Bow and Arrow

Chapter 234: Chapter 233 — Sacred Beast Protector, Azure Dragon (1)

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Sacred Beast Protector, Azure Dragon (1)




"Oh, here they are. Come on, stop playing around you naughty girl." Yun Beishang softly tugged at the little dancing Rosey who was twisting her waist towards the left and right and pulling on his arms as she moved, their hands were grasping one another so any time the little girl moved, Yun Beishang's shoulders went in and out as well.

"Brr, brrrr brrrr." Coquettish, the little girl such as Rosey let go of Yun Beishang's hands and made a ever so cute hope at his right thigh, successfully landing on his lap and shutting the 'old man' up. To which, Yun Beishang merely rolled his eyes and looked towards the incoming Owner and Madam Owner carrying three trays each full of brand new, just baked bread with either flower designs or shapes.

"Ohohoh, this cute little girl, is she yours or is she-" The Madam Owner smiled at them both as she and her husband grew closer to Yun Beishang and Rosey, they could hear them playing from outside the kitchen and even while in the backroom so now the Madam Owner was practically all smiles and intrigued.

"Bwaka-cough! No, no, no- oh no. She's my adopted little sister, I rescued her long ago from the hands of some bad people." Responding abruptly to the inquiring while Rosey acted silly, Yun Beishang then took a look to all of the bread on the trays and then passed them to Rosey, who in return looked at them like they were godly treasures before putting them in who-knows-where as; once again, her pet space was completely empty still.

"Oh..." Yun Beishang looked at Rosey who had already taken the products without paying before turning to look at the owners and asked. "Sorry about that, yeah... so, how much would it be?"

The owners, at first, didn't wanted to charge him a single bit. But, seeing Yun Beishang's eyes that clearly spoke that he wasn't going to take them without paying; made the Madam Owner silent as her husband nodded towards Yun Beishang and then answered him all the same. "That'll be 12 gold coins. Usually, each piece of bread is not even worth a gold coin but, since there were quite a few dozens of them, well, heh heh."

"Oh, I understand, here you go. Thanks, now..." Yun Beishang slowly took out 12 gold coins from his Master's Bag as he listened to the Owner's explanation, then, he spoke his thanks in return before starting to get on to what was really important. "...have you heard of the Sacred Beast Protector, the Azure Dragon? I, well, I was entrusted by the 'city lord' to find the Azure Dragon and to check its current state as it has been some time since the last time contact was made with it. I'm not asking you whether or not do you know where I can find him, exactly because, I already know where I can find him."

The shop owners looked first curious then confused at Yun Beishang, but then, they became serious and even respectful as they heard him speak furthermore. By the time the owners heard him speak his last few words, they were both incredulous and excited. The Azure Dragon! Their cherished, worshiped and venerated Sacred Protector, and one of the only Sacred Beast Protectors of Main Kingdom at that! How could they not shocked silly and then elevated high up in the sky when hearing of it? Hence, they became profusingly interested in the subject and were even ready to create an Azure Dragon-sized gigantic bread for the sake of aiding Yun Beishang, as the Owner said. "Well then, please tell us! You came here for a reason, I-eeh-ah-eh... I suppose... you needed our help?! What can we do for you? Tell us, quick!"

Blinking and inadvertently smiling slightly in helplessness, Yun Beishang then raised his hands and signaled the owners to calm down before responding. "Alright, alright. The other day, I found out that the entrance for this place in which I should be able to find the Azure Dragon, was located exactly below your shop. Tell me, is there an underground facility, like a basement, shelter or storage?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Here, oh, quickly! We'll guide you down there, dear, could you please close the shop? This is important!"

"Oh-ah? Oh, yes! Of course! Oh my, let me quickly go there and change the sign, oh boy..." As the owners became overly excited, Yun Beishang could already 'feel' that in their heads, the plans to order lots of ingredients for a massive product was emerging in both of their heads. He didn't say anything as he simply followed the Owner towards whatever was under and as the flustered Madam Owner quickly went over to the entrance to change their sign from 'OPEN' to 'NOT OPEN'.

"Brrr..." Rosey muttered in a hushed manner, perplexed at the act of these two civilians because of a simple 'worm' in her dictionary, as she obediently followed right after her big brother with her left little hand grabbing at his Petals of Destruction Suit Slacks.

. . .


A certain bread shop, right below the building where an old an abandoned storage was the only thing visible for those who came from above to take a look. Namely now, the Owner and Yun Beishang and Rosey.


"This is it! It's really old so we don't really come down here so often, we also have enough storage upstairs since our shop and our business is rather small, hahaha. Oh, hmm. When we bought it, I do remember hearing some stories of unknown cold and creepiness from the agent, but since we weren't going to live below the building like animals, we didn't care and bought the place anyway."

