Bow and Arrow

Chapter 537: Chapter 535 — Inner Ring’s Situation

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Inner Ring's Situation




Within the inner ring of the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division, just as the armies of The Order had already gone past the first few steps into the so-called inner ring's boundary.


"Army Colonel Palili, sir! We need to move entirely to our west, there is a meteor falling, incoming from the front; not the sky!" As a Scout came back from very far away, his stomping Abysmal Creature being not a match for the 1,200,000 or so other troops that were the nearest by, the sound of it coming towards the Army Colonel Palili were totally drown as the Scout shouted and arrived to gallop at the Army Colonel's side while detailing on in what he saw.

Palili had to admit, he was really damn surprised that the first obstacle to come their way was not troops nor a trap or a large amount of prepared massacring weapons from the Journeyers; but a meteor instead, a damn meteor! But just as he heard the word ‘meteor’, he had begun to prepare his Official Commanders for a sudden change in formation and direction.

When the Scout went to his side to specifically inform him of its trajectory, Army Colonel Palili and the Scout couldn’t be any more grateful that their Lord has invented such intricate useful tools for a Scout, besides giving them an extremely speedy Abysmal Creature Mount. All at once, his troops began moving towards the left, where each of them seemed like a set of grass smoothly moving together in waves towards their west, firmly making a crescent moon towards it.

By the time that the Scout informed Army Colonel Palili of the meteor about to reach them, a few tens of thousands of kilometers to their east, they were, naturally; so far away already as he and many others could now see an insanely big object being covered in what seemed to be filth and blood of a dark brown and murky blood as it swiftly descended just as fast as it was moving.

Whiiiiiiiiiiiistlee~m whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh~...

Merely half a half of a second later, as the troops behind the 3 Army Colonels saw the 3 mountains-sized meteor fall to their utter right, where they were pretty much safe even from any waves from the incoming impact. The meteor then fell onto the ground and seemingly became part of itself instead of destroying it, however, there was a kilometer of dirt, rock and trees as well as ordinary animals that were sent into the sky.


“Everyone, STOOP!” Army Colonel Palili spoke to not only his troops but those of his Second Brother and Third Brother’s Army Groups of the same size as his own Army Group, right after, the 3,600,000 troops or so from their side came to a halt as their Spirit Cat Pets turned back to their resting, genuine form with some of them sitting on their Master’s laps, shoulders, head or straddling their napes.


Slowly, as the rain of dirt, rock and soon to become blood and not even mushed flesh and bones came down from the sky; and as if strange and bizarre magic, the entire place where the meteor hit seemingly drew down all of what it had risen up. The dirt seemingly ‘went back in time’ as it made a flat land without trees nor green vegetation or any vegetation whatsoever.

Naturally, there wasn’t even a need to mention the poor small animals, who got instantly made into unrecognizable pieces of shit, basically, as they turned into things that looked just like that once they reached their beloved ground of the earth once again.

But then, as if there was really something drawing in the simple creations of nature, all of what was lifted up and even more from the surroundings were deprived of their life and substance for maintaining it. On the other hand, several silhouettes that were as tall as the ‘basic’ buildings and structures in the commercial districts of The Order’s Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Golden Citadel were seen in shadows from their current position.

“Scouts! With priorities in safety, go and let us have a look at these unknown entities! Move!!” As everyone could see those things moving around and with some of them ‘kneeling’ as there were tremors coming from the underground, Army Colonel Palili chose to order his Scouts and shouted while the other 2 Army Colonels did the same and sent their own batch of Scouts.

“Yes, sir!” - “Yes, Commander!” - “Right away, sir.”

With about a hundred Scouts moving out to spy on the surprisingly new and smoothly discovered and coming ‘people’ of Main Kingdom to be, the troops then began to make a momentary resting stop while the Army Colonel’s badges of the Elf Blue-Hunch Region were flashing constantly. Slowly, very far away, General Powlniu prepared a lot of information and exchanged it with her fellow maids—Maidens—for a ‘just in case’ situation.

And sure enough, once the Scouts came closer, they related their findings to their Commanders with unknown, confusing fear as well as a need to get the fuck away from them emanating from the very deep bottom of their hearts. One male Dwarf scout said to Army Colonel Pattala, “Sir, it’s a… group of monsters! Of abomination! They were seemingly constructing without even doing anything at all…”

Another Scout, this time a male Nightborn, reported to Army Colonel Palens as he was one of those who got the closest but was thankfully not found or else. Because, judging by the way he was shaking, he must’ve become not just terrified but horrified all the same and too much as well. “Sir, these are some drawings on it, we’ve shared this with everyone just in case we were discovered and killed on the spot, sir.”

And then, a female Human Scout spoke to Army Colonel Palili, with all of those starting at the same time but ending up sharing all of the same or at least similar content. “Commander, sir! There were some of them who were looking at a certain direction while kneeling, seemingly deaf and blind, as everything underneath them was constantly trembling and rumbling nonstop.”

