Bow and Arrow

Chapter 153: Chapter 152 — Shut Up!

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Shut Up!




After taking care of such a thing, Tongqiu signaled to one of them, Tombsk, with his head to come closer.

After Tomsk took his sweet time to arrive before him, Tongqiu then signaled with his mangled left hand to his pockets. Tombsk, the slim, elegant-faced man with large hands, ruffled through Tongqiu's pockets before finding a little black metallic box and a cellphone that he had been using to contact the four of them and his old man driver.

Giving Tongqiu and questioning glance, he only opened the black metallic box once Tongqiu signaled at it. Once he did, he found a weird, bright golden substance inside of it. Merely smelling it was already inducing onto them a feeling of being rejuvenated; controlling himself, Tombsk used the substance to put it in Tongqiu's neck.

Tongqiu's eyes rolled at his stupidity but allowed him to keep doing that, nonetheless. After applying it for 20 seconds or so, Tombsk abruptly stopped at the realization that Tongqiu's wounded neck was healing at the naked eye!

It was sorrily slow, but it was healing nonetheless.

Tombsk befuddled voice attracted the attention from the rest of the uniformed, bloodied figures as they approached after not receiving a glare from Tongqiu: "Si-SIR?! Ho-how-how is it..."


A direct sound of something solid -Tongqiu's prodding out bones of his hands, some- and the metallic box was heard, by the time Tombsk realized of something as he looked at the hand he was holding the metallic box with, it was already free of any object as Tongqiu simply started walking back and forth between the corpses of the four assassins.


The four men fell into a silence.

A very long silence.

Nonetheless, they all remained silent as they probably guesses the obvious, that of Tongqiu trying to make time to speak as naturally as he could. They all now saw the extent of Tongqiu's injuries already, so.

"Akgl-ak-ak-ahem!" Finally, Tongqiu stopped walking out of nowhere before trying to clear out his throat, almost drowning himself as he right after vomited blood like crazy.

Mostly was crimson red, but there were also black blood, waste blood if you might.

After throwing all that out, Tongqiu felt human again, his eyes gazing at the obscure sky before heavily landing on the four figures standing a couple meters away from him.

Being started at Tongqiu like this; they didn't liked that, the didn't like that in the sense that they became afraid. This offsetting type of glare made them all recognize Tongqiu in a new, weird way they never did nor thought of doing- before. There was even a strange type of imperative to Tongqiu as they gazed even just slightly in his direction!

"Tell me, who were these four, ah?" Tongqiu's hoarse yet devilish-like voice sounded, creating waves and tumults inside their heads.

Looking at each other in worry and hidden preoccupation; Richard, one of the two young men among them as well as the most hot-blooded and 'loyal' of a dog, spoke at last and first: "Young Master, these are unknown to us, we were not ind-"

"SHUT UP!!!!!"

Richard and the rest: "..."

"Ho-o~w many times, do I have to tell you all, not-" Tongqiu suddenly started walking towards Richard with his left mangled hand aiming at his heart, throat and even head as he got closer and closer to Richard, none of the others did nothing to stop him though; only Filnn had a resigned expression on his face as he gazed troublesomely at Richard with narrowed eyes.

Richard himself was aghast as his eyes became stiff and lacked color, but then; Tongqiu stopped lunging forwards at Richard, his head still lowered and his intent of killing diminishing quickly yet somewhat at a slow pace.

"Huff, huff-... hargh." Tongqiu then stopped behaving like a dragon whose scale was upturned, standing straight and with his head held high.


As more silence prevailed once again, Tongqiu then spoke after a good while.

"The strong one and the older woman, who did they come from?"

At this moment, Klent; the rough-looking middle aged man with thick eyebrows, almost bald and with a large grey beard, spoke in revelation: "Those were from the Tarn Clan, sir."

"And the young girl?" Tongqiu asked without a shred of guilt.

Klent's lips parted dryly before finally answering after feeling the pain of his lips almost breaking open from just contact alone: "The Yun-Yu-Yun Clan, sir."

