Bow and Arrow

Chapter 152: Chapter 151 — Insubordination

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'Eh... Heh, heh, heh heh heh, heh.' Tongqiu's head was lifted in joy!

He felt his surroundings ever more perfectly, more real, more HIS!!

Looking to his surroundings, Tongqiu saw how these experts were already taking the last layers of their fear and humanity off as well as they became more than ready to give up their lives! The strong man was now clear headed and looked at his own body that not even he was able to separate his own body from without the use of tools and whatnot, at least not before the battle ended, possibly even taking another 3 or 4 of such battles. He shot a gaze towards his remaining comrades before trying to make a stance of fighting with his right arm, only to realize with both, pain and sight that he was incapable of movement.

'Fuck! If we only had that All-Mending Misery bullshit, this would've been more enjoyable. URGH...' The strong man though as he fearfully saw Tongqiu stand up, the languid man was already in front of the strong man's body while the young assassin with the deformed face and black blood streaming down her 7 orifices of her head was at his right a little behind the strong man's body.

Seeing them all ready and up for more, the strong man sent all his energy to his right leg which was the only one limb of his body that he was able to separate from the wall, with only his right leg able to put up a fight, he became 'menacing' in his own way as he gazed at Tongqiu in cruel defiance.

"Heh-heh-heh-heh~~..." Tongqiu's consistent, quick and short chuckles as well as his last one being dragged tremendously creepily created an atmosphere of utter ridicule and satisfaction... before lunging towards them!


The languid man felt his body flying towards the strong man's body as they became busy because of the unexpected entanglement of their bodies; Tongqiu took this chance to oh so slowly and predatory move towards the young girl whose death was already certain should she not receive expert medical attention in a few minutes and were she to take more injuries.

But she didn't care, her thoughts were of giving a fuck as she only cared of killing this man, no! This monster!!

"Haaaah!!!" A sharp and miserable screaming resounded with her throat bearing those sounds as most her nose and mouth were broken open, her left hand had a blade that was as thin as silk with a length of 30 cm, inching it forwards to Tongqiu's left chest.

Tongqiu used his left arm to have the blade stuck in his body before slapping her with the back of his left hand, he then casually made a move towards the first leg of the languid man that he grabbed onto with his right hand to send it away a couple meters before abruptly making a fist with it.

Once the fist was formed, the strong man noticed it and did his best to cover his face, yet Tongqiu's aim was to uppercut the shit out of the man's jaw and neck!


Having hear the sound of his neck emitting a pleasing sound, Tongqiu then proceeded to punch heavily against the strong man's lower abdomen, only managing to injure him at last after the second hit.

"Heeup!" Tongqiu was then pulled towards the left as his body was met with a couple of really, hellish of a quick punches to his face which he only managed to avoid the first one, barely, before being hit in the temple as fast as possible which sent him staggering backwards slightly.

Before he could even regain clear sight, he felt a delicate hand touch upon the blades on his neck which were even red-colored now with their 'handles' having dried black blood all over them, at the moment he felt that delicate hand, his right cheek was also 'softly' grabbed by another delicate hand... before understanding its use.

Bvreee-Vwlsht~ Bvreee-Vwlsht~ Bvreee-Vwlsht~.

The delicate hand softly holding his right cheek then turned rigid before he then felt, one by one, the blades on the left side of his neck be fully penetrating his neck.

His pupils gained clarity right after the third one went inside, in the span of less than a second, yet it felt as if she took her damn time to do just that.

Tongqiu proceeded to cruelly back-punch at his own throat, right after he did that, shining little parts of blades in different locations of his neck came out from inside.

Afterwards, Tongqiu sent his left hand towards the young girl's face, grabbing her by her eye sockets and what was left of her mouth before pulling her towards his left-down, without thinking much about it, he used his right hand to take the strange thin blade in his left arm when he suddenly felt another hand holding its handle too!

It was delicate and soft to the touch, even with the strange tight clothing on top of her skin; yet, before Tongqiu could start contesting for it, he felt his right arm be locked by the languid man once again.

'...' Tongqiu became utterly calm instead of growing restless and panicky; his eyes however, seemed to become of a weird red color for moments before his body acted once again.

Tongqiu's trance made the two assassins close to Tongqiu to sigh in relief for a moment, the young assassin took advantage to take out the blade from being stuck in his arm before making a clean horizontal cut towards his neck to allow the blade inside his neck to become free and unrestrained! After all, even in her peak, she wasn't able to cut off an ordinary person's durable neck, let alone someone like Tongqiu and with her in this state.

The languid man, in exchange, started striking Tongqiu's back of his head continuously. He didn't had real strength, with it probably going slightly better than an ordinary person's, hence the damage was null. However, those were lots and lots of punches. He may not be powerful physically because of the failure of becoming a Specialist, but he was incredibly fast nonetheless!

Before Tongqiu's neck could be cut and before his head could be induced into retardity; Tongqiu 'woke up'! Tongqiu first leaned his head to his right with his chin being raised slightly, then he dove his head deep back in to his center; catching the thin blade abruptly between his trapezius muscles. His dead eyes locked onto the young girl's behind her veil and mask, before Tongqiu abruptly twisted his neck, so much so that the blade would collide against the languid man's incoming punch.

