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Chapter 5: Jesus, for sentient magnets and rocks

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It's been 20 minutes since i tried to locate a Geodude, I know that I should look inside the cave, but, I have been living on the ceiling for 3 months, no pokemon comes by, it is quiet and peaceful, I can open my Tears in peace and learn about this new world without interruption, that when I am not talking with Magnemite, he is a pretty cool buddy to pass time with, we already mastered all Steel type moves a Magnemite can learn, the little buddy also learned Teleport, he refuses to use any strong move on the Tunnel ceiling, i don't understand why, but I let him be, now I need a geodude...

"Alpha, Alpha, what is the priestess doing?"/"Alpha, Alpha, where is the priestess going?"/"Alpha, Alpha, when is the next meal?" three new voices questioned.

"I don't know my friends, i don't know, the priestess did not seem wise to inform me of her endeavors" said my partner Magnemite.

"Alpha, you should ask the priestess, maybe we can help," said the magnemite on the left.

"Beta, be patient, the priestess knows what she is doing, she will ask us once she sees fit to do so" said the magnemite on the right.

Sigh, yesterday I asked Magnemite to find 3 more stray magnemites, starving ones, so I could "share my grace", with them just like I shared with him, talking like that and claiming that I was blessed, it was a tremendous mistake, I said that he would be the Alpha of the group, ever since I said that, it was like a appointed him to be the head of a cult, man, the only call me priestess now, I just wanted to make a [Yu-Gi-Oh] reference, like Alpha, Beta and Gamma the magnet warriors, but magnemite ruined it, i feel like i am starting a sect, and he was supposed to be Valkirion, not Alpha, aaaaa, calling him alpha had a significance i did not know, apparently the leader of any Pokémon group/cult is an Alpha, only bellow a Legend and the Original one, since I have Pokémon powers, claimed to be blessed and named him an Alpha, I officially became a priestess, leader of a cult, oh and the last magnemite, the one that keeps asking for food will remain nameless until he manages to tame his gluttony, annoying bastard!

"I am looking for a geodude, anyone can take me to one?" I could open a tear, but i am walking around with my Pokémon's, it's a bonding experience.

"At once Priestess! Your wish is my command!" Said Beta as if I asked him to join a crusade.

"I won't be found lacking, I am going to find one faster than Beta!" Alpha is way too much into it man, he even teleported, he still gets dizzy after teleporting.

"Since the two already left to accomplish the task, lady Priestess, me and Magnemite will guard you till they return with the prisoner" Wait, prisoner? What the actual? What is Gamma on about?

Do they think I want to eat a Geodude? I mean, in the last 3 months I did not eat anything, IS THAT WHY THEY THINK I AM MYSTICAL?

Oh my God, i am like Jesus Christ on a pilgrimage to some desert mountain, for months without eating, feeding them lighting spiked with Dopamine, it was not on purpose, oh my God, and i even stayed still for hours touching the air to use the keyboard of the pcs i am borrowing, and after touching and looking at the air i taught them all about steel type moves and even teleport, a super rare move among magnemites, did they thought that i was doing some sacred thing, receiving revelations? This is getting out of control!

The Priestess has spoken, she desires a Geodude, why does she want a geodude? Alpha has no idea, the Priestess of Lighting has nothing to do with those inferior rocks, but her goals are beyond Alpha's understanding, i do think that it might be a sacrifice or part of some ritual, the Priestess have not eaten for months, even a Magnemite can't go 3 months without eating, only the legendary Steel-type Rigisteel was said to go so long without eating, or the legends of Land and Sea, even ghosts have to eat once a month!

"Where is it, ha found it!" Alpha had teleported deep inside the cave and found his target, what course of action should he take? Does he go for the kill or does the Priestess want to do the deed herself? Maybe I was too hasty in carrying her will, conversation first it is, bringing it alive might be better.

"Excuse me, do you have a moment to talk about our lady and Priestess Anna?" Alpha politely asked.

