Call Of The Devil’s Daughter

Chapter 5: Chapter Five- Escape.

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Chapter Five.

“We’re almost there, just a bit further!” Elsie who was steadily walking forwards before checking around the corner said.

One could say that these last few moments were the most crucial, one miss-step and everything that she had done up until this point would go complete bust. Furthermore, her main concern was that Jack wouldn’t be able to beat the guards due to his lasting wounds, however, he promised her that he would bring her out, so all she could do was trust him.

For the exact reason as to not be caught, Elsie became even more cautious and became slower.

Hall after hall, although the time felt endless, the light from the exit of the palace was eventually in sight, just another corner left.

“Just around this corner, get ready!” Elsie whose heart was now pounding, to the point in which you could slightly hear it. Turned around and told Jack.

To Elsie’s surprise though, Jack was extremely calm, his breathing steady and his hands not shaking at all.

(How was he so calm?) Elsie couldn’t understand.

Was he strong? Were these guards just small fries to him? She could only wait to know the answer.

“All right, ill go in front, when I say go, run to the exit, all right?” Jack who was holding his sword, which he had unsheathed moments prior moved in front of Elsie.

After a quick nod, Elsie nervously awaited Jack’s signal.

However, although Jack was calm on the outside, this was only an act. Normally he wouldn’t worry so much about a few guards, however with his current injuries which he had sustained entering the place, and the fact that security around the palace had been buffed up, Jack was cautiously waiting for the right moment, one shot was all he had after all…

He stood silent as time passed, Elsie was getting more and more nervous as time went by. Was she beginning to doubt Jack’s abilities? Probably, She had no other option, everything was riding on him however, he wasn’t doing anything.

Jack counted every time his heart beat. (1,2,3) and repeat.(1,2,3) before he suddenly made a move, which surprised Elsie and also made the blood rush throughout her body, making all the nervousness flood away.

“GO!” with a roar, Jack ran around the corner towards the closest guard.

Right behind him, Elsie followed, however, her destination differed from Jack’s and she ran straight for the exit doors.

Looking in shock, the two black-horned demons shouted out. “Princess what are you doing?!” before rushing towards her.

Any other time, even thinking about laying hands on the princess would get you killed, however, Satan had ordered that if the princess ever tried to attempt an escape, beating her wouldn’t even be a problem. Never mind catching her.

This was the only time they could touch the princess and get away with it. Such creepy expressions they had…

However, looking at Elsie, she was not unfazed at such an attempt at her body. The reason?

She had tried to escape multiple times before, Alone. And she had experienced failure over and over again. However one thing set her apart from others, Elsie never gave up. And this time she was different.

“You think I haven’t prepared for this?” She said with a grin on her face, before pulling out a strange-looking pouch.

It smelled quite heinous.

What was this? She threw it toward the incoming guards. Orange dust filled their faces, completely stopping them in their tracks.

The thing she had thrown on their face? It was a concoction that Lacy had come up with. It included ingredients such as Wendigo feces (poop), combined with the infamous wolfbane flower, which was known for its inconceivable smell.

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Why would the princess carry such vile things around with her? Well, she loved alchemy and these ingredients were commonly used, for some particular reason.

The guards were now finding it hard to breathe, smelling something worse than death had them scratching the orange power off their faces, however to no effect, it only amplified the audacious smell by spreading it towards their eyes, and into their mouths.

One could only hope for death to relieve such humiliation and pain. Such a fate was practically worse than anything someone could physically do to you.

“Phew, that smells horrible, stay away from me.” Elsie stuck her tongue out, she had finally gotten back at the guards who had kept her from escaping for such a long time, and she had done it all by herself.

Although proud and wanting to celebrate, Elsie kept her mind clear and kept hurdling towards the exit. When she looked to her right, she could see Jack who was right behind her, and what looked like multiple bodies behind him.

“You did it!” Elsie exclaimed out in joy, however her happy face suddenly turned into one of worry. When she looked at the wound he had gotten before fighting the guards, it was re-open and blood was gushing out. Furthermore, there were multiple cuts to Jack’s shoulders and legs. He was hardly able to stand up.

“Are you ok?!” She said, however, she already knew the answer. He was lucky to even be conscious.

“I’m fine, never mind me, I can wait until we get out of here. Now go! We’re almost out!”

Although very nervous and worried about Jack, Elsie could only nod and run at his pace holding him up, they had cleared all the guards, and they were home free.

“Elsie, where do you think you are going?” a crude and hoarse voice rang out throughout the capital, no, it rang out throughout hell itself.

Only one voice could make such a bold statement, only one voice could have so much power forcing itself throughout the ears and souls of the entire underworld, this voice was the voice of Satan himself.

At this moment, Jack felt a shiver through his spine, his entire body went cold. Was this the man he was trying to kill? Such power only from his voice? However, where was he? Jack looked around yet the owner of the voice was nowhere to be seen.

Was he even here?

“Do you think you can do anything by leaving here? Come back now, ill only lock you in your room for three years.”

The crude voice called out again, however, the power coming from it did not drop, it became stronger.

“No! I want to go explore outside! I’m sick of being trapped here!” Jack looked at Elsie, her voice was sturdy, and although she was scared, she was standing her ground.

“Girl, do you dare go against your father?” the voice rang out once again, clearly angry, the power was ferocious, and Jack felt his soul being ripped apart.

“I don’t care! I’m going out and you can’t stop me! Don’t even come looking for me!” Elsie’s voice roared, although not on the same level as her father’s it had some power to it.

Waiting for a response, however, she did not receive one, why was this? Had he given up? Or worse. Was he coming here in person? Questions filled jack’s mind, and instantly his face filled with sweat.

If Satan came here, Never mind himself, but even Elsie would seriously be beaten. It would be instant death for him.

“Elsie, we have to get out of here now! Your fathers probably coming we need to go!” while shouting at Elsie who was still in an entranced state waiting for a response, Jack who was now standing in a pool of his dark red blood pulled Elsie along.

As her trance was broken, she respond. “Yeah, let’s go…” a longing tone came from her voice however her face showed one of determination, one which would shake the entire underworld to achieve her goal.

Coming closer while supporting each other, Jack and Elsie pushed the doors to the palace open…

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