Bow and Arrow

Chapter 155: Chapter 154 — First Ever Meeting With The Jones Clan

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First Ever Meeting With The Jones Clan




'Hmm, what a great work Miss Yona!' Tongqiu thought for less than an instant, but still made some time faking a deep pondering expression and reaction before glancing towards Miss Yona with an approving glance which she caught, as she was already intensely waiting for Tongqiu's reaction.

Just like how Diana didn't wanted to have a video call with her parents, adoptive parents; and they also knew of it, hence why they sent a letter with all the important things being put in, she also instructed the oh-so-eager-to-meet-them Jones Clan to do so with less people than usual as Tongqiu wouldn't appreciate it otherwise.

Seeing how her efforts weren't for nothing and that she was instead heard, Miss Yona didn't know if she was gladdened at helping make deals with such great type of people such as the Founding Clan's leaders or if it was because of the fact that she finally found decent people that took her job as supposed to.

In any case, she never stopped worrying about Tongqiu himself more than their future, for as he was still grievously injured with his hands previously maimed; almost into a totally crippled state.

But after seeing not only the effect of the All-Mending Misery's god-like stage, but Diana's and Tongqiu's new little maids efforts as well as the grand result from their care; she felt like she herself must be doing the very best of herself to not fail Tongqiu's expectations.

So what if she must talk face to face towards this world leaders from having merely talked with ordinary business people before? So what if she had to sweat it off and change deals and offers with them valiantly and with all of her brain juice? It was mandatory seeing how much trust and confidence Tongqiu had in her; she wasn't the best and she knew it, so she had to do the best of herself and improve while at doing so.

Besides, this was barely the beginning; for a woman who always desired to become acquainted with important people, bringing new deals and offers to the table, to make impact after impact in the world of business... Suddenly desiring to follow a man's unknown aspirations, but this time with a clear goal rather than just 'being acknowledged, respected and renown through the entire world', and it basically involving her future way of life as well.

To her, such a change was the savior of her future, what she needed the most. Such an unclear path and unclear motives would've easily have done wrong to any person of a good nature. Turning them into monsters or just losing themselves wasn't unheard of; though it was heard, known, that people in that position often -basically always- need people to bring them down to the ground. To keep them sane and maintain their sanity, their common sense, afloat.

Without those people, many would've lose it; lose their heads, lose their meaning of life, of living...

If anything, put in another words, Tongqiu grabbed her by the waist in the moment that she most needed it.

For a woman of her age, in her prime before entering the middle ages of her life and for someone who may get the chance to obtain a serum to extend her lifespan up to 150 to 250 years old. Weak to stress and worry of the future, she got both; her partner of life and a job authentic for her capabilities and potential to be fully utilized at the same time.

Suddenly, Miss Yona was taken off-guard as she felt an arm gently grab at her waist. She immediately became weak as even her legs turned jelly for a moment there, falling into his left shoulder as she already knew it was Tongqiu's touch, as it was the only possibility from feeling the same warmth and familiarity of an arm alone that would ever make her feel so feeble at once.

Once Tongqiu felt Miss Yona's head drop heavily on his shoulder, besides feeling an accidental inviting sensation on his shoulder, he also became warm inside as he gave the top of her head some nuzzles with his right cheek and side of his neck.

Diana took the lead with the little maids in the middle and the lovebirds at the back as they exited the Baby Mother Bird Aircraft.

Just like before, they were the first to come out of the airplane while the rest of the passengers were still being instructed by the flight attendants.

Upon making new contact with the ground, they also heard the hearty shouting voice of a young-looking man in the distance.

"Hey, hello there~! Was your flight up to your standards? Heh heh, I hope so, otherwise you may not like a certain surprise in the future!"

Looking up at the person who had his hands hands around his mouth while shouting, the five realized that he was one of the three that were in front of the modest amount of people from before. Looking even further, it seemed that he was walking towards them with the other two from before walking a meter behind him in clear respect.

