Bow and Arrow

Chapter 579: Chapter 577 — Bloodbath (3)

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Bloodbath (3)




"Here, Major General Byaslkl..." - "Here, Divisional General..." - "Here, Corps General... Conte" - "Here, Army General..." - "Here, Corps General... Lopur" - "Here, Lieutenant General..." And with the very few millions of reporting that came from all over The Order's Elf Blue-Hunch Region, then came the following reports from the Official Commanders who were in charge of all those from before and naturally, what would follow is for the Commanders themselves to report the readiness of their Army Groups right after.

"Here, Army Colonel Palili is ready to..." - "Here, Army Colonel Pattala..." - "Here, Army Colonel Palens..." - "Here, Army Colonel Palken..." - "Here, Army Colonel Pallenio..." - "Here, Army Colonel Palpis..." - "Here, Army Colonel Palehu..." - "Here, Army Colonel Palem..." - "Here, Colonel General Pawya! I am ready to..." - "Here, Colonel General Katalyia..."

“You may all take a rest, you’ve done well.” Powlniu’s sound then came into the ears and seemingly, hearts, of everyone else that had not only her emblem of the Elf Blue-Hunch Region but that was her subordinate and that fact alone itself. When hearing her voice, the now more than 22 millions of soldiers responded in silence to her ‘command’, letting the entire, whole Region which wasn’t even halfway there to a full Region to rest at last.

They deserved it, after all, it was this one Elf Blue-Hunch Region unit that managed to take over the large 10% of territory of the whole and vast outskirts from the Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division in just a little more than that of 2 hours, all that was left to do, was to set a small campsite and even base of operations; more or less.

“... … …here General Powlniu of the Elf Blue-Hunch Region, reporting a total success on the taking of the territories from the Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division's ownerless lands, from coordinates xxx-xxx-xxx to xxx-xxx-xxx. Waiting for confirmation of the nearby warring fellows? Over.” Her pretty little blue lips moving just a few more bits at the end, Powlniu ended her report with her heart fully at ease and peaceful.

Slowly closing her eyes, Powlniu’s figure amidst the depth of the night wasn’t anywhere obstructed by the ashy fog going on around, towards all of the Eternal Silhouette Region. While Powlniu herself was millions of kilometers at the back of where and extremely long line of soldiers were in formation just now, she was still able to see them from so far away as if these children could never leave her sight.

It was stupid to think that no casualties would be taken for her side, The Order’s side, in this war. Especially taking in consideration the acts of there still being so many God Race’s troops appearing from time to time, though they might not appear at the borders of each Region, they wouldn’t just stop for a moment due to the ongoing and new war of The Order vs the Eternal Silhouette Region.

But, it is just fine, might as well and so on; and so on. They would watch, at first, before slowly beginning to move forwards on and on, slowly taking several hundreds or a few thousands of smallish settlements while also intercepting, intimidating and even brutally killing any batch of Journeyers that would go a bit way too far from their protected home.

It was fine, there was still time, it was even better if there were no opportunities for the following week, that would be even better for both reconnaissance and for the sake of giving ‘the other side’ more time to start as well. Powlniu was being tickled off just by seeing the ashy frog, let alone that it would ‘dance’ around her as if tauntingly, when she finally received sounds from her ‘radio’ at last.

“, General Urtan of the Azure Legend’s Region, reporting a total success over the Hidden Crimson Shadow Sub-Division…” - “Here, White Legend’s Region’s General Horp reporting success over the taking of territories from…” - “Here, General Yintaya of the Black Legend’s Region reporting success over the taking of territory from coordinates…”

“Hmm, if there is no further word needed, then I’ll proceed to notify the Lord to begin.” Powlniu said after waiting just a couple of moments once the last, General Yintaya, was to report from the success of the whole Eternal Silhouette Region’s conquest having just begun; basically.

Without a doubt, once Powlniu finished saying her words, all 3 other voices responded in unison in a calm yet somewhat ‘loud’ voice at the same time, “Yes, General Powlniu! Please proceed to notify The Order of our success!”

Nodding to their words, Powlniu let out a light ‘Over’ before storing the ‘radio’ away, faced once again her troops that were all beginning to each make their own way to put up their own tents and so on. Closing her eyes once more with her hands against her back, Powlniu was—this time—not conveying her senses to her troops, but trying to connect with the deep bond within herself and Yun Beishang.

“!” With just a mere few moments passing by, Powlniu’s face went from serious and stern, to melting and motherly, before then becoming so breathtakingly beautiful as she smiled a tad and let out soft whimpers before once again slowly falling into silence. Moving her right hand fast from her lower back as it was being grasped by her left hand, Powlniu had already summoned her radio as she spoke out loud to it.

