Bow and Arrow

Chapter 578: Chapter 576 — Bloodbath (2)

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Bloodbath (2)




When he received almost 100 messages telling him the same, a frown appeared on Baston's forehead, which only a small and delicate, but armored and strong left hand gripped his left shoulder and massaged it lightly. Within the office, Baston was only then able to calm down, and with his breath evening out, he then made a response towards these leaders before ctrl+c -> ctrl+v it all about 100 times in a row and sending them off right after once a guard-like Journeyer took them away.

“Sigh~...” Basto sighed out, his bum falling on his chair before his right hand went over to his forehead and began massaging it with tinges of pain and comfort at the same time, a woman’s voice came from behind him as a pair of a pair of arms embraced him from behind. “Is it alright? How are you feeling? The Order is coming at us.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Mort, with her now long wavy brown hair, light brown eyes and long eyelashes blinking mesmerizingly added from the right as Delette was on Baston’s left. “He was an ally before, but he is now aiming at us! How could heee?!”

Though Mort seemed reproachful, her always sweet and pretty playful self couldn’t take away that charm from herself as her younger woman’s voice ringed inside Baston’s heart; cutely. “Well, I guess it’s same to assume that this is all due to my ignoring of Raoundozia’s invitation, I didn’t even respond so Yun Beishang shouldn’t even have been notified, I reckon.”

“Mmh… then, are you worried about being bombed to dust?” Delette asked, her still short wild blonde hair, brown shadowy eyes and pale cherry lips making an appearance on the left corner of Baston’s eyes as he shook his head lightly along a light smile before speaking up for that matter. “No-uh, he wouldn't do that, not to me at least. And how could he not know I am kinda the boss of this Region?”

“If anything, that is… if we only don’t force him.” Baston said for a last time before dropping his eyes at the still remaining documents—letters—from many other leaders of the other Sub-Division, Delette interjected, “Force? Like what? Calling him or his Order bad names, or killing Inhabitants from his side, also making our own Inhabitants fight to the death?”

No one knew why so many people adopted it but, at the moment that Yun Beishang wasn’t the big bad boy and called Inhabitants as such instead of NPCs any longer, and due to the retarded fixation in making up new words or slogans for the people and so on; it was quickly adopted and even normalized with just a few months of time.

“No, it is forcing him by making it ridiculously unfair.” Baston said, as he lifted his remaining documents on the table with both his hands, Mort took a few from his right hand and Delette did just the same from his left hand. “All these just want to go ahead and drive into the outskirts, fight and kill The Order in one sweep like it’s nothing.”

Baston spoke these matters of ‘war’ rather simply and calmly, really calm at that; it didn’t even seem that he was overly mentally drained to the thought of commanding more than 2 billion Journeyers and even more Inhabitants. It was alright, as Baston rested his head a little, Delette asked him softly. “Should I tell these leaders to cease their thoughts, then?”

“Mmm, yeah, but we can only hope that they don’t turn stupid and become heroes, the really just think that we can even confront them with just numbers. As if lining up 10 million against 10 million would be a standstill and stagnant battle, and that if it was 50 million against 10 million, that they would win without even 10% of losses; agh, I know how they think.”

“That is,” Baston took another pause, yawned out of sleepiness as he begrudgingly looked at the two women around him who had guilty looks with their whole faces all the way to their neck- blushing. “Because we have almost a few tens of billions of Inhabitants who aren’t equipped at all, but because they are a number.”

“However, with the height of those things, even large mobs can be trampled to death instantly, let alone humanoid figures whose height would probably have their max at 5 meters or so. Sigh, let’s not worry about the bombarding situation, they wouldn’t attack innocents anyway… but ‘we’ might, and that… sigh.”

Baston had a frustrated expression, but a helpless one as well, Mort and Delette didn’t even needed to look at each other as they rested their heads on his trapezius muscles, comforting their man for a while before Delette and Mort got to work and reject all proposals of heroism from the leaders at each Sub-Division; such an ‘original’ idea.