'Hm? Could it be the-' Tongqiu's thoughts were interrupted by Miss Yona's hushed and lovable voice: "Beishang, these are the most outstanding member of the Jones Clan. Namely the Clan Head, Jones Clem at 78 years old, reputedly known for his great enthusiasm in meeting young geniuses, one of the clear examples is his current one and only student that is to his left behind him. The Jones Clan's Young Miss, Jones Reta, 17 years old. She is known as the genius of the Jones Clan with even more potential than the current Head Clan as well as reputed for being her niece, she's a great beauty!"

Jones Clem looked youthful, had blue hair and green eyes. A quick evaluation by Tongqiu would be as, that he was an okay dude. As for the 'great beauty' Jones Reta, she was indeed, as mentioned a great little beauty. She had blue hair color and eyes, while she looked childish she also seemed to contain great knowledge from the way her eyes looked like. She would constantly look towards her left where that so-called 'one and only' student of the Clan Head of the Jones Clan could be seen walking with a pondering expression, as if absorbed in his own studies or maybe in just thoughts.

"Then, that one is his student, as I've already told you. His name is Fass, but for some reason he didn't think of adopting the surname 'Jones'. In any case, he's 21 years old, even younger than you Beishang! And, if we go by the Young Miss's words of the Jones Clan herself; he is a genial, manly man yet overfocused at his own work, barely having any time for fun. Eh, I don't know, in any case; this Head of the Jones Clan may very well intend to either 'present' this little beauty to you or simply want the youngest generation of his clan to be acquainted with a figure such as yourself." Finishing speaking all that, Miss Yona gasped slightly as she tracked back a little while massaging her temples with a frown.

She not only had information of the Jones Clan in her brain, she had that of all the Founding Clans as well as the Crestfallen Clan and even the Crestfallen Industry!

Of course she would be slightly bothered by it, having never experienced such a need of information to be handled to her and by her alone before, it made her feel more mentally exhausted than the rest and even Tongqiu.

Without caring for the image of a boss, nor the fact that she was his secretary and assistant so as to speak, Tongqiu went back for her. This time with his arm behind her back to hold her right shoulder and his left hand taking her left wrist before moving it up to intertwine hands with her left hand.

He then moved with her back towards their formation of five in a slower yet careful manner.

"Oh, you must be the young Yun Beishang, I-" Jones Clem spoke casually with his powerful yet easy going voice towards Tongqiu, before being interrupted by the latter.

"Sir, I'm sorry but I'll be needing some silence to take care of... my wife, we can speak of business tomorrow, how about that?" Deciding to not use 'assistant' and 'secretary'; not because of shame nor out of affection only, but because it wasn't business time. It was also because of the fact that Yona wasn't feeling well enough nor in conditions to help Tongqiu up in making the deal successful.

Tongqiu, was basically caring for her well-being so as to not push her and keep her healthy, rather than for the sake of making money.

Jones Clem was taken aback, he even had thoughts such as 'Well, isn't she supposed to be your assistant?' and 'Well, at least you care for her, how good is to be so young!'. He did not give it a hard thought as he responded with an immediate nod before saying: "Oh, so it was like that. No worries, I understand, my late wife would pretty much be smiling right now, heh heh. Come one Little Reta, bring Miss..."

"Miss Yona." Tongqiu helped out the okay dude as he mentioned the way to address her.

Nodding once again in an immediate fashion, James Clem then spoke out again: "Oh! Of course, Little Reta! Bring Miss Yona some fruit juice, also, you'll have to travel on your Senior Apprentice Brother's lap in the co-driver's seat for this ride. Sorry darling, I know is shameful and embarrassing for you, but guests are guests."

Contrary to his own expectations of her little niece making disgusting expressions reacting to his words, 'Little Reta' slightly jolted while drinking a smoothie on her left hand before quickly passing it down her throat before saying in a sweet voice: "Ooh! No, uncle, it's alright. I know the importance of having guests myself. Ey! Fass~! Wake the damn up, you silly bookworm, did you hear uncle's words or not?!"