"Huu~, hmrghm..." Tongqiu inhaled heavily before also heavily humming it all out from his nostrils, the entire scene appeared gloomier but suddenly, Tongqiu acted joyously: "Oh well, it's happened already, you hungry? I left lots of good things inside the store, you did at least did something you were told and drugged the poor innocent gentleman to sleep, yes?"

They were confounded at the change of vibe in a mere moment, but after looking at each other with clear warnings and cautiousness, they all nodded in unison continuously.

Tongqiu's voice once again came to be, with the same joyously tone: "Mm! Good then, let us go ahead and take a break for today. You fucking useless garbage!!"


The four of them felt an unstoppable buzzing invade their heads, souls and entire being at once from Tongqiu's once again, sudden change of 'vibe'.

But Tongqiu didn't became merciful as he continued: "That fast fucker is also from the Yun Clan, I can see his fucking marks of trained Specialists on his groin, fucking retards."

Strangely, at the continuation of Tongqiu's berating, they became clearheaded only to become shameful to no ends and proceeding to kneel, all of them, on the ground and heavily.

"Did you at least got rid of all of the others, DID YOU?! I swear, if even the new little maids were even imposed a scare while I was away, I'll kill you and your entire relations in this boring forgone world! It would be as gruesome as these garbage's torture before death, you better hope your scheme did not brought upon yourselves a calamity, even if I have to turn into a real monster." His eyes were now strangely glowing, under the deep obscurity of the nighttime they weren't really visible, but a oh so minuscule and indiscernible violet glow at the middle of Tongqiu's left pupil came to be.

It would become the source of fear and veneration upon anyone witnessing it, prostrating before it...

"We did. We killed them all, we may even open up a hotdog business with all the bodies left on the ground on the other side of the district, sir!" Tombsk spoke once again, his current stance that of a subordinate reporting of his mission.

"Hm-hmph!" Tongqiu laughed hard without being able to restrain himself from how absurd and 'devoted' of a response it was, and how quickly he reacted.

Shaking his head slightly more, Tongqiu then ignored the little joke to amuse up the atmosphere before walking towards the grocery store. Police sirens were already audible in the distance, cameras were off but his body was still not healing; it may take a week to completely heal up to normal. His training would have to be stopped too, while the worry that he would create upon them would be...



Entering once again into the grocery story, Tongqiu saw the clerk all drowsy and apologetic.

Looking at Tongqiu, the clerk saw him wear gloves while holding a bag of ice with the entirety of both his arms and not really using his hands, being still dizzy and sleepy dumb he asked Tongqiu: "Ah? Sir, what are those. Did you had a hard time picking them up? Oh, sorry, oh my god. First I fall asleep and I even forget to accommodate them, bro I think I ruined your nice night. Oh, what time is it? Holy shit, 1 am, I'm truly fucking sorry, it's all in the house. Ah! Let me, I'll pack all this up. You know what, let me go for a few things of this, newer and freshers, I'm terribly sorry!"

The clerk had his wild thoughts aid Tongqiu a lot, he became talky and also made Tongqiu 'happy' with not needing to even open his mouth to speak.

Merely, once the clerk dutifully picked more liquor, instant noodles and condiments besides also grabbing some vegetables as well as frozen chicken before putting them into an icebox after picking it up from the storage back in the store after ha had to go in there once again.

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'Meh.' He was pretty much a good lad, did his work and even felt for him and ruining Tongqiu's fun night.

"Well, it's fine." Tongqiu finally spoke. Seeing response from the man he just ruined his night, the clerk couldn't bring it out of his head as he had no option but to mention it: "Sorry, I ruined your night, didn't I? I surely became a villain of your story, heh heh. Sigh."

"Ah, not- not really. It was, uh, those fuckers who made me sweat, haha, you know." Tongqiu signaled with his eyes at his hands before signaling with his own hands towards the bag of ice.

