
Chapter 4: First mission! Trying to get drunk

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Dar looked at the dumbfounded Feni before him. What is up with this girl? She gets a mood change every few minutes! It hasn't even been 20 minutes since they met but she already did about 7 changes!

In Feni's head many gears were running wild. No, maybe she just overthinks it. It is'nt a name which only one person has!

"Well now that we are friends in-name, how about going for a toast or something? Talk about life and such?"

"I said it before, if I didn't knew that you were someone who could destroy pretty much a whole continent alone. I would say you are one weird maniac."

"Eh? I was sure you only thought that?"

Feni was dumbstruck, as Dar saw Fenis mimic he knew he somewhat fucked up.

"I can be sure now that you are just one weird lonely person.. just promise me don't reck this place,ok? I will only tell the Order about you."

Dar zhought for a moment with his hand rubbing his chin. He knew that he couldn't except to be lowkey on his new journey. When he meets his old friends or enemies, maybe than would his doings be found out.

He was sure that somewhere, some of them were still alive.

"I don't need to promise that, I hadn't the idea to do that in the first place. As for your Order... Let them know that they just have to not annoy me. I may seem nice but I can tell you. There are less living beings on this continent than I killed."

With a menacing glare he watched every move of Feni as he spoke. From her mouth came just a short. "Deal"

"Good good, so which rank can you confirm to me? I would like to if it could be one which is for my level, not my stats, if possible. Also for the fees...oh dammit, I also need a certificate for myself!"

Feni was only now realizing why she even was in this room! A city guard had informed her of a suspect man!

"I would say F-Rank? As for the certificate and all. I will handle it. You should also look after your demeanor and what you say. A city guard did send me a message about a suspicion man entering the city."

Dar knew who she was talking about. The man called Marccus.

"Ye ye, just get over it. I want to make some money too eat!"

A little laughter could be heard from Feni as she walked to a table in the room, adjusting some things. Only she knew that from now on, this city would have a being as strong as him living in it .

She walked back with a card in her hands on which was written Dar Fol, Adventur Rank F. 

"Mahahaha, you know?! When I was your age, we didn't have such fancy cards or names yet! A new chapter opens up for me from now on!"

If he didn't talk that much, no, so much weird things. Maybe Feni could have some better thoughts about Dar before her.

"Nice...old man... So now that you are an official memeber of the guild. Here a mission for you from myself. You can rank up immediately from completing it!"

Dar wanted to punch the elf before him! What about the slow route? Go do some weird things and have a test for ranking up?

"Well, you paid for the test and my card. What's the mission about?"

"Good at least you know who is the superior."

A vein popped on Dar's head when he heard that. Calm down, it's just a little girl with superior complex! Feni continued.

"North-West from here, about 47km away. Is a forest called Moonshine Forest. An adventure group didn't report back yet from their mission. They should have come back this morning but no reports came yet in. You should be able to handle that, right?"

Blood spurted out of the vein which bulged on Dar's head before. Both eyes were twitching in rapid fury.

"Here is the card and get me the money"

A question mark appeared above Feni. Just before she could ask what's going on did 4 people before her appear. Wasn't this the "missing" group?

The four people who were leisurly walking back to Kalia were also dumbfounded. They knew this place, just how did they get here though?

"Here you have them, now get me the money. Also were can you get some goodtime? I need some liquor."

Dar was pissed. That was nicely said. How the hell was this a mission? Shouldn't there be dangers? Well, for most people.

"Guildmaster! How are we here?" Rock was the first to come back to his senses. He would be lying if he said he didn't think about how weird this all was. Who could he blame though?

Feni reached for her finger and took out several silver coins and one golden. Her gaze wandered from Dar to the newcomers. After letting out a sigh she finally spoke to the cutlprint. 

"Here are 1 gold and 9 silver coins. Come back tomorrow to update the card. If your good time equals to getting drunk. Try the bar in the guild. This time it's on me."

Dar didn't wait for a second later and left the five people in the trial room.



"Guildmaster, that was - that is"

"I can fathom what you want to say, Rock. Just how do you know that on the other hand?"




