Bow and Arrow

Chapter 439: Chapter 437 — The Demon Race’s Last Stand

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The Demon Race's Last Stand




KATARINA-1, in a living room of the residential areas of the mothership.


There were many couches, one-seater ones, two, three and even up to eight-seater sofas all around in this few hundreds square meters large 'living room'. There were also 'sections', multiple section all inside this living room that consisted of several sofas and couches of many sizes surrounding a few tables, some as side tables and a main table.

Besides that, there was a huge but not so extremely and unnecessarily large TV, there were even 4 small fridges here and there for each section as well. But more than anything, there were some invisible fields that weren't acting like a barrier at all and were instead a type of field that only blocked the majority of sounds.

As for the sounds coming from a section itself, unless told to 'keep it private' at the AI of the mothership, voices and any sounds would come out of it but not in any loud manner. Like this, even though this was a 'congested' area full of people, it managed for each section to keep its freshness, privacy and remained undisturbed from their surroundings.

"It's... been a while, no?" Worried, Yona spoke towards Natalia on her right who was hugging Yun Shi right now, her voice a bit concerned while Natalia's face looked a bit anxious. Tonkia, on the other hand, was holding Yun Rang right to Natalia's right as the little thing on her lap was curiously and intently looking at the TV screen.

"Mm, it has..." Ellie's voice sounded as she responded instead of Natalia, who seemed so worried of what she was seeing on TV that even felt a bit sick in the stomach to even talk, not just for the ones that were being sow like a field by the many 'farmers' but by one particular 'farmer' instead.

Just as Natalia was watching so intently and anxiously the TV screen, so was not only Yun Rang but also Yun Shi in her arms, the three of them were bending over slightly with Natalia being the less obvious. And as Natalia licked her lips while she watched the TV screen, Yun Rang and Yun Shi had their wide eyes opened and curiously darting their eyes around at every corner of the TV screen instead with their mouth shut.

"Mom... there... what is p...apa... doing!" Yun Rang spoke, her little, tiny head looking back and up at her lovely mother that had a serene expression but from which she felt there was something hidden underneath such visage. Tonkia smiled and looked downwards at her daughter, still so proud of her abilities as she responded kindly, "Papa is doing something very, very... honorable; in a way."

"In a way...?!" Yun Rang repeated such words perfectly, also seemingly understanding them at once, while Yun Shi only grunted in understanding and nodded his head once; easing some of Natalia's worried state in the process.

"Hmm... so much-col...ors! Not... even I o-r... Lil...Bro, do so ma...ny colors when... we vomit!" Tonkia closed her eyes as soon as she heard the last word of 'vomit' coming out of Yun Rang's mouth, smirking quite a bit as well before nudging the back of her daughter lovingly as she responded in the same tone as before, "I know~, Rang'er must never eat too much, or else you may end up doing as many colors there!"

"Wuaaah...!!" Yun Rang immediately became deeply afraid, reacting so shocked that it caused many maids from afar to giggle incessantly. Even though all other sections were to be fully separated, there could be the addition of one to another or even more, sharing one space as one section instead.

In the same manner, they could rearrange the furniture all around thanks to the mothership's AI KATARINA-1 so that 2 or more TVs could become an immensely large one instead. Which was what was going on right now, and as many maids giggled, Yun Rang acted bashfully but not annoyed by any of it, quite the clever extremely young human baby ah.

On the other hand, Yun Shi only became more than shocked as he tremblingly looked at his right, trying to decipher if what his mother just said are all true words. Seeing her smile back at him with a 'kind' and 'harmless' pair of closed eyes and smile, he began to vow himself to never overeat anymore.

"Ye-yes! Never... eat, lots..." Tonkia became really content when hearing Yun Rang's claims, as such, she contentedly furthermore asked her in dear earnest. "Oh yeah? Then, what is my Little Rang Rang going to do instead?"

"Listen to mommy! Listen to daddy! No... more without as...king!" Yun Rang responded with a pair of big eyes filled with determination and devotion, there were even some untold sternness flashing through them as well as she could barely make some fists with her tiny hands.

"Very good, very good, now sit back and watch. Your father is working really hard." Yun Rang nodded silently and turned her tiny head to look at the TV screen, watching Yun Beishang make a few more rainbows come out of the tons and tons of red-skinned humans with horns, fangs and claws she never saw before!

"Papi is working... hard..." Yun Rang said cutely, melting anyone's heart as they heard it, Xiao Ruo then came to Tonkia's side and sat right to her right and then began to nod along with Yun Rang, complementing her words and praises to Yun Beishang over and over again devotedly and in full sincerity.

They both damn melted but all of the hearts of everyone in the living room module of the residential area.

And while the 'children' were playing, the adults continued their talk. Ellie was on another 3-seater sofa as she had her legs crossed with her left one over her right leg, wearing a tight black pants and breathing heavily in and out as she watched the TV screen. "I'm worried as well, but Naty, dear. Calm down, alright? You'll make your little prince worry too otherwise, also, it is our man we are talking about, you know?"

