Bow and Arrow

Chapter 530: Chapter 528 — The Inner Ring

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The Inner Ring




"..." Tarn Farious looked at Yun Beishang without words to speak of right away, at long last, he gave a bit of a heavy and semi-long sigh, then speaking out as if he was giving the entire verdict for his whole family. "The Tarn Clan... I'll start sending people to the Crestfallen Industry at the Nascent Herb City, later on, they will naturally be sent to you whenever possible."

“I see, that’s alright.” Yun Beishang sat up straight and, before Tarn Irrn or Tarn Farious could even inquire about the tiny person in their room, began speaking as Yun Darcel coincidentally saw his father sit straight, mimicking him and looking forwards just like his father did on his mother’s lap who looked down with silliness all over her gentle complete starry light blue universe eyes.

“This is our son, Yun Darcel, he is early this year at the beginning of the second half of the year.” Yun Beishang looked down and to his right at his son, the latter moving his head to meet his father’s gaze and receiving warmth from the same, “Isn’t that right, little boy?”

“Mmmm!” Yun Darcel used a lot of ‘ms’ with his lips humming lightly as he adorably gazed up at his father, then, as he looked back up at his mother’s gentle face that is so unique of hers before going back to look at his father’s face; Yun Darcel spoke with his tiny little left hand placed on his heart. “Me… Little Dar…cel! I have two Bigs!”

“Big… Brother Shi!” Yun Darcel seemed to struggle a bit, as he was no longer doing simple speeches of answering someone else’s words or just asking for teat and to be put to sleep. With his eyebrows frowning cutely to the center of his in-between themselves, he continued. “Big… Sister… Rang!! She is, so good and, mmhmm!”

“Big Sister… always makes… Big Bro… Shi carry me, whenever, she… doesn’t want to… around, when we play! That… is because, she is too much-... of a lazy bum!” Yun Darcel’s face was fully innocent, which only added more to the situation as both Natalia and Yun Beishang instantly were about to burst out in some mild laughter coming from a parent because of something their child had done.

“Oohhh, I see. And how are those… big brother and big sister of yours?” Tarn Irrn, basically already tearing up but putting such strength from her will into herself as her sobbing throat wasn’t heard choking, spoke to Yun Darcel as she bent her back forward, not wanting for Yun Darcel to miss any tiny part of her face and features.

“Mmm, Big… Sister Rang is… the oldest! The best, too… she some-...times feeds me yummy milk from… the bottle!” Yun Darcel cutely replied in a low tone after pouting a lot for an equal amount of time, his hands making some gestures as if he was talking with some professional about business deals or so.

“Oh-hahaha, I see. Tell me, are you expecting more brothers and sisters?” Tarn Irrn asked without the slightest tinge of intrusion and only with a lot of joy for the tender little baby. But naturally, she then realized of her words, not being really that fit for the situation, yet she saw Natalia only calming down with a single heavy breathing of her chest up and down after seemingly being glanced at by Yun Beishang along with his right hand on her left shoulder.

“Mhm! I’m gonna… be a Beeg Brothwa, eheheheeh-yiyayiayia!” Yun Darcel seemed to have become utterly more like a baby at last, giving the grandparents a bit more of ease seeing that this monstrously genius of a child was obviously still human. Little did they know that not only their grandson wasn’t really human, but that their daughter was being converted into a different Race as well.

“I will take care of many of them,” Yun Darcel fully spoke a whole sentence without stuttering or needing to think a lot to keep on speaking, which made smiles bloom at his parents’ faces without a doubt. Yun Darcel then continued after his incredibly tiny tongue wetted his lips somewhat, “I will help raising them, teach them and in… the future, I will protect them and show them my… care!”

Just then, as Yun Darcel was sighing with his tiny mouth going ‘o’ and his cute eyes having their eyelids heavily go down to make his eyes half-closed, and as the grandparents wanted to make more questions right away; he said while raising his tiny arms to indicate he wanted to be carried by them. Yet, as both parents’ hands moved to the sides of his body, he caught their hands with a naughty smile on his face and then looked at their faces right and left, before looking back at the screen.

“Just how I will be protecting… mommy and daddy… from now on… and forever! Mm, mm, mmmmm… I love them so much! All my Aunties, half-siblings, future siblings… they will be all protected by me!”

