Black Tiger with a System

Chapter 26: Returning to the cave

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On his way back, Thiago was still in a joyful mood due to the just gotten skill and therefore promptly tried out his "Eyes of Eternal Truth" on his surroundings. Having activated his new skill for the first time, he immediately felt a rather different feeling inside his eyes, but it was not necessarily a bad one, just a rather weird one if he had to describe it into words.

While he activated this ability, his irises actually changed to a slightly pale golden color and it was as if some small sigils were engraved on parts of his eyes.

It felt as if his eyes were on a overclocking mode and they got slightly warmer just like a Computer that was running multiple games at once.

This was probably the side effect mentioned before in the skills description, not that this slight increase in temperature would be able to affect him, but if he were to look at stronger beings intending to get information about them, than there would probably be big repercussions, from which he would need to recover a few minutes.

But he did not think much about that, because as long as he increased the level of this skill, then there would also be less side effects and so on, and as it turned out to be, all his skills would automatically upgrade every time he breaks through a major realm, which makes it quite easy for him to level up skills or abilities.

Now looking around with his skill activated he straight away saw the difference to before, because as long as he was willing, some information would appear when he gazed at trees, flowers, herbs or even rocks.

For example, when he looked at a tree that was situated a few meters ahead of him, he saw a similar screen appearing in front of his vision, to when the basic information of the hunters or beasts were shown to him by the system every time when he gazed at them for the first time.

One might ask, what's the difference then, between the automatic information providing of the system and his ability Eternal Eyes of Truth. Well, to simply answer that, we have to remember that the system only provides him with the most basic information and that also only when he lays his gaze on any sentient creature.

In contrast, his Eyes of Eternal Truth can provide him, depending on his strength, with absolutely detailed information not limited to living beings in view of the fact that even rocks will have information showing up when looking at them.

This is the main difference, between those two. And it is obvious that the automatic system information providing is a little bit worse, but it is after all free and also has its benefits, which include not having to spend any energy on the recognition and information providing.

Well coming back to the previous example of what Thiago was seeing now after looking at the tree with his ability still activated.

[200 Year old spirit tree:

This tree is automatically purifying the mana in the air around it and is therefore a sought after place to cultivate at for smaller and weaker beasts in this forest.

The spiritual tree's wood can be used to carpent good looking and durable furniture, that emits a tiny amount of stored mana, due to large amounts of mana being stored inside the tree prior to it having been cut down. This trait makes it a popular refining material especially for weaker cultivators.]

"Well, I wouldn't have expected this tree to actually be a good refining and carpeting material, but it has no use for me at the moment."

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Thiago muttered after taking in the information in front of him, while not caring that much about it either way.

Next, Looking at a few other plants with his "Eyes of Eternal Truth", he did not find anything very interesting to him, so he decided to stop with this for now and return to his cave first.

Nevertheless, he was still extremely happy with his new ability and he was also pretty sure that it would come in handy when he would be stepping into human cities in the future.

The reason for that is naturally. Because he can get many important information just by looking at a person for the first time with his ability activated, without even needing to buy the information from the system which in turn would cost him [System points] instead. When he would be back in the cave he would be able to properly take stock of his gains, he had made this time while he was away from the cave.

Once again humming a little tune, just like he did when he went to test out his newly bought skills a short time ago, Thiago leisurely strutted through the forest while also secretly wondering, whether Faye had slept the whole time he had been away or if she had done something else.

Not that it mattered for him, but he was just a little curious about that, if that was understandable. 

Following the exact same way he had taken to the goblin village, soon the familiar cave appeared inside his field of view. 

'How many times have I left the cave and returned to the cave in the past days, because, it feels as if it had been pretty often, Haha' Thiago mused after having the feeling of returning here for the nth time already.

But just as he was having these silly thoughts, he actually heard a sharp cry of agony coming out of the cave. "Oh, fuck! What's happening in there? No, Could it be- Faye!" Thiago Exclaimed and immediately rushed into the cave at his full speed after hearing the cry, which made him almost immediately think of Faye, who he had left here alone and who was only at the Novice realm, so she would be utterly helpless in the face of any beast attacking here.

But what made him completely dumbfounded and not knowing whether to cry tears or laugh out, was the scene he saw transpiring inside the cave.

Contrary to his expectation of finding a mortally wounded or even dead Faye there with the attacker still being nearby, he saw the complete opposite. Instead of lying injured on the cave floor like he had expected, Thiago saw Faye biting into a creature that Thiago was quite familiar with, namely a rabeer. [1st in appearance Chapter: 3]

This rabeer was actually only at the Novice realm just like Faye, which had enabled her to rather easily kill it, because if the rabeer had had a higher realm than her then the situation would have had a vastly different outcome, than it had now.

Looking at the situation now, Thiago was naturally glad that Faye was still alive but he was inwardly wondering what the hell this Rabeer at the 1st Tier of the Novice realm had been doing in this part of the forest, in view of the fact that these Rabeers were normally only living on the outskirts of this forest where Thiago had also started his journey with hunting them for his first [System points].

Therefore it was quite weird for one of them to suddenly appear here in their cave, at least he thought so. What he did not know at this point was that this rabeer had not come to their cave out of free will.

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