"A magnemite? What are you on about? Priestess?" geodude was confused, this crazy magnemite just appeared very very deep inside Elder Golem territory, the magnemites from the Power plant and the Geodudes from the Rock Tunnel have a delicate history, some kind of feud that was never solved, only elder Golem knows about.

"Yes, my Priestess has commanded me to bring her one of your kind, I am sure she will reward you if you just come with me..." sounding very suspicious, Alpha was like a cultist trying to lure little kids to be sacrificed.

~20 minutes later~

"Priestess of Lighting, why have you intruded upon our land? What are your goals? Why do you wish to get Geodudes from the deepest tunnels of the Rock Tunnel?" Asked the biggest Golem i ever seem on my life, and he is the biggest because there are 4 other golems with him, and they are half the size of this monster.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY POKEMONS? I asked for one Geodude, one, and they brought a champion level Golem with 4 Elite level ones, not to mention a battalion of 20 Gravellers and 50 geodudes, well, at least I have some juicy data to learn Geokinesis, woah, all those living boulders together must weight tons and tons hm, will the ceiling collapse? Gonna assert dominance, the big guy has 30 Aura, gonna match his aura just to not be underestimated.

~Eyes Glow Orange~

'Those eeri orange eyes, i have seen it before, but it was blue, this human, she was hiding her powers until i spoke, i can feel that we are evenly matched, she has no ill intent towards me or my kind, this is good, i can feel that this is not her full power, she irradiated so much aura in a second, must have more aura, to hide her prowess with such finesse, this, this is an Aura Guardian!' Elder Golem made all the wrong assumptions.

"I wish to learn about your kind, nothing more, nothing less, my little friends might have been too excited to accomplish the task given to them" I answered calmly, gonna turn down that aura, my words were vibrating with electric Aura, gonna reduce it to 20, some martial artists on the League have around 18~~22 aura, 20 is okay for a human to have, right?

'What a terrifying amount of control over her Aura, there was no movement, no change on stance, no change on breathing, she changed from a monster in human form to a seasoned human warrior, aura guardians used to intervene to stop pokemon wars and make peace, maybe she is here to make sure the Blood feud do not escalate?' Golem was in deep thought, and decided to answer respectfully.

"We are peaceful underground dwellers, we almost never leave our underground or cause conflict with anyone, but, 120 years ago our land was violated by the unnatural steel abominations you call... Magnemite... Under the orders of some arrogant senile Magneton, they stole all of our thunder stones, they could have asked for the thunder stones, we cared little about it, many of our kin were killed, nothing can be done about it, but we still want compensation for what was taken from us" said golem, he is testing the waters to see what the guardian will do.

Land rich with thunder stones and golems, the elder magneton was probably scared of the geodudes here becoming Alola Geodudes, they would have been a nightmare for the magnemites, so, he struck while he still could, hm, i could give my rubies to him, they lost a lot of value, my rubies are all ready to be made into jewelry, no impurities, perfect for them to cultivate fire type moves and improve their diets, if I am to deposit 40 tons of rubies on the ceiling of this cave, I need to reinforce it first, the weight of these pokemon alone is already cracking it, let's test my Geokinesis, 200 energy should do to reinforce the tunnel.

'My Arceus, what is she doing? She was supposed to be the Priestess of Lighting, right? What a terrifying amount of Earth energy, is as if lord Groundom himself step here, not only this ceiling is now almost indestructible, the land will generate Earth and Rock Gems, all ground pokemons will have hundreds of years of prosperity, i have to thank her, maybe give one of the most promising children to accompany her, she did asked for a geodude' Golem is crying, he opened his mouth "Thank you Lady Pri-" but was interrupted "You said that you had problems with the Elder Magneton?"

"Yes! Lady Priestess" Is she going to take him out as well?

Rubies, thousands and thousands of the purest rubies started to fall from the sky, the most pristine rubies he ever saw, free of any impurities, a mountain of crimson red was formed above the Rock Tunnel.

