Bow and Arrow

Chapter 531: Chapter 529 — The Inner Ring Left On Its Own

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The Inner Ring Left On Its Own




Rising Essence, 12th day of the war, around 7 pm at the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division.


In the exit of a medium sized town where a Section of about 50 Inhabitants were walking out from, as the soldiers from the army of The Order's Elf Blue-Hunch Region left the large settlement, one of the few in this Sub-Division, with their bloodied armors and weapons like swords, spears, battle axes, warhammers, shields of many types and even daggers and blessed staffs and the like had organ matter dripping down from them as they walked outside.

From the Section, the Sergeant in charge of the randomly improvised Section was walking in front of all the other 49 members of his Section as they were moving towards their mounts, who have been let outside once the 'cleansing' of the army within the large settlement was to be taken care of while they themselves would be going around imprisoning or having the townsfolk sign the system's contracts.

Naturally, all that had finally ended and, as one of the most well seen Sergeants of the Elf Blue-Hunch Region, he was sent to a large settlement where no danger from enemy forces were sighted whatsoever according to their gathered intelligence. Frankly, they were glad that it wasn't being reinforced by troops, or the ugliness of scaring their own people from Main Kingdom wouldn't have ended so quickly.

The Sergeant was already with a free mind that could now relax from these kinds of activities, but that didn’t mean that his or anyone in the a few members more than of the 3 Squads that he commanded were with their guard down. Yet, a simple scouting from their Scouts was all that was needed to know if there were any Journeyers or Inhabitants from other enemy Factions at this point; because any Faction that isn’t surrendering or treating them friendly is naturally an enemy in this ‘foreign’ Region.

As he walked to the 4th hundredth mark from the medium sized town, one of the large settlements left to be conquered in the outer ring of the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division, he got to greet his loyal Abysmal Creature Mount at last with her body now a bit more clean. While he and the others were going from house to house after having finally taken out the Mayor of the town, their Abysmal buddies were cleaning themselves off just as they were trained to.

By the time they met one another, the Abysmal Creatures were a few dozens of meters away from a large spot of red and black, along with lighter colored matter and even some bones laying around all over that ‘spot’ of colors and weird substances. While going up his Abysmal Creature Mount, he heard a Private say out loud towards him, “Sir, with this victory, I think you may very well be promoted to Staff Sergeant, congratulations in advance!”


Landing his butt on the saddle, the Sergeant looked at the young boy not even 18 years old who spoke to him while taking the fake ‘reins’ of his mount, fake as in because of the fact that Abysmal Creature Mounts needed not to be ridden like horses. The Abysmal Creatures were an intelligent species on their own and were capable of connecting their hearts and even intentions with their riders; of course that a mere rope wouldn’t make that better or something.

“Thank you, but that was not needed. And also…” looking behind himself and his Section, the Sergeant revealed a bit of a heavy mind as his eyes looked down, but only for a moment before turning his body to face the East from where the nearest campsite of The Order was set at. “ is also not the moment for happy news, or something.”

“Mm, I apologize, Sir.” The young boy hummed and got up on his own Abysmal Creature Mount, he spoke sincerely as he bowed towards him from the back, as it didn’t matter to the grieving Inhabitants of the medium sized town if he bowed to them.

Then, the Sergeant made a fling with his left hand, to which as he had his left palm skywards, a purely white and blue glow emanated from it with a tiny cat appeared at once. This was obviously… a Spirit Cat! When Yun Beishang and Zyv went over to the Eternal Silhouette Region, the latter showed the former what great pets those things were and, at the same time, Yun Beishang discovered the peculiarity of the damned Spirit Cats from back then.

After some time, with even more accessibility as Zyv’s Godly Ancestral Blood class had reached its Ancestral stage and even attained some clue towards her own Godhood, the passing over Regions couldn’t be any more easier. And if that wasn’t enough, then that Yunalesca’s Light Builder class has reached the Creator volume—its last volume—and the fact that ‘it’ was also why The Throne of Core Elements could now go through Regions made it even many times easier to go from Region to Region and collect those Spirit Cats like it was nothing every afternoon.

Of course, with the aid of Zyv and other Caretakers that were already at the Peak grade even though barely having reached it or at its second lowest level, they all made it possible for hundreds of millions of Spirit Cats to be distributed. As it was necessary for instant information between Inhabitants and in the case that Inhabitants had to report to a Journeyer, be it out of emergency whatever the case was or to a Lady, Maiden or the Lord himself.

But naturally, those weren’t the reasons of why Yun Beishang had taken the time to make so many little Spirit Cats become big for his troops. Yet, for now, as the Sergeant greeted back his Spirit Cat who had a tender white fur who was just now tilting its whole body left and right while squinting its eyes cutely; a letter was passed over to the cute thing as it stopped being too cute and then nodded at its master.

