
Chapter 9: A boy alone on an island

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"ow ow wow, my head. Where? Who?"

A boy not older than 12 was holding his head while laying in the sand on a beach. His hair was made out of white and black like his pupils. If somebody saw him they would be shocked. That colouring wasn't normal.

"Master? Can you hear me master?" A voice rang in his head, somehow he knew it but from where? Master?

"How did I end up here? What is this voice I hear? Hello voice?" The boy couldn't understand what was going on.

"Ughh, I don't think that was a good idea, well in for a penny in for a? I can't remember the pun. Hello master! Did you sleep good? I'm your personal non-existing maid! Please think dirty things of me!"

If somebody was here with memories intact he would instantly go on a rampage. That isn't something one should say to a boy!

"Sleep? Maid? What do you mean dirty? Who am I? Where am I?" The boy couldn't understand yet what was going on.

"Mhhh I should stop here. Well, you slept really good and ended up on a cloud drifting to here! As for you? Just think of seeing your status and it will appear! Thats what maids are for."

The boy wanted to hit this voice. Who would think that he drifted on a cloud here? Was that voice dumb? He ignored the first part and thought status in his head.

Name: Dar Fol 

Level 1 (1000/2'000)

HP 1000

Mana 1000

Strength 1000

Deff 1000

Agility 1000

Skill: Conceal lvl 1, Flight lvl 1, Aura lvl 1, Supreme Magic lvl 1, Identify lvl 1, Higher Resistance lvl 1

"What are these numbers? My name is Dar Fol? Why can't I remember anything?" The boy was now even more confused than before. What was going on?

"Ehm, I tried my best Master but that is all what's left of you. You can't be angry on me! Shortly died. Thats not what's important now anyway. There is a bear coming towards you!"

Before the little boy called Dar could even proceed the thing about him dying a roar made his ears drum.

A majestic bear several meters big walked out of the bushes. If any advenutere was here they would know that it was a Paw Bear.

"What the fuck is that?" Dar stood up and tried to run when the voice in his head came again.

"Master use identify, if its under level 50 it shouldn't be a problem to just punch it!"

"Punch? That thing? You think I'm suicidal?!" How could little Dar not deny her request. That thing was 5 times his size! And that just was the height!

"Do it! Numbers beat numbers!" Systa screamed in his head again.

"Identify!" Next thing that Dar saw were numbes floating beside the bear. The numbers made him gasp though.

Name: Teddy the Acrobat

Level: 230


"Master, run..." 

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Even before Systa could finish her sentence, dd a little boy run for his life. If he trusted that voice he could guess instantly that there was no way he could beat THAT! Level 50 is doable but 5 times that number?!

That was the start of a mouse and cat play. Some wind slashes were thrown at Dar, with the help of Systa he could avoid them though. 

After almost an hour did the Paw Bear stop. It only attacked because it didn't knew it's target and saw a hateful human. It was the king of the island, even had a tragic backstory.

Almost 12 years ago did the ship of trader sink near this island.

The bear could still remember the time before that. When it was to learn to hunt as a little bear did their family get attacked. It's mother died definding him. Those hateful beings killed his mother, did eat her as a snack and he was sold to circus. Some time after he was brought to the circus it began to know how the drill worked.

At first, after being "trained", it slowly began to accept its fate. Forgot revenge. That was until it saw a window which it somehow understood. Name? Level? Stats? Skills?

Soon it knew some basic skills like sprint or elemental magic. What made its life a shocker was other the skills,  species language and identify.

Soon after it, it did began to understand how the whole thing worked. It only knew that some beings did hold it captive. If it did certain things it would get food. The clock hit 12 after slowly understanding their speech and getting more wisdom for himslef.

He gained sapience. He was now in the same food chain as his captors. New tricks? Let them be made by me! The most famous bear alive! And that spelled its doom. A prince was watching him entertain and wanted to give him as present to his father,the king of another country. Soon he was shipped to the other continent. five daysafter being on the sea this happend.

He heard the water cry, not a cry for help. It was a cry for assembling. That was when their ship sunk and he found himself on this island. Since then he was training. Getting stronger.

When he daw the sillhoute of a human he got enraged. He didn't think about how that little thing got here or why. He needed to attack it. 

Dar finally could breath.That was scary! He alread had panic when he saw that big thing but that level? He may don't know who he is but he sure as hell knew what a difference of 249 times meant!

"I hope I never see that thing again! Whete were we? Oh yes! What do you mean with I died?"

Systa got a headache even though that schouldn't have been possible. 

"You died, nothing more or less. If you do some of my wishes I may help you! As for where we are, it's an island called Bone Island near the Costa and Impera continent." Dar slowly got to think positive of this so called maid of his.

"So, it seems you knew my past self? How come i can't remember anything except non material things? What was my wish to be reincarnated? It can't be that I just decided to die and reincarnate non the less?"

Some system finally found out why a person was called a like Coder. It wasn't because he was able to alter the string code of life or anything. It was because he thought about any little detail.

"Master told me to only give you this information at the right time, I also can't tell you when that is. Your second question will be easy to answer. A simpel no will suffice." What should she say? She wished that Dar would be strong really fast! There were only two scenarios in which she could give him his memories. One difficult the other was bad!

"Hmm, if I think about it there could only be several answers. One, someone wants me dead and i fleed. Two, I had  äenough and wanted to do something else wirhout a burden. Three, I wanted to do somwthing but ai couldn't because of my former personality. Four..." Little Dar listed more than a dozen if possibilities untill Systa finally began to sweat.

That was her masters younger personality?!? No wonder he was that weird!

"Stop stop, just level up and I can tell you all that. Why make yourself think about this? Enjoy your life!" She had to interfer. What would happen if she didn't?

Little Dar contered with a question"Ohh, which level? How can I trust you?" 

"I can't give you the information, as for trusting me? On this island there is no one who can help you except me." Systa didn't lie. There really was no sapient being, wait? There was one? The bear from before?!

"I can give you some help...beftiend or subdue that bear from before. You will be one step closer to your goal!"

"That thing? First you tell me to run and now i shal subdue that bear? I'm not your pawn!"

After she that sentence she really wanted to cry. Yes, you are not my pawn, we are both pawns in your sheme! 

"It was YOU that made it like this. Be angry on yourself!" She coudln't help but get a little emotional! 12 years! After finally meeting him she had to wait another 12 years until she could talk to him again. What did she get? A spoiled big brain brat. Feni was right about him!

"Well then let's going." Dar nonchallantly made his way into the green .If Systa had a body, her face would make a really funny picture.

Some kilometers in was Dar's first battle. A viper with blue scales.

Name: Coral Viper

Level: 23

"That should be doable, right? Why can't i see the stats though? Is the level too high?" Dar didn't want to jump in head first without information.

"No, your level of Identify is too low. Level 10 is enough to let evolve a skill. At level 50 and 100 it will evolve again."

It was the least which Systa could say.

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