Bow and Arrow

Chapter 580: Chapter 578 — Bloodbath (4—Last Part)

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Bloodbath (4—Last Part)




"... ... ... ..." After having finished slashing over the last living body's throat, chest, crotch, tendons and cracking the skull of an enemy Inhabitant, Sergeant Gytto walked back on foot on his way back to where a ton of corpses from the initial 30,000 Legion was suddenly struck with a nasty, unthinkable and just laughable 'tactic' employed by the resisting forces of the Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division.

It was so much like so and improbable that The Order wasn’t not only not able to react in time to make preparations for such in time, it was also the fact that the ‘tactic’ had such dangerous aspects to itself that it did not only maimed half of the whole Legion in just a few movements by the ‘tactic’; even the whole Journeyer other side was pulverized at once while the remaining hundreds of thousands of enemy Inhabitants were eaten by ‘it’.

As the last of the 7 days of waiting was approaching to its end, when their General Powlniu received the information from Scouts detecting a slightly large force of enemies blatantly waiting for them at a small forest area towards the path that riding towards the Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division would make it easier for the offensive, she and anyone else that knew of it knew that they had to take out such an enemy before the 7th day’s movement even started.

As such, with a mere thinking of a moment, Powlniu chose the Legion to be sent to eradicate the enemy; whether the enemy’s actions was to spy, plant a trap or didn’t even know that it would be such a crucial movement by their side without knowing, it had to be done nonetheless.

Like so, a Legion of more than 30,000 moved out of campsite of the 40% terrain that The Order has covered, conquered and turned into its own after so little time yet so slowly at the same time. Riding at a fairly good enough Movement Speed of 250%, they quickly arrived at a distance of 1,000 km or so before momentarily stopping to wait for the Scouts who went over to look.

According to the information gathered, the 400,000 large army or so had arrived just about a few hours ago in batches that entered the small forest area one after the other, all of them had Borrowed Horses from a summoning item of the Valuable grade and were possibly sent there a day before or in the morning of the 6th day since the war started at the very least.

When being recounted of all the armament within this ‘large’ army, the Lieutenant General made the choice to attack it without reinforcements to which no objection nor face was given to their Official Commander. As such, the Legion rode their Abysmal Creatures to their powerful charging speed, planning to even topple the trees while making an earlier path through the small forest area.

The collision was harsh and even created wave to which the few magical Inhabitants still at the back of the charging cavalry made use of the Elements like Mud, Sand, Dust, Rock, Metal, Lava and even up to gravity as well as other Elements like Gale, Flash, Levitation and other wind-like Wind properties like Suffocation and Tornado, Cyclone to aid in the battle.

Remaining on the rear, the magical classes of soldiers did their job as the vanguard took the job of suffering not a single death but a lot of injuries, yet, such injuries were quickly healed up by the responsible magic classes as the ranged type of soldiers covered a few who had been healed up by the third to fifth time that needed to be evacuated and given a momentary short rest.

But, barely 85 seconds were spent like this when, suddenly, a similar shadow went over to the heads of the soldiers from The Order; widening their eyes, shrinking their pupils and making them forget about the oh so wonderful skill of being able to breathe. For as in the next moment, a huge monster terrorized the entire small forest that became a flat land of uplifted terrain and flattened, overly bent trees.

The moment the Mortal’s Terror descended from the sky and made a momentous earthquake was also the moment that both sides were both killed and sent flying away by waves from both the collision of the Mortal’s Terror’s body against the ground and from the powers from the same that it used to attack both sides right away.

When The Order’s army was standing up to fight again, only to see incomplete bodies, mangled, disfigured and turned into raw at its utmost. A lot where on the stomach-mouth of the Mortal’s Terror that was just then closing since it had caught quite a bit of ants from both sides. But some others were on the ground or adhered to its legs and feet as they were still alive but dying; still moving and screaming and in pain but hopeless.

Just as The Order was getting ready to face the worst, also being prepared for any kind of meeting like this one as it couldn’t be hopeless in this situation at all, the enemy Journeyers were directly seen charging towards them while disregarding the Mortal’s Terror. And to the surprise, shock and delirious realization of The Order’s army, the Mortal’s Terror seemed to be confused a little; but that was it, just a little.

It then formed a smile for some time, making its jaw open from the top left corner to the top right corner of its head before actually aiding the enemy of The Order to kill and eat them while momentarily ignoring the other ants. But if they thought that they could use this moment of absurdities and bizarreness to make the Mortal’s Terror ‘play’ with them, then it was futile to think of victory!

The Order’s Legion was still alive and kicking, their official commanders were each ready to die to get this monster down along with the enemies that brought this shit here, some of them yelled at their Official Commander, some directly gazed back at him and waited for confirmation for a certain matter.

When the Lieutenant General nodded at one of them, the others were quick to move as they each moved a large portion of the Legion to do only one thing; ‘deliver the bomb to the Mortal’s Terror’s hungry belly’.

With their soldiers dodging, as much as they could the invisible and heinous energy from the Mortal’s Terror and easily fending off the enemy Inhabitants and remaining Journeyers, they rapidly approached the Mortal’s Terror with their Lieutenant Colonel carrying a cylindrical object with a white main color but with its tips having both a different multitude of blue color each.