“... …” Tarn Irrn and Tarn Farious might have not had an immediate response, but their entire beings were absolutely put into a shock right at those moments in which Yun Darcel revealed those words and intentions to them… Looking at each other, through their eyes, they could see the same kind of thought go through their hurting eyes.

‘Isn’t… this… the way Natalia wanted to grow up… like?’.

“Oh, I see… that’s… wonderful, Little Darcel.” Now, not being able to hold that choking notion being hidden by her as she spoke, Tarn Irrn’s voice sounded broken as Yun Darcel had a bit of a change in expression when being named like this by them. To which, he then slowly asked with a tiny pout in his tiny mouth, “Why do… you call me like this… are you…family?”

To his clueless words, Tarn Irrn and Tarn Farious naturally had a reaction, being that of instantly smiling at the clever tiny baby whose entire self seemed to be many times more advanced that a human’s baby could ever be capable of. Tarn Farious was already unable to speak from the prior words spoken by this little grandson of theirs, but now… now he couldn’t even fathom how terrible of a person, father and human he was… it was the same for his wife, though…

As for Yun Beishang and Natalia, they had a proud and ever so touching reaction when hearing the vow of their son to protect his family; never had this tiny fellow been so brave to speak so much and so adamant in his ideals. He even brought his tiny left hand onto his left chest out of instinct, placing those words with the heartfelt notions of his being so cluelessly yet purely.

And when the suspicious words came out of his lips, both parents stiffened for a moment, before Natalia then took her son back into her embrace by raising his body up and placing him against his chest as she embraced him from his back. With her face behind her son’s head, Yun Darcel pouted in comfort to his mother’s warmth, now knowing that she was hurting right then and there.

“Yun Darcel, listen well, okay?”

“!” - “!” Natalia’s words made the two on the other side to directly gasp and open their eyes fully in quite the obvious disbelief but also in earnest painful excitement. And just as the thoughts of them not deserving such an opportunity from their past decisions and complete and utter stupidity, they heard the words from their daughter that couldn’t be any more real.

“These two, my pretty baby, are your grandparent, Tarn Farious; yes, that man right in front of you, on the screen.” Her voice was, naturally so gentle but it was now also enchantingly angelic as she then continued in the same manner. “He is your mother’s father, and that woman over there, the one who seems to be so different to most other women, that is your grandmother, your mother’s mother, hehe.”

Though Natalia had an expression that indicated fully having turn slightly dumb to explaining these kinds of ‘normal’ things to her son, it was not at all because of the notion, but because it was her talking to her son of matters that she never thought that would come to be; at least not so soon.

“Mommy’s mommy? Mommy’s daddy? Grandparents, ah… it’s what some Aunties… ha-have, right? I’ve seen them too, b-ut… why are they… not old? Hmmmm…” Yun Darcel had his right fingers tapping at his mouth, sometimes dumbly licking them out of instinct as he then gave up with a shrug and looked back up at his grandparents.

“You my grandmommy and.. Granddaddy?”

“Oh-! Aha-hahaha, mn-yes, yes. I…” Tarn Farious responded right away, almost choking on his own saliva as he heard ‘granddaddy’ from his grandson out of nowhere, and then only continued after nervously sneaking a glance at his daughter’s eyes who were no longer even looking at the screen with her head turned all the way to the right, feeling that he was ‘allowed’ to speak with his grandson and that the mother was okay with it… but with pain still so deeply embedded in his chest and soul.

“How are you… able to speak and even stand up already?” Tarn Farious asked, Yun Darcel stopping his pout as he looked at the two of them with some shyness before answering rather smoothly, “I’m like this… Big Sis and… Bwig Bro are also like this, daddy is sooo-ooo powerful!”

“Oh, haha, your family is indeed the most incredible, hm?” Tarn Irrn intersected at this time and said softly with her right hand covering her chin and some of her mouth as she smiled so broadly. Yun Darcel made a pair of ‘yiyas’ as he giggled, one for the praise and another one for the way that his supposedly grandmother laughed with him.

“And what kind of things you do daily, hmm?” Tarn Irrn asked this time, with Yun Darcel answering right away while playing with his hands with some embarrassment. “I sleep a lot, eat then, then poo poo or pee pee and then eat and sleep. Not always… in that order! But… like that~.”

“Oh, hohoh-ho, indeed!” Tarn Farious began to be slightly more into the conversation with his grandson, but still not expecting such honesty from him. Yet, Tarn Irrn readily spoke to Yun Darcel with a teasing pair of eyes, “Ah, so is Little Darcel a lazy bum who only knows how to eat and sleep, hmm~?”