The Owner spoke as soon as he finished giving Yun Beishang and Rosey a tour around the old storage, however, right after he didn't let Yun Beishang speak for himself as he ended the conversation instead with another few words. "Ah, I'll let you to work then, Young Hero Tongqiu. I assume that you won't be available for the rest of the time should this place be the one you're searching for, so I'll leave you to it. Oh and don't worry about your other wives, we already sent an errand boy to pass them a message from where our little darlings currently live at, hahaha! You just do you, let us worry about any troublesome matters to the old us alone, okay? Hahaha..."

Yun Beishang watched the Owner leave the old storage as he went upstairs while talking out loud, dust and dirt flew around with the sound of his voice alone as it slowly drifted away completely.

"Hmph~. Oh well." Turning around from the stairs, Yun Beishang slowly began to once again scan around everywhere before telling Rosey to go back into hiding either in the suit, her own unique space or back inside the White Space via Mental Power. After all, if this was something like the Mysterious Hidden Undergrounds then he didn't wanted to test out whether he could bring someone else along with him or not, for as he if found the real place he didn't wanted to fight alone the Sacred Beast Protector of an entire Sub-Division. That was totally something to fear, man.

Yun Beishang closed his eyes once Rosey went back to who-knows-where, his entire being became empty of thought as he first ruled out the sounds from the surroundings. He was then able to hear and feel each iota of his blood running through his body before filling countless tickling sensations through once again all of his body. Finally, after some minutes of this unique kind of meditation, Yun Beishang could see the ever more abundant and bigger transparent-dark globes inside his body, or that consisted of his body.

At the moment he could once again, and this time by choice and by will, his transparent-dark globes; Yun Beishang began feeling that same calling sensation from before but this time without holding the Azure Key. Then, Yun Beishang took out that same very Azure Key as his head was already turned to a certain spot in the old basement as he was also already walking towards it. As he did, a noiseless growing light that was as pure as the sky began to extend from the spot that Yun Beishang was moving towards to.

It was the lower part of a wall behind a few small-sized wooden boxes whose wood itself was already murky, rotten. With the Azure Key in his right hand and his eyes still closed, Yun Beishang could perfectly see that pure-sky-colored glow grow immensely as he removed the rotten wooden boxes from his sight.

"Here... open!" Plunging his right hand with the Azure Key towards the pure-sky-colored immense glow, Yun Beishang 'saw' his body begin to be absorbed into the whatever he used the key with; and his sight went fully blue. As if he had lost consciousness but at the same time not and has only become entranced by the 'experience' of being gobbled down by the unknown.

. . .


At the same time that Yun Beishang was finally on his journey towards finding the Sacred Underground of the Azure Dragon; above the old storage inside the bread shop. The two owners that had already sent off a client that was to deliver them tons of preparation for an 'Azure Dragon-sized' piece of art of bread, received a few more 'customers' as they constantly glanced at each other with large, wide smiles full of excitement.

Ding, ding.

"Oh! Please come in, what do you wish-" The Owner became energized when hearing the doorbell go off, he let the  paperwork in his hands on the table before hurrying to the entrance, forgetting that the owner was his and that he should wait for clients at the reception desk instead. But then, as he lifted his head from uncontrollably smiling, he saw the numerous somber-looking guards look back at him with clear, big, wide and almost-emotionless eyes.

"What...? What is going on- AAH, what the hell do you think you are doing?! Get out! Get out of here, you malicious pricks!" The Owner soon found himself pulled by the arm, and strongly, towards the guard leading the others. And as his body inevitably was sent almost like a cannonball towards the leading guard, he ended up in a lock at his neck, not allowing him to scream clearly any longer.

Coming out from the kitchen behind the reception desk, the Madam Owner wanted to see what was going on, was it a few more crazed 'Journeyers' or something? But then, her eyes went wide as her heart almost stopped at the sight of her husband being almost brutalized by the protectors of the citizens of the Azure Dragon Main City.

"What... dear? What is, what's happened?!" Her voice went up a few tones as it was almost screeching, when suddenly, the Owner's eyes went vacant and wide at the same time. "RUN, get away from here, GO AWAY!"

Her husband tried to warn her but, at that exact moment, both her arms were pulled backwards as a few tightly black-clothed figures detained her at once; and with strength.

Not being able to speak from the shock, the Madam Owner simply looked at the agile figure beside her that kept both her arms painfully twisted to her back as that figure actually removed the mask from its face. "Hey, are these the targets? Doesn't look like much, may be an error from your 'city lord', even though they're your own people."

A beautiful female with orange long hair spoke towards the leading guard holding the Owner of the shop while still looking at the Madam Owner. The leading guard became slightly annoyed at the orange-haired beautiful woman as he decided to ignore it and continue with his mission. "Enough wasting time, you Owner, where is Tongqiu? SPEAK!!"

Being barked at so strongly by an extremely powerful human, the most ordinary Owner became stunned before his pupils constricted. "I... don't know."

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"Egh, your turn." The leading guard mentioned to the orange-haired beautiful woman before hitting the Owner with a punch from behind.

"Heh~, alright." The orange-haired woman responded as she smiled towards the Madam Owner and then she acted by twisting backwards the Madam Owner's arms and pulling her hair. "There, you see what happens? Talk or die, as simple as that. You don't talk? Die after being tortured. You talk? Nobody suffers~."