Bvreee-Vwlsht- PUFK!

"Gahaaah!!" In pain, the languid man fell from clinging his body onto Tongqiu's right arm with his right arm holding his left wrist, from which his left hand was all mangled and gruesome-looking.

Tongqiu then pushed the young girl with his hands on her ribs before grabbing the middle of the blade in the middle of the air with his left hand, right below his back!



It was over, their thoughts were all over it, first their trapped comrade, then...

However, at that moment, the languid man threw himself at Tongqiu's right side of his ribs before trying to take the thin blade himself, only to be cut off his right hand from his wrist and being kicked back far away.

Tongqiu then took a sudden jump with newfound strength out of nowhere before using his right hand to hold the thin blade, its sharpness outwards from sticking to his forearm, similarly to how this strong man wanted to assassinate Tongqiu before.


The strong man's right leg was perforated, but before he could even retaliate while still trying to catch his breath for as difficult as it was from having his neck dislocated, his jaw dislocated and even some ribs having perforated his left lung; his right leg was rapidly cut apart from his thigh all the way to the right side of his torso.

"Fucker, liked that? Like that? Heh heh heh, heh heh." After saying that, Tongqiu used the thin blade to bury it deep inside the strong man's torso from his right side. But Tongqiu's right arm was once again taken by the languid man, this time with only his arms holding Tongqiu's though. Tired of this shitheaded bastard, Tongqiu let go of the blade as his left hand pressed against the languid man's forehead before his right hand crushed his jaw with a fist of his, then Tongqiu held the left side of the languid man before slamming it against the store's wall!


The languid man's right side of his skull fractured at once as his eyes rolled backwards and to the sides as he fell onto the floor while gliding down the wall.

The young assassin once again became available for battle but not for long, as she intended to punch Tongqiu with a hook using the sides below her pinky finger, yet Tongqiu caught the adjoined hands with his left.

He looked at her, silently; he also gave the left side of her chest a good meaningful look.

"EEEEH!" The girl became terrified when drawn back to the events that lead to the death of her older comrade; Tongqiu however, only smiled deviously before raising her entire body.

"You are feeling it, right? The last bit of your circulating blood rushing to your head as I raise your body higher and higher. Does it feel like you're about to die from suffocation, doesn't it feel like a really gruesome death?" Tongqiu spoke to her heart with his devilish words and his mouth 'accidentally' spurting some blood that ran all the way up from his neck, his grin not helping as her eyes darter to the back of her head, losing even the feeling of breathing.

'He was right, ahahahaha, it's true! I do feel it~, hahahaha!' Those, were her last thoughts as her eyes actually came out from her skull while becoming slightly deflated with some black blood accompanying their exiting of their eye sockets.

Died. She died without even being touched, she just needed a slight push in the back for her to leave this world. She 'calmly' died by the hands of a devil-like existence.

Terrified, the strong man actually began fidgeting so as to let the blade pierce his heart, anything but the methods of this man, no, MONSTER!!!!


But it was too late, Tongqiu threw away the garbage in his hands as it made a good puff up in the air upon contact with the ground, their previous dances did nothing to make the dirt, dust and even sand to drift away from their location.

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Tongqiu then moved with predatory steps, his shoulder moving in reverse incomplete clockwise motions as he stepped closer and closer to the strong man.

Tap, tap, tap, tap...

'Oh-hohohohohohohoho.' Tongqiu's thoughts, as bizarre and offsetting as they were, relished in delight at the sound of the languid man trying to get close to him by tiptoeing towards him. He even noticed the movements from the strong man's body became superficial as his emotions reeked of a strong hopefulness.


The languid man calculated perfectly, his lunge over Tongqiu's body ready to take his neck in a tight embrace before finally twisting it to death was about to succeed!

Plap, creak~-PAM!!!

But, just as the languid man was about to hook Tongqiu's neck into a locking technique key, he felt both his arms be grabbed so harshly and fast that his hand-less arms were broken in two, not even remaining connected from the ligaments between the center of their elbows.

Without having time to even blink, let alone react or scream, the languid man felt his entire body roll a few times. By the time he could reopen his eyes once again, he was about to head straight towards the store's wall once again.

What the languid man could feel, was the sound of his entire head collapsing in little peaces with his brain matter and juices becoming a party horn blown off to all sides, from any angles.

What Tongqiu felt, was the satisfying sensation of his right hand crushing an annoying obstruction into juice and softened previously hard structure becoming squishy things on the palm of his hand, before letting go of it and taking hold of the languid man's body from where he previously made a hole on his stomach before sending it towards the young assassin's corpse.

"It's only you." Tongqiu said, still obstructed by little blades inside his neck yet his words were still clear with his eyes upturned, almost covered by his own forehead as he gazed at the strong man trapped in the store's wall.

"Haa-eeeaah, haaah!" Terror, endless terror, and doom. Any person's only reaction would be to start squealing with the most acutest and sharpest of tones which not even themselves knew was possible to intone their own voices for.