“Attention! Generals within the Eternal Silhouette Region, the Lord’s commands are to keep going with procedures, Regions from the MK Legend’s units will be arriving for the next 3 days. In those 3 days, we got to make sure to implement them within our camps, let no enemy take sight of our allies; each of these Regions will have a Commander to lead them.”

“We just need to make sure that things are ready a week later,  because 4 days later will be the time that The Order begins to take over both the Eternal Silhouette Region and the Origin Pertaining Region!” With Powlniu’s words easily conveying the fact that the previously ‘wandering’ but abundant armies from the Main Kingdom’s Regional Forces were now being led by The Order’s Commanders, the 3 Generals that would be in charge of 2 or 3 other Region units responded with clear and stern—and rather simple—‘understood’ before the ‘radio’ of Powlniu went into silence for the last time.

Setting her gaze into the campsite that was quickly, efficiently and so damn orderly being built all at once by her Region unit, Powlniu took a deep breath into her lungs before beginning to walk ahead after caressing her emblem with a lot of care and affection. Walking down the incredible high hill that Journeyers barely but any people around, Powlniu who was to be above several other Regions in this war, closed her eyes as she walked without tripping nor bumping into something. The soft caressing, soothing and warming breathing sounds of Yun Beishang, her Master, Lord and now Husband as well, ringing at her large and pointy blue ears without end.

There was only time to wait, nothing else was left to do… for the moment.

But, at the same moment, and instances that the Region units of The Order were already placed all over the Eternal Silhouette Region, as the countless Journeyers within it seemed to look towards its Regional borders even while fending off against the still ongoing God Race’s troops; all the way to the other extreme of the world, the ‘safe’ Origin Pertaining Region was beginning to have a ‘show’ of fireworks that were going on and one from all over its Regional borders.

Those fireworks went from the flat ground surrounding the Regional borders to a complete thousands of meters in the air but, even though it was so high up, it was only visible to the party that was making a show out of them… and it was from all over the nightly sky of the Origin Pertaining Region’s perimeter all at the same time.

The Eternal Silhouette Region was being attacked, now in war, and while its total population could already fear the sensation of being invaded and with unknown people getting into their lands, provoking unrest and panic even to those who seemed calm and acted with ease to applicate either their own people, family or friends that were going to ‘participate’.

Nobody would ever have thought that the defenseless Origin Pertaining Region had so many wolves with even calmer, crueler and bold eyes looking from afar at all the other Sub-Division within the same, dealing off with the God Race’s troops as their completely calmed and peaceful expression showed not like those of people who knew what terror is.

. . .


6 days later, with only but 11 days before the 12th month of the year would be bid farewell and the first month of the next year would be warmly welcomed by all, since nobody could challenge time of course.


Within the Eternal Silhouette Region, its Sub-Divisions were all still at war with two different sides, the God Race’s troops and the very Order itself, the latter was not involved with dealing with the God Race’s troops this time though. And at the outskirts of each Sub-Division from the Region, smallish settlements were swiftly taken under the wing of The Order with barely any dealings with accidents and tragedy.

This was even so after almost a whole week had gone by with The Order appearing to be… ‘slightly’ cowardly. Even though there were even pics, from so far away and that had a lot of limitations with not being able to zoom in after a certain distance was already zoomed in within the in-game forums and the like; a large campsite could still be made out to be from The Order’s army stationed at the faraway Sub-Divisions’ territories.

The Order seemed to be making a whole lot of ‘tension’, but was instead just there, doing nothing and making a circle to ‘bully’ the Journeyers from the Eternal Silhouette Region. But the latter didn’t feel any of that, nor would anyone else do so; kinda. It instead made many think of The Order retreating at the end due to not being confident enough to keep this war ongoing.

Only those who were directly under the forces and Alliance that Baston pulled to his side were in the known that Baston wasn’t acting any carefree, nor that The Order was acting any bit of cowardly or hesitatingly. Their troops would get demolished almost 100% of the time, with the remaining 10% or so being free from any attacks due to their patrolling being rather close to the main forces of each Sub-Division’s territory.

It seemed so little time has passed but, to the people from the resisting forces against The Order, the several batches of tens of thousands of Inhabitants and thousands of paid Journeyers to basically just die but to bring information back; were all swiftly, cleanly and even artistically annihilated by a simple group of around 1,000 soldiers from The Order.

With so much time, so many hours in a day and with these 7 days being that of the resisting forces sending so many times their ‘useless’ paid Journeyers, they all either quickly turned to actually Useless by the system and could no longer be of any use. With the system even going as far as to block and trade or picking up items from the ground towards those that died 15 times since the war started and became Useless in the end.