"Mm, I know, it's just..." Natalia blinked as she nodded, but such action easily exposed how blatantly tired she has come to be after so many hours of seeing him fight, and furthermore so doing such against such defenseless 'enemies'. But suddenly, a few words came out from the TV screen as only those 15+ years old could hear it.

"Move on then, aggh, goddammit! We will never stop, we'll kill all of you! Damn fuckers!!" Players were visible on the screen, one held a shotgun with his right arm as his left arm was fully gone, accompanied by another 2, one being a Killing Vow, holding a rusty large rifle and another holding a large and heavy machine gun as they were all massacring any Demon who came to their side.

"...we can't fail, we have to protect... the people of Main Kingdom, even if we fail, we must not allow them to win! Our beloved Guiding Voices have done so much and have had given up so much of their power for us and their plans to be successful. All for the sake of Main Kingdom! As such, we ought to deliver appropriately and do not let our beloved Guiding Voices down!!"


"Hurrah!" One after the other, the right-armed only player was backed up by his two companions as they kept massacring the any and every living being that got any closer than 400 meters to them. No age, sex nor appearance was making any change nor impact in their hearts as they just pulled the trigger and saw many bodies' flesh and bones break apart and be sent flying nonstop.

Naturally, however, everyone at the certain living room module only saw rainbows and paradisaical liquid come about and fly around, but the sight of Yun Beishang or the others directly attacking certain 'enemies' were not censored at all, only what could be seen right after in the most gruesome of ways in a war; or even battle.

As for how much time it has been since they arrived in the real headquarters of the Demon Race, the Wish Forging base? Well, how long can it be for something to be categorized as 'for so long'? Days... no, weeks... not really, months? Kinda... years, tens of years, centuries; that definitely was it.

However, for this matter, only a day was going to be used for this to seemingly come to an end. As such, 'many hours' should be the one to take in this case.

But as for these series of successive battles that not only Yun Beishang but also many more tens of millions of players that managed to survive from the very beginning of the day, at 12 pm exactly, all the way down to where the suns of Main Kingdom were starting to hide at around 9 pm.

From a first battle that was already so wrong and where they were simply much more than unprepared by the then extremely well prepared Demon Race as their traps and mere stationed troops proved to be the enormous dilemma of the Main Kingdom Vanguard, who in return actually lost more than 99.9% of their whole forces; kinda.

Then, to the visualization of their allies not only taking down the rest of the 'few' billions of strongest elites of the Demon Race, but also lurking out to reap their lives as well, the exhaustion of such a thought and occurrence was already big from the start. Now, to imagine that happening to oneself and to experience it before and after an intense battle; the former with many twists and surprises as well as letdowns while the latter was simply exhausting to see, let alone how it would feel to fight it for oneself.

It all came to the draining and happening of mental fatigue of those who were fighting inside the 'game', and there were many indeed. Though this war has been more than absurd, and should even be considered high-end, end game and whatnot in other games, since basically and virtually all of its player population was active in these first expansion of Warmonger's events.

But even then, those fighting inside the game, though looking really tired, never stopped once their murdering of these Demons that have been plotting against the world of the game for who knows how long. Though tired, they kept on moving forward, killing off Demons that ranged from those who were so shrunk down and dusty to those who weren't even convinced to this world of Main Kingdom; their world of suffering.

"He will be fine, he won't crumble nor break apart. That's how he is, and how incredible he is, has been, and will always be..." Ellie spoke after hearing the players' words before resuming their violent shooting at the defenseless enemy, her brows furrowed for a moment but then gained their everlasting relaxed demeanor as she spoke in a slightly trouble voice.

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"But what I am feeling a little bit upset about, right now..." Ellie then continued, her voice turning cold-like and imposing amidst her last two words spoken, before then finishing them. " of how idiotic these morons are, truly irritating. Pathetic."

"Ellie..." Natalia called her name softly, her eyes narrowing in a bit of sadness too, she lowered her eyes before raising them back up and talked to Ellie once more. "You feel for them a lot, isn't that right? And... well, you do not seem to be very affected of seeing this, you also have such comprehension towards our man. Ellie, you're so wise and knowledgeable, I envy you."

"Mh-bwahahah, Naty, darling." Ellie responded right away, her countenance turning much more soft and warm than ever as she looked back at Natalia and then continued saying in a smug tone, "That is very well because I am really... oh, well, old. Let's just leave it at the fact that I am much older that you could ever imagine, and that's how I've been able to garner so much experience in these... matters of life, that's how my father would call it."

"In fact, I was already quite old when I and my father arri-ah, forget it." Ellie wanted to continue bragging to Natalia, but stopped herself after stopping moving altogether momentarily, to which she then revealed an at ease expression on her face before turning to look at the TV once more. "He is something that nor I nor anyone in the world could ever hope to see, he is much more than you can imagine right now as well, Naty. If there is someone who can deal with this, that would be Yun Beishang, though it is more like using a rock to smash an egg in this case scenario."

"It's just that... the only thing bothering me about it is, why to even have to face such a thing? Why should he have to bear it all by himself...?"