"Hmph~." As habitually as it could get, Tongqiu involuntarily and cheerily snorted from his throat to his nostrils, before starting to 'escalate' the wall and the orc stuck inside it.

Once his feet were both atop the strong man's stomach, which made the broken ribs almost penetrate the back of his head, Tongqiu then took a hold of the thin blade on the right side of the man's torso before burying it this time inside the blown off area of the man's right knee.

"HWUAAAAAAAH..." The strong man's weeping, whining and bawling echoed for a few dozens of meters before Tongqiu's voice resounded once again.

"Now, now. That'll be too easy, ey?" Slightly nodding nonstop along his words as blood continued to stream from any of his neck's newly made orifices, Tongqiu then took the thin blade out once again before throwing it right below themselves.


Tongqiu no longer spoke, simply crouching onto the man's injured stomach in silence, intertwining his fingers with the palm of his hands meeting, as his tilted head looked over the strong man's face in different angles.

After a minute, when Tongqiu 'saw' the strong man become paler, he suddenly took the strong man's right side of his head with his left hand before abruptly slamming it against the strong man's dear friend, the grocery store's wall.

BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!!...

. . .


Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.


BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!!...

"Sir... M-Mr Yun?" A voice came from Tongqiu's left from behind as Tongqiu himself was still smacking the durable yet already mangled head of the strong man against the wall.

BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!!...

But Tongqiu continued...

Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam... BAM.

"Sigh..." Gradually, the collisions became softer before abruptly ending with a final big sound from Tongqiu's free left hand with blood and rosy transparent liquid against the wall. Even the body of the strong man had already been hanging by the wall to the other side as Tongqiu continued smashing what was left of the strong man's head on his left hand.

As for what remained upwards the strong man's neck, well in fact, only half of its neck remained; nothing else.

Looking behind him, Tongqiu finally gave the four people dressed in uniforms a look with his own eyes directly. When they arrived, they were mesmerized at the grisly manners of Yun Beishang's at fighting. The most horrendous looking was the languid man's corpse, but they did not witnessed the death of the older woman assassin nor the injuries sustained by the younger assassin for they had tight clothing as well as merely being able to see a 'normal'-sized hole on one of the corpses. They had no clue in spite of the already gruesomeness of the images from the corpses.

After witnessing all of this, they then looked towards Tongqiu who was at the moment, still slamming a strong looking man's head against the wall.

By this moment, Tongqiu came down from the strong man's corpse while pulling it downwards.


As the wall collapsed, the second headless corpse was also hammered towards the ground before being dragged by the tired body of Tongqiu by its 'left untouched' left leg over his shoulder as he reunited it with his comrades.


Once he saw the body was propositioned over the languid man's corpse which was also over the young assassin's corpse, Tongqiu nodded before heading towards the first to fall, the older woman assassin.

Thud. Paff-paff-paff...

Carrying her corpse by the hole he made through her, Tongqiu then placed her above the strong man's headless corpse. Patting his hands into a few muffled sounds of claps, Tongqiu then directed his head to look at the four men dressed in uniform, bloodied of who knows how many and by how long.

Tongqiu's cold, indifferent eyes then darted left and right before acting; his right hand was first placed on top on the front of his neck entirely before reacting as if having located something, afterwards, Tongqiu placed the middle finger of his right hand at certain peculiar location on the middle of his neck before burying it deep inside!

"Eewgrh- Mr Yun, th-this- there's no need. We were a bit shallow in our job at locating their main force but-" The square faced young man with tomato skin and military hairstyle, Richard, spoke out first, but was then choked in his own words as he saw certain black color -obviously not blood- come out from Tongqiu's just made new hole on his neck.

Before he could create an even more ugly face, he saw Tongqiu enlarge the hole on his neck before using his left hand to push his nape so as to not fuck it up with all the squirming he was making out of the pain of creating a hole on his neck and enlarging it all by himself.

Tongqiu could be called strong willed alright, capable too! Who was able to do such a thing with no medication whatsoever? In fact, such an obvious death-seeking action would be just looked upon as an ignorant retard creating their own path for death, not even waiting for the experts to take care of the situation inside his body.

Nevertheless, Tongqiu had the same cold, indifferent expression as he took out the blades one by one. Each of them was tough work as they were stuck from his neck walls as well as some muscle, it was really difficult to do it with a machine, let alone one of his hands only!

After a long time, Tongqiu had both his eyes mangled to an unrecognizable degree; he had to change hands as he could no longer be considered to have even a palm above his right wrist, there was only one skeletal finger prodding out from his flesh and it was too gruesome to look at. He hand to use his left hand to continue the treatment; those 4 in front of him didn't know but, Tongqiu did.

Tongqiu knew he had to removed them right away before he could no longer alter the circulation of his blood or that all of his neck would be ruptured, making any of his countermeasures completely useless. The initial plan of those assassins was to hit his head and neck so that he would relax his muscles around them and let them fall towards his stomach and with luck, his heart. At the very last.



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