ATLA: A Fire Nation Mob

Chapter 9: Chapter 9

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It's getting dark, there's a full moon out in the night sky. Hundreds of standing torches all around the camp gave decent visibility to the area. From a nearby hill overlooking the camp I began by placing my palms together.
'focus, I don't know why this works, it just works.'
Smoke and steam started to form around me creating a dense fog.
'Just breathe, deeper breath, more breath, and release'.
A deep long exhale could be heard as I release the fog surrounding me towards the beach camp.
This was repeated several times in secession.
'whew, no time to rest, the fog should be enough to get me into the camp unseen'.
Reaching for the vines surround me, I began looping armor pieces to them, then bend the vines to hold a certain shape for a short time.
'10 minutes, before the vines should return to their original shape'.
checking the rest of my gears and supplies for the final time I made my move.
Approaching the camp I stayed low to the ground, eventually feeling the place that the jungle floor turned into sands on the beach.
I could sense the presence of people in the fog and just waited till the next rotation. Letting my braided hair drag on the sands, I move like a lizard moving from tent to tent keeping low to the ground. Sounds of people snoring and occasional odd conversations could be heard.
"Commander, were telling you the truth, we met a fog spirit". As I hurriedly move by, I caught the scent of 'gasoline'.
Curiosity got the better of me as I made a slight detour into an empty tent to find a few dozen red crates filled with a jelly like substance.
Backing away from that tent with caution I came across my main problem.
About 100 feet away from me is the boat, and a few dozen armed soldiers, some who are even playing musical instruments around a bond fire.
'I hope this distraction works'.
Loud clanks and clashes of falling armor could be hear from the jungle forest nearby. The bond fire band stopped playing due to the interruption of the flow.
The band then continued to play their instruments, ignoring the sounds entirely.

The the next set of armors fell down follow by a glass breaking.
The soldiers around the bond fire shrugged their shoulders, and enjoy chatting with one another.
'these sons of **itches'.
A third set of armors fell follow by louder clanging and crashing sounds falling on the previous armor sets.
With a huff emerge a person with a noticeable presence from a previous tent I past earlier. He wore a open face helmet with flame wings around the temples, his face appears be in his late 40s, and the the armor he wore is different from the previous armors I've come across. He walk with authority, his every step a cold discipline from strict military up bringing.
When he appeared the soldiers around the bond fire immediately stood up on attention dropping what ever action they were doing.
"What is that racket, and what are you lot doing?" A angry stern and gravely voice from the man addressed the soldiers on the beach.
"Sir, Commander Yon Rha, Sir. It's probably new recruits training together sir." A man responded and stood in salute to Yon Rha.
"At this hour, have the recruits discipline for breaking curfew, and prepare a fire boat. I'm taking those who caught jungle fever to the holding brig on the command ship".
Yon Rha pointed at the steam boat and the men on the beach began to scatter going about doing different task.
'No, I need less people near the boat. S**t, should I just rush it?'
suddenly a bad idea came into my mind.
'I want off this island, but what I'm about to do might hurt or even kill people, but it will guarantee a distraction that will buy me some time.'
'Don't be a wuss, don't chicken out, you made it this far. Can you spend another day hunting and being hunted. 100 steps to freedom, it's now, another month, or never'.
A silent argument was going on inside my head, before a crisps conscious thought resonated in my head.
'Do you truly have it in you to hurt these people.'
a depress sigh escape my lips, as I gave up any notions of bad ideas.
"They haven't harmed me". I said in quiet audible voice to myself, letting my guard down.
"HEY YO-". Came from a gravely voice, followed quickly by a audible "pthhh" sound, as a high pressure water sound came out of a hand blow pipe.
A long white bone needle lodge itself into the open face section into Yon Rha eye.
"Arrgggghh". Yon Rha began to stumble around knocking over nearby crates and barrel causing a lot of noise.
I'm holding a smoking hand blow pipe in front of the cloth on my mask.
Yon Rha regain his balance and from a medium distance away made a fist, punching out into the air towards my direction.
My adrenaline started to make my blood flow faster, time started to crawl as a streak of flame jetted towards my face.
Limboing backward to dodge the flame, the fire blast hit a portion of my mask causing it to crack and break off. My eyes widen in horror seeing the direction the fire blast was going to.
With a burst of speed, sand was kicked into the air as i stay low to the ground darting past Yon Rha.
A white blur darted across the sands kicking up a storm, startling soldiers by my appearance making them jump back in fright.
The boat is in my sights, only a few soldiers are along the way. They were disembarking the boat to depart.
A burning blast caught me off guard, as a blast of fire hit me in the back sending me rolling across the sand reaching the waters near the boat.