Meanwhile, Baston stood up and looked through the window. Despite so many months having gone by, he still couldn’t feel at ease when seeing the ashy fog from all over the Eternal Silhouette Region… and thoughts of ‘what if’ as well as ‘will he…’ emerged in his pensive and slightly awkward and weirded out head.

. . .


2:04 am, within the Hidden White Shadows Sub-Division’s outskirts, somewhere very far away from the borders of the Sub-Division in question.



“Sergeant Gytto, it’s a heavy amount of enemies up ahead!!” A Scout with his Abysmal Creature going at full speed from far away returned to Sergeant Gytto’s eyesight as he yelled out at the top of his lungs; the next few seconds after that, he had already reached the Sergeant. On the other hand, the Sergeant was wide eyed for a moment before nodding and falling into silence.

“Everyone form a defensive square!!” Sergeant Gytto ordered with a yell, and without another millisecond passing by after the 0.5 second mark, his whole 80 people with him began taking position, while they were so, the Scout with the fairly larger Abysmal Creature than ranged and magic soldiers was addressed with a quick questioning.

“How many were they?!” Seeing the Sergeant getting ready to intercept the enemy while his Spirit Pet Cat had already begun flying away in the distance, the Scout nodded as he went on. “The numbers are about 2 Battalion Regiments or 1 Regiment, sir! I saw only Journeyers. They weren’t well equipped and even their mounts are all the ones from settlements!”

“Good! If you want to join, the your Squad to get at the corners! I’m gonna spearhead the shit out of them!” Sergeant Gytto surprised the Scout a little, before nodding his head once again and then moving away to his Squad. After just a few seconds, the perfectly well formed square formation cavalry of the whole Section had some corners that looked like rhombuses.

“The enemy is near, sir! Only 10 seconds to meet eye to eye, 50 seconds until collision after I finish speaking, sir!” The Squad’s Corporeal Sergeant Scout yelled out from several meters away from the Sergeant of the Section, the latter then nodded and shouted a few more times simply to boost the morale a little, getting in return stern and powerful ‘HOO!!’.


Only so much time could pass by before the Section from The Order’s Elf Blue-Hunch Region unit saw the incoming 7,000 or more enemies, they were all pitifully wearing shining weapons but that looked even worse than the ones that The Order uses for training schedules at the beginning of their regimen.

As for the enemy’s horses, simple and crude Easily Borrowed Horses of the Common grade summoning, there was nothing worthwhile to say of them. However, as for their numbers, they were literally almost 1,000x of that of their own, while The Order’s side had the pitiful amount of about 110 instead.

“HUAAAH!!!!” This was more than anything terrifying for any single person to live through, besides, The Order’s unit could’ve just have stepped backwards and flee to a safe spot, ready to unite with other nearby units and get rid of another batch of obviously scouting enemies. However, they fucking never did that!

Even with all the few thousands of Journeyers moving forth and into The Order’s ‘territory’, that it was more like so due to the respect that The Order had to be given even when being invaded by them. Despite all the intents from the Journeyers, The Order never stepped back and instead lunged at the enemy without any single damn trace of fear!!

It was not always the same, of course, even for a Team to go against 1,000 of such Journeyers might be okay, it wasn’t so if they were facing the number that Sergeant Gytto’s unit was now going against. Sometimes, The Order had to take tours and run at fast speeds before suddenly stopping and then reuniting with other units before easily taking care of said batch of Journeyers.

Quite that simple amount of knowledge could be given and taken from the always dying Journeyers and to the leaders of the Eternal Silhouette Region’s first line of defense. And each time, it was infuriating, as even after a couple of hours, not a single down had made The Order suffer despite the numbers.


And now, as the still far from 10,000 army was being closed in by the pitiful 100 or so men from The Order, the latter showed just not damn signs of stopping nor diverting away, which made the former feel like they were about to be the first to go back without needing to die! However, instead of the larger group being the ones charging up at the smaller group, it was just the other way around with the smaller group being even almost 2 times faster than the larger group!