"AAAAGGH- slutty bitch!" However, all that the orange-haired woman received was a curling scream and a pair of insults to the face with some saliva getting onto it as well.

Provoked, the orange-haired woman placed her right foot in front of the Madam Owner's as she then...


...sent the Madam Owner's body straight to the ground. Picked her by the hair alone and dragged her through the floor towards the exit in an angle and with a force that made it so that she would have to constantly go look for more hair to pull from, as it would constantly break off from the Madam Owner's head. "Grandmas are the worst, gotta but a couple of steel into her tummy until I feel complacent, hmph. We're moving! They won't talk either way."

Seeing this scene, the Owner was already tearing down with extreme pain as his neck no longer felt painful no more. On the other hand, the leading guard lifted his eyebrows before pursing his lips and shrugging his shoulders. Then proceeding to do exactly the same with the Owner's body, except that the leading guard was pulling it across the floor by grabbing at the Owner's legs.

"Everyone, back to the rendezvous point, nothing else to do here. Hmph."

Shortly after, the 'customers' finally left the bread shop as no one made a stop to their advances towards... a building, a whole sector; in flames.







Whistle~... THUD!!


"UGGGHH..." Yun Beishang exclaimed painfully after firstly doing so softly, he stood up slowly with a few of his limbs still feeling numb. His thoughts were pretty simple as he once again witnessed and experienced a familiar scene. 'Teleportations... I swear I'm gonna die one day from simply tele-fucking-porting around.'

Springing to his feet, Yun Beishang looked at his HP of 37,345/52,900, before feeling a bit befuddled and annoyed. Indeed, he would one day die from teleporting alone. Not needing a big BOSS nor a plethora of enemies, just one trip was enough.



Inhaling and exhaling with character, Yun Beishang then rubbed his eyes with the intention to see clearly once again as he had some dirt and blood in his eyes.

It was to be expected, after all, from a place that he could not recognize nor feel familiar about, suddenly appearing in the middle of the air in that place and having his body be sent like a meteor towards the ground. The only reason why the sound of his body traveling at such speeds wasn't capable of cutting space was because it was only in midair for about a single second. Otherwise, should it be 3 or more seconds, the entire surroundings would've been all chaotic and deafening by the sound of his body about to be smacked down prettily.

'Okay, what is this?' Looking all around him, Yun Beishang found himself trapped inside a hugecolossal and wide cave. Everything, the floor, walls and the ceiling were of the same misty-black color and their durability was something to fear of, as Yun Beishang's fall didn't even left a scratch. Even though he himself understood what kind of power and damage could damage him for 15,555 at once. It was, sincerely, quite a scary train of thought.

'Seems fitting since... this is one of the places where a so-called Sacred Protector of an entire Sub-Division resides within. It could only be this strong to maintain it, but... why is there no light?' Indeed, though Yun Beishang could perfectly see all around him and even a few hundreds of meters beyond his current position, it did not meant that there was light as he was already using his incredibly vast Mental Power by instinct to scan his surroundings.

At that moment...


Tshin! incredibly strong and vast current of air seemingly went through the entire cave in which Yun Beishang was currently trapped. Right before an almost-blinding white glow came out from above Yun Beishang's head and materialized into a wide-eyed and confused Tornyllia.

"Stan beside me, do not move any further in and always listen to me." Immediately after feeling the strong gush of wind assault everywhere around the cave and not just his own body, Yun Beishang then commanded to Tornyllia as she amply woke up to his voice. Nodding and following his instructions, Tornyllia quietly stood right behind Yun Beishang with her breasts teasing his back unknowingly as she closed in on his ear and whispered. "Yun Beishang, I think there's someth-... no! Someone! Someone... Someone is calling me!!"

Tornyllia suddenly began screaming at her realization and understanding of her situation, indeed, as Yun Beishang wouldn't think that she suddenly wanted to take out a ride when he had already told everyone the danger of this mission.

"W-... What do you mean?" Yun Beishang was about to order her to calm down, and simply return back into the White Space but then, he suddenly took into account the 'Enigmatic Bright Future' Special Main Story Quest. As such, his voice turned inquiring and his eyebrows furrowed intensely.

"There is... a strong beating of my heart right now! No wait... it's, it's my entire body! I... uh, I feel, ugh..." In pain, Tornyllia first placed her right hand on her left chest with an amazed and wonderful expression when she then abruptly began to tremble all over as her body began to pale down in comparison to before. At the same time, Yun Beishang saw an ever growing colorless mist that began to enshroud Tornyllia's whole body from behind herself, seemingly manifesting out of nowhere.

'This smell. This feeling... NO!' Immediately after as soon as his heart stopped at the familiarity, Yun Beishang lunged himself towards her and quickly enveloped both their bodies with orange energy around him. Quickly after doing so, the colorless mist behind Tornyllia began to slowly disappear, as if not knowing how to reach nor what to do before this sudden event and interruption.




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