anyone.
"They are female refugees and children, this island is a safe place and always will be from the war outside". Sukira calmly explain.
'I forget sometimes there is a war going on, shouldn't the avatar end the war already. I should probably take one day to jot down what I remember about the show.'

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My eyes locked on a preteen girl wearing refugee rags like the other women and children. she had a different feeling to her then everyone else and look familiar but I couldn't place her. Sukira notice my gaze and smirked while readying the Ostrich horse carrying the wagon.
"She looks pretty doesn't she." Sukira began to tease me.
Not paying attention, I nonchalantly nodded in response.
When we return back from the coastal village I began to sweep and pick up the equipment's after the Kyoshi warriors practice.
sweep, sweep. Intermediate light footsteps can be heard between the sweeps. I can sense the presence of 3 people starting to in circle me as quietly as possible
'again, huh'.
"Hiyah". Three simultaneous shouts as three people were started to ambush me.
A fearless energetic girl shouted jumping down at my blind spot from on top a tree. An honest plump girl shouted went for a tackle for my legs from my side. And a shy skinny girl shouted and tried grabbing me from behind.
With a tilt to dodge the blind spot attack, a step back to avoid the tackle, and turning to look directly into the eyes of the third girl was enough to stop her in her tracks. I continued to clean up the training grounds, while Suki, Mingxia, and Jie were in a huddle whispering to one another, occasionally looking over their shoulder's at me every so often.
For the next few hours this repeated in secession until Sukira called us for dinner and the girls decided to have a sleepover.
'Hippocow stew my favorite.'
My room hasn't change much since one year ago except the skeleton unagi head mounted on the wall.
'this is probably going to become a habit, I have the urge to hunt a dragon. No, start smaller, like a moose dragon first.'
Suki, Mingxia, Jie, and I set up the bed mats perpendicular to one another. The girls talked about how excited they were to start training to become Kyoshi warriors and I hand signed about my day with Sukira, eventually falling asleep near one another.
I fell into another night terror.
I'm in the jungle treading through a chest deep mud pit. When I turn around a huge tiger creature with bat wings is flying through the jungle trees swooping every so often at my head. Its fangs caught and dug deep into my shoulder lifting me into the air. While in pain i dug my sharpen nails into the tiger bat's eyes blinding one of them, causing the tiger bat to roar in pain and drop me. Falling from a moderate height the jungle tree branches broke my fall before I manage to grab onto a tree vine and start swinging to a river in a clearing a distance away.
'Just get to the water, every thing will be find if you get to the water.'
Swinging vine by vine, the pain in my shoulder caused me to miss the next vine. I fell hard onto the jungle ground below, spraining my leg in the process. I started crawling, getting ever so closer to the river. A tigers screech brought me out of my efforts. A heavy pounce and claws digging into my back paralyze me. I could feel the growl and fangs of the tiger bat sinking into the back of neck and then.
I woke and got up, or at least tried too. Hugging me to my right is Suki, sound asleep. To my left was Mingxia, hugging my left lightly snoring. On my chest is Jie, drooling and mumbling, "warm", in her sleep.
'It's been awhile, the jungle nightmares have gotten better but in the end I'm still hunted down and killed.'
I embraced the girls bringing them into a deeper hug, they really helped me a lot this past year to feel "normal".
'I don't know what I do without them.'
I drifted back to sleep holding the girls in my arms, thinking life could only get better.
A/N I'm pretty sure enough flags have been raised. Questions/Suggestion, edits are always welcome in the comments.

Pls and thank you.

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