"Oh, ah! Hahaha, I see, still I slept out of nowhere and I feel bad for that alone. As I said, it's on the house!" The clerk, however, was pretty understanding and didn't delved upon it, merely taking all of the blame and allowing the clerk to feel better.

"It's okay, I 'accommodated' them myself already, check it up later on or tomorrow, good night- or morning." With that, Tongqiu took the icebox to his arms before flashing an emotionless, bro-like smile to the clerk and leaving the grocery store altogether.

'Haah, what a great man, I hope those ladies aren't disappointed, haish.' Starting to clean the inside of the store once again, the clerk began thinking to his previous stupid carelessness. Later on as he checked on the freezer containers before his turn ended -as he didn't wanted to have some unknown problems, if there were any-, he would realized that they were all orderly and even looked fresher than ever, thinking to himself 'Damn! Truly a bro!' before noticing the slight crack on the wall with a note on it saying: 'Sorry, I tripped here, but it's nothing I hope.'.

With that, the clerk looked at the wall, he would test it and find out that it even seemed more hard than before!

On the other side, after Tongqiu departed from the grocery store, he directly headed towards the hotel with 4 'bodyguards' taking care of the icebox by taking turns with each other to carry it.

. . .




After the sound of the door's lock being opened up, hurried worried sounds of footsteps were heard on the other side of the door as it then opened completely thanks to Filnn's aid; the other young man that though muscular, is slim as hell, with smooth white skin.

Diana's first person seeing across the other side of the door was this unliked character, but before she could continue to form a complete frown with her eyebrows, he saw Tongqiu step in front of the hypnotized young man with a tough push to the side and a grunt.

"Ah! Bei- AH!" Diana was all happy to see her man in one piece, but then, she realized that it was barely so.

"Come, come, come! Stop standing up, you-yo-ah-you need to rest, hurry up!" She pulled Tongqiu inside, doing so made Tongqiu's gloves fall off the ground, the gruesome and disgusting sight entering the awaiting-for-orders little maids dressed seductively that were about to greet their master.

One thing; they were hidden to the side of the living room, not available to the eyes of the 4 outside on the other side of the door. When they saw Tongqiu's mangled body, they first became pale before bringing their hands to their teeth in horror. After doing just that though, they hurried to the bathrooms to take med-kits as fast as they could while also skillfully taking out the necessary tools and products to start working with.

Meanwhile, Miss Yona's reaction was that of her eyes getting puffy and reddened before a stream of tears rolled down her lacrimals.

"B-...Beishang!" But Diana interrupted her train of though, as well as her state of shock as she then commanded to her: "Hurry up and bring two bowls of warm and cold water! Stop standing there, also, bring the ice in the icebox out!"

Not saying anything else, Miss Yona opened up the icebox that was left at the entrance of the door, a couple meters away from the four men standing outside before taking the bag of ice she first saw, before going back to Tongqiu.

As it happened, Tongqiu whispered onto Diana's ear gently; Diana then picked up a few instant noodles and liquor before throwing them without a care towards the four of them, with Filnn catching them smoothly.

"Get the fuck out, off!" Diana's voice became strangely terrifyingly cold to the surprise of everyone in the room and outside of it.

"Hmph~." Tongqiu then spoke after involuntarily snorting with his throat and through his nostrils in a cheerful way, turning his head from dotingly gazing at Diana to the four outside: "I know you'll only help me for my Little Sister, get out now. I don't need worthless subordinates, I misjudged you and I AM sorry about that now, please leave."

Understanding now why Tongqiu would give them anything at all, they then had their gazes fall onto their own shoes after being set on the food and liquor he gave them, before turning away. Even Filnn was dispirited as he closed the door after sliding the key to the room through the room's floor, which Miss Yona picked up after having brought the bowls of water.

With that, the seductively dressed maids in a different type of maid outfits began to work hard at repairing what was left to repair of the exterior of their new master's neck, before proceeding to help Diana in treating his horrendous injury in the left side of his whole left leg, before once again helping her treat his hands this time.

