
Chapter 11: Atop the mountain there shall be blood

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It was almost a walk in the park after he got to know the stats of several animals. It was not a life or death situation anymore. He used his over the top deff to "play" with the beings he met.

That began over a month ago when he finally leveled identify to 10. If somebody knew what he had done within this whole month they would be scared to their bones. 

Only the inner circle of the island still had some beings left. Also the bear, no Teddy was somewhere around.

He met that bear after some 10ish days from the last meeting. As Dar had his identify he tried to get his enemy better. It seemed to be a big mistake though.

Name: Teddy the Acrobat

Level: 232

Hp: 2870

Mana: 5980

Strenght: 2560

Deff: 2300

Agility: 4270

After seing those stats he was more than happy that the bear probably wasn't going full out. After asking Systa she did day though that Agility didn't mean speed. It was a dtat which also included body movement technique and dexterity.

Name: Deep Sea Turtle

Level: 87

HP: 1200


Strenght: 570

Deff: 2300

Agility: 410 (890)

That would also explain the newest enemy Dar met today. He thought about going into the water and maybe try to level up some skills and getting Identify up. He did a 180° after getting to know the hard truth.

What you may ask? Well the ocean is fucking big! At first he saw Exp and some more beings to grant. That was untill he saw the second, third and so on. 

His estimate was that there were about several thousand of these turtles. Even worse was a really big one!

Normally they would be 2-3 diameters big but he saw a literall mountain move! It didn't help that the first thing it did was look at him when it came ashore.

Name: Watergod Furya

Level: 593

"Systa...why can't I see her stats?" Well, even if he saw her stats he wouldn't dare to make any problems. Level 593?!? If he speculatet her deff would be in somewhere around 12'000!

His end would be the same as all those who he killed before! No way in hell he could win against that. He would rather fight the bear. The name didn't make it better.

He knew now that names shown by Identify were those given by the majority of sapient beings. This thing had Watergod in it! 

As if knowing Dar's thought did the mountain called Furya silently nod in his direction before getting to her work of laying eggs.

When he saw that he too did made his way, as far as possible away from this place!

After he experimented with his skills, especially the magic part. He came to understand some very important things.

The stats and level may show you the overall ability but there was still something called skill!

He got a scratch from a Night Cat the other day and was really buffled. It was a level 38 one so he didn't really care about it. That was until it launched at him like the others. He only got a scratch but it was still a scratch!

Systa explained to him that it was most probably a skill above level 10 which it did use.

After walking away from the shore he finally heard that voice he was waiting for.

"Master, whatever you do. Don't provoke that thing!" She wasn't lying and she really didn't want to explain why.

She had acces to pretty much the whole planet and its data. She wouldn't say this turtle was the top tier powerhouse. 

If worse comes to worse it still could sink a continent though. Level 593 equaled to a Sovereign stage being. It was no wonder it had a name like Watergod!

Some more days passed and Dar was finally happy with his stats. Teddy shouldn't pose a problem now, right?

Name: Dar Fol 

Level 24 (13'000/25''000)

HP 3400

Mana 3400

You are reading story Coder at

Strength 3400

Deff 3400

Agility 3400

Skill: Conceal lvl 8, Flight lvl 1, Aura lvl 5, Supreme Magic lvl 5, Identify lvl 18, Higher Resistance lvl 9, Close Combat lvl 13, Granting lvl 11

He may lose out in Mana and Agility but he didn't think that would be a problem. He got some really nice perks from Supreme Magic!

He didn't have the understanding to bend reality bi his will so to say but making some smaller rocks or icicles wasn't a problem!

The only skill he was sad about was flight. Everything he tried didn't work. Systa also didn't want to explain the mechanism of it.

Prepared for the final bossfight he made his way up the inner mountain. The island wasn't big, probably about some dozens of kilometers. The mountain was a taboo for every being here. 

Dar would soon find out why too.

As he stood at the top of the hill he made his gaze wander around the horizon. Water everywhere. No, was that a ship? Maybe, it was to far to see clearly.

Inhaling deep into his lungs he prepared himself. That bear could most probably understand human language, so why not give it a try?

"You bitch as stupid bear!!! You can't even touch me! Did your mother feed you poop?!?!"

Sure, it was neither original or bad but he thought that this would work. And worked it did.

Because soon there were several apes surrounding him. At first he was confused but instantly after that he used Identify.

Name: Terror Ape

Level: 219

HP: 2300

Mana: 1500

Strenght: 3200

Deff: 2250

Agility: 3150

Dar wouldn't had a problem 1v1 against that but the problem was the number.

12 apes were surrounding him with a menacing look. The worst thing of all was one with golden stripes running on his body.

Name: Terror Ape King

Level: 246

HP: 3120

Mana: 1900

Strenght: 5500

Deff: 3220

Agility: 4850

As he saw those stats, there was only one thing which ran through his mind.

"I  really want that flight skill to work!"

Sadly, thinking and doing aren't the same thing. Not long after his thought process came to an end were the first fists incoming.  They didn't use any skills.

When the Ape King saw that tiny human standing there it was happy for a moment. Human flesh! How long has it been?! He gave the command to subdue it without much injury, oh how it longed for it!

Most of the times they had to eat some cats or snakes. Rarerly some fish or turtles. Several moons ago there was also a new inhabitant on this island which made them angry. 

The problem was that soon they couldn't kill that bear anymore without loss to the tribe. It wasn't worth it, so they both did go their way. That didn't mean they hadn't some skirmishes though.

They had once almost won against that thing but out of the blue there were many things raining down on them. It didn't hurt but the space which they used as advantage was nullified!

The first fist made contact with Dar, well it was the second. The first he had parried with a throw, which made his back wide open to damage.

After greeting the next tree on his way, he coughed up blood. This was the first time he really had an injury. Those scratches he got before didn't mean much.

This time it felt like his whole body was smashed against something durable like iron. After standing up with some difficulties he saw the smirking faces of those apes.

" said it was possible to do that, right?" That was the only way that Dar could think of to get out of this situation without dying.

"Master, I REALLY don't recommend that. It would probably alert your...enemies...." Systa didn't want to let Dar use his new skill. That was just a big sign of, HEY I'M HERE! .

"So whauut-" even before he could finish the next hit was sending him fly. Alert my enemies? Fuck it! I'm going to die if nothing happens! He saw the next to apes charge at him and silently prayed in his mind.

May it be luck or fate. Those two apes charging at him got sliced in half from their respective shoulders which they wanted to punch Dar with.

He could only smile at what was happening before him.

"Systa, does that count for my mission?" Not only was it a close call but the reinforcement he got was...unexpected.

"An enemy of my enemy is my friend. Until our enemy is dead, than we will be enemies again. You can think about that master."

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