“PREPARE FOR COLLISION!!” Sergeant Gytto roared, his raised right hand took out a halberd while his left hand summoned a large hammer with the appearance of a shield from its top as it hung to the left of the Abysmal Creature. In that instant, the soldiers under him and joining Scouts took out their weapons as well and let out a light battlecry right as they were to crash directly against the wide eyed Journeyers up front!

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Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl!

“AAAGHAAA-...” - “Fuck, don’t m-do-!!” - “PLHGRAWWRRGGH-KYSGHHSH!” The utterly deafening sounds that the Journeyers heard from the very front directly astounded them silly, even as they’ve previously watched others and even faced themselves in wars within the game, the moment they were hit head on by The Order, their senses were totally useless as they could only catch the sensation of being torn into parts!

Some were halved into two, some were multiple times halved into two! Others were directly smashed into pulps, either by the direct bodies of the enemy Inhabitants, their Mounts or the weapons alone; not needing to—at all—to make a combination of strength to not only sent them flying but also after being mostly turned into mere mush and shit that was now flying all around up to 20 meters in the air.

Let alone the fact that so many extremely fearful mouths opened up to devour both; enemy Journeyers and Common grade Mounts alike. By the time that the middle of the 7,500 Journeyers managed to respond to the astonishing attack, the soldiers from The Order had already created a huge vacant spot as if a spearhead had just passed mostly through the center of their formation.

From before and at the sidelines, all that was visible was that a group so much smaller than the one they were going to confront entered directly and smoothly with no obstructions into the enemy’s formation. Wherever they went on, the sight of their shining weapons in the dark going slightly up and mostly moving about down below the heads of the charging resisting forces.

Besides the weapons from the smaller group showing nonstop, so much gore of blood, flesh, bones and organs flew about as well so high in the air from the front of the ‘spearhead’ to where its body ended. With the resisting Journeyers still keeping on charging, the soldiers from The Order quickly destroyed the ‘formation’ of thousands of Journeyers like taking a small, little walk in the park.

“Surround them! Don’t let them go, get them, kill them!” A Journeyer yelled out from his astounded and somewhat scarred heart from seeing so much weakness from his own group, but before he could continue; a huge hammer was sent flying toward him. When the flying was seen by that Journeyer, his head was directly crushed into a flattened piece of meat pie the next moment, too late for any moves nor even a single blink.


Without waiting for another Journeyer’s turn, the hammer flew back to the owner who sent it, some flesh and even entrails hanging from the ‘shield’ atop of it as it moved through the air with such heavy weight yet fast speed. As it landed on a soldier’s left hand, it was only then… that the Journeyers realized that the enemy was no longer charging into their formation.

“HEEELP!!” - “Ah-AGH! What the fuck are you all doing, mov-” - “Kill kill kill! Fuuuuck!!” Surging from all sides, the screams—not yells—from their comrades resounded as they finally woke up, yet, only to find out a blade, bullet or projectile moving towards their head before they were thrown off their horse or eaten by an Abysmal Creature.

Bang1 Bang! Bang bang! Slash!! Swish! Whistle whistle!

Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Pfruiyl!

It was also, only then; that the resisting Journeyers realized that it wasn’t just melee weapons that were being used, as bullets being fired off were heard, arrows were seen on their fellow comrade right in front or beside them with an arrow on their throats, chest, head or even lower body with such parts becoming a porcupine’s cosplay.

And before they could react, however, their eyesight was then drowned by the body of a blade, spear’s head, shaft, a shield or simply one’s fist or kick that was going to pulverize their bodies to death. Let alone all the Abysmal Creatures that moved and attacked so agilely that they didn’t need to stop nor slow down for even an instant.

As a result, only a few, very very few ‘clank clank’-like sounds were heard before all that was left was the sound of tearing flesh, bones becoming broken ones and for blood to splatter around along with some flesh that turned as viscous as a deadass corpse’; instead. And just a bit of time short of a minute went by before the entire area became silent once again as per before both parties encountered one another.

“...” Sergeant Gytto was riding his pal Sophie with an indifferent face to the pieces of blood and flesh on his armor, they were already sliding down on their own anyways. Seeing the result, and only a male soldier with an injury to his right arm and below his armpit, he felt that they took a bit of extra time by not using the ranged soldiers right away.

