Barbarian Chef – Volume Two

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 – Pound, Slosh, Pound, Slosh

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The girls had set up a special table for Koshiro to sit at, adorned with flowers and a special cake made by Claire.  After we’d decided on the party earlier in the day, she immediately went to work on a cake.  She’d become an amazing baker in recent weeks. She really had a knack for the craft.  We served very little cake at the restaurant, so she didn’t get a great deal of opportunities to master her craft.  She was happy to jump at this special opportunity.  She made a large grizzly bear that looked almost identical to our good boy, Henegar.  The buttercream frosting and moist yellow pound cake on the inside were to die for.

The citizens of the town enjoyed the meal that we provided and the service from the food wagon worked impeccably. I felt we were ready to branch out with the food wagon now. We even had some food left over, which surprised me.  I was a hell of a cook, and I made delicious food, but I wasn’t certain that I had prepared enough for the town in such a short amount of time.  We put what was left on an enormous plate for Henegar, and he happily ate the rest of it.  Koshiro was adamant that the big guy have some cake as well.  Everyone laughed when they saw a big hunk of buttercream frosting on his nose after he devoured the sweet cake the kitsune offered him.

“Did you enjoy your party?”  I asked Koshiro as I rubbed the neck of Henegar.

“It was wonderful.  I can’t thank you all enough,” Koshiro replied as she laid her head on the soft flank of her bear friend.

“Good.  You deserved it.  I think the town had a good time as well.  I’m happy they enjoyed the food.  I don’t think anyone walked away hungry.”

“It was wonderful seeing the smiling faces of everyone. Summerstar has never had a party like that where everyone came together and had fun together.  I hope we can do this more.”

“There aren’t any festivals or anything?”

Koshiro shook her head.  “No, nothing.  Everyone is busy and pretty much stays to themselves.”

“We’ll have to do something about that.  I love this place.  I would like us all to be just one enormous family.”

Koshiro embraced me and laid her head on my chest.  Her ears fluttered as I took a whiff of her sweet scent.  “Of course you do.  You’re a wonderful man, and you’re the best thing to happen to this town.”

“Psh, I don’t know about all that,” I trailed off.

Koshiro placed her index finger over my lips and softly patted.  “Shh, just take the compliment and smile.”

I chuckled and nodded at the amber haired bombshell.  I lifted her chin and went in for a soft kiss.  The kitsune moaned quietly and shuddered.

I rubbed her arms.  “Everything okay?”

“Yes, your kiss and touch are almost electric.  I love you.”

“I love you too.”


Several of the citizens were kind enough to help us with the cleanup.  We were able to get all of that done in record time.  Jamison took Blossom and Henegar back to the stables to sleep and the girls and I made our way back home.

Muni plopped into the plush chair in the den and yawned.  “I’m exhausted.”

Claire kicked off her shoes and agreed as she raised her arms to stretch.

“I’m not that tired yet,” Koshiro scoffed.

“Well, you were the guest of honor and sat down for most of the day.  You deserved it, of course, but that’s why you aren’t tired,” Muni replied with another yawn.

I walked into the kitchen and patted the island counter. “You guys want a drink? I can whip us up something.”

“Yes,” the girls replied in unison.

“Alright, I have an idea.  It’s something from Earth that I think you’ll like.  I’m pretty sure we have all the ingredients here in the arcane cooler.”

Claire chuckled.  “I would say so.  Your replacement for Koshiro’s broken cooler is enormous.”

“I’m quite skeptical that my old cooler broke on its own.  I think a certain barbarian wanted a new one and needed a reason,” Koshiro smirked.

“Who would do such a shady thing?” I asked with a thick sarcasm.

“You maybe,” Muni laughed and threw a pillow at me.  It was one of those little fancy pillows that served no purpose.  Girls just liked them scattered all over the place for whatever reason.

Back on Earth, I would need a blender to prepare this famous tropical treat, but we didn’t have one.  I wasn’t even sure there was a device on Solaire that worked like a blender.  Luckily for me and the girls, I could mitigate that with my genius level cooking skills.

“What are you making?” Claire asked with a warm smile.

“I am making you beautiful people something called a pina colada.”

“Woo, that sounds rather exotic,” Koshiro replied.

“It isn’t anything too fancy, but they are delicious and they fit in well in Summerstar with the tropical climate and setting.”

Muni playfully tossed another useless pillow.  “Well, get to it.  We don’t have all day.”

