Boring Life Accidently go to Fantasy World

Chapter 45: Chapter 45: Puppet vs Undead (2).

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The Bronze Dragon Puppet and Bone Dragon begin to fight using teeth and claw, because both the dragon don't feel pain they fight while ignoring their injuries. The Bronze dragon puppet opens its mouth and a spark of electricity comes out, the Bone Dragon gets electrocuted and starts falling to the ground and killing any undead underneath. The Bronze Dragon Puppet begin to fly down to attack, recover from the electric shock the Bone Dragon open his mouth and Ice breath come out and cover the Bronze Dragon Puppet, inside Bronze Dragon Puppet some of the mechanical part stop moving and cause the Bronze Dragon Puppet to crash toward the Bone Dragon, dust and debris cover the area.

In another area of the huge chamber the Asura Puppet and Death Knight have been fighting and around them are the dismembered body of the undead monster. Right now Asura Puppet is attacking while Death Knight is defending using its shield. Every time the Death Knight tries to attack, Asura Puppet's six arm holding sword, saber, battle axe, mace, war hammer and spear will find an opening to injure the Death Knight.

Flying around the chamber the Banshee is running away, from the Mage Puppet because all of the Banshee attack can't damage the Mage Puppet. The Mage Puppet keeps casting fireball spells and Fire spear every time the Banshee gets hit, the Banshee gets damage from the fire attack.

The undead corpse and puppet is laying around the chamber floor and piled up. Both sides suffer because the Lich keep summoning the undead from the dark portal and the platform inscription glows begin to dim.

"How about you give up?" The Lich although look fine, actually he has used almost all of his mana using the platform and summoning the three master rank undead.

Sylas is still in the air, don't say anything, he just moves his hand. Multiple space portals appear and more puppets come out to help the remaining puppets fight the undead. Looking at the new puppet, the Lich keep summoning the undead.

The Bronze Dragon Puppet has broken his wing and can't fly anymore, some of the internal parts of the Bronze Dragon Puppet also already damaged. While the Bone Dragon is barely alive because it has been crashed by the Bronze Dragon Puppet most of the Bone dragon skeleton is already broken and in pieces. The Bronze Dragon opens its mouth slowly and fires the lightning breath at close range to hit the Bone Dragon skull, after that the Bronze Dragon puppet stops moving and the Bone Dragon also stops moving.

The Death Knight trying to defend using his shield from Asura puppet weapon, died after the Asura Puppet mouth cast a fire breath spell. While being burned, The Asura Puppet gives a finishing blow using a war hammer on the Death Knight's head. Floating in the air the Mage puppet is still there but the Banshee is gone but on the ground you can see a burn mark.

The Lich calmly looking at the scene, for him death is normal. Both of them still haven't used the Master rank spell. If they use the spell here the underground chamber might collapse. But for the Lich he doesn't really care if he dies because below the platform is the soul of a human that has been sacrificed for him a long time ago. Using the soul, he can be resurrected again.

"It's time, you are strong but this is the end." The Lich decides to use his Master rank spell Blizzard, using this spell everything that gets him by the ice will be frozen to death and become fragile. Sylas still not moving to stop the Lich from casting the spell, Sylas figure suddenly begins to blur. The Lich have already cast a magic shield to defend from Sylas attack but the attack is not targeting him but the Lich staff, Sylas uses his assassin skill the aura begins to gather inside the dagger and begin to glow dark.

"Noooo!" The Lich never imagined that Sylas would destroy the staff because the staff is the Lich Phylactery that is where the Lich hid his soul. After the staff have been destroyed The Lich begins to disintegrate and the dark portal begins to close. The remaining undead are still attacking the puppet but with the help of Mage Puppet and Asura Puppet all of the undead are burned and dismembered.

Sylas has been searching for Lich Phylactery from the beginning of the battle, he notices that the Lich never use the staff to cast spells. Sylas begins to fly around the chamber to gather all the puppets. The Bronze Dragon Puppet requires a lot of repair and Sylas stores the Bronze Dragon puppet inside his space storage. For the undead he just disregards them because he can't use the undead to create mana core. After Sylas teleports out from the underground chamber, a dark crystal inside Sylas space pouch appears above the platform and the inscription begins to glow again. Hundreds of souls come out from the platform and fused together and become one soul, and enter the dark crystal and disappear together with the dark crystal.

"Do you think, senior will be fine?" Jean asks. After the Timeless Quiver party have been teleported out from the underground chamber they have been trying to find the ruins but the ruins have disappeared.

"I don't know." Kai says. Suddenly ruins suddenly appeared and the Timeless Quiver party decided to enter again. In front of the ruins building they finally see Sylas. All of the Timeless Quiver party thanks Sylas for saving their life and asking what happens after they all are being teleported out of the chamber.

Sylas just says briefly what happened to the Lich and decides to join them to go to Yhasas Kingdom. Along the way Sylas and the Timeless Quiver party have been fighting with different types of monsters, normally Sylas just lets them defeat the monster. But if he sees any Master rank monster come out he will kill the monster, after one month they all finally arrive at Yhasas Kingdom.


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