Barbarian Chef – Volume Two

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 – Where’s the beef?

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“Team, before we open the door for business, I have a change to the menu,”  I said as I wiped off the kitchen counter.

“I love it when you call us a team!” Koshiro clapped.  “It makes us feel so special.”

“Really?  I’ll need to call you all that more often then,” I smiled.

“Chad, you were saying there was a change to the menu,” Muni interjected.

“Oh, right, yeah, we used all the beef on hand at the party yesterday. So any dish that requires beef is unavailable.”

Koshiro frowned. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry.  I used it exactly how I wanted to use it.  It’s not a big deal. I need to either go buy meat from the butcher or just hunt on my own.”

“Do you even know how to hunt?” Muni asked with a grin.

I shrugged.  “What’s there to know?  Go into nature and kill something.”

Koshiro giggled.  “There’s much more to it than that, I’m afraid.”

“Yeah, rangers are the better class for that kind of job.  Most of them have a hunting profession as well, which makes them even more efficient.  You not only have to find where the animals are, you have to kill them, then skin them.  You don’t know how to do any of those things,” Claire laughed.

“Listen, you are an S-Rank Barbarian and you are unmatched in most things, but hunting isn’t your specialty.  Why not just hire the work out?  Gerald, the butcher, won’t have enough stock to replace what we need and have enough left for his regulars.  He’s a small-timer anyway, not to mention old and slow,” Muni informed.

“How do I hire something like that out?  I don’t know any rangers off the top of my head.  I guess I could go down to the dungeon and look for one, however, that will really cut into my productivity today.”

“Just put a quest on the board downtown.  People are constantly checking the quest board.  You’ll have help in no time,” said the catgirl.

“I can post things on the quest board?  I thought you had to have some kind of special access to do that sort of thing.  Why didn’t you guys tell me this sooner?”

Koshiro shrugged. “I figured you knew, but just didn’t want to give out any quests.”

“No, I didn’t know.  There are lots of things I could have posted on the board.  Shit!”

“Take a chill pill, Chad.  You know now and that’s all that matters,” Muni said.

“I’m perfectly chill.”

Koshiro pointed to my head. “You have a vein throbbing on your forehead.”

Claires laid her hand on my shoulder and lightly rubbed.  “Why don’t you let us open the restaurant and you walk down to the quest board?  Better yet, why don’t you let me handle the kitchen today and you go out back and work on our little farm afterward?”

“Are you sure?  I don’t want to leave you ladies high and dry.”

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“We’ll be fine.  You’ll just be out back, anyway.  If we need you, we’ll just go get you.  I want to test my cooking skills some more anyway, without you as a nearby safety net,” Claire replied.

“You’re coming along as a superb cook.  I’ve no doubt you can handle things just fine.”

“Okay then, it’s settled,” Claire patted me on the butt and gently pushed me toward the door.  “Go on to the quest board and let us get to work.”


A bunch of the Summerstar folk stopped me on my stroll to the quest board.  They all wanted to thank me for inviting them to the party the day before.  It warmed my heart to see the smiles on their faces.  I reassured each and everyone of them we would try to do more stuff like that in the future.  I got several odd looks from adventurers as they walked through town on the way to the dungeon.  I figured it was because I was a gigantic man with a chef hat and apron on.  I quickly unequipped everything and tossed the items into my inventory.  

The Summerstar Quest Board was across the street from the Adventurers’ Guild.  I was sure they wanted first dibs on all the quests that they were fitted for.  I waved at a couple of guild members that were headed inside, and then I darted to the board.  There was usually a crowd around it, so I was too early for most people or all the good quests were gone.  There were a couple of quests on there.  One request was for someone to get rid of their mole problem in their garden and the other was a request for cedar tree logs for a building project.  

I pressed the <Add Quest> button on the screen immediately.  I was certain I could figure this out on my own.  If not, I would just ask a passerby to give me a hand.

Describe your quest (The more detail, the better.  Lacking or confusing quests will be avoided by adventurers)

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.  I wasn’t sure why I was so nervous.  I was an idiot.  I began typing on the screen and I needed the <Backspace> key immediately. My typing skills were suspect when I was anxious about something.

“Chad Stone, Chef of New Beginnings Restaurant, needs 300 pounds of beef.  Please process the beef before turning in the quest.  I want it to be ready to cook when I receive it.”

I read what I entered and shrugged, then nodded my head.  I pressed the <Enter> key and moved on to the next screen.

Please enter the reward (You cannot control the amount of essence the adventurers will receive upon completion.  Only the Nine know how much they will allow them to receive. Please enter a credit amount and/or item that will be given.)

Well, shit, I wasn’t sure about the proper credit amount to offer.  From my days of playing MMORPGs, my experience would tell me that this wasn’t a very lucrative quest.  However, I could be completely wrong here on Solaire.  I also figured that the higher the credits I offer, the quicker the quest would be accepted and completed.  I needed this meat soon, so I was going to put a big credit reward.

10,000 Credits

1 x Free Meal Voucher at New Beginnings

That had to be an exorbitant amount of money… it just had to be.

If you are finished entering your quest, please press the <Submit> button.  If your quest is inappropriate and does not meet the standards of the Terms of Agreement, then your quest submission will be denied.  You will be notified in your interface if that occurs.  You will also be notified when your quest has been accepted.  You will also be notified when the quest is complete.  Your quest requires the adventurer to meet you with the items.  The adventurer has 24 hours to bring you your items after he/she/it has completed the task.  If they do not bring the quest giver the items they are owed within that time-span, the quest will be canceled and all the items in the adventurer’s inventory will be purged.

I pressed the <Submit> button immediately.

Thank you for submitting your quest.  It will go live in approximately 10 minutes if approved.  If it isn’t approved, you will receive a notification to make changes or you will just be denied.  There are no appeals allowed.  Have a great day!

I nodded proudly and backed away from the board.  “That was easy enough.”

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