Bow and Arrow

Chapter 357: Chapter 355 — Onward To The 4th Placements!

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Onward To The 4th Placements!




"Mmh, oh, alright. Yep, I do agree so just tell them that, whatever happens happens. Also, ehem, Mr Jones... maybe we should talk about..." With that, Yun Beishang moved his lips and spoke to the phone while watching on the extremely long TV screen how a very enthusiastic Miriam was even leading the marching towards the western side of the arena where Team#3 was.

One could clearly see on her face, an expression of a valiant and righteous hero going on about to rescue the beauty. The glimmer in her eyes made Yun Beishang almost giggle out; it was as if Miriam hadn't had a person to talk to for years ever since he got to know the slightly poor but incredibly genius little girl back then... it was as if.

It wasn't long before they managed to catch up with the Team#3 that was still fighting full-on against the 4 enemy teams, from which, only 2 Explosive Marksmen, 2 Master of the Elements and 1 Hard-Dying Vanguard remained. On the other side, there were only Yao Yao, Sammy, Sash and the Seven Sins Knight who was moving around the small-sized battlefield nonstop to stop any incoming strong attacks with her little shield.

When Yao Yao noticed Team#1 and Team#2, so did they noticed the situation of their Team#3; at the same time, Yao Yao notified everyone else about it but there wasn't not only any change at all on the expression of Team#3 members, they were still fending off the enemy and keeping their stance while still looking directly at their enemies, not allowing for even one of them to make a single move gone unnoticed.

At the same time, Team#3 and the enemy teams were no longer fighting on a crater that was about 200 meters away towards the west, and it even seemed as if some smallish battles occurred from the crater all the way to here. Naturally, Team#1 and Team#2 understood that there was a chase and, seeing how the enemy teams had their backs against Team#1 and Team#2 at the beginning; it couldn't be more obvious that they intended to either help their enemy teams to deal with Team#2 or Team#1 even.

Anyway, Miriam was the one to not waste a single minuscule millisecond; as she immediately after used her Spear Reforged by Light to create a huge spearhead and soar to the skies with it, there wasn't a shaft of the spearhead so it was easier for her to simply move up all she wanted before falling down.

A pouty Itnia quickly restored lots of Miriam's MP and Stamina while Natalia also pouted but much less though with a 'rebuking' frown on her beautiful self while healing back up Miriam who was then suddenly barraged with bullets from the 2 remaining Explosive Marksmen, they wanted to destroy the spearhead she used to fly to 'make' her die from falling or to disrupt and distract the newcomers. And the only reason they attacked the spearhead and not her, though they ended up shooting her as well sometimes, was because of the previous report that talked about a young girl who used about 100 attacks but whose each of them could be destroyed; made by magic.

Naturally, the spearhead tanked all of the bullets shot at it and nothing happened to it, only a BOSS-level monster would be capable of destroying her skill made of the purest of Light Core Elements, duh.

A few seconds later, the 2 Explosive Marksmen remained rooted on the spot; for no other reason than because of the fact that there were now about 900 Light weapons that were all streaming down towards the 2 of them as if a river set in motion by Mother Nature's wrath herself. Was that all, though? Nope. For as, when Yao Yao now saw that Miriam went all-out, she similarly gave no fucks about it and used her Godly Elemental Divine Citadel in the form of Light Core Element, shocking the crowd as they aw another side of it.

As for Team#1 and Team#2 as well as the remaining of Team#3 who looked at all of this, while Natalia healed dummy Sashy with less than 2% of her HP; she only shook her head in annoyance twice before laughing it off and thinking of the girls just having some fun together. Meh, sure; now the possibility of Yao Yao having all Core Elements should be more or less easily guessed, but they were at least having fun together, eh.

Back on the sofa from the two naked, meaty bodies with still some sweat, Ellie nodded well to Natalia's reaction and to the two dumb girls showing off their 'trump cards' without caring about it nor anyone. Her head continuously nodding reminded Yun Beishang, who was below her and whose bum was all onto his pelvis while her chrysanthemum was tight on his Dragon; of her motions when she goes down to his crotch.

As such, another round of 'PAH PAH PAH...' and of 'SLAP SLAP SLAP...' commenced in the speeds of unimaginable blurriness but full and filled with pleasure for both horny dogs that couldn't get enough of each other. Soon, Ellie got her tummy to get filled once again...



Rising Essence; above Main Kingdom's unknown lands in which the Global Tournament was being held.


The first one to take out an Association in the 16th placements wasn't The Order or even the Gold and Silver Guild; but the Sharpened Vanguard Hall, followed by Guerilla and then Black Lotus. With the League of The Order being 5th once the Gold and Silver defeated the Ross Clan's Iron Will Sect.

The battle between the Gold and Silver Guild and the Iron Will Sect; also, the Sun Clan and the Ross Clan. Was one that tried to be fast-paced and to end in approximately 5-8 minutes, this was of course, by none other than the Gold and Silver Guild; only. Because, the Ross clan, besides having powerful and experienced close-combat techniques and even tactics that could very well put to shame the 'gun beats the fist' common sense.