“Eeeh, no no no!” Yun Darcel instantly became flustered, he shook some ‘nos’ with his hands as he did the same with his head before anxiously and quickly saying on and on, “I also study a lot, watch my daddy do great stuff a lot, play with a lot of Aunties and they feed me from bottles too! I once tried feeding myself bottle, but bottle too heavy, so I give up now and only drink with others’ help! I also…”

“...hmph~.” Yun Beishang was also speechless that Yun Darcel was suddenly so fully invested in this conversation with his just met grandparents, but he still inadvertently smiled and snorted in a cheerful manner to the occasion. Yet, as he looked to his right and up, he saw that Natalia was still looking to the full right and that her shoulders would tremble from time to time.

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Yun Darcel, being so close to Natalia and she obviously being her mother, felt this as well just as clearly as his father, which might be the reason why he was still being embarrassed and conservative yet so ‘cooperative’ to responding to his grandparents.

“...” Without saying anything, Yun Beishang smoothly raised his right hand from Yun Darcel’s grip to caringly take a hold of Natalia’s chin, before turning her face on his way and making her glance at himself. With Natalia’s eyes being visible to him once again, her lightly pouty lips forced Yun Beishang to restraining a chuckle, as he tenderly conveyed his words through heart to heart connection.

No wonder Yun Darcel was so pouty from an early age, just look at yourself, so sweet~.

“Beishang~!...” Natalia could only reprimand her husband back with a glare, her pouty lips becoming relaxed but meaty as they laid there way too enticingly without her even knowing of it, yet with Yun Beishang becoming hungry for them already. Naturally, he had to maintain himself as proper as possible, way too awkward to even think about a scene with his wife’s parents seeing them kiss… ew.

“... … …” Slowly, time passed as Yun Beishang and Natalia held each other hands and made the other try to laugh or jolt from their dumb playful tickling, pinching each others fingers, in between the fingers’ gaps, their palms and even at their wrists; as well as crazily scratching their palms to elicit the other to either put up an ugly face or attack back in a life or death battle.

Meanwhile, the grandparents and grandchild trio continued on and on in a more or less 15 minutes long chat. The former asked and asked, barely answering some questions from the little baby, while the latter answered and replied, barely making some childish but still somewhat clever questions of his own.

“Well then, ahem.” As Yun Beishang and Natalia had been playing with each other to kill the boredom, they were obviously noticed a lot by the grandparents and grandchild but the latter were too engrossed in their chat that they did nothing about it or even talk about it. So, once Yun Beishang saw that his son was getting drowsy, he spoke out loud and immediately attracted his ‘grandparents-in-law’ which were technically officially so already.

“Little Darcel is in need of sleep right now, so we should be cutting off the connection already, do any of you have anything else to say to me?” Making it oh so clear that Natalia wasn’t going to be receiving any words from them, her parents then pursed and smiled their lips bitterly before shaking their heads.

“Thank you, both of you, for this opportunity, that is all I can say I’m afraid.” Tarn Irrn was the one to speak, her motherly self was still so deep within her being, some remains were still there after such a long time. But only Yun Darcel could accept them as he knew nothing about his parents’ lives for the moment, yet, there wasn’t any wrong in that: for the moment at least.

“And goodbye, Yun Darcel, we may see each other again in some time, take care~.” Hearing his grandmother speak, Yun Darcel responded crisply and at once with a nod of his tiny head. “Mmhm, okay grandmommy, see you later.”

Being so tired, Yun Darcel couldn’t afford too many words right now, barely being able to completely say a sentence without stuttering nor pausing even as he became sleepy were already quite a feat for the 2 months old baby. No matter what, for an ordinary person, this would seem crazy and just impossible. But for the KATARINA-1 mothership’s citizens, it was just a wonder of life coming from the big boss.



The screen with dark blue borders turned completely black once again, the sofa, glass smallish table and beige room gone away as only silence remained for the family of three inside the booth. As soon as the communications ended, Natalia slumped her head onto Yun Beishang, leaning it over his left shoulder and even slightly hitting his neck’s jugular but with obviously no harm done.

And even if she wanted to, which could never be, Yun Beishang’s perverted body did not allowed even Zyv to be able to damage him. This was obvious from the way that Natalia had seen Zyv take out her fangs and try to rip off his Dragon’s Head after she cheated the young girl with creamping her own kitty instead of the young girl’s first.