At the same time that this team progressed, the remaining magic type of soldiers were quick to heal back up and aid their fellow comrades and also preparing to buff everyone, counting the brave ones too, to retreat the hell out of there in a moment. Since The Order wasn’t riding their Mounts, many from the other side believed them to either be dead or unavailable. Not knowing at all how Mounts work along the Inhabitants within the system.

As such, when they tried to cluelessly charge over, a leading group from the still tens of thousands of Journeyers alive and kicking sent their whole group towards the Lieutenant Colonel’s Battalion Regiment. With just a few seconds and with the Mortal’s Terror never stopping attacking and even beginning to target both sides already, it was more than obvious and a matter of time for the Lieutnenat Colonel, his Battalion Regiment and a few other official commanders to be stopped.

When everything turned ugly, the whole Battalion Regiment lost their Official Commander along with the ‘bomb’ that he was carrying; by that time, the Journeyers from before were all sent back to their mommies but a whole bunch of Inhabitants still remained. Much more than The Order and even with the remaining ally Journeyers added up together.

But before dying, the Lieutenant Colonel made sure to toss away the bomb, where another incoming Battalion Regiment was closing in with the Lieutenant General leading the Division taking the lead. Just when the bomb was being tossed and kicked around without the enemy Inhabitants knowing about it, the Mortal’s Terror felt bored, so he looked up to another part of the battle; the rear of The Order’s army.

Seeing a few small ants together seemingly irritated the Mortal’s Terror, who then targeted the few and already scarce amount of magic type of soldiers with a female official commander leading them. At the last few moments of her life, the female official commander felt her life already over, as she gleaned one last time at the battle in which she used the last movements that her arms could make along with her tongue to conjure a weakest of gales to send the bomb flying straight towards a certain low-ranked official commander with yet a stronger fortitude than even their Official Commander.

Right as she finished such feeble motions, she and the whole last magic type of soldiers were brutally slapped by the left hand of the overly enlarged arm of the Mortal’s Terror, who bore a casual and bored expression even as it covered its whole palm of squishy and squirming sensations.

The remaining few 3,000 soldiers from The Order could only keep on charging forwards, the low-ranked officer who took the bomb threw his hammer and halberd to deeply imprint them into the Mortal’s Terror’s legs to jump on them and move upwards to where its damn belly was!

The remaining soldiers on his side threw their own weapons at it as well, making a few more ‘steps’ for Sergeant Gytto to come up to let the Mortal’s Terror meet its own true terror!

Then, Sergeant Gytto when in and out of the Mortal’s Terror as the latter chose to let an ant deliver itself into its mouth, but felt extremely terrified when a sensation from a thing entering its stomach made it open it once again with the hopes of taking it out of its stomach. However, as Sergeant Gytto came out while being smeared on some invisible energy and the Mortal’s Terror tried to take the ‘thing’ out with its face growing impossibly terrifyingly ugly; it went off.


With barely any time left to run away from the Mortal’s Terror, the remaining more but not by much-3,000 soldiers from The Order could only turn their back to it, crotch and cover the body of the soldier in front of themselves to limit the amount of casualties as much as possible; a sacrifice well needed that could only be employed by their longing and bodies as well as hearts at the last, desperate moment of life.

However, at that mere moment, the Lieutenant General suddenly appeared right behind Sergeant Gytto who was the last one to have come back to the remaining Battalion Regiment; and, without caring of his own life, the Lieutenant General swiftly opened his arms wide and remained standing on the ground as the beautiful yet even sadder blue explosion went off.

With a small cupola of gray that would shine a black whenever it seemed about to break, only to be reinforced even more and more, yet as the Lieutenant became more and more skinned, lost hair, even teeth and the light in his eyes. But it wasn’t until a minute later that the explosion went off in which the Lieutenant General finally let go of his power with his feeble body falling on Sergeant Gytto’s back.

Yet again… before Sergeant Gytto could help the weakened man back onto his Abysmal Creature, footsteps that resembled not The Order’s soldiers sounded out from a few kilometers away, forcing all exhausted, injured but bloodlusting soldiers of The Order to stand once again ready for a battle; for battling to the death!

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Even the sight of the still somewhat hundredth thousand enemies of Inhabitants who were full of dirt and mangled corpses of who knows who or what on their bodies made nothing to scare The Order’s soldiers away! They even took the initiative to charge with none other than their Lieutenant General taking the lead upon the notion!

And the rest… the rest was story… a history.

. . .


Crakk-crnk~, crakk-crnk… crakk crakk.

“Huff, mfh, hum-khm… huff, huff… hmfm…” Walking over the overly smooth yet partially solid dirt and while clearing his throat with his heavy, weak and exhaustive grunts, Sergeant Gytto made his way to the Lieutenant General whose body was prone sprawled on the ground. His Abysmal Creature close to it and using the feelers around and inside its nose to tenderly caress the shriveled back of the head of his rider.