Natalia fell silent, as Diana came to her and sat on her left, took Yun Shi onto her own lap and made Natalia's head fall on her collarbone to rest, as they three then kept on watching the show; concerned.



Rising Essence, west of the Azure Dragon Sub-Division, at the White Snake Forest. Around that of 11 pm.


Bvreee-Vwlsht~! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Bvreee-Vwlsht~!

*PING*'ve successfully killed a LV100 Demon, 'Porl, Architect'.

*PING*'ve successfully killed a LV77 Demon, 'Karltp, Traditional Dancer'.

Yun Beishang had his old pals cleaved in a huge and already dead Demon's body from the left and right ribs of his torso, as he then cleaved them even harder, making an even more obvious noise of flesh tearing as they both then made a single noise of more bones, fresh and untouched ones being grazed against by the 45cm wide blades.

Right after, as their choked sobs and cries sounded out below the dead Demon's corpse, Yun Beishang made a move with both his arms extending out from below to his front to an extended out reversed 'V' from below to his left and right. Tons of blood dripped upwards from where the long dead Demon's corpse before the sight of two halved Demon bodies flew out of the now mangled Demon corpse.

Thud, thud.

As they fell on the round littered with many more Demon corpses and non of any other Race, their appearance was revealed as two teenagers with their left side and right side of their torso was completely opened respectively, one a girl and the other a boy.

Many would've had thought like Baston, and that true extermination of one Race wasn't the goal of this expansion, since the killing of underage children or even teenagers was fully prohibited by the Crestfallen Industry and the laws of the world itself. However, this was war, in a sense. And as such, they were nothing but enemies, the ones to be killed.


Burying his old pals' bodies except the handles, cleaning them from the blood, organ matter and some stuck pieces of bone here and there, Yun Beishang only looked twice and instantly at the 2 new young corpses as he 'cleaned' his old pals before moving swiftly to another area.

After so long, and after having killed-no, murdered several times younger 'Demon bodies' for many, many hours; Yun Beishang and the remaining few thousands of players remained as they actually had to actively hunt down the Demons now, for as they were either now in hiding or preparing a large ambush for small groups of players.

For such a large area to hold off more than half a billion beings and without it getting tight at all, how damn large could it really be? In any case, that would have to be really damn big. As for how it looked now, after so many hours of intense, nonstop and unbridled battling to the death, it was like a swamp made of not blood but of simple rotten flesh and smallest pieces of organs all over the place.

Demons' corpses were pretty abundant, and it seemed that if there was to be placed a whole layer of dust on them, they would pass as a fake desert without problems. Many dunes and hills over here and there, it even looked pretty as the night already descended and only the lights and brightness of more and more players killing off the rest of Demons flashed by to illuminate if anything at all.

For players, it was really damn easy, for as even the most passive and squishy healer of buffer classes could use an AOE skill to do okay damage to 5 or Demons or so, only requiring 3 skills to kill that bunch at once. As for the real, DPS and burst damage players, they only needed a few uses of their skills to get rid of a hundred or so Demons all at once.

Naturally, the buffer and healer classes were the main defended objective of all players but, as time passed, so did the Demons became more and more proficient in the art of ganging up and delivering fatal blows one after the other to take down the enemy. At the time that the 4th hour had arrived from their battling, all Demons already knew how to sacrifice their everything to land an ultimate blow at their enemies and then die without a care, so that the next one would do the same, and the next one, and the next one, and the next one and so on; until their enemy was finally killed.

Like this, along with the despairing mentality of most New Earth's sheltered players, tens and tens of millions of players fell 'quickly', though in comparison to prior battles, it was an okay speed instead. But even then, the sight of that shadowy explosive energy taking out billions of Demons at once and then coming right at them was nowhere near exhausting as 5 minutes of fighting this 3rd even was.

But... among all of that, maybe... just maybe... Maybe the saddest part of this entire 3rd battle's ordeal was that, of the fact that there were still some stationed Communication Devices—no longer with capabilities to cause disruption and mere built to last longer and be sturdier—all around the new 'battlefield'.

And with this, every death that the Demon Race had once more, and from what seemed to be their civilians, they would also grow stronger. Truly stronger.

"Mmh-mmh... gulpgulp..." With a bit of a dried throat, Yun Beishang gulped down a bit to make that feeling of 'stuck' right where his throat starts to go down at last, to no avail of course. But at least, as he saw that the newest Demons he killed were just like the ones he saw back then at the Somber Tree region, his eyes clouded for an instant in sadness before turning once more to their innate indifference.

'It's ending now.' Yun Beishang thought, and as soon as he did, he closed his eyes and breathing deeply in with his nostrils; noiselessly. Blood, but mostly flesh and organs intruded his being as he felt his eyelids relaxing. His senses always showing him all the blood that went from the ground to the underneath of it all...

...swish! Tukkk-. he then slashed with his right handed old pal and cut off a Demon kid's back who was just then trembling all over as he felt a presence behind himself... slowly falling forward once he was hit by the most vicious thing in the world that he could ever thought to be.




Let It Rain's Note: Yun Beishang: Why do I hear BOSS music? (not a BIG BOSS, though).

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