To put it simple; there was this one fine woman who had the Imperishable Ancestor class, which unlike Sylda's, wasn't of Unique availability. But in the same way, there could be more and more than just 1 of such Legendary Hidden Class coming from the Ross Clan in the Iron Will Sect.

In the same manner, those who would get that Legendary Hidden Class, which were very few by now, would be a completely full-fledged Hidden Class and not a low-incomplete version like that of Sylda's extremely OP massive skill. Naturally, there were the weaknesses that one would be presented at first; like the need to master such a Hidden Class or to at least learn how to use it.

As, though Hidden Classes with All availability could be taken by anyone who met both the requirements and completed some quests as well as unique concepts, that didn't meant that they would suddenly turn out to be the perfect embodiment of from who such a Hidden Class could be meant to have.

As such, though there were 4 Imperishable Ancestors at the command of Yina, the first Imperishable Ancestor Legendary Hidden Class ever, they were nowhere near as dangerous a even Zbey or Bloptl and much less compared to that of the Suicidal Vanguard that was also from the Quintessential Team. But anyways, that's how it went with Hidden Classes with the All availability.

As for the Gold and Silver Guild, their Leader, Gold Shoulder, though his Lunatic Archmage granted him impossibly massive and very powerful AOE skills and passives that complement such an Universal Hidden Class; such were the Ross Clan's Imperishable Ancestors in terms of durability, resistance and survival skills and capabilities.

Out of nowhere and without a sign, the Iron Will Sect's Imperishable Ancestors would explode from within their bodies a harmless wave outwards, which they would then heal up HP+7,000. As for MP and Stamina, they didn't need shit of any of that and only used their bodies to welcome any incoming attack; fuck, they even got healed up HP+100 whenever they received any attack and not a strong one or one with the effect of Critical Hit or Pierce Attack triggered.

Like this, though the Lunatic Archmage sent small rivers of flames, made icicles from the sweat and particles of water in the air to an incredible extent, as always; he still got a lot of trouble dealing with the 4 Imperishable Ancestors alone. Let alone them coupled with the Dimensional Architects and Soul Bridge players that not only would heal them back up fully, but also be just as durable and resistant as any other member of the Iron Will Sect.

The Gold and Silver Guild; oh boy, they hit a steel plate this time, yeah indeed.

Next was the result from the battle between the Guerilla Guild and the House of the Knights of Raoundozia; simply put, Knights of Raoundozia lost.

It went really fast though, even as they 'only' ended up as 2nd, they actually went in for a full-out battlefield in which they would divide in 3 groups. There would be 2 groups with 20 members each, and the 3rd group would have 11 members instead. In the 11-player group, the big shots from both Associations would fight, and no interruptions would be given.

With the system contract, once again used by them to facilitated these matters; each time a group won, they would wait for all other groups to finish their battle before engaging in another last battle, if there was any enemy to fight, that is. Because of course, it could just so happen that KOR or the Guerilla Guild would be swept away mercilessly by the other and not even have to fight one last time.

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And be it fate or the universe at work, it happened just like that. The 2 20-player group were decimating each other, as 1 of those group battles ended up being fully exterminated with no one from any Association left standing. As for the other 20-player group, only 2 Guerilla Guild survived by the combination of 5 Master of the Elements, 3 Elements Prodigy and 2 Fallen Archmages self-detonating to blow away anyone from the Knights of Raoundozia.

And then, there was only the main battle between the elites of both the Knights of Raoundozia and the Guerilla Guild. There was a clear thing that made it advantageous for the Guerilla Guild's side, and that was that they had 11 pro-players on their Association that couldn't be talked about in the same level as any other players even if they were pro and/or elite.

As for the Knights of Raoundozia, there were only 4 of them on their side, namely those of which where Raoundozia himself as the Head of the House, Phetsia as the Vice-Head of the House and then there were Loyal Player and HOR. While the Guerilla Guild had Baston as the Founder, Delette as the Co-Founder and then there were Zeyan, Mort, Til, Lit, Moa, Bellar, Lorn, Zete and Terre.

Might not seem as much for people like Yun Beishang who would be so oblivious to the easiest dump of information from how big-brained he is, but for anyone else, the difference was enormous; astronomical. Of course, from The Order side, Yona did knew everything and everything else that was to know or even not well known, like the shy-romance between Raoundozia and Phetsia, or Baston's 2 wifeys and even the unknown connection between Raoundozia and Delette.

Of course, Yona wasn't publicizing this and only gossip-y told her girlfriends while they waited for the results of the 8th placements matchmaking.

At the end, from the KOR side, only Phetsia remained as there were still another 4 on the Guerilla Guild's side. As a Slaughter Dao, Phetsia was bound to be met with demise and complete annihilation as there was Mort, who has increased her own survival capabilities since her first extremely great debut at the battle for the first castle of an Association.

Mort was now a Seven Sins Knight, and she still wielded a long heavy sword but also used a large thin dagger as her main, primary weapon. Another person from the Guerilla Guild's side was Moa, a Grand Shaman that could only be called second at best when compared or be placed in the same conversation as/to; Itnia.