The injuries like those made at his arms by cuts or hits, as well as at the back of Tongqiu's head were treated last. His injured right leg was also treated after thoroughly going through the rest of his body. He wouldn't be able to walk for days, at least not properly until he recovered completely.

The other injuries were nicely treated and would only need a couple of days to heal.

Seeing the seductive dresses on the little maids' bodies, Tongqiu caressed their breasts since he was at it as he said in a playful yet serious voice: "Mn, ah, I'm so surly now that I realize I lost my chance at tasting you both tonight. I've already gotten my fill today."

Of course, only Diana could guess that it was related to his 'beastly' nature coming out from his retrained self in the middle of the fight, or after, or who knew...

The little maids did not respond directly, mainly lowering their gazes shyly while blushing slightly too; after some seconds though, as if having found their womanly charm at the same time, both the little maids lowered the hem that was slightly up their nipples from their special outfit. Allowing Tongqiu to feel all of what consisted of their breasts with a net on top of their skins. Hell, even their hands guided Tongqiu's towards their inside of their outfits to better grasp at their breasts!

"Uhuy, I like them alright." Tongqiu commenting on their sudden boldness while still remaining shy as well as devoutness prompted Diana to tiredly look at Tongqiu's naughty hands, a small smirk forming at her invitingly dried lips that had a tinge of paleness to themselves. Tongqiu caught this with his 'sight' as he then turned to Diana and told her: "Mn, give me."

Diana obediently lowered her head on his before checking that his treatment didn't needed any dire movement and care from her hands.

"Mbhwoo... mwah, mplop, mnn..." Exquisite sounds were heard while Miss Yona kept on cleaning the places on his body that they've already treated before, as she kept on hearing nice sounds from up above she couldn't help but look at his groin with the scent of his manliness lingering all the way to her face, only to see it raise up unexpectedly at her sight!

She grabbed, the moment she did so Tongqiu grunted, in pleasure.

Hearing this, Diana looked below Tongqiu before once again smiling while looking at the little maids and saying: "No matter what, it's difficult to satiate you after all... So you still have a chance to eat up these little delicacies that we, and they themselves, have prepared for you. Okay? Mwah, enjoy it, baby."

Afterwards, believing Tongqiu caught the meaning of her words, she went back to treat this insatiable man of hers dutifully as the perfect wife.

Miss Yona also caught up on her co-wife senior's intentions, begrudgingly letting go of Tongqiu's Awoken Dragon. She also gained another unexpected thought.

'These little maids... are they really this wet? Can't be! Let me check!' As she then extended her hands while making a blade of two fingers, towards their unplowed but ready farmland for Tongqiu to plow himself.



Though they reacted immensely, they didn't even trembled with their hands as they expertly treated Tongqiu's injuries. Eliciting hungry and devious smiles from Tongqiu from time to time, she went back to her duties of carefully cleaning Tongqiu's treated injuries after a little while, without needing Diana's glare nor Tongqiu's reminder.

'Mn, she learns fast!' After Tongqiu had that thought cross his mind, he then looked at Diana as another came to be: 'She also has a good teacher!'

It was a tiring, fatiguing night. But it wasn't over yet as they guided the little maids into intercourse with their man on their temporary not-that large bed, Miss Yona and Diana, for each of them as they became slutty kittens addicted to Tongqiu after having a little event of utter pain spread across from the expressions on their faces from the becoming of a woman to the entirety of their bodies.

With their little forested farmlands being plowed and inundated of Tongqiu's 'essence', the three of them -with the exception of Miss Yona and the tired Diana- slept naked, with one of the little maids only separating their 'union' a few hours after they all fell asleep; before the other little maid instinctively brought her own little head to Tongqiu's crotch, accidentally placing her lips right on top of Tongqiu's large mouth of his Dragon; her lips parted after a little while and after some more time they even opened up completely as her lips and tongue welcomed the little monster that was already becoming Big Dragon instead- in.




Author's Note: Wow, more than 13k words in 6 hours, my hands are gonna be sore tomorrooow~!

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