Shortly after the beginning of the war and gathering of intel, the resisting side quickly lost this particular ability, their way to overcome this ‘difficulty’? Just send more Inhabitants then! Besides that one particular choice, and to which Baton didn’t disagree to, some thousands of Journeyers would sometimes join the Inhabitants sent to fight.

That way, the resisting forces were able to slowly but surely get a grasp of The Order’s non-massively-destroying power. Their Mounts, called the Abysmal Creatures, had a strength equal to higher leveled BOSSes that couldn’t be any more stronger than any of what they’ve face before. Their levels were even rumored to be among the LV150 or something, while the Journeyers within The Order were much more ‘normal’ and ‘easier’ to fight head on.

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Even then, and as his forces were becoming confident, boosted morale as well as bolder; Baston still gave no order whatsoever to move troops to meet the enemy. After all, nobody would just go full against an army of about 100 million that would pretty much be able to easily destroy their 2 billion-amount, strong army without the level nor equipment to match them.

Besides, graded Inhabitants had much more HP just like any other graded BOSS, so a 1v1 with those of similar level was still disadvantageous, even if their attacking damage wasn’t so much. As the speed that Inhabitants, mobs and BOSSes could both move and attack was still a great factor of why they were so dangerous, then the fact that The Order had such strong graded Inhabitants with even stronger Mounts was what was already commonly feared among the Eternal Silhouette Region’s resisting forces.

As for The Order, under the noses of its population, those warriors that were ‘defending’ it and that had already begun attacking The Order back on its behalf. The Order’s Commanders from the newly incoming Region unis had begun to already be familiarized and acknowledged The Order as their ‘home’, just like the soldiers from the Main Kingdom’s Regional Forces have come to do as well.

Though there wasn’t much skilled people to command within that Faction, largest in the entire world that had still quite a large scary number of troops but from which The Order could only make a worthy use of from a incredibly small portion of it all by selecting the elite and keep on training the still not strong, disciplined and powerful enough.

Even then; there were hidden talents in commanding that were trained up properly, some by Powlniu, some by other Generals. Those that had actual Generals as teachers were meant to be Commanders for the next phase of The Order ‘going’ around all of Main Kingdom, while those who were still being taught and disciplined at by Teachers of The Order were to slowly become official commanders, Official Commanders, Commanders or Supreme Commanders of The Order.

Only a tiny proportion among the already billions of recruits training hard back at the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain City’s Training Grounds were capable of being more than an ‘official commander’, while even less were so of reaching the Supreme Commander position. Besides the ability, one had to be strong enough, which was an already good quality of the unearthed talented ones from the previously known as the Main Kingdom’s Regional Forces to now the MK Legend’s Region.

Only about 1.5 billion of soldiers could be put to use within the MK Legend’s Region, as not all of their soldiers could be directly placed in such an important duty like a goddamn Regional war right away, even if they were capable in terms of strength. While only about 800 million of such experienced and perfectly trained men and women were sent to the Eternal Silhouette Region.

There was still nothing going on, however, there were only mentions and mentions of The Order being cowardly watching from the sidelines as they did nothing but put some psychological pressure on the Journeyers from the Region at first, but were now more like a bunch of clueless monkeys not knowing what to do. As for the Origin Pertaining Region…

Oh well, if there was something to highlight during these 7 days and from the skirmishes, ambushes and typically total annihilation that The Order made the resisting forces of the Eternal Silhouette Region suffer was; that in particular, from the Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division, their leading figure, Synfyl, was sending tens and tens of thousands of Inhabitants to their death; basically.

Whenever Yun Beishang received another notification from one of his Maidens within the game, that Synfyl had yet sent a total of ‘x’ hundredth thousand amount of Inhabitants for today, he would grow irked for as the fool man wasn’t doing this to provoke him, wasn’t doing this to make a point; he just wanted attention and was feeling himself becoming a hero whereas Yun Beishang never even took a glance at him nor thought at him at all.

Synfyl was being a hero without fame, purpose nor dreams; just getting at his nerve because he knew what Yun Beishang had, and that was a care for the Inhabitants, that may as well even be the reason he is so careful when sending his Order to war. Synfyl really thought he could do anything, the kind of person that thought that he wouldn’t be dumb as long as he didn’t say he himself was dumb; but whose actions were dumber than the greatest dumb things to be.

But from all of Synfyl’s patience, pettiness and ‘schemes’; Yun Beishang ignored, and even as he began sending those Inhabitants to the slaughterhouse and the butcher was himself, Yun Beishang still did not give any order whatsoever for his army to either retreat nor to attack in a disgusting and pitiful demeanor. That was left for only Synfyl to show himself to others, Yun Beishang was long gone with that kind of childish and extremely selfish, self-centered seeking attention.

