ATLA: A Fire Nation Mob

Chapter 21: Chapter 21

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POV Yu Dao slum area.

6 Orphans of various ages can be seen asking for food from passerby to no avail, before returning to their hide at abandon building in the slum district of Yu Dao.

Yu Dao is a large town in the fire colony located in the west territories of the earth kingdoms, that was colonize by the Fire nation near the beginning of the war.

"Jet, I'm hungry, did we get any food today." A skinny malnourished child about 6 years old said to a boy about 7 years old chewing on a piece of straw.

"I'm hungry too Smellerbee, let's asked near the restaurants in the south part of town, we might get food there, for now lets return to the hide out, we should have some moldy bread left." Jet said.

"They chase us out last time, and said they'll kill us if we return." Another bigger boy said, around the same age as jet.

"It will be fine pipsqueak, I'll go alone and bring back some food, I promise." Jet said.

The orphans enter there secret hide out in the slum district, a rundown former orphanage that has been abandon, which serves as their hideout and the place they call home.

After a few minutes the orphans ran back outside from their hideout in a panic and out of breath, they had fearful expression on their faces.

"What was that!" Smellerbee ask in a panic.

"I don't know, but it's in our hideout and it ate all our food." Pipsqueak said.

What ever it is, it chose the wrong place to mess with. Jet said.

"Mmhiissss." A long sound came from the abandoned building, a pair of green predatory looking eyes can barely be seen looking at the orphans at them through the open door way.

There was a long pause as the orphans were starting to rethink things.

"Maybe we should get some of the older kids to help us." Smellerbee said.

all the orphans nodded in agreement, as they separated to go look for the older orphans in the town of Yu Dao.

After an hour the 6 orphans brought with them 3 older kids, all who look around the age of 10 years old.

They are Jojo, Zirin, and Biyu, three older kids with disgruntle expression on their faces.

Jojo was wearing a green color kimono that matches her green eyes, her light brown hair was style up into a bun, her face was powder up and wearing lip stick making it seem older than her actual age.

Zirin was the tallest person there, she had long brown hair that feel to her waist, her brown eyes had a fierce stare looking at the smaller orphans, and her face had a permanent scowl despite her young age.

The last one was Biyu who had a confident smile compare to the other two they wore a red shirt with brown pants and had a very handsome face to look at, wearing a small ponytail in their auburn hair.

"What do you want twerps, we were in the middle of casing a mansion in the north district." Biyu said, irritated by the situation.

Biyu step forward and started to scold the younger orphans by rubbing their knuckles into the kids heads.

"Biyu, stop it, can't you see their scared." Jojo said, while taking smellerbee and kissing her forehead where she was scolded.

"Jet, this better be important, you know not to contact us when were on a job." Zirin said, rubbing her her own forehead in irritation.

"There's a monster in our hideout and it ate all our food." Jet said, while pointing to the abandon orphanage.

A loud sigh could be heard, as Zirin frown between her eyebrows deepen and she hid her face in one of her hands.

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"Biyu, go get rid of the monster." Zirin said.

"Why me, Jojo is the earth bender."

Jojo looked up hearing her name called, as she was hugging the smaller orphans and kissing their forehead one by one.

"Biyu." Zirin said, as giving out an order.

"Fine, I'll go." Biyu said, while walking into the abandon building in a nonchalant manner, their hand combing through their hair.

"Oh, look it's the "monster", take that." Biyu said, badly acting loud enough for everyone else to hear outside and something being hit could also be heard.

"Mmhiissss." could then be heard, as long moment a silence fell over everyone nearby.

"Aaaahhh."As Biyu was thrown out of the building landing on their back in front of everyone else.

"so, there is a monster." Biyu said, they had a expression of surprise on their face.

"Zirin, please we don't have any other place we can go to." Pipsqueak said, with a face of sadness.

Zirin let another long sigh out.

"Jojo, lets go." Zirin said, entering the abandon orphanage, as Jojo followed behind her.

Zirin and Jojo soon found the so called monster hanging from a broken rafter of the abandon building. Its long body hanging along the rafters spanning over 10 feet, hanging over a curled sleeping figure, who was covered in long white hair over its entire body and a broken bone mask on its face. The figure was sleeping, its breathing was erratic, not sounding the way a normal person should sound when sleeping.

"Mmhiisss." sound was directed at them not to come any closer as the monster hover over the small figure of a child as it was protecting it.

"He looks sick." Jojo said, starting to approach the sleeping child.

Jojo start to approach the sleeping figure, the monster began to arch itself and it was getting ready to strike.

"Jojo, stop." Zirin said, but fail to reach out to her.

Jojo look into the beast green predatory eyes who was looking into her crystal clear green eyes who had a look of concern in them, before it slowly release itself from the arch letting her pass. Jojo made her way to the sleeping figure and immediately check it's forehead with her hand.

"Aahhh." sound came from Jojo as she pulled her hand away from the sleeping figures forehead, waving her hand frantically as if she touched a hot iron.

"Zirin, go get water, he's burning up." Jojo said, in a urgent tone.

Zirin, Biyu, and the rest of the orphans quickly got to work bringing wooden buckets of water back to the abandon building. As Jojo stayed behind to watch after the sleeping white hair boy who has a burning fever.

POV End.

Chapter End.

A/N He'll be spending at least year in the town of Yu Dao.

Thank you for reading.

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