Lorn who was a Soul Pet Immortal and whose Pets were only half their total HP or less, but still very damn vigorous and numerous, going up for a total of 32 of such Pets that he was able to use without a trouble. Finally, there was Terre, an Entwining Dragon whose little darling died to Raoundozia when they first ganged up 8 of them onto the Knights of Raoundozia's Head; Raoundozia himself!

There was only 1 way in which was why the KOR side lost so easily so many number of theirs; and that was, their 'sneaky' tactic at the beginning! It's worth mentioning that, Raoundozia was the one to present the system's contract to go 11 vs 11 himself, knowing that the Guerilla Guild had exactly 11 incredible players while his side only had 4, counting himself even.

Even then, not only he but also all of his people understood and respected his opinion and decision. To that, there was then an actual frank but sudden charge at Baston as another 7 accompanied him, leaving only Mort and Terre and Zete who were the best buffers as an Entwining Dragon and as a Dancing Phoenix respectively and had to be exempt from the risky as hell fight-ganging upon Raoundozia.

That first sudden battle lasted for about 17 seconds straight, with Raoundozia getting heals ceaselessly from all around him while his team couldn't really get to him as the 3 who were Mort, Zete and Terre were obstructing them along with Delette who was a Destroyer, and could easily sent flying away any incoming KOR help to Raoundozia and still move like she was an assassin with the greatest of agility ever; even as she wielded an immense greatsword with that strange design unique to her previous class.

To the surprise of nobody, Raoundozia died; to the surprise of anyone's eyes that saw him kill a total of 5 such enemies in just 17 seconds and all by himself! All the crowd went crazy! Girls took out their bras and wanted so badly to throw them at him, but could only underwhelming-ly do so by using the mail system after the battle was over and the break time came to be.

Raoundozia proved to be so worthy of being ganged upon by even 8 extremely powerful players all at the same time and going full-out; the result? Raoundozia going full out was still killed but by also taking along with him another 5 of them from who 1 of them was obviously even Baston!

Baston, it was Baston! Even though Raoundozia was a complete noob and unknown person even after the battle for the first castle, it was Baston whom he actually killed off while being encircled by possibly the most amazing and powerful Association in the world along some very few others, and besides that... even though Baston is a Keeper of the Light, he is Baston!

Nevertheless, the final battle was that one of the 11-player groups one; where Phetsia was actually capable of killing Mort, Terre, Moa and Lorn but was then down to 0 total HP by the next tic as Moa's debuff caused Phetsia to suffer several Bleeding effects from Mort and Lorn's Pets, leaving her to die and not even being able to face the 2 remaining elite Guerilla Guild players.

Sigh, in any case, that was how it ended for the Knights of Raoundozia for this segment, gotta suck it up. Black Lotus vs Frozen Maidens Sect was a no brainer, the Frozen Maidens Sect were disposed of swiftly by 7 to 13 shadows that suddenly climbed up to the naked eye's sight from the arena's floor only to end up in another Frozen Maidens Sect's member being killed in less than 2 seconds by the combined efforts of such. No matter what they tried, self-detonations, bombs, clairvoyance, randomly attacking with non-targeted skills or AOE skills to even trying to 'control' their Hidden Stats, it all failed as they all died one by one, swiftly and without stop every 20 seconds.

Anyways, the battle between Trinity Hall and the Divine Gates Hall was a pretty much slow-paced one, with the Divine Gates Hall ending victorious as the Trinity Hall had a serious lack of incredible players altogether, and the Divine Gates Hall treated True Dragon as a precious gem that only fought duels amidst the battlefield.

Like that, True Dragon finished almost every enemy in this battle, even managed to kill a 30% HP and no resources left Tong Tao who as an Elements Prodigy, could only be finished off by a Carefree Dragon ever so easily.

Just as Yun Beishang was about to easily flash-by the images from the battle between the Golden Spirit Sect vs the Benevolent Kind Heart Sinner League and that of the Sharpened Vanguard vs House Sunbreaker... the names for the 8th placements matchmaking was announced!

Sharpened Vanguard Hall vs Guerilla Guild.

Black Lotus vs Honed Will Sect.

The Order vs Benevolent Kind Heart League.

Gold and Silver Guild vs Divine Gates Hall.

There was only 1 of them all that Yun Beishang could care about, and that was 'The Order vs Benevolent Kind Heart League', because, according to old man Jones' words from before, wouldn't The Order get a free pass from this? As the Fosk Clan wanted to meet Yao Yao again after being so blatantly refused by the ignoring Yun Beishang back on New Earth?

'Aaaah, it all makes sense now. These little bastards went all out knowing that my Peaceful Rain Corporation wouldn't be harmed if my Order got a very good place in the Global Tournament; hence my Order's obvious participation. Hmm, I wonder how much stuff did they invested so that they could get this strong, their Association was nowhere near as strong before the Global Tournament as it is now.'

Shaking his head, a cheeky Yun Beishang thought badly of the cheeky Fosk Clan who had been finally given some light at the end of a tunnel, a tunnel that they'd still have to pay for. Even if that 'payment' is just time, and not that much for that matter.




V4: #3 5/10

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