Dar walked around the inside of the building for a closer look. He could just probe wveryrhing with his divine sense, just where was the fun in that though?

You are reading story Coder at

On the right side were the billboards with missions on it, just beside it was the counter. Straight in the building were stairs leading up. Probably meeting rooms and the office of Feni.

His aim was on the left side. Round tables and chairs were laid out. Some adventurers were drinking and eating with many of them having a happy smile on it.

He walked up to one of the tables and sat down. Soon after did a teenager come walking and asked him for his order.

"Hello Mister, what would you like to have?"

Dar was stumbed, how the hell should he order without a menu? Maybe the boy didn't think that this was his first time here?

"Just give me good food and strong liquor. Put it on Feni's tab by the way."

The boy was surprised, who was Feni? Should he know that person? Also why should he believe that? The boy ran back to the barkeeper and told him what the guest said to him.

The barkeeper, a rough looking dwarf, sized Dar up and down. After several seconds of thinking did he take out a bottle and handed it to the boy and told him to serve him.

As for putting it on Fenis tab? He knew that was the name of the guildmaster. Most only called her by her title, it was no wonder the boy didn't know.

Now, either the man had guts and would be hunted by a mad woman or it was the truth. The barkeeper didn't care about that.

2 hour flew by and it was evening, Dar was still sitting at the table. The difference now was that the hall became less noisy and many eyes were looking at his place.

It wasn't because there were several empty jugs beside him. On a chair in front of him was Feni with a mug in hand.

"Say, do you really have nothing better to do than to sit here and watch me?"

"I also would like to change places but I have to watch out for my image, you know?" Taking a big sip of the mug she let out a contend sigh.

" I don't think that sitting here with me and drinking is good for your image though?" Imagine a boss of a company sitting and drinking alcohol with the newcomer in the cafeteria. No way that would be good.

"Now you are just mean. We are friends, right? Sitting together and drinking isn't that bad..Coder.."

Dar sighed and emptied the half full mug in his hand. After an hour of drinking , this girl before him came with asomber face before him and began drinking too.

He didn't know what exactly happend in that time. Most probably she questioned the four people about him and reported to her Order. What made him feel weird was how she was now much more respactable to him than before.

"So, is there someone in your Order that knows me or did they just tell you to not piss me off?" Dar turned to the barkeeper and waved his mug. The ciecle repeated and the teenager came running with another bottle.

Respectfully bowing...the 50th time. When Dar ordered his secon mug, the people in here didn't think much about it. Who doesn't want to get drunk after a hard day of work in here?

The problem began after his 4th. Not even a handfull of minutes passed by! It didn't help that the guildmaster came soon and sat beside him.

"I can't answer you that, sorry. I have to say you got one hell of a stomach. You drank almost the whole inventar of Blaze Ale. Most people drink 4 and they are already down for the count."

Feni wasn't lying. There were some poison resistance skills but this ale was one of the strongest you could by on the continent!

"Switching topic, I see. Yeah, I feel like this is water with a bit of flavor. Being strong isn't good most time."

Dar looked at his stats and sighed. Was it so hard to not being strong?

Name: Dar Fol 

Level 9 (147'000/200'000)

HP 330 (2'090'000)

Mana 490 (~∆~=°)

Strength 195 (28'900)

Deff 210 (30'900)

Agility 1650 (23'900)

Skill: Conceal lvl 6, Flight lvl 2, Aura lvl 1, Supreme Magic lvl 1, Identify lvl 11, Punch lvl 14, Higher Poison Resistance lvl 22

Yes, the reason he leveled up was because of his new skill. He could understand that most people will forfeit after 4 mugs of this. 

He almost got a level with each two to three mugs. 

"Well good, you should still look out. It is said that you drink too much Blazing Ale you will get poisoned."

"I know, got poison resistance skill from it. Anyway, I will be on my way. Still need to find an inn."

Feni thought for a moment before standing up too. "Go and follow the street outside to the right. After several hundred meters is an inn called "Cat Nap". They are average but the person in charge is a good fellow. See you tomorrow!"

Dar thanked Feni for the info and left. Maybe the next day he will get finally a mission which isn't so stupid.

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