
Chapter 3: First friend

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The city of Kalia was only a medium sized one. Business was always on the higher end though. That was because many people used the city as a hub for shipping their goods to other places. This continent where Kalia stood was called Impera. 

Several hundred years ago did the first humans come and build their cities here again. After the New Era War was finished many continents and places were unhabitated. Impera was one of them. 

This didn't mean that the people here were some farmers or outcast. No many here did see what riches and levels they could get from this place.

One of them was Marccus. Only a guard at the moment but his dream was to hit the Emperor levels!

"Segal, go and report to the guildmaster about this newcomer. Something is fishy!"

Segal was the other entrance guard of the city on duty today. He was puzzled why his comrade told him that.

"If he is fishy, why did you let him in? We could have just interrogated him. He isn't wanted too."

"Level 8, ran from a level 25 bear? How would he know the level of the bear anyway? Identify is only available after one masters his senses! Also please tell me that the Coal Bandit group has a new way of conduct. Never heard of them letting a lvl 8 run away so easily without scratches."

Segal was dumbfounded! He couldn't deny that Marccus really had the wrong job, no in situations like this that it was a blessing.

"Thats why you gave him 2 silvers, right? No wonder the strict Marccus was an understanding person with a stranger! I'm going to message Mistress Feni now!"

Marccus just hmpfd, if he does his job here good he could get promoted and get more ressources and missions outside.

Shortly after the message was received by Guildmaster Feni. She immediately did go downstairs and hushed the clerk behind the counter away. Somebody who could change their level? Not possible, a cultivator was much more probably!

A minute after she sat down an average looking man walked in, towards her. The biggest give away for her was instantly the eyes from him.

When she was still an active member of the Mithril Order of Scouts, she had to know many things which were not known to the puplic. No even before that, if it wasn't for her skills she wouldn't have seen reality.

Counterfield was an extremly rare skill which allowed one to "see" fields of power. She can spot traps, arrays and many things more. Skills which are used to change appearance used the same principle. 

Dar walked towards the women inside the Guild with big steps. One of his goals could be achieved here! Just as he was to open his mouth to talk to her. He met her gaze. Green hair and irises, a elf? Also a noble one at that?

No the problem was what he saw in her eyes. Doubt and certainty.

Dar waved his hands and time seemed to stop in the guild, which made Feni scared shitless. An arrow was unmoving behind Dars back just a hand away from a certain kill.

"Ayy my camoflouge was seen through! Didn't think I would meet a Royal Green Elf here though. Wasn't your bloodline extinguished during the war? But seriously, one hell of a welcome from you! I don't want any problems, I just want to make some money and live leisurly. Maybe go on a trip or two?"

Feni was trembling even more now. There were no people who knew about the her lineage. Even her, herself only got to know about it after her inhertance.

Dar snapped his fingers and eberything returned to normal. The arrow was gone and the people inside the building didn't remember what happend.

"Hello! I would like to register as an adventurer. Is there a special procedure I have to go through?"

"You can follow me, we have a testing machine in the back. We don't want people to die for nothing if they don't have the strength to back it up."

Feni played qlong for the moment. The testing ball they had here was of the rarer kind. After she knew his stats, she would think of a plan. 

On the way to the back Dar asked some question which should be normal knowledge which made Feni raise even more question in her. No the lenght of the talk did more.

"So adventurer rank from G-A above that would be Mithril, Eart and Sky? Also there exist places called Orders which trains people in a certain aspect? This continent is now called Impera, the land we are in is the Kalut Kingdom and the city is called Kalia, right? So whats the normal stat of, lets say, a person in level 10?"

"Yes, as for your question. Most would have about 100 in all of them. Depending on how you train or what your preferences are its 10-30 in the stats. Can you now stop doing your Cultivator shit? We are walking since 5 minutes and still arent in the middle of the room. Why would you even ask those questions? Aren't you cultivators knowledgable about that?"

Yes, they entered the door and had over 5 minutes to walk not even 2 meters. Everybody would easily know that something fishy was going on.

Dar was thinking to himsel. Hmm, weird I got too many stats then, whatever. Lets see if I can disguise my stats from a better scanning ball. 

You are reading story Coder at

"Right , Inever told you. I had a good nap till today when I was rudely awoken. Now with the system this place should be better for normal people, right? Also, don't be so petty about the little details. We had a good talk till now!"

Feni almost wanted to do a comedy retort. What nap? Wait, he doesn't know about the system, adventurer ranks, normal people?

"Normal people? Can you define that? Also may I ask which time period you did go to sleep? Don't tell me you don't even know about the System War?"

Dar was deciding if he should answer truthfully or not. Maybe he could make his first new friend here? 

"Hmm, normal person is someone which didn't get the chance to cultivate, I guess? As for the System War, sorry I don't know about that."

Feni was now even more sure of one thing. The person before her was an ancient cultivator! What did that mean? 

The most dire thing would be that on this continent, no person could hold a candle to him! Ancient cultivators did go extinct about 8000 years ago.

To call that a quick nap, was he one of the mythical? She was sure to not go in the bad books of the person before her. She had to verify her truth first.

"The System War was what made the world look like this now. I pressume your quick nap was over 5000 years."

They finally reached the scanning ball before Dar could answer. Only he knew if he did it with purpose or not.

"I don't know. Neither do I care. So I only need to put my hand on it?"

Even if she was a bit grumpy about it, she couldn't do anything yet. "Yes, we will see your name and stats. I'm really looking forward to it!"

Dar gave her a quick glance and put his hand on the ball.

After some seconds and a white light, everything Dar knew about him showed up, except the Exp he needed and had.

"Seems I can't hide my stats from better scanning balls. Maybe level up Conceal?"

Feni didn't hear him anymore because she had the shock of her life. At first she had a feeling that the device was broken but after a second thought she knew that it wasn't possible. The scanning balls were made from the system itself.

"Y-y-you! Who, no what are you!!?" Feni knew some things the puplic didn't know because of her past. The strongest being on the mainland is said to be God Queen El. Her stats somewhere in the higher 10'000 region! 

This man before her could easily wipe the floor with her! One had to know that she got her nickname from sinking a smaller continent like Impera.

"Seems that my stats are really out the norm. That's probably because my cultivation level is too high. And I still wanted to live a challenging life and see the world again."

Dar sighed once again. He looked at the pale Feni and thought that he could maybe make a deal with her.

"Snap out of it. Now that you know about me there are two possibilities. One, die. Second, become my friend! The first option is self explaining. The second one would be a better deal for you than me."

The gears in Feni's brain were running full speed. Now that she knew what possibel calamity was before her she had to adapt.

She was a trained scout and had many interaction with others through her life. She was somewhat sure that the man before her wasn't bad. Not because of her gut feeling, no. Because he didn't need to hide himself or do things in the dark.

"My name is Feni Grand, headmaster of the guild in Kalia. It's a pleasure to have you as a friend. My behavior may have been rude before but you have to understand. Most cultivators are trying to trick the system users into things which should better be unspoken for now."

"No worries, no worries. You already know my name, Dar Fol. My friends I had called my Coder. I think most did that. What do you mean with System Users and Cultivators? Don't cultivators use the system? No better said. Doesn't the system automaticaly be in use?"

Feni thought for a moment. Sure enough, he didn't know.

"There is a Grand Sovereign which has the ability to manipulate the system to not be functional. Most older cultivators are under him. We are in a standstill at the moment though. Well anyway, noce to meet you Code-"

Fenis heart pumped blood through her brain on full speed after realizing his name. Wasn't Coder the name of?

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