"Take those, share it among all of the inhabitants of the Rock Tunnel that can learn fire-type moves, Fire Blast, Flamethrower and at least teach one Sunny Day, make so a tradition for everyone to know some fire moves till this gift runs out, if Magneton comes again, you will be ready! You came here to talk, but I ended up giving you tons of Rubies to carry. I apologize, but I had to deliver it in person. I hope that we can be friends? Me and all inhabitants of Rock Tunnel? I intend to live on the ceiling for 16 more months" I have played my cards, now it's up to Golem to be nice.

"Lady Priestess will be an honored friend of Rock Tunnel until the end of time. I thank you for your blessings and gifts, oh honorable one! I will command all the children of the rock tunnel to get their fill of this crimson treasure!" Golem was crying, this amount of riches, this is the kind of miracle it's the stuff of legends! I will spread the word about Lady Priestess till the day I die!

Hm, the Gravelers actually made me a throne of stone, it is, soft and smooth, I never knew that rock could be this soft, it has a symbol of lighting and a hard stone, side by side, a magnemite and a geodude carved into it, not gonna lie, the throne looks badass, they made me some stairs, a cover, feels like I am on some Royal room, they left me some barries and some bits of metal and rocks, I asked Alpha, and those are Geodude candies, i was curious about the taste, I took one, the Golem that was overseeing the distribution of the rubies eyed me weirdly, i bit into the purplish rock, and it was grape flavored, pretty tasty and refreshing, the Golem is looking at me with wide eyes now, was I not supposed to eat the candy? Maybe it's like the rock candy from [Avatar: The last air bender], it is sweet, the other candies are also pretty tasty and rich, yummy.

'Holy hell, the Elder Golem told me that Lady Priestess was a monster, even some Steelix have difficulty munching on those, they are supposed to be munched on for hours, and she is popping them and crushing them as if they are Oran Berries! We got an amazing friend indeed' the golem assigned to make the distribution a smooth process was impressed, imaging that Lady Priestess might be able to bite him to death, the other pokemons on the line are now getting their Rubies a bit faster, even the onix are a bit scared of Lady Priestess, if she eats those hard candy easily, she might eat us as well if we provoke her, i shiver to think that we almost made her an enemy, thinking that this Aura Guardian was an agent of Elder Magneton instead, Elder golem sure is a wise fellow.

I floated closer to the pile, more than half of the rubies were already distributed "i thought that the onix and steelix would get bigger portions, but they are getting the same as everyone else, I am not very familiar with the Onix line, do they eat as much as the geodude and rhydon lines?"

A jump, and a thud, seems like I scared the Golem, haha "Lady Priestess, Onix indeed eats more than a Golem or Rhyhorn, but they take much much longer to digest their food when compared to others, it's common for an onix to eat once a month, and they prefer soil over solid rocks, the same goes for Steelix."

Before the Golem could elaborate more, Elder Golem came with an honest to God Geodude made of pure gold, normally, a shiny geodude is just yellow without any luster, that geodude is golden, to get that luster, that thing only ate Diamonds his entire life, no doubt, usually a geodude head would be the size of a small melon, this one is huuuuge, almost half of my size, is that one of those King Gene pokemon?

"Lady Priestess, you have blessed our land, feed our people with luxurious food and shared wisdom to keep our enemies in check, to thank you for all you have done, i offer you the brightest child of Rock Tunnel" Elder Golem said smiling ear to year, i think, do golems have ears?

"So, you are the mongrel everyone is talking about... I won't submit without a fight, bring your Magnemites!" Screamed the golden Geodude

That's Gilgamesh's voice, like, the [Grand Order] Gilgamesh, gonna teach him a lesson... "My Magnemite? Why would i need my Magnemite? I am the one offended here, i can defend myself!" I made 2 menacing blue ki balls. The funny thing about ki is that if I mix a tiny bit of aura, it all turns Blue, looks like I have two Aura Spheres on my hands.

"Let the battle begin, let me show you what this 'Mongrel' can do!"