But now… now it was time for Yun Beishang to keep on going with his plans, was there anyone that could stop him? No, but there were people who could become as idiotic and laughingstocks as they wanted, yet Yun Beishang would still give not a single care given to such. It was now time to make the other party back off…

. . .


11:20 pm, Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division’s outskirts, in the middle of the Regional borders and where the Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division’s territory begins.


From the large amount of corpses, and the incredible amount of moving soldiers that were getting deeper and deeper within a forest that was just now fully infested with dozens and dozens of thousands of Inhabitants and about a solid 100,000 Journeyers laying in the waiting. A smaller but still large group of soldiers wearing the same bluish, metallic gray colored armor were making their carnage-path through the forest that wasn’t abundant nor particularly tall in general.

There were obvious signs of injuries from a lot of these soldiers, which were naturally from The Order, however; the other side was completely defeated as from the insane amount of corpses on the forests, only about several thousands were left walking and kicking with vigor further and further behind and in obvious retreating fashions that were yet always interrupted by the soldiers from The Order.

“AAAAAAAHHHHHGG!!” A soldier wielding a short scimitar had just made an instantaneous flash from one spot to another, directly crossing over dozens of meters at once and with a raging, twisted face as he split more than 80 bodies into several parties with that single move and a mere short scimitar in his left hand.

“SERGEANT GYTTO!!” A hoarse, tremendously furious and bloodlust hollow resounded from Gytto’s left hand where his scimitar had ended posing to, as the several tens of thousands of soldiers from The Order kept on chasing the enemy that was still yet trying to retreat, he looked to his left with indignation in his eyes as his superior did not disappoint him.

“MOVE TO THEIR BACKGUARD!!” The Lieutenant General howled once more, his right arm pointing at the retreating, scared and agonizing Inhabitants but that had tons of their brothers and sisters’ flesh and blood on their crude, weakest armors. “AND YOU BETTER DELETE ANY IDEAS OF ESCAPING FROM THOSE INGRATES!”

“Yes sir-...” When hearing his orders, Sergeant Gytto lowered his body a bit before saying lightly and almost in a whisper in return to his heeding of orders. Sergeant Gytto transformed into a flash of steel that went from the back of his fellow soldiers, surrounded them from the left flank and then turned into a steel and dark blue-purple flash that moved towards the enemy Inhabitants.

“...-bughh, bkwlgraahh! Ka-kgrwlgargggg!!”


“Gruwhlyuuuuiii! Gruuuuwl~~!” Following the ardent coughing of blood and organ matter and the white noise of a body heavily falling onto the ground as hard as freefall could be, the whispering, tender and grieving sounds of an Abysmal Creature crying out were heard as the Lieutenant General fell from his Mount and could no longer move while throwing up black blood.

“Cough… cough, cough…” While feeling his own vitality move away from his whole self, the Lieutenant General’s eyes looked at the faraway massacre of more than ‘just’ thousands of enemy soldiers being cleared off, in a boundless rage and heating wrath by a single soldier of his own; all while the remaining fellow soldiers merely watched but not in a shocked nor terrified or even content expression on their eyes.

Instead, what was on them was the mere feeling of grief as they saw just one of the many Sergeants of their Legion do what none of them could after suffering such a setback and becoming exhausted all at once. Only a painful and mourning thanks was all their eyes could emit as they watched Sergeant Gytto turn into a reaper of all life; for the ones that were just now lost.



Let It Rain's Note: In this chapter, before the last '. . .', those 500-ish words I took the chance to also dedicate to the people who can only dream of being always right and never wrong, who can do things so low and denigrating to themselves which cannot be comprehended for a clear and well coordinated mind. That only mud is what I can picture when thinking of what is going on their heads and that such people resemble a senile old person who treats anyone as their enemy for no reason whatsoever.

On the other hand, Synfyl was a great show of that, and that certain person couldn't have arrived at a more timely moment than these past few weeks.

At the same time, I want to thank those who can pinpoint a negative effect my novel had on yourselves and show it to others without being obnoxious nor attention seeking, I see many of those all around NovelUpdates at every small and unknown novel that are exaggerating even as I myself hated reading some; I will continue on trying to better myself, I am not writing this claiming to make you drop your pants and cry out in ecstasy at the end of my novel… just to have a single person reading is already a lot to me, and this is according to my thoughts and expectations of when I was even ‘jokingly’ beginning to write the base foundations of this novel.

V6: #4 7/10.

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