Meanwhile, behind Sergeant Gytto, Sophie who was renamed by none other than a beautiful lady that will always wait for Gytto back ‘home’ with a nice, elegant and latest fashion transparent dress on with her own name; was looking at the other grieving Abysmal Creature as she looked back at her rider as if thinking that it could be her instead…

Grwuuffghh, gruwfgh…”

“There, there there…” Gytto did his best to calm her down as he arrived right in front of the Lieutenant General, his right hand caressing the large snout of Sophie with her tentacle-spikes softly caressing his hand back overall all around it- then stopped as he finally saw the invisible energy moving the armor on the back of his Commanding Official’s lifeless body.


Without thinking any longer, and knowing that there wasn’t any other living magic type of soldiers anymore… Sergeant Gytto produced a flame with some tools made in The Order, creating a harsh and powerful orange-black little flame that seemed to want to adhere itself to his own skin as soon as it was formed.

Crouching a little while being careful to not touch the flame with any part of his body and as he held a large cylindrical, thing object. Sergeant Gytto placed it atop the Lieutenant General’s back, a whole lot of few thousands of soldiers on his back began surrounding the four as one of them slowly began to turn into ashes along with their armor, another one was calling in ‘grwhughs’ to the sky and the earth, and another 2 were silently mourning the Official Commander’s death along a few thousand others.


When it all came to ashes, and as every soldier was silently reciting some ‘farewells’ and ‘goodbyes’ of their own, the only thing remaining and that shone splendidly was a small emblem that even the earth that covered it among the flames was moved away as if by an invisible hand. But to which it was only possible when a member of The Order was nearby, so that it could be taken back and its message understood.

Sergeant Gytto didn’t care about it, he looked at a silent higher ranked official commander and turned around, but when that higher ranked official commander took the emblem and seemingly looked through it with a hurried demeanor, his eyebrows then relaxed as he stood up and quickly said with a loud and respecting, venerating tone in his voice.

“Sir, reporting! Lieutenant General Fierre’s last wish was to promote Sergeant Gytto to any rank he wishes that isn’t above the Colonel rank, sir!” The official commander stood in attention after he finished reporting that, the other soldiers all around Sergeant Gytto followed suit as the latter was wide eyed as he slowly looked at his surroundings.

“...give me the Staff Sergeant rank, thank you.” Sergeant Gytto said, but the Captain who took the emblem from before responded with subservience, “Sergeant Gytto ascension to Staff Sergeant Gytto, effective immediately, sir!”

With that, Staff Sergeant Gytto’s emblem began shining strongly as his back straightened in return. Not needing to be dense, Staff Sergeant Gytto knew who these 3,000 something had their hearts placed onto. “Begin picking up the emblems, set free the fallen ones and accommodate the whole ones, we’ve gotta mov-eh?”

“Staff Sergeant Gytto, this is Headquarters, you will temporarily take the command of a Battalion Regiment from now on until new notice. It is time to let the enemy know of what The Order is capable of, not going back anymore, orders from the Lord. Move your temporary subordinates to the location of xxx-xxx-xxx and join your Army Colonel Palili at the xxx-xxx-xxx once you’ve cleared the zone of any enemy as well as conquered any settlement on your way there. Also, congratulations on being promoted, it was the Lord’s approval himself. Enjoy the gift, over.”

Just as Staff Sergeant Gytto was sending his people to collect the emblems and as many corpses as possible, his emblem’s glimmer made all soldiers stop and to wait for further orders. And once Staff Sergeant Gytto was fully reported of such, he quickly conveyed his now temporary but still subordinates to let their Abysmal Creatures to aid them in the matter before preparing to move at full speed at their new destination.

And just as the soldiers were confused since they wouldn’t be send to die while already being so exhausted, it happened…




A formation of 3 G F-D spaceships as they went flying over their heads in a ‘slow’ speed that they barely see them at, right as a few huge boxes of a 2 x 2 square meters fell all around the battlefield on the side of The Order. Staff Sergeant Gytto marveled as he saw a fair and small hand and arm waving at him from the cabin of the spaceship.

‘I think… the Lord is angry…’

Moving towards the boxes of metal that looked like wood instead, Staff Sergeant Gytto saw his people begin to take out healing items, mostly Kindness Advanced-Potions and some brand new items that could restore their stamina and mentality but that could only be used twice a week. And as he looked at the already departing and dots-looking G F-D spaceships disappear with their huge wingspan, cargo hold and incredible defensive measures as well as unique types of attack that this type of spaceships could employ automatically or not.

Staff Sergeant Gytto cheered himself up while holding tight the emblem of his late superior as he himself got within the crowd to get some for himself, to lead these people who put their all on him, he had to be full of stamina and pristine; after all.

Tens of kilometers in the air, he would naturally not see a certain sneaky someone with his huge pair of 15 meters long starry purple wings remaining stagnant in the air yet being able to ‘levitate’ or fly without any turbulence nor showing any signs of suffocation. The very same Lord that seemed angry and not content, was indeed wearing a pair of serious, thoughtful eyes… along his eyebrows that were frowning with the word ‘uh-oh’ plastered all on Katia’s face who was hugging him from behind while also relishing on the sensation of flying once more.



V6: #4 8/10.

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