"What's wrong? Where has all your courage gone? Don't tell me, you were all talk and no action?" I said on a mocking tone, let's see how strong is a king gene Pokémon.

A singular golden rock is sent to my face, straight to my forehead, hitting me with a THUMP, it was spinning, hm, this Geodude combined Rollout with Rock Blast to shoot spinning projectiles at high speeds, impressive.

"GOOD, you may provide me with sport after all!" I said while making four spinning balls of aura float right behind me ~Smirk~

I have fired all four, slowly, about half of my maximum speed. I want to lure him into a false sense of security, get him used to this rhythm of projectiles, just to do decisive strikes later on.

*Boom* *Boom*



hm, he is using Rollout in short succession to dodge, he is only doing the first rollout and Rock Polish right after, each rollout is as powerful as the previous one, but he managed to accumulate 3 Rock polishes, and i got to say, he looks even more like gold now, it's like all his body became a golden metallic mirror.

"Even a Priestess has her constraints, it would smack of defeat to take a child like you seriously, so be it... You may rejoice, i am going to go easy on you" i am just being mean right now.

Oh, another rock, let's strike it down and hit him twice, hm, the max speed of Rock polish alongside rollout made him quite nimble, he avoided just barely.

"What now? Your quality is slipping a little" I made 8 more ki balls, just chilling and ready to be fired, Goldie had no chance to get close, he was just staring at me.


Oh! He made 8 spinning Rock Blasts, this geodude... It's something else! He must have read my Aura signature on the attacks and traced then, just to counter me, the longer i take to fire, the faster the Rock Blasts will spin, and harder they will hit, i see, he wants to best me in every way and take me down on my own game, marvelous!

"Oh you are producing more than one this time, ah yes, you duplicated every one of my Aura Spheres you can see, let us score your efforts, but no matter how good they may be, I shall not allow a single one to remain" ~Smile.

"ALL PROJECTIONS, SUCCESSIVE FIRE!" Screamed the Golden Geodude.

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*Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

The entire top of the Rock Tunnel is covered in golden and blue sparks, damn, that is just a geodude, imagine this thing as a Golem, scratch that, as a Graveler this dude will already be at a Elite Four level!

"That's too bad, your spirit out lasted your stamina, now it's the only weapon you have, in any event, our battle is about to end" He did put up a good fight.

I form a more unstable and menacing blue ki ball, and fire it.

"You are right, sometimes there is... One thing that outweighs everything else..." said geodude, accepting his fate.


And he is out cold, that was a cool battle, welcome to the team, Emiya.

Elder Golem had conflicted thoughts about the results, Geodude was always arrogant about his power and appearance, just because he was a shiny and had Mew's blessing, he spend more time training his strategies and complicate moves that his physical power or taking care of his diet, since he only eats diamonds, he often skips meals, if he properly exercised with the amount he eats... he would be half of a normal geodude size, even with Mew's blessing.

"Lady Priestess, i apologize for his arrogance, he is young and born with many gifts, i hope you will forgive him" Sigh.

"Ha ha ha, it's fine, it's fine, I am just disappointed because he is out of form and his diet is lacking, I will put him through hell on training" can't have her future giant golem get damaged by his own arrogance, right?

"So, will he be joining your cause? I don't mind sparing a Golem or two for your endeavors, what you did for us is priceless"

"hmmmm, in that case, i would like to keep a graveler or golem with me for the next 3 months, to make sure i will be able to properly raise the golden one to its maximum potential, hearing from a experienced pokemon is better that find it on my own, remember, i will be leaving the tunnel in 16 months, i have some Fire type enemies to defeat."

"Fire type? You mean to tell me that you have some problems with Lord Moltres?" I am curious, this aura guardian seems to be training those 4 magnemite for war, many secret techniques and combat strategies, and to fight a fire enemy? Now it makes more sense why she needed a mighty Geodude!