With the letter disappearing into the Spirit Cat Pet’s personal storage, granted to them by Yun Beishang the motherfucking carrier of the complete Forge and Create Sub-Class branch, the Spirit Cat lunged to its master’s face and hugged his chin with deep adore. After a while and with the others taking out their Spirit Cat Pets to calm and alleviate their hearts as they galloped at ‘regular’ speed back to the campsite, the Sergeant’s Spirit Cat Pet went back to its master’s left palm, turned away and jumped 7 meters into the air and about 20 meters forwards before turning into a savage yet elegant looking eagle as large as a 1 year old baby!

Flap! Flap! Swiiish~~~!

With the Sergeant’s Spirit Cat Pet zooming into the distance, the Spirit Cat Pets of the rest moved around their masters’ bodies and played for a longer time before turning into feather-armored pigeons that rose up to 700 hundred meters in the air and began scouting the area all around their masters without missing in speed nor in vision; and definitely not in proficiency.

. . .


In a medium-sized settlement, a small town at around 7:30 pm.


CLINK! CLANK! Clank clank clank clank…

“Take the last squad!! Don’t let the fool old fart even start galloping away, I don’t permit you all to let that happen!” A dwarf with a burly and bulky figure swept his claymore sword vertically, easily fending off a few huge hammers that were barely coming down his way from the strongest and tallest soldiers they’ve seen with actual armor yet were still unable to use such a weapon properly.

He was many times better armored, both in quality and style, than any of these motherfuckers who seemed to be fed up by their daddies with all sorts of toys, some even having throwable potions with strong venom and powerful acid, actually being capable of hurting their unprotected skin which was now learned well by this Dwarf’s Section and immediately began using their full armor setting.

As he yelled with fury, a Team of 12 Inhabitants from his Section moved forth along with their Abysmal Creature Mounts following them and running on their side, they moved in zig and zags, while their Abysmal Creature Mounts did not and merely charged straightforwards while directly killing anything that crossed their path.

They weren’t afraid of the Mayor fleeing the town and managing to escape, fuck no! They were just very clear on why their Sergeant was enraged with, this damned medium sized settlement had already shown the friendliness to cooperate with The Order, but once they came inside the town, they were ambushed and almost had a fellow soldier incapacitated right away.

Later on, as they responded in just half a moment, hundreds of enemy Inhabitants fell in less than a quarter of a minute, to which the Mayor’s face grew wide and his eyes even seemed about to go out of their own eye sockets. Galloping in what seemed to be a Borrowed Horse from a Magical graded summoning item, the Mayor instantly fled away the moment he saw his soldiers collapse so fast.

And now, as The Order had spent a little less than 3 minutes to clear all of the soldiers and only a few strongest-no, well equipped enemy Inhabitants wore advanced gear and Accessories and what not; the Mayor was also finally close to the northern exit of the same as it was also the direction where the inner ring of the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division was.

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As the full Team of The Order’s Elf Blue-Hunch Region soldiers walked through some last few enemies and directly finished them with the addition of their cherished Abysmal Creature Mounts and their Spirit Cat Pets turning into shields that would float all around them at an insane speed and set of movements to protect them from any incoming attack even if that could only barely hurt them; as it would slow them down even if it was just an iota.

They moved fast and nimbly as they finally reached the last few bouts of the town from the northern side of it, with scared and petrified townsfolk not moving and remaining on the spot, seemingly unwilling and with deep hatred as they saw their Mayor leave with high speeds on the most luxurious and well fed horse of the entire town.


“MOTHERFUCKER!! PIPE DOWN!” In just 0.3 seconds, a soldier rode on his Abysmal Creature Mount, his Spirit Cat Pet turning into a small scimitar as he placed his short bow onto his back and his arrows back into his Master’s Bag. Holding his small scimitar Spirit Cat Pet, he dove while mounted on his Abysmal Creature towards the right and slashed his small scimitar while his horizontal body fashionably cut the legs of the Magical grade Borrowed Horse.



Falling on his back and breaking it right away, the Mayor fell flat against the floor while some screaming echoed nonstop the moment the soldier’s shout began and became even more… cheerful—?—when the Mayor’s sound of his bones breaking was heard across a distance of 100 meters or so.

“He-h… he fell!!” - “You deserve that, swine!!!” - “Hahaha!! That’s right, yes, pipe down!” - “PIPE DOOOWN~! You killed my mother you piece of shit, dieee!”

Grr…-KWAAAAAARGHH! Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht~~~...


By the time that a boy of not even 10 years old screamed in utter rage and had tears go way down his eyes to wet all of his chin and shirt, the Abysmal Creature was already unmounted by his rider, feasting on the bad horse who was innocent but delicious nonetheless which could be easily proved by how the rider’s good friend was eating to his fill without even bothering to make any more alien sounds of devastating nature.

Step, step step stepstepstepstepstepstepstep-stepstepstepstepstepstepstep!!