Towards that childish behavior, Yun Beishang only moaned and growled as he felt incredible from the sensations, while the most her fangs did was to pull and press his meaty pussy destroyer artifact stronger and that’s it.

Not longer after, the booth’s door slid upwards and was fully opened, only to reveal a Baan wearing a formal and lavish bodycon black dress with transparent sleeves and shortened skirt, holding a plate filled with snacks on her left palm and the right hand holding a fine bottle of liquor took out straight from the Crestfallen Industry’s—now Peaceful Rain Household’s and Corporation’s—cellarette from the storages of the mothership.

“Tadaaa~.” Beaming with a large smile, Baan stepped into the room and saw the wonderfully violet dressed Natalia, cute Yun Darcel dressed in a tiny smokin and Yun Beishang wearing a mildly elegant outfit. Feeling that her dress was just right, but also embarrassed since she seemed so committed, Baan instantly looked down at her belly and legs and began to think about bailing out.

“Hey! The one who looks ravishing but silly one as well, come here!” Yun Beishang woke the dumb Baan up, whose motion of raising her head to meet her boss’s face was enticing and seductive to no ends. Making Yun Beishang think while mentally clicking his tongue, ‘Damn, Baan is so great to ‘play’ with, but since when was she this womanly charming?!’

“...ugh.” Yun Beishang shook his head to wake himself up, this time, as he then felt his left being caressed by a soft and seemingly boneless slender body’s thighs as fragrance of a female’s body rushed into his ‘brains’, nostrils and soul. Baan sat on his left and, as she soundlessly tapped the floor twice ever so lightly, a circular tall table appeared with a diameter of 40 cm on which she placed the plate filled with snacks with high skill and precision even though she was already sitting down.


Tapping with sound this time with her left heel on the floor, another pillar came out from underneath the floor but this time with a transparent gray bag, in which she placed the fine bottle of liquor with the same skill and precision before sitting relaxingly with her back against the sofa and glancing to her right at her boss’s face.

“How is it?” She asked, yet she didn’t expect to be kissed right after, and rather tenderly, as she was yet again surprised to feel a tiny human’s body be passed over to her tummy and lap.

“Wonderful.” Responded her boss, man and very possibly future husband even; his eyes never leaving hers as she could only look down at a drowsy Yun Darcel whose eyes said ‘Auntie!’ and ‘I’m sleepy…’, to escape Yun Beishang’s woman-heart-destroying eyes.

Afterwards, it was just like a dream, just like a perfect scene and a perfect picture or paint. With Natalia slowly healing up from this encounter of her grandparents and her family, Yun Beishang and Baan slowly warmed up to the environment along Natalia as they exchanged soft, hushed and short words among each other.

Both beauties became infinitely closer, and stuck, towards their man’s body, with Baan making sure the tiny Yun Beishang on her lap was always at a great position with the addition of cushions of all sizes and fillers to assure a great sleep or nap for the latter.

Talking, kissing, hugging, sharing lice by letting their heads touch one another affectionately and without the need of words or heavily banging each other to eternal dumbness. All sorts of tender actions were made not only of the beauties to their man, but of the beauties to one another as well, with Yun Beishang even holding his own right hand with one of each beauties altogether.

It was like this, that the rest of the day was swiftly taken care of, and that the turmoil in Natalia’s heart and self were slowly taken finally away from her betrayed heart, one that she would naturally help Diana’s as well without even trying to.

On the other hand, or rather, world; it was in a slow and arduous work by the soldiers of The Order and the resistance of some groups that the day was also slowly yet quickly spent like, with this day just making it a day less for the entire conquest of The Order of the outer ring, and then finally giving way to the procedures to take over the inner ring after some other mild break for the troops.

At least, from the Inhabitants side, as Journeyers had a much more flamboyant energy compared to the Inhabitants and could act as Scouts or even extermination groups of any resisting forces that the Black Lotus could take notice of; which would be all of those existing, it was only a matter of time before the Black Lotus could discover any hidden forces, secrets and vital information for the aid of The Order’s overall conquer.



Let It Rain's Note: I left a few hidden hints (duh), among the war of Mai-cough, Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division. Or rather, the Wonder Region itself, I wonder if they were easy to understand or at least catch up to? Hmm.

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