"Not Lord Moltres, it's just a very strong Magmar that failed to protect his volcano, and some evil humans ended up doing atrocities on his territory, they butchered many pokemons, and did unforgivable experiments with the blood of a young Mew, i need to find clues about their deeds on his territory, find out if he helped on that madness and serve justice" the Priestess said with a solemn face


"Yes, it is a criminal group named Team Rocket, humans dressed in black or white with a red symbol on their clothes, they often use poison type pokemons and Raticates, please keep those types away from your land if you don't want disaster to fall upon it" Lady Priestess said while drawing a red symbol on the ground for me to see, hm, dressed in white or black with a red symbol.

"I will keep an eye out for them, shame on those Pokémon to collaborate with criminals, i will question the local colony of Rattata we have close by, to see if they are related to the crimes, you spoken off" Heresy of the highest order, to play with the blood of a God!

"The island i am going is named Cinnabar Island by humans, i don't know how pokemons call the island, it's the one with a Volcano west of Articuno's island, I think that is reference enough, ah, can you please spread the description about Team Rocket and their evil deeds to other Elders? It would make my job much easier if the local pokemons would help me" Lady Priestess had a pleading smile, as if she needed to ask, haha.

"I know where this island is, rest assure, I will contact the Clefable elder, the Steelix elder, the Nidoking elder, the Sandslash elder and the Ninetails elder, I will inform all of them about the sins, Team Rocket, committed on to the Sacred Blood of Mew, there will be justice!" It's time to repay the Lady Priestess, no, the Aura Guardian that gave me and my people so much!

"Thank you very much! I still have 16 more months to train before being ready for war" Smile~~

Now that I know Pokémon can organize themselves for war, and have destroyed entire regions before, how can I not use that? I mean, [Pokémon Rangers] use that weird [Beyblade] looking thing to ask wild Pokémon's for help right? With this, it will be harder for team Rocket to move around, and if they retaliate too much, i can call a Holy Crusade in the name of Mew to purge Giovanni and friends, once a crusade cam call all Pokémon's of the involved species to band together for war, even the captured ones will abandon their trainer to join on the crusade, this is similar to what happened on the Lugia movie.

It will take a few hours for Emiya to wake up, on the meantime i need to feed the Magnemite, according to the League data they will all evolve on the next meal, I want Alpha to skip the Magneton stage and go directly to Magnezone, usually the intellect of a magnemite triples once they evolve, but if they evolve in quick succession to magnezone it will unlock the hidden ability Analyst, in game, that ability only served to hit harder if the Pokémon moves last, on the real Pokémon world, Analyst allows the Pokémon to think faster and to memorize combo moves, only genius level intellect Pokémon's can perform combo moves, the only exception are the Pokémon's with the Analyst ability.

First i need to set up the gold powder, i am going to grind 2 tons of gold bars and keep it on barrels inside the small palace the pokemon build for me, it will be filled with barrels, an oil barrel can only carry 136 kilograms of something before losing structural stability, gonna prepare 20 barrels with 100Kg just to be safe, i will fill 2 barrels with diamonds as well, one for geodudes diet and the other for me to sell, i already have a plan to sell those diamonds and a convincing background story, you see, people being raised by Pokémon and then given gifts before coming back to civilization is not something new, a boy that was raised by a Treecko colony came back to civilization with 600 Sceptile Mega stones, each mega stone is worth millions of poke dollars, that man is selling mega stones even now while living in luxury, 100Kg of diamonds is nothing special.

"Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Magnemite! Come, it's lunch time!" Oh, they teleported, all four now know teleport.

"We are here Lady Priestess"x3 "yeay foood time!"

"You four probably already noticed, but after this meal, you all are going to evolve into magnetons, i have prepared some gold powder to feed you guys after the evolution, just to make sure you don't get fragile bodies, you know, most magnetons are very fragile after evolving, well, i will be feeding Beta, Gamma and Magnemite first, Alpha i have something special prepared for you, you just watch for now" I said while sparking my fingers, Alpha was a bit sad but when i mentioned something special his eye started to flash white, that is how a magnemite show feelings, kinda cute.

