Barbarian Chef

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – I’m coming in hot

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I soared through a tunnel of bright light.  The light changed colors every other second, like I was at a rave. I flipped in the tunnel and was forced into barrel rolls as I traveled at a high rate of speed to wherever I was headed.  What was happening?  I felt my stomach contents slowly rise to my throat.  I tried to keep it down, but it was impossible.  I turned my head to the side and puked into the tube of light.  I was able to avoid the vomit splatter on my clothing.  As if that would matter if I had vomited on myself when I slammed into the ground or a wall, killing me.  I sped up immediately afterward.  I felt like I was on one of those roller coasters that had a mechanism that shot you down the track at high speeds.  I just knew I was going to puke again, and I was absolutely right.  Vomit sprayed all over my surroundings as I continued to fly through the cosmic wormhole. Suddenly I was blinded by a burst of radiant light, as if the tunnel I was traveling through exploded.  Maybe it had?  My vision went black as I tottered off the edge of consciousness.  I lost that battle as well as I saw nothing but darkness once more.

A cool breeze caressed my face, causing me to wake up from my dream.  I slowly opened my eyes, only for them to be gouged by the sharp, piercing light of the sun.  I gagged and turned my head to the side, and puked again.  I must have gotten food poisoning or something.  This was the third time I’d thrown up in the past few minutes.  Wait, this was a dream, so this was the first time I’d vomited on the dirt beside me.

The dirt beside me? I should be in bed in my room in the basement.  I sat up quickly, almost causing me to pass out once more.  I wasn’t in my basement. I was outside, but where I was, I did not know.  The wind blew with more force, sending a chill through my body… through my naked body.

“What the fuck?” I yelled as looked at my entirely nude body.  Then I quickly noticed that this wasn’t my body at all.  I was much larger… not overweight, but muscular.  I rotated my arms in front of my eyes.  It looked like someone had cut off He-Man’s arms and attached them to my body.  It was incredible to see.  It was shocking to see.  I was still deep in my overly lucid dream.  I pinched my beefy arm as hard as I could, but it was to no avail.  I didn’t wake up. I’d only caused myself some pain.  The next thing that caught my eye was… well… my thing.  My dick was huge.  I had always been, in my opinion, a little below average in that department.  Now I was ready to star in my first porn movie.  My legs were as muscular as an NFL running back, with huge veins popping out all over the place.  

I turned my attention to my surroundings after I stared at my mysterious new body. I was on the summit of a mountain.  I became nauseous once more from my fear of heights, but I was able to keep my stomach in check.  I refused to throw up again.  To my left, I saw blue water as far as my eyes could see.  This looked to be an ocean or an extremely large lake.  The water was turquoise, like I was looking offshore on a Caribbean island.  I saw green forests and plains in the other direction.  My attention was drawn to what looked like a town at the base of the mountain.

“That’s Summerstar,” said a strange voice from behind me.  It jolted me into action and dove forward, then spun around to look for the source of the voice.  My eyes widened when I saw a six foot tall purple kangaroo staring back at me.  I now realized I was still in a crazy dream or I had a mental break of some sort.  The kangaroo waved at me and smiled.  “Hello, Chad.  My name is Fozzy.  Please don’t be afraid, you’re not crazy, I promise you.  I am as real as this mountain you are standing on right now.”

“No, you’re not.  None of this is real,” I motioned all around me and shook my head.

“This is just a crazy dream. I’m just in a deep sleep right now.”  This would all be over soon.  

The purple kangaroo hopped toward me, causing me to back away and lose my balance.  I rolled down a hill to the edge of a cliff.  I couldn’t stop my momentum and I was going to plummet to my death.  At least this would wake me from this madness.  What if it didn’t?  What if this was real, and I was going to actually die?  I went over feet first and fell. I reached my huge right arm upward and caught myself on the ledge of the cliff.  I dangled naked off the side of the enormous mountain.  I raised my left arm and gained purchase above beside my other white-knuckled hand.  I made the mistake of looking down toward the town below.  My stomach churned, but there was nothing left in my stomach to throw up.  I pulled myself up to safety with ease.  The strength in this body was impressive.  I would have been a goner for sure with my old, chubby, and weak body.  This body was a completely different story.  I took a deep breath after I got to my feet.  

“Maybe you should move away from the deadly cliff.  I will not hurt you.  Come on over here and let’s talk.”

I nodded hesitantly and shuffled forward, away from the cliff.  My heart rate slowed the further I moved away from danger.  I couldn’t believe that I was a naked man talking to a purple kangaroo named Fozzy on the top of a mountain in a strange new world. This was utterly preposterous.  Fozzy hopped backward to give me more room.

“I’m sorry for hopping toward you earlier.  I didn’t think you would react like you did.  Sorry about that.  That was close.  Luckily, you have all those muscles.  If that’d been me, I would be a bag of meat and bones splattered on the rocks way down below.”  Fozzy chuckled as the wind blew through his purple fur.  I looked him up and down slowly.  He was certainly a kangaroo with the pouch and everything.

“The way you’re looking at me is giving me the creeps, Chad.”

“I’m sorry. I’ve never seen a kangaroo in person, let along talk to one.  This is a lot to process at the moment.  I have no clue what is going on.  Wait, you said, Chad.  How do you know my name?”

“You’ll soon find out that I know a great deal about you.”  

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