“The had a… ‘camp’ already formed, with there being about dozens and dozens of smaller ‘creatures’ roaming about within the camp, and a few dozen more who were the largest and most creepy ones of them all were stationed or aimlessly walking from one point to another. Sir, as those kneeling on the ground were ‘working’, walls and even tower-like defensive structures were being magically raised.”

“Sir, with all due respect, I think this is an enemy. And that, we should eradicate them before they even have any time to grow stronger and prepared, this is my report, sir.” The 3 Army Colonels were met with great astonishment at first, but as they kept on hearing, they became obvious that this wasn’t a Journeyer’s ploy nor a last resource from the Inhabitants.

“To all my troops, heed my orders!” Suddenly, as everyone was waiting for new orders and as Army Colonel Palili’s emblem flashed once he got a good look at the drawings, he said as he softly let go of the platform behind Kas and put it on ‘auto-pilot’; as it moved directly towards the core of the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division, which should be the case as long as it doesn’t struck something.

But, relying on the Black Lotus’ people's information, this happening was sure to be safe from hitting anything and safely reaching its intended purpose. Meanwhile, the Army Colonel Palili and Kas were already moving to meet up with Army Colonel Pattala and Das and Army Colonel Palens and Fell. Kas and Das seemed to even fight a little for Fell’s attention, the only female in between the three Abysmal Creature Mounts of a Colonel or higher in military rank present.

“We are attacking the meteor’s leftovers! There are some strange creatures around it, but they seem not friendly at all, for the sake of conquering this Region, we have to end with these first before they can even stand on their own fully.” Army Colonel Palili then moved to lead the charge, his troops? Loyally following him and not questioning a single world, turning their Abysmal Creatures and beginning to speed into the distance back into their current position as their emblems flashed and their eyes gained understanding a few tens of seconds later!

“Brothers, Mother will send some help for sure in a moment, make sure that every single one of us. Just… try to keep everyone safe first, let’s not mindlessly sacrifice our own people, alright?” Palili spoke to Pattala and Palens, before falling silent and taking the lead with Kas showing a smug expression towards Das and a flirty one towards Fell, the lady.

“...” His brothers nodded in return but said nothing, there wasn’t really a need to order them like this, but to say ‘take care’ and that of your troops to one another, this easily shied away and embarrassed brothers understood each other way too well. As they went closer, they also received some information and immediately passed it to their troops without a question.

Soon, each of them became a bit more somber, while also having become glad at last of achieving the initiative by not even doubting their Scouts’ readings. Their Spirit Pet Cats and Abysmal Creature Mounts, seemingly resonating perfectly within their own Masters’ hearts, became fully motivated with the former not even bothering to turn back into white or black wings.

“Pyaaah!” Instead, as Army Colonel Palili himself was just a ‘single’ thousand of kilometers away from the enemy’s ‘camp’, they all turned their heads towards them, even the smaller ones who were visible as the built up walls were already tens of meters high and those smaller ones were about half that size.

Meanwhile, the large ones that were dozens and dozens of meters large, at the very least, made some untold fear appear in the hearts of basically almost all troops behind the Army Colonels leading the large charging First, Second and Third Army Groups. Yet, the backs of their Commanders gave them strength, and sobriety, as they faltered not to the enemy’s fear instilled into their hearts.

On the other hand, the black furred Spirit Pet Cat on Palili’s left thigh made a cute but emboldened sound, at the waiting for anything!


The army drew closer, their Abysmal Creature Mounts becoming faster until reaching their max Movement Speed altogether, the 3 Army Colonels separating more and more from their own troops while Scouts maintained their Movement Speed to gallop in sparse locations and obviously not intending to brainlessly charge in first since they were the vanguard at all.

When the Mortal’s Terrors discovered the incoming army approach, they all behaved differently, some stayed within their territory and became some sort of catapults that used their limbs or entire body to prepare invisible energy which was condensing at great speeds. Others directly went over the walls, which had not a single gate whatsoever and began to rush at the incoming Army Group from The Order.

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Their speed was much lesser, many times lesser, but the waving and swinging of their scythes, battle axes and strange needle-like weapons were almost moments-fast which surprised everyone who saw them. Reading about something and knowing was different from seeing, no matter the case, or situation.


Though the Mortal’s Terrors’ were making stomping sounds as well, they were nothing compared to even a tiny fraction of one single Army Group’s galloping Abysmal Creatures, so they were utterly drowned and practically soundless. However, as everyone was looking on with rapt attention at the Mortal’s Terrors who held ‘that’ energy of pure danger in their bodies and ready to shoot them at themselves, one of them was finally shot before being followed by a few several others, instantly bringing the pupils of The Order’s Elf Blue-Hunch Region’s soldiers to constrict.