I laughed as I pulled up my recipe screens and searched for what I wanted.  There were several recipes that I skimmed over.  I didn’t realize there were so many ways to make one of these things.  I decided on the one I wanted and began retrieving the ingredients from the arcane cooler.

Pina Colada for four people

4 oz. White Rum

4 oz. coconut cream

12 oz. pineapple juice

4 cups of crushed ice

4 slices of pineapple, to garnish the glasses

4 cherries

Ultimately, the pina colada is a very simple spirit to make. I grabbed a huge pitcher, and I combined the white rum, coconut cream, pineapple juice, and ice inside of it. Back on Earth, I would toss all of this stuff in a blender, but on Solaire, that wasn’t available. I slid open the knife drawer located in the island and retrieved a sharp knife. I held the hilt with the blade pointed downward and began stabbing the ice at a very high rate of speed.  I didn’t want to use too much force and shatter this pitcher, so I had to be careful. I swished the slush around to see if it was the right consistency.  It was perfectly done.  I didn’t need no stinking blender.  Blenders are overrated.  I opened the cabinet and pulled out four lowball glasses.  I filled each glass and stuck a slice of pineapple on the rims to make it a little more attractive to the drinker. I tossed a cherry up in the air and caught one in each of the glasses.

“Ladies, come on over and get your brand new pina colada.”

Each of the women clapped and hopped on the stools at the island.  They picked up the glasses and held them to their nose.

“My gods, Chad, this colada thing smells wonderful,” Koshiro said.

“Just wait till you taste it,” I chuckled.

All three of the girls took a sip at the same time.  They closed their eyes and licked their lips.

“Yum,” Muni purred.

“Yes Chad, this is delicious. You were right,” Claire said.

I shrugged.  “When am I ever wrong?”

“Shut up, you’re wrong sometimes,” Muni grinned as she took another sip.

I heard a loud gulping sound and looked at my beautiful kitsune.  She had already finished her glass.

“Is there any more?” Koshiro asked with pleading eyes.

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“No, but I’m happy to make some more.”

All three of the girls nodded in unison with big smiles.


That one pitcher turned into five more pitchers before it was all said and done.  It was safe to say that the pina coladas were a hit with everyone.  It made me happy to introduce them to something they’d never tasted before.  Muni and Claire dozed off on the couch while Koshiro and I flirted with one another.

“Chad, thank you again… for everything.”

“You’re welcome.  You don’t have to thank me anymore.”

“I want to thank you one more time, but in a way that you will most definitely enjoy.”

I cleared my throat and cocked a brow.  “And what way is that, beautiful?”

Koshiro pulled her sundress over her head quickly and sauntered down the hallway.“Follow me to the bedroom and find out.”

She wore no bra, but she had on very lacy purple thong panties on.  She was fucking incredible.  She didn’t have to ask me twice.  I stood and followed her like a puppy.  She laid on her back on the large mattress with her legs spread wide.  She pulled the part of the panties covering her wet mound to the side and moaned.  “Chad, taste this special dish.  I made it just for you.”

I dropped to my knees and watched the cum drip from her canal and stream slowly to her asshole. She shook as I licked the cum.  My tongue traveled from her asshole all the way to her nub.  

“Fuck, Chad.”

I softly fondled her pussy with my tongue, causing her to squirm in pleasure.  She moaned and bit her lower lip hard. I inserted two fingers with my right hand as I fought her button with the tip of my tongue.

“Fuck, this feels so good. Fuck.”

I began pinching her hard nipple with my left hand, causing her to gasp in ecstasy.

“Fuck, you make me feel so good.  Don’t stop. I’m gonna cum.  Don’t stop.  Yes, fuck yes.”

Koshiro reached a crescendo and exploded in a powerful orgasm.  She squirted warm nectar on my chin as she screamed.  She hammer fisted the mattress then pulled my head forcefully to finish up.

“Fuck, Chad.  That was amazing. Holy fuck,” Koshiro panted.

I pulled back and licked the cum from my chin as I fondled her pussy with my thumb.  “You taste so amazing.  My fucking gods.  What do you want now?”

“Straddle me and titty fuck me.  Please.”

“I can do that,” I replied with ravenous excitement as I slid her entire body further onto the bed.  I straddled her torso and put my shaft between her giant breasts.  She pressed them hard against my cock, and I slid my member back and forth.  “Goddamn you’re amazing.”

“I know I am,” Koshiro chuckled.

I fondled her pussy once more as I slid my shaft between her melons. “You like that?”