Uuuuuh this looks like Mitosis, they are dividing while glowing, good good, now i have 3 magnetons, they are borderline Elite level, but they lack experience, they do have the moves and power but no experience, i do have the fact that they are fanatical about me going on, obedience and loyalty will not be a problem, now i just need to get some Luxury Balls, i could have stolen them, but pokeballs are linked to a Id card, people on this world can use a metalic id, a pokedex id or a phone id, all of them are interconnected to the pokeballs a person own, pokeballs do not work if they are not connected to an id.

"Congratulations on evolving, let's move on to the gold, i will need you to spin vertically while i shower you all with gold powder, form a line"

"Yes, Lady Priestess, we are really happy to be able to evolve this soon, it usually takes years for a magnemite to evolve, for us to evolve in only 4 months, we are really blessed by having meet you!" it is flashing like Christmas, but years to evolve? Ash Pokémon took only a few months to evolve, that caterpie took like a week, maybe it's a steel type thing.

"Alpha you will come with me, i am going to feed you on a different place" Opening a Tear, i gesture him to come over, we are going to Vast Poni Canyon, it is the only place on the world with a special magnetic field that is not inside a cave or underground, i will have enough space to overcharge him and evolve Alpha twice, hopefully, without being noticed.

Tapu Fini was doing her routine bounds around Poni island, looking for humans with negative karma and keeping all Pokémon tribes in peace, ever since the humans build that "Battle Tree" things have been very stressful for Tapu Fini, extremely strong trainers and Pokémon's have been visiting her island, if a group of those trainers decided to gang upon her, she will have little to no chance to be victorious and she will be forced to submit, why it had to be her island? Koko is the one that likes battles and Bulu is the one that likes challenges. I like peace and calm, oh Arceus give me strength!

Oh, what is this? A human and a Magnemite, in the middle of my path? Pokemon and humans know to stay away from my main path, they know that i am not a merciful goddess, let's make some mist around, cut all her avenues to escape, just to make sure it's not an ambush and she has no way to run away, oh, they are talking, let's listen to a bit...

"Priestess, where are we? This does not feel like Kanto, not at all, I feel a strong power on the air and on the earth, where are we?" The magnemite asked, this is very weird, humans can't understand that much information, and magnemite did not make any gesture, he just spoke as if the human can understand, interesting...

"Thats right Alpha, people call this place Poni Island, we are on Vast Poni Canyon, there is a special energy on the air, seems like you notice it, good, i am going to feed you power so you can evolve to magneton, do not be greedy and evolve as soon as possible, okay? Are you ready?"

'Feed it with energy? Wait, this human can understand Pokémon? Is that a Zoruark? They are common on Koko's island, maybe it's a Zoruark pretending to be human? No, she said that she was going to feed it power, and that Magnemite called her Priestess? What is going on here? The plot thickens!'

"I am ready as always Lady Priestess!" said the now named Alpha.

The human started to release the purest electricity I have ever seen, it's almost like a Zeraora's, only the color is a bit odd, oh! The magnemite is evolving, not even a minute and it already overcharged that magnemite, interesting.

"You are going to love this, trust me, what you are seeing now is a normal Magneton, a Magnemite that ascended past a Magnemite limits, huhuhu, just wait, i am going to zap you, to get past your limits, be ready ALPHA!"

'She must be bluffing, is she trying to evolve it to Magnezone? But, if she does it, he won't be able to fight until he eats his fill of metals, very irresponsible, and i don't see any other pokeballs on the girl, I need to teach her a lesson after all'


"Be strong Alpha! I believe in you!"

"AND... This... is to go... EVEN FURTHER BEYOND!"


'What's he doing?! It's unreal, how is he generating that much power? It's like the whole island is shaking apart, what is magneton doing?! If it does not stop this, everything is going to be destroyed!' thought Tapu fini.








"And this, is Magnezone"

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