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The searing pain, felt like touching a hot stove and I continued to feel the burning sting. In a stun moment I turn to see Yon Rha a further distance away, he's covering his blinded eye with one hand and the other eye looked at me with intense hatred.
I tried to move but when I did, only to suddenly collapse to my back.
"ahhhrggg". A child groan of agony came from me unwillingly.
The stinging pain was unbearable, as my breath became heavy.
A soothing chill, then warmth began to alternate over my back soothing the burn wound.
I got up much to the surprise of Yon Rha and the other soldiers, before my entire view lit up.
"Khraachakkabhoooooom". The loudest sound follow by a felt force explosion shook the entire beach, a huge ball of fire engulf Yon Rha propelling forward into the air covered in flames.
It became a silent night, an ominous feeling dwell in the pit of my stomach as the fire explosion started to die down.
I got on the boat into a metal cockpit to unfamiliar controls and just began to water bend with all my might, dragging waves after waves behind me pushing me further away from the island.
'something's coming'.
"Gggrrrraaaaaaooooorrrr". A screeching roar of beast shock the air, and the entire island shook with fury.
The boat I was on nearly capsize over. Steadying my balance on deck, cause a wave to emerge from below the boat like a delicate balancing act.
The island kept shaking in anger as the island itself began to rise in elevation.
"Back to the ships" The voice of Yon Rha could be heard through out the night, I could see him standing back up, burn wounds covered half his face and body as his armor he wore was in tatters.
The island rise created waves pushing the ships and boat off the island shores, pushing my boat even further away.
In minutes the head of a giant turtle with feline features emerge from the beneath the sea water, it's towering maw dwarf any warship the fire nation had by hundreds of feet.
'Just keep bending, just keep bending. Don't look, don't you dare look.'
From the corner of my eye, I saw fire warships firing catapults flinging balls of fire at the head of the gargantuan lion turtle head.
A huge feeling of dread washed over me, a great sense danger fore warned me of an imminent disaster.
I turn to see a ball of light forming at the center of the lion turtle's mouth, as storm winds started to kick up causing the waters to become violent.
A shot of light few past the fire warship a far distance away, causing a blast of light to lit up the night sky.
There was a quiet calm before a wall of water began to grew closer becoming a tsunami towering over the warships.
desperately bending to no progress, I could only watch as the tsunami capsize the warships then headed towards me.
Looking at the towering wave, all I could do is take in a deep breath, before the wave crash down on the boat, knocking me unconscious.
'what was that? I don't remember their being island size lion turtles on the show. It's been nearly 3 decades, but I would remember something with that destructive power.'
I woke up alive and in tack on what remains of the boat. A death grip on the leather satchel and a bone spear bindle in my other hand. My face feeling the rays of the sun, as my mask was lost in the turbulent waves.
"hahahah, ha, ha, ha". A child laughter of relief came from me.
My body felt bruised, battered, and sore all over.
'I survived, I'm off the island, or should I say island lion turtle?'
"Mmmhhisss". Could be heard from the leather satchel.
As I tried to forget about my time on the lion turtle and pulled an angry water logged Miffens from inside the satchel.
I spent the rest of the day trying to find my bearing, looking at the map and compass, doing my best to sail north as best as possible with the remains of the boat.
'3 to 5 days, I'll reach the main lands of the earth kingdoms, I'll find passage north to the water tribes, I'll find a water bending master to teach me properly, and I'll live in peace.'
The next 3 days I spent constantly bending water waves behind me propelling the ship forward north. Taking little time to rest or eat, healing breathe to remove my fatigue kept me going and keeping me awake. Another 2 days past, there no signs of land, but I kept moving forward constantly bending the waves behind me.
'maybe I'm not moving fast enough, is the compass wrong, or was I lied too.'
And another day past with no signs of land. My food and water slowly dwindle away, as another day went by.
My mental fatigue was growing day by day, I started to bleed from my nose and eyes before collapsing on the boat.
'so, this is how I die, I miss the lion turtle already. Miffens is definetly going to eat my corpse when I die.'
Closing my eyes to hopefully finally rest in peace once and for all, something bump into the boat below. I slightly open my eyes to see a large dorsal fin sinking back into the water, but what gave me hope was the view of land in the distance.
'This is cruel, this is sick, did I do something wrong in my past life?'
With bleeding and sleep deprive eyes I stood uneasily with the bone spear in hand as a crutch. My vision was already hazy, seeing doubles of the dorsal fin creature coming toward me at great speeds. What emerge was a eel snake creature with a dorsal fin on his head.
Standing I raised the bone spear above my head ready to throw. The veins of my body bulged out, as I cough out a mouthful of blood.
'One shot, that's all you have.'
Mustering all the strength I had left, I threw the bone spear. An intense anemic sensation dropped me to unconsciousness, as I fell back into the water.
When I came to consciousness I was already wash ashore. The head of the eel creature was a few meters away from me, its tongue lazing out, the bone spear lodge into it's skull.
'It's dead, please be dead.'
I could hear footsteps approaching.
'Please make sure this eel is dead.'
Were the last thoughts I had before passing out into a dead tired sleep.

A/N I'm not sure about the power levels of lion turtles, but I'm putting them on the level of natural diasater.

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