ATLA: A Fire Nation Mob

Chapter 19: Chapter 19

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The mask men started escorting the pirates and I back to our cells when we were finished eating. I waited patiently meditating gathering strength, and was the last one to be escorted back to their cell. A half dozen mask men escorted me back to my cell and placed me back into metal chains, I didn't resist only focusing on my breathing.
'This seems unfair, why couldn't I have 2 escorts like everyone else.'
Then I had a realization to my appearance, I'm half covered in someone else's blood and brutally killed a few people an hour ago, it was probably smart to take this much precaution.
'Maybe they'll give you a bath if you ask nicely.'
It was when they all left and one man remained behind to do the daily task of guarding me from falling asleep. He seems nervous looking at me for some reason. My eyes began to lock down on him.
'Wasn't he the one who tricked me into walking into the arena? I can smell his fear. I can smell blood, I can smell whether something is safe to eat or drink most of the time, but could I ever smell fear?'
Taking one final deep breath I drop my head and started to rest. I soon felt a punch to the gut.
'clench your teeth, endure it.'
A punch to the chest.
'endure it, its coming.'
It was the punch to my chin when I reacted. My teeth sunk into his outgoing fist as I bit down hard to hold his hand in place.
'Next is the difficult part.'
The guard began to use his other fist and seriously tried to harm me, hammering away at my head. I kept biting until I no longer could hold it and release his hand from my teeth. My head slump down seemingly unconscious.
My eyes are close but I can sense this guard is panicking, he starting to pace back and forth between me and the metal door.
'It seems like your plan isn't going as you expected. You know the old you wouldn't have been caught like this. The old you wasn't this reckless. The old you would of have come up with a better plan.'
I was about to get angry with myself, but then the faces of Sukira and the other's from Kyoshi island flashed across my mind.
'Your right, the old me would have never been caught. The old me wouldn't have been this reckless. The old me would have come up with a better plan. But the old me would have still been back on that island still hunting or being hunted, so shut up, or be helpful.'

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Then the guard slowly started to approach me, he was crouching, his head was eye level to my head, his hands reach for my hair lifting my head up and his other hand was reaching for my mask.
A high pressured water sound escape my lips as the mask guard fell to his knees and collapse right in front of me. There was a deep hole in his mask where one of his eye should be, before he fell over face first onto the ground dead.
I gasp desperately for air, the taste of blood in my mouth and a few missing teeth felt like sweet victory.
'The old you wouldn't have been this desperate.'
'Your right. I am way more desperate then the old me.'
With sweat, blood, and tears, 'but mostly blood.' I eventually freed one of my arms from their restraints. Loud cracks and pops could be heard in the room as one of my arms fixed itself back together.
'That's not how your suppose to use blood bending for.'
'I don't care.'
With one arm I undid the rest of the cuffs pulling the pin out to freeing my other arm and legs from their restraint, then I ran into a problem. The collar around my neck needed a key, I could feel the key hole. There was enough slack on my chain collar to reach down at the now dead guard and search him.
'crap, no key, how much time do I have left before the next guard rotation.'
I began climbing until I reach the ceiling of the prison cell, the veins of my body started to bulge as I was hanging about 15 feet upside down trying to pull out the starting bolt of the chain attach to the stone ceiling. I could hear the metal latch of the door being lifted and the creaking of metal door being open. The "Btoosh" of metal breaking from stone sent a jolt of fear down my spine as I was plummeting upside down back to the ground. I could see everything in slow motion, the ground coming ever so closer. In front of me was a puddle of blood from the dead guard laying face down on the ground.
'what the hell, what do I have to lose.'
I reach out my palm towards the puddle, but it was the dead body that twitch before rushing and crashing into me, breaking my fall. I was now stuck between the dead guard and the far wall. I was suffering from the backlash from blood speed and couldn't push him off. Another mask guard was about to enter the room.
'is this it?'
My eyes fell on the pool of blood at the center of the room.
'Isn't blood mostly made of water.'
I placed my palms together and a red mist started filling the room.

A/N I should probably explain how he learns bending, it's mostly through experimentation and accidents, but he will eventually learn the proper way once he finds a master to teach him. Allot of his bending is control through his breathing, mental state, and emotional state as well which he is aware of, but can't fully control.

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