Between Us Two

Chapter 9: Chapter 9

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‘Everything follows a path; that's why no matter how many times I change the story’s course, it stays stable,’ Sebastian thought leaning back in his black chair. Its leather felt lavish, avoiding his harsh touches. ‘No matter how many times I ‘predict’ the glitches movement, they always stay the same.’

Sebastian heaved a heavy sigh, almosting shoving his immense feelings into the air, but they didn’t bulge from their spot. ‘So why did Aiden leave? He stayed beside me, dragging onto my golden thighs.’ Sebastian’s cahir trembled, nearly breaking under his raw emotions. 

‘So why this time? He never left, he stayed wrapped in my arms, his steady breath flowing up and down my chest.’ He closed his eyes, ignoring the world, the thrashing sounds of humans and monsters soon drowned out as he fell into his ocean of emotions and thoughts, getting suffocated. Only after death will the right path shine. That's the only thing he learned in his past life. 

Well, that had nothing regarding Aiden’s likes, hobbies, manners, lifestyle, past, sizes, preference, ticks…

‘Where did it go wrong? Everything had been perfect, everything became planned the second he regained his memories.’

Everything is for Aiden. 

So why did he leave? 

“Sir? Sir?” An older butler said, his half closed eyes looked vibrant compared to his bagged skin beneath his eyes. Sebastain opened his eyes, the ocean spited him, leaving him victim to the world’s elements. The muted world became clamorous, as the wails and screams from humans and glitches combined to perform a beautiful ear splitting symphony. “Um, Sir, how should we receive Lye, our medic, who asked to meet you, regarding his concerns over herbs?”

“Whatever you want,” Sebastian said, ignoring the trembles of Vivien’s screams. It's not like he can make Aiden for me. 

The butler nodded his head, “Should I bring some tea, or perhaps I should tell Vivien to quiet down her bulldozing actions?” Howard opened the door, presenting Lye, his golden locks curled over his forehead. His eyes shined an honest blue, piercing into the secrets of this world, as it  pointlessly tried hiding its cards. He stood quietly, waiting for Sebastian to address his existence. It's only polite for a guest to await their host’s blessings of acknowledgement. 

“Whatever you want.” The chair regains its calm nature, finding natural purchase in his splendid masculinity. The black leather gave an appearance as if a black cat draped over his shoulders. Still sleeping, waiting for anything appetizing. 

The butler nodded, his eyes closed, as he fell into a deep slumber. “I shall leave to prepare your dinner and other personal needs,” he said, closing the door behind him.

‘The only meal I need is Aiden,’ Sebastian thought leaning further back into his liquid-like chair. It purred as he rocked it back and forth. Its purring mellowed out compared to Vivien’s billergerant screaming, blitzing from miles away, trying to encourage her troops. The man stood straight up scanning the simple room the butler ushered him into. ‘Where did it go all wrong? His chair stopped rocking, it became confused as the silence blanketed the room.

It never had to remain quiet. 

It looked at Sebastian, awaiting his next instructions. Even the loud battlefield  quieted down, as the battle winded down, disappearing into the stage’s floor.

‘Aiden ran away because,’ he thought back to that night, the one and only time he awoke in a cold bed. Normally, Aiden will curl up beside him. This time, Aiden appeared outside fully clothed for light travel, bearing nothing but his lifeless eyes, peering into the dense darkness that twirled around the forest. ‘I never wronged him. I know him,’ he thought, nodding his head, ‘yes, there’s nothing wrong between us.’

Lye smiled, “Thank you for your time Chief, I will make this quick.” Lye walked three steps forward to Sebastian's left, puffing out his chest, ignoring the lack of an audience. “My regular customer didn’t pick-up their mint. They usually come once every two days. I want to see what happened to them. They should be in Quacy City.” His eyes locked down onto Sebastian, lost in the wonders that was his life with Aiden, what could and has been. “Can someone take me there?” 

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‘But how will I get him back? Last time he didn’t even walk towards me. He didn’t even…


He didn’t even…

He didn’t even know what?’ Aiden never did much of anything actually, he sat there looking pretty mostly. But there's nothing wrong with that. 

‘He's mine after all nothing else than that.’ He smiled and giggled reminiscing of living together. 

“Thank you for agreeing to my request, may I take my-” a woman suddenly joined the stage. 

Her bushy brown hair entangled itself into her black stained armor. The stench of blood and sweat devoured the calm and peaceful scene. The light scattered away at such a monstrosity, her lush green eyes trapped the light into a swirling darkness. Her whip snarled at the man, but failed at its master’s hands binding it. The pistol banged loudly against her armor, itching to set off a second set of reverse fireworks. 

“Just leave, he misses his bed warmer.”  She said walking forward, purposefully shoving Lye outward. Sebastian still giggled like a child. “Aiden is confirmed dead. Here is his head.” 

Sebastian bolted upwards, nearly smashing into her head. “Oh it's just you Vivien.” 

“Yeah just me,” she said, rolling up her whip, carefully glaring at the leaving Lye. 

“What do you want?” Sebastian said, rubbing his eyes. “Scaring people is an awful habit.”  

She rolled her eyes, “As if I can scare a prophet.” She snapped her fingers, the butler from before walked out of the wall behind Sebastain. “Chair” he nodded, forming a shadow-like chair beneath her. He walked back into the rippling shadows as she sat down. “What's the next move?” 

‘What's the next move? It's to chase Aiden, there is no other move,’ Sebastian thought as he rubbed his chin. ‘I can chase him myself, but he still got away.’ He stared down at Vivien as she crossed her arms waiting for a response from the prophet. ‘Using the army to chase him down and put him back under me…’ “To Straffer City.” ‘That's where I got that necklace from anyway. He will be there by now.’ 

“And leave the Eastern Wall?” Vivien asked, raising her eyebrow, “we never left here… what will happen in Straffer City? It's not related to Aiden. Right?”

“Of course not, because it's pointless to defend here.” Since Aiden isn’t here “You know what to do,” he said walking out of the room. “Don’t disturb me again.” 

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