The incoming invisible energy came to be, and for flashes, it could be entirely seen from an extremely tiny portion of it all, showing its black, lava-like appearance and flowing among itself as it became an imperfect ball thrown at them. Or, more specifically, to their Army Colonels leading in charge as all of those ‘catapults’ aimed perfectly at them!

And even those who did not were magically moving to be redirected at them!


“...haa-haaa-ha…” As Palili saw them things come straight at him, the flashing black lava flowing and some being redirected at them, time seemed to slow down, but his heartbeat and that of his brothers’ were perfectly calm. Finally, once they were about to altogether hit them three and send them hurt and flying away… he shouted.



Instantly, an immensely shining moment came to be as the Army Groups became resplendent flashes of white glows with some crystalline blue color here and there, all in an orderly fashion. While right at the front, black glows with some celeste were instead what came to be.

Just as the 3 Army Colonels were to be hit and the Army Groups behind them had their glow turn into a fabulous energy shield energy in front of them, covering all of their bodies along their Abysmal Creature Mount to seemingly protect them from whatever was in front, the seemingly sight of each soldier’s Spirit Pet Cat turning into this kind of energy shield wasn’t just for show and instead… seemed to integrate with one another!


An inconceivable loud sound came from where their Army Colonels were charging to, and the soldiers held a breath, the invisible energy seemed to dissipate by a lot each time it touched the energy shields of each soldier. However, they became many times weaker when they touched the 3 Army Colonels’ black energy shields, and just as dirt and whatnot settled down, they finally saw their Army Colonels so alive, charging and even leaving them behind…

“YOAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!” With a great battlecry, the Army Groups behind them then settled in motion to start going full out in their charge, leaving no effort inside their bodies unutilized as they sped up with their magical and even some ranged types of classes Inhabitants buffing every single head of bright metallic gray and blueish armor with Movement Speed!


At this time, the 3 Army Colonels slowly raised their left arm, their left hand holding a halberd, a long saber and a small blessed dagger. This was naturally not a sign to stop, as the Army Groups behind them became utterly hot-blooded instead and as the shouting from their Commanders served to fuel it even further.

“For The Order!” - “For The Order!!” - “For The Order, death to the Gods and Goddesses!”



Plwuagh… plwuagh… plwuagh… plwuagh… pluawgh…

Several more ‘catapults’ shot at the Army Groups, no longer aiming for the charging 3 stronger people in front idiotically and instead choosing to cleverly aim for the weaklings. However, as if to show the insane resonation between their hearts, it wasn’t only the Abysmal Creature Mounts whose galloping became stronger and faster.

But that the Spirit Pet Cats even more vibrantly shone and stood immobile as they changed the direction that the crystalline blue gem embedded in the middle of the energy shield, all for the efficacy of the protection of their Masters and doing so even more to efficiently weaken the invisible energy ‘shots’ that were thrown at them endlessly in this last one thousand of kilometers.

Naturally, the moment of both parties colliding against one another was to be met sooner rather than later with. And as such, with just a few more seconds, with The Order’s army at max Movement Speed and the Mortal’s Terrors seemingly willing to give themselves to the death for a reason; both charging sides met one another with the black and white energy shields of The Order turning into Gungnirs!


As their Spirit Pet Cats were now transforming into these lances, they became as large as a dozen meters that were aiming at the sky as if the could pierce it if they just raised their arm holding it with their hand, and with the thickest base of its body being almost a whole half a dozen thick; the Mortal’s Terrors still only had their own weapons as they brandished them gladly!

Wheeeeesh… Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-VwlshtBvreee-VwlshtBvreee-VwlshtBvreee-VwlshtBvreee-VwlshtBvreee-VwlshtBvreee-Vwlsht!


At the moment of impact between the two sides, the Army Colonels were the first to reach their enemies, but also to be attacked by the Mortal’s Terrors from their side. Just as they pierced and directly did an unthinkable amount of damage to those they pierced through and then trampled on with their larger than most-Abysmal Creature Mounts.

Not stopping their advance, the Army Colonels fearlessly lead the charge still head on as the Army Groups behind them were holding their slightly smaller white gungnirs with their handles being so small yet of a crystalline blue color instead of celeste like the black gungnirs. Sweeping but keeping their gungnirs in a charging position, much sooner than any later, the Mortal’s Terrors were utterly annihilated while they all continued to ragingly keep on charge on.

Hell, some even felt bad that they didn’t had the chance to have their try on against such a horrendous thing, but as they continued, the smaller ones became bold as they instead directly jumped at the Army Groups instead of delivering themselves to the Army Colonels. On the other hand, the largest ones went all out to take down the Army Colonels, while those stationed still within the enemy’s territory were all rushing up.

The current distance between The Order’s army and their enemy’s territory, was merely that of just a few tens of kilometers now!



V7: #2 5/10.

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