When the Section passed through the enemy’s ranks one after the other, and once they reached the middle. As if by ignoring laws of logic and physics straight up, the Abysmal Creatures turned left and right, dividing into 8 dozens that moved towards the left and right flanks from within the center of the enemy formation.

Right after the dozens had spread to the sides like a dividing line, 2 Teams from each side moved towards the divided half that they came from, charging and quickly dominating into utter extermination the remaining and still baffled Journeyers. The other 4 Teams did the same, but to the other half that still had a larger number of thousands of enemies.

Yet, without any fear, the soldiers from The Order resisted the feeble attacks of the enemy while the Abysmal Creatures practically ignored it. With each meter that an Abysmal Creature galloped forth or to the sides, tens of Journeyers would be directly sentenced to death with a mere but powerful swing of a soldier from The Order.

Even Sergeant Gytto, who wielded a hammer and halberd was harshly swinging his arms with all his strength even as it seemed to be strenuous and simply exhausting, yet he still attacked anything that he saw in his eyes with but all of his power and not letting even those cowardly Journeyers off by putting them down after a quick short chase.

They were nothing, they weren’t worthy of The Order showing care about them, they couldn’t even compare to the final test of battling and going full-out against an Army Colonel or more- ranked Commander that would only use an ounce of strength for a full 100 seconds where even mounted on their Abysmal Creatures for the recruits was mandatory as well.

They weren’t anything worthwhile of even being approved to become The Order’s soldier!

These Journeyers were nothing that even a Section had to be worried about. Maybe if they had good equipment,  the Section would have heavily injured soldiers, but with the extremely harsh training put into their camaraderie, those soldiers would be placed in safety with ease. Beside that, only some more minutes and strategic diverse plans would be needed to be effectuated to win such a battle all the same.

As for those plans, they obviously needed not to be told of what to do by the official commander in charge, each soldier had a brain and a leader to follow, it wasn’t just the official commanders that could make their legs move and jump.

“Ahh~... is it planted already?” Sergeant Gytto exhaled out softly but coldly as well before looking down, from the ashy fog, only a couple of heads were seen that were working on something. When they heard their official commander, one of them raised his head and gave Gytto a thumbs up. In response, Gytto nodded before taking out a crystal-obsidian looking oval shaped object from his Master’s Bag and placed int right in front of his mouth.

“Here Sergeant Gytto, Gytto Section has been successful in carrying out the Commander’s orders. My men’s position is xxx-xxx-xxx, waiting for confirmation from other units. Over.” With his eyes closed to focus a little, since he wasn’t used to this device’s magical—that was yet technological; instead—and unbelievable characteristics.

“...” While waiting with no response and thinking that they were indeed quite far ahead of time, Sergeant Gytto frowned a bit with his head turning left and right, Scouts were alright as there wasn’t any showy ‘sign’ of them having found something, so he wasn’t worried about ambushes. Only that he brought his men to die should they have been to fast.

At the same time, he had enough time to fantasize about this object, after all, according to the Lord’s description that he left for all to study; this was just a prototype and the real ‘deal’ was still hard to create. Which would only be completed when making sure that all 4 outer Regions of Main Kingdom were conquered.

And that, even then, there was an even higher level which was only available once ‘space was available’; whatever that meant. But, just as he was worried of his men and the aiding Scout Squad, a slightly familiar voice resounded from his overly limited ‘communication device’ called the ‘radio’.

“Sergeant Gytto, quite the accomplishment in efficiency and speed, well done.” Gytto was a bit astounded, but before he could answer with more words, he was interrupted by the clear and melodious sounds of fellow comrades going off at reporting their situations.

“Here Warrant Officer Yilt…” - “Here Staff Sergeant, Tenor, haha good job Gytto boy…” - “Here Corporal Sergeant Popu…” - “...Master Warrant Officer Talis…” And only after quite a long number of names were declared, as each spoken official commander gave out a report of their situation, another bout of higher ranked Official Commanders went on about.



V6: #4 6/10.

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