At the last few words of her answer, seeing that Fass wasn't having any reaction as he was still pondering over who the fuck knows what, Jones Reta opted to speak of his dear respected teacher and master. Sure enough, once the words 'uncle's words' came out from her little mouth, Fass reacted right away with an even greater jolt before turning his head to look at the 7 of them before speaking in a genial tone: "Of course, miss Reta! I will never question teacher's instructions. Want my left thigh or my right thigh?"

It was an absurd reaction for sure, but his teacher did not seem to care as he actually turned around after giving an amiable nod at Tongqiu and company before heading towards a normal-sized luxurious car.

At the same time, Jones Reta seemed to murmur rather loudly in response to Fass's absurd words: "Hm, what about the middle of it all? All smooth and bounce-able at the same time, how you'd think about that ah?"

While her uncle visibly jolted to a stop for a moment there, he then simply continued to walk forwards as if he didn't hear anything at all. Tongqiu saw this and immediately grew conscious of this Founding Clan's peculiarities right away, snorting with his mouth in slightly cheerful manner, he brought his 'wife' forwards as well.

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Diana was tenderly looking at her man be a considerate cheating fuck with morals now, it was an absurd train of thought, but the veracity of the situation was warm nonetheless. She brought the little maids by holding their hands with hers before also moving forwards in the same pace as Tongqiu and Yona.

. . .


After almost 2 hours of going by car, the 8 of them finally arrived at the entrance of the Jones Clan's territory.


Unlike the Tarn Clan, the Jones had a shorter wall yet it was 15 meters thick, as for the material used to build it... probably even more outstanding than the one used in the Tarn Clan. Hell, Tongqiu even began to believe that it was even better than the one at the Yun's.

Of course, it wasn't shorter just for show nor arrogance, as it had an energy-like shield on top of it that covered instead the entirety of the Jones Clan's territory. It first went up in the air for approximately 500 meters before encompassing the entirety of the aerial area above the Jones Clan's residence in a dome that wasn't visible unless one was right before the Jones Clan's territory entrance. Like they were now.

According to Tongqiu's 'calculations' of course, information which he casually gave to all his women without a care of being heard by the Clan Head himself.

Whether intentionally or not, those words and show of knowledge made the Clan Head, Jones Clem, become interested, intrigued and even a little respectful of Tongqiu.

There was this slightly... absurdity, while they traveled by car.

Basically, Fass was making gasping noises over and over again, while Young Miss Jones Reta herself was dancing along with some songs from the car's radio. She wasn't being careful in the slightest, it was as if she was saying 'I obviously don't give a fuck'.

There was even more than a couple of times when she mentioned almost out loud: 'Wow! It became so hard and long! Way to go!'.

Towards this, the okay dude uncle remained impassive as he even had some subconscious grins form at his lips and helplessly shook his head every now and then. It was vulgar, how they behaved, Tongqiu took a note to his mind that this Fass fella was hella horny with this Reta.

Meanwhile, the little maids would subconsciously directly look at Tongqiu instead; with Miss Yona dozed off on his shoulders with their hands still intertwined and one of her legs even resting above his thigh. Diana remained composed and a little cold, maybe she was being influenced by Tongqiu's ways when dealing with 'outsiders'. This strangely made Tongqiu feel proud in some ways as well.

Finally, before their ride ended, Tongqiu made a mental note to only 'play' when he was not being seen. He had never tried before, but seeing it alone made him despise such actions, as if it was simply unlike him to do.

In any case, once they arrived at the Jones Clan's territory entrance, they didn't even needed to wait for a second before it opened up its metallic and highly advanced technology gates in a matter of seconds unlike those at the Tarn Clan's.

Tongqiu had Miss Yona in his arms, carrying her princess style with her head deep in his trapezius as the five of them entered an specialized car for interiors while the other three took another. Strangely, when gazing back at them, they surprisingly saw Jones Reta bounce up and down slightly on Fass's lap as he had a deeply troubled face, as stiff and sweaty as it could get.

