Bow and Arrow

Chapter 154: Chapter 153 — Moving Towards The Progress Value Region

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Moving Towards The Progress Value Region




"Mlp... slrp... kush, mnnn-mmphngh..." Sounds, exquisite and very well easy to 'remember' sounds came to be one after the other, making Tongqiu's ears -and body- flinch at them and the feeling that his body was taking in from his lower body.

"Uguh-... gulp, gulp, gulp... mmhh~, mshnn, mpl... slrrrp~!" After Tongqiu's body visibly became stiff and even somewhat squirmish, it then relaxed before the same sounds happened again.

This time, it was no longer only him hearing them, as Diana woke up by sitting up on the bed and looking right at Tongqiu's below where she saw a little handful of beautiful medium-short hair bobble up-down and back and forth in congruence with Tongqiu's body laying vertically.

Frowning at the fact that Tongqiu was never this 'hairy', Diana instinctively reached out to probe the handful of hair out, only to find it similar to the one she was constantly guiding down Tongqiu's crotch just a few hours ago...


Diana's little gasping sound in surprise as well as her motions woke up the little 'doll'-sleepwalker as her head stopped moving when it only had Tongqiu's Dragon Head inside her mouth. Instantly understanding what her dream had been about was the reality itself, the little maid then shrugged slightly before lowering herself all the way down again. Since it was already happening, and she was good for it as well as the fact that her flowery garden had already been too much 'tasted' by Tongqiu, the only reasonable way of resolving this hard 'matter' to attend was by gobbling it all, right?

Poor little maid didn't realize that the reason she also woke up was because of her belly getting even more fool of Tongqiu's 'essence' becoming too much inside her body.

After another 10 minutes or so, as well as conveniently ignoring then 'shlck, shlck,' sounds from behind her, the little maid once again got a fill of her newfound delicacy!

"Bwaaah, haah, haah, haah~..." She threw her little body back which was exactly at the same moment as Diana was releasing herself of tension, by mistake she even probed with her teeth one of her notable smaller -than Natalia's 'erasers' as she reached satisfaction, prompting Diana to feel like taking in these two young women as little maids was becoming quite the good idea.

"Huff, huff... haah..." Diana's gasps went over and over again as she took the exhausted little maid's back of her head with her hands, prompting her to rest her little head on Diana's chest to sleep. It wasn't that hot so it wouldn't be a problem to keep her like this, 'Mn, there is now much more for these to learn' thought Diana.

But before she could doze off, however, she hear the other little maid that had previously remained 'united' with Tongqiu's body for a few hours after falling asleep.

"Mmgh, eh, Master? Good morning~... ah? Oh, I see, okay!" Right after the sleepy, confused little maid woke up, familiar sounds resounded once again.

"Lick, lick, slrrp, shchh~... gob, gob, gob... gulp, gulp..." After some time, Diana couldn't help herself as she raised her head still pressed on the pillow only to see a now well woken up Tongqiu gaze between below at his body to the ceiling over and over again.

It was then when Diana found out his left arm was seemingly busy with something, following his gaze towards his crotch, she saw Tongqiu 'guide' with fervor the little maid that was now eating up his own Big Dragon.

'Oh dear...' After having such a thought, Diana looked at Tongqiu's face with a begrudging face, as if trying to say 'ME! When are you planning to eat, ME?!'.

As if sensing something, Tongqiu first became nervous before looking at his right only to see Diana's indignant and 'furious' eyes set on his face.

Only managing to let out a fawning grin, Tongqiu whispered more sweet nothings out to sweet up Diana once again; meanwhile, Miss Yona was slowly and blatantly making her way to help up the little maid that was currently working on his crotch...

. . .


A few dozens of meters away from the high-end hotel that Tongqiu and company reserved a big room for; in a parking lot where a black-transparent almost invisible car was being boarded by 4 figures for the passenger seats only.


"Ah, we're here... phew~ after cleaning up all that the entire night, I'm still hungry man. Those noodles and wine wasn't enough, hey boys-err, and old man, should we go to the market today? I hear there is those fish shaped fruits on the one at the south of the city! Man, I dream of those every night since..." Klent was roughly talking up his worries of eating as Tombsk remained silent while taking a glance towards the old man, the driver of this incredibly unique and 'only one in the world' kind of automobile.

Tombsk's demeanor was obviously that of a child having understood they have had just done something stupid and hurtful to their parents' job or reputation.

Meanwhile, Richard took his time to enter the car while doing his best to ignore the dead emotions from the old man who was furiously looking directly at him in silence.

Filnn, on the other hands, was trying to act as if everything was good with his all smiley face, pushing Richard slightly so that he would get into the car faster and ignoring their old master's dreadful glare which indeed helped him albeit a little only.