“Fuck yes, Fuck,” the kitsune growled.

Out of nowhere, Claire and Muni appeared on each side of the bed, completely naked.  They pinched Koshiro’s nipples as I fucked her tits.  “Goddamn, that feels so fucking good.” I grabbed a handful of each monster girl's butt cheeks as I continued to thrust.  I squeezed hard, then slapped each.  Claire had recently constructed a device that she used when we had sex at times.  It was basically a milk jug backpack.  There were suction cups surrounding her nipples. This way, her milk had somewhere to go when she didn’t want to make a mess.  I could see the milk squirt from her nipple.  The white nectar from the gods traveled down the clear tubing and dripped into the jug.  Personally, I could not care less if we made a mess, but sometimes it made her more comfortable to keep everything dry.  I didn’t force my girls to do anything that they didn’t want to do.

Muni straddled Koshiro’s head and glared at the kitsune.  “Is this seat taken?”

Koshiro shook her head through bated breaths.  “No, it isn’t.”

“Good,” Muni lowered her wet mound onto the kitsune’s face.  

Muni ran her fingers through her blue hair and bit her lower lip.

“Fuck, you are fucking hot,” I interjected.

“Koshiro, this feels so fucking good. Don’t stop,” Muni pleaded as Koshiro squeezed her thick thighs.

Claire moved to the foot of the bed and pressed her perfect face into Koshiro’s sopping wet pussy.  I could hear muffled screams from the kitsune.  She hadn’t expected the holstaur to eat her pussy while all of this was going on.

Muni leaned toward me and we kissed softly, then violently.  Our tongues fought each other with impunity. “Fuck, Koshiro, I’m going to cum. Oh, fuck!”  Muni wailed in pleasure as Koshiro ate her out.  As soon as Muni was done, Claire brought Koshiro to a climax that almost rattled the pictures off of the walls.  Muni lifted from Koshiro’s mouth and sat on the bed with her back against the headboard.  I dismounted Koshiro and stood behind Claire.  She put both hands on the bed and pointed her ass toward me.  It was a glorious sight.  Koshiro slid against the headboard like Muni.  Both of them were still struggling to fill their lungs with the proper amount of oxygen.  I slid my cock into the holstaur’s wet tunnel and began to thrust slowly.  The milk in the glass jug on her back sloshed vigorously with each pussy puncture.




Koshiro broke her silence. “That’s hot.”

Muni nodded and straddled the sitting kitsune and kissed her deeply.  Koshiro grabbed a handful of each of Muni’s butt cheeks.  Claire and I lusted after the monster girls as we fucked.

“Now, that is fucking hot,” Claire muttered.

“Are you sure your milk rig thing isn’t too uncomfortable?” I asked.

“No, it’s comfortable, but thank you for asking.”

Koshiro pulled her lips away from Muni for just a moment.  “Yeah, we don’t mind your milk getting all over us.  It tastes so fucking good.”

Muni pulled the kitsune’s lips back to hers, and they continued to make out.

“Muni, I’m going to do something.  Do you trust me?” Claire asked softly.

“Uh huh,” Muni agreed.

“Good,” Claire responded in a sultry voice.

The holstaur plunged her index finger deep into the catgirl’s wet canal. Muni gasped.  The holstaur twirled it around slowly for a few seconds and pulled the finger out.  Claire’s finger was drenched with Muni’s juices.  Claire slowly touched the catgirl’s asshole and softly twirled around the opening.  Muni’s asshole glistened from the cum coating.  Claire slowly pushed her index finger into the catgirl’s forbidden entryway.  Muni heaved for a moment from the unique sensation.  After stretching the blue-haired hottie out for a few moments, the holstaur fucked her ass with her finger.

“Do you enjoy that?  Your little asshole is so tight,” Claire mumbled.  “Does my naughty finger please you?”

“Yes, fuck,” Muni replied as Koshiro slid down and began sucking her nipples.  “Oh fuck, I’m going to come again.  Fuck.”

The catgirl screamed as her ass was fucked my the holstaur’s finger.  

I grabbed each horn of the holstaur and began pounding her even harder than before.  “I’m going to come.  I can’t hold back any longer.  Damn.”

“Me too, fill me up, Chad.  Fill my beckoning cunt. Oh fuck, I’m coming!”

My balls tightened, and I exploded milky white streams of seed deep inside my holstaur lover.  “Goddamn, you girls are fucking bad.  I love it.”

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