It was alright, perhaps? They still had their lower garments on and Miss Reta wasn't wearing a skirt so... it was probably their horniness acting up.

After 10 minutes or so, they arrived at what was a luxurious, 'natural' residence that spanned for over a total of 400 meters square. There was an obvious light gate made of wood, while the buildings of the residence were all connected and even shared the same material that they were made from!

The material from this residence was similar to ironbark timber, except for the difference in its color being much opaque and deeper in an orange-brownish take. It was also either very smooth or simply without flaws.

"Well, I have something to say." Once they were all in front of such a residence, the 8 of them stopped to take a good look with the pair of horny fucks ruffling their clothes a little to keep them orderly to the side; then Jones Clem's voice was heard as he turned to look at Tongqiu afterwards before continuing: "Mr Yun Beishang, I've come to understand you were a victim of an assassination attempt. I gave it a little thought and took the liberty of asking your wife of the possible other associates that you were speaking of to the Tarn Clan before, uhm... I hope it is not a bother, but I... invited the Fosk Clan and the Flick Clan to come to my Jones Clan's territory to speak of business about the All-Mending Misery unguent/ointment...?"

"Ahem, I wonder if that is okay with you? I'll receive a response in a few days, now, if you look at this residence. It was constructed a year ago... but my dear little wife ended up deciding to pave the path of the dead souls for when it is my time." At this moment, the young-looking 78 years old Clan Head of the Jones Clan's became despondent, bitter... while his eyes turned gentler and tender while looking at the residential area ahead of him. Memories and feelings as well as emotions flashing through them with obviousness so many times in such a short time.


Tongqiu visibly gasped with his chest heaving up abruptly, his senses made him almost become as hurt yet hopeful as Mr Jones Clem was. Such intensity and powerful show of a being, he had only seen it before in Rosey as well as Katia; Natalia only slightly grew closer than that, only stopping getting closer to such intensity as she spent more and more time with him.

He then felt a hand softly placed atop his left shoulder from where Miss Yona's head was resting, in comfort; looking at his left behind himself, he saw Diana's large smile tear up a little before glancing once towards the Jones Clan's Clan Head meaningfully before stepping away once to once again reach for the little maids' hands.

As if understanding something, Tongqiu made a face while pondering for a second or two before asking out loud towards the lost in a trance young-looking man: "Sir, did she by any chance... left you after giving birth?"

Jones Clem didn't answer for a while, but Tongqiu could see that he became stiff for a good time before finally turning his head a little. His eyes were slightly moistened as he spoke in a broken voice.

"Ye-e-heah... Two lovely twins, a boy and a girl." At this moment, he closed his lips before shaking his head self-deprecatingly before adding: "I don't know why I'm saying it, so easily like that, ha... They were, they were born very ill. I can't even be with them, they are needed to be taken care diligently by 24/7 since birth. I haven't even named them, oh..."

With his last few words choked to a matchless sorrow, Jones Clem spoke them forcefully before quickly turning around to hide.

"Sigh... Sir, take me as a devil or a monster, but if you were to agree to whatever we want from you, in exchange of possibly curing your children... would you accept?"

A devil's word? A monster's desire or... an unreasonable and absurd success of events?

Tongqiu's words fell like hammers against the widower man whose eyes turned bloodshot at once, transpiring and in heavy, quick breathes before abruptly jolting back into a befuddled state. His eyes regaining composure as he turned his entire body around hopeful, his words also echoed brokenly from the depths of his heart.

"Is it real?"




Author's Note: So, I already have another batch of 10 chapters ready to be released. But there's two things going on; first, I'm moving out soon and don't really know when so I'm basically waiting to know when will it happen, it won't be an easy time for me. Second, where I currently live has the great possibility of the streets and even my front yard being inundated by filthy water. So, I'm either going to take 1-2 days without releasing a chapter at some point at the very best, while there could also be days with the power off; forcefully. Meaning, delayed release of chapters. In any case, I'm saying this just in case. It may not be troublesome at all and I'm still writing two chapters per day at the very least.

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