Richard spoke at this moment with a forced large smile on his face: "Haha, that's right, those fruits are cheap but really easily warm up one's taste buds, huh? We, we-w-we should go get some... we'll be... around for a few da-"

At this moment, Richard was then interrupted by the leader figure of their team, long haired elegant Tombsk, in an almost inaudible low voice: "Shut up."

Everyone in the car, even the old man, were easily capable of hearing that out perfectly. Yet, Richard for some motive made it look as if he didn't, hoping that Tombsk's words would become instead a supportive role to get him out of the situation instead by also another unknown reason.

"Wh-what was that? HAHA, erm, should we do it now that is morning? I-"

"Just. Shut up..." Tombsk used the same tone and volume on his voice as he spoke again.

"Eh? What was it? Senior, I'm sorry, I didn't hear corr-"

"HE'S TELLING YOU TO SHUT. THE FUCK. UP!!!" This time, it was the old man's turn to explain it to Richard, his roaring made so that Richard's corner of his eyes and ears started trembled for a few seconds before stabilizing, only to have blood stream down from them right after.

The sight of his old master's entire head becoming distorted and twisted at the moment of roaring out at him was much more impactful than the screaming itself, even when it was the screaming the one that truly hurt him. Richard then sat down without a word, maintaining the height of his eyes lower than that of to the shoulders.

After some time passed once the five of them were seated inside the car, with Filnn taking the co-driver's seat after getting a glare from the old man; the old driver finally spoke towards everyone: "You'll go back with this resignation letter, it is the best that could be done for a double traitorous team like yours. Find your own new shit to do, don't even bother contacting Miss Yun, or I'll terminate you myself..."

Silence took dominance once again as the old man visibly lowered his shoulders entirely at the end of his words.

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Maybe 10, 15 or 20, maybe even an entire hour later, did he finally spoke again and for the last time before driving off: "You all have totally disappointed me, and you deserve this path; you followed blindly those that did not treat you like their own, and now you find yourselves taken in the limbo of never-ever finding a new Master again. Who would ever want scum like yourselves; Tombsk, I still respect your decision of taking all of your team's members into consideration, but your neutrality here was the true sinner of it all. You knew very well what the code was, the code! Klent, you disappoint me the most in regards to being the other Senior member of this team. Filnn, you have a good heart but are also too biased, shake off that tribalism off your head or you'll end up losing it... Richard."

Every single member of the team started having a hard time taking in all of these 'farewell' words from their old man, their old and aged master. While Tombsk already started crying only a few tears of pain from the heart; Klent remained silent with a stern glint in his eyes yet his entire expression had already gone blank. Filnn blushed slightly while his fists started to create holes in his palms in shame.

But Richard; the moment his name was heard, 'Richard', the old man had no further desire to continue. Pain in the old man's voice was the most visible and impossible to find, none of them wanted to hear the old man's next words; similarly, the old man didn't wanted to continue. But a forgiven dog will never become an intelligent one, conforming itself to be a pet for the rest of their lives, so he spoke again, unwillingly.

"You. Take off the team for a while; spend time doing solo-missions even if they are categorized as with a team needed. Only take and realize them for the poor and use 80% of your gains to donate it to the charities; you are seemingly lacking in too much for your mentality, experience and heart. This will make good use of you, or allow you to rather sooner than later, let you end up like the rabid loyal pet dog that you are as a corpse on any random street. Of course, hengh, you could always keep doing whatever the fuck such a rabid dog likes doing and obey whomever gives you food from their hands. Even if they are covered by a thick fabric in which you can only think of endless praises in your heart." With that, the old man put both hands on the wheel as he no longer spoke, driving off towards the south.


. . .


"Well, how is it? Read it!" Diana's voice resounded as she applied new treatment on Tongqiu's body over and over again, never losing a single decimal point in negligence; to the side, the little maids were moving up and down, left and right as they followed every single one of Diana's instructions as Diana herself turned her head to speak at Tongqiu in a hurried manner.

'Oh well, alright~!' Thinking that there must be a really good reason for her to be so acute and in good humor, Tongqiu then flipped the piece of paper in his hands a couple of times as it opened up to be a letter, it said:

'Dear Little Diana, we were informed by your dear Masters of what happened while they foolishly slept! How there were many of our Tarn Clan that ended ganging up against your poor little husband, we have already set plans in motions to behead these traitors at once, and in the span of a week to ten days you'll receive clear, perfect news on the matter directly to your Peaceful Rain Villa. As for those uncles of yours, haish, we'll force them to give up on the claim of the All-Mending Misery, okay? As your parents, is the least we could do! We are so terrible sorry of this, now we understand how foolish we were in accepting on taking this little job that suddenly became troublesome when we arrived. Well, enough of our side. How are you? Are you well? Do you still take proper care of your body? Are you... PREGNANT already? Hehe, I know you always talk of never finding someone, but now that not only our Little Natalia but even you have not only found someone but even share the same man... who do you pair of devils think you can fool?! In any case, when you do get pregnant, remember to bring it to the Crestfallen Industry after some time to analyze his or her blood. Yun Beishang is, after all, still a mystery for those in the known of New Earth. It is never wrong to take precautions and extra cares here and there, okay? Take care, our darling. We love you both dearly.'