Meanwhile, as the rider had already reached before the old Mayor with a feeble body build and a dick and balls shaped ‘haircut’, a huge amount of townsfolk arrived just 3 seconds before him, which was by the time that his small scimitar disappeared and went back to its Spirit Cat Pet form again while a long arrow was taken out from his Master’s Bag with its arrowhead aiming at right below the Mayor’s chin with the soldier’s extended out left arm.

“...?” Seeing those people coming back and rushing at the Mayor, the soldier was about to despair at the thought and need to put these civilians down while his good friend went back to him and took him out before asking his Sergeant to help imprison them rather than mass murdering the whole town.

Yet, he then saw the first boy and townsfolk who rushed towards him and discovered that it wasn’t in fact himself the one being targeted with aggressiveness but the old Mayor instead. And it wasn’t the Mayor who was being approached with hope and a purpose but he himself!

“Sir, please let us kill him, let us, please!!” - “Give us the opportunity, sir, please, this monster must be done over by us; BY US!!!” - “Sniff-sniff… wooo, I HATE you, why don’t you just go and die…? Wooo…” - “Kill him, kill this piece of shit, burn him alive, beat him to death!!”

“...!” With so many death threats and killing intent coming from the crowd of hundreds now that a few seconds had gone by, the soldier didn’t know that to do! He had his eyes wide open and his throat constantly gulping down and, as he looked around, he saw his Team members look around at the crowd and then at him before shrugging their shoulders or without any expression at all.

Of course they also didn’t know what to do as the Mayor was fully surrounded by ‘his people the townsfolk’, he had his back twisted and stiff, he wasn’t able to move it at all nor his legs, shoulders or even head and neck. Barely, the Mayor was only able to move his forearms and slightly influence his whole arm’s movement, sending his right one to support himself against the ground while the left one was on his back as his face contorted in slow but definite and sharp pain.

Meanwhile, his Team members were being encircled perfectly by the townsfolk, who had their knees against the ground and some were directly pressing their hands on their Abysmal Creature Mount, which only managed to not lash out at the strangers touching them due to their nicely perfect training and the fact that their masters did not took these weakest prey as enemies inside their hearts. Yet, the poor mounts had awful expressions of endurance on their alien faces. Some with snouts, enlarged, shortened, tentacles as mouth, many more eyes than others and so on.

If it wasn’t for the fact that the soldier was also being surrounded like that, and that people were touching on his Upper Garment chestplate and only the sides of his legs without going to the front or back, while some bent or even knelt with their hands clasped together as they implored the soldier to give them ‘justice’; he would’ve attacked them himself already.

Gallop-stomp stomp… stomp.

Hearing another set of galloping Abysmal Creature Mounts arriving a few hundreds of meters away, the soldier looked at them and saw the Sergeant lead another more than 25 soldiers towards them and stop where the large crowd of townsfolk ended; or began. Looking at his commander, the soldier waited for an order, but all he got was a small smile and a nod.

“...!!” Seeing and oh so well understanding his intentions, the soldier felt a huge encouragement built up at his heart and inside his stomach. And as he took a quick, short breath, he raised his arms a bit to the front and fully stretched out, before loudly declaring at once towards the crowd all around him and his Team members.

“Everyone!!” Shutting them all down, they silently looked at their fellow Inhabitant that rose to his strange dog-like creature after gently refusing any more touching or touches of respect and worship from the townsfolk and proceeding to stand up on its back after mounting the strange dog-like creature. He once again raised his arms in the same manner and continued with the same volume as before, “I am Corporeal Gytto, member of The Order and soldier of The Order’s Elf Blue-Hunch Region army!”

“...!” As the crowd clamored to the big words, never heard before, and it was even the same to those who have gone to the Sub-Divisional City and heard of the Royal families’ soldiers ranking system, the Corporeal Gytto continued. “I can see, hear and notice that his man, this ‘Mayor’, has not been a good person with you; not a good leader.”

“Before I continue and talk to you all about how incredible and incomparable my Lord is, Leader of The Order and future Leader of the entire Main Kingdom, allow me to give you what you most want right now.” Corporeal Gytto took his Spirit Cat Pet and placed him in his left hand, pointing then towards the old Mayor as a whip brought the little bit of haired Mayor up and then encircled him before turning back into the Spirit Cat Pet once Corporeal Gytto had grabbed at the Mayor’s collar.

“This man over here, I am now aware of the possibility of he having committed atrociousness all over this town, not ‘his’ town!”

“Yeah, that’s right! He doesn’t deserve us, fuck him!” - “To the hell with the old Mayor, long live the Lord!” - “Tell us, Sir Gytto, please do!”

Incensing up the crowd to what they clearly wanted, Corporeal Gytto avoided smiling in embarrassment to some of the names called at him and how they used ‘Lord’ without thinking, before turning to look at his Sergeant and then continuing once he got back on track as the latter threw him a ‘just learn on your own, kid’ glance.


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