Mom and Dad.


'Oh...' Becoming speechless, even inside his mind, Tongqiu turned to look at Diana directly left, right, up and down as she wouldn't stop moving herself all over and around.

Noticing his gaze, Diana looked down back at him as she couldn't help but chuckle in joy and out of nowhere as little tears formed at the corner of her eyes as she then spoke in a voice that appeared to be as if she had a knot full of emotions stuck in the middle of her throat: "Isn't it nice? It arrived along with the box, it was right on top and clear to see, I read it while completely while I was still in the middle of straightening my back from picking it up."

Listening to her words not going to make any sense any sooner, Tongqiu grazed at her arms tenderly with his hands, his glassy-broken eyes looking at her serenely for a while before his eyes turned doting-like as a smile formed at his lips inadvertently.

Eliciting an equally beautiful smile from Diana's sweet and inviting lips, they then continued with the treatment; the little maids and Diana treating him, while Tongqiu remained as still as a tree trunk. In the meanwhile, Miss Yona was furiously concentrated on her laptop, her Insoma as well as in the papers at hand as she kept on working for the sake of Tongqiu, her, and her future co-wifeys.

. . .


As for the box that came with the letter, it consisted of high-end all types of medicine, medicament and even some technology stuff to help Tongqiu heal up.

Tongqiu had obviously already know that the Tarn Clan, or at least part of it, was involved in such puny attempt at assassination. He chose to not speak of it directly but that letter made it both easier and harder for him to explain it to Diana.

In any case, after a few days of extensive and well performed treatment, Tongqiu's body recuperated enough so that he would be admitted into a Baby Mother Bird with ease. Tired and slightly sleepy, Diana and the little maids had their good damn time to sleep for another two days after Tongqiu healed -more or less fine-.

It was only on their seventh day that they finally started to pack their bags to leave for a flight on the evening, Tongqiu had been farming mats of all kinds as well as travelling with his sweet Little Zyv and Rosey all this time for a damn long distance. The borrowed horses weren't some magical, unique nor incredible beings that were raised by some random peasant in a village; they were, however, in a magical world. And a magical, gaming world, to boot.

So, besides the fact that a borrowed horse increased the player's Movement Speed by a certain 20% to 35%, they also had their own distance covering of their own. For an example, these horses could go at most, 850 km per day. If that wasn't way too amazing even for a 'normal' or rather, a 'common' borrowed horse, then the fact that it could be satiated back to full energy with only one Valuable Food item made it even more amazingly convenient for them as they traveled.

Even then though, the distance from a village or town located quite close to the Regional borders that are who know how fucking damn far away from the 'nearest' Sub-Division; towards their desired location was still that of a long, long journey for the two immoral pair of lovebirds.

During these four days, when Tongqiu logged in once again at Rising Essence, in his White Space. A slightly worried and downcast Zyv was looking down most of the time while only raising her little head to answer back to her 'Big Sisters' -except for Tornyllia- in a polite manner.

Seeing this made Tongqiu baffled but he nonetheless ignored as he attracted her attention a few instants later after he logged in; her sense of smell was a bit too scary sometimes.

As she lunged herself at his arms in a tight embrace, she teasingly and annoyingly started licking on his face in an obviously furious manner as if an act of punishment. Only stopping out of nowhere as her body stiffened... right after feeling Tongqiu's finger probe her fairy-like garden down there.

At that time, Tongqiu thought that her training was being fully developed how it should and became really happy of it!

Later on, after having spending some extra time with his women -properly, since Zyv was still there and also waiting-, Tongqiu and Zyv went back to their boring, long as fuck journey towards such monument.

Like that, the rest of the four days in the capital of the All-Healing Region, the Care and Worry City; were spent. All the while he gave good full body -no, really, full- massages to the two hardworking little maids and the other two hardworking women of his in return for their oh so caring treatment on him.

That day, they all boarded a Baby Mother Bird Aircraft together and once again having the entire 'vip' section for themselves for two days, that was all it took to move from the All-Healing Region in the central-South of New Earth to the Progress Value Region in the central-East of New Earth.

As soon as they arrived at the airport of the Region's capital, the Ancient Investor City's airport, they could see through the portholes that a modest yet extremely eye-catching group of people were waiting outside of the Baby Mother Bird Aircraft.

There wasn't much people, except for the fact that that wasn't what was being talked about, but rather the three in front of the eye-catching group; there were even excited murmurs along the airplane which Tongqiu easily took in with his senses.

"Wow, that can't be. How come the Head of the Jones Clan, the Young Miss and even the Clan Head's student are here?!"



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