Contracted To A Summoner

Chapter 14: 14: Olivia, 2

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Olivia woke slowly, the exhaustion clearing from her mind as though it were a fog lifting from the surface of a pond on a cool fall morning. She glanced around and froze momentarily, confused. 'Where's Alex?' she thought to herself, before noticing the door to her chamber was ajar and two soft voices were mumbling just outside of it, too low for her to immediately pick up what was being discussed. She slowly sat up, looking around herself before attempting to stand up, lifting her foot skittishly as it touched soft downy feathers. She looked over the edge of the bed to find Solaria there, lying beside the bed, the griffon's eyes tracking her movements as she fixed her motions to those of a more normal nature.

"Apologies, my lady. Alex and Lady Victoria are outside discussing the recent attack, so Alex requested my presence at your side in his stead." Solaria bowed her head momentarily before straightening back up and surveying the room with alert eyes. "Very well, Solaria. I suppose I should join them, then."

"First, my lady, if I may, I have something to say that may or may not benefit you now that you've been thrust into this realm of nobility and skullduggery."

Olivia nodded. "I'm sure to benefit from any words of wisdom you may have for me, Solaria. I am aware that you are nobility in your realm, after all."

"Yes, it made quite the stir when I accepted your and Alex's contract. My lady, you are going to want to increase your knowledge of spycraft and survival skills as much as your magic while you are at court. Today's events were just a probing mission, to see the capabilities of your staff and allies. I am certain that the reason such a low-level assassin was assigned this mission was because it would cost the guild and their contractor almost nothing if it were to fail. You've just proven that you are powerful enough to be a true threat, and must be on guard at all times. I would suggest triple checking every staff member and potential companion multiple times before allowing them any sort of access to you."

Olivia was slightly taken aback. "You mean someone out there really sees me as that much of a threat as to try to eliminate me? I have done nothing of import yet. I'm a simple hedge summoner with two, admittedly powerful but mostly protective, summons to my name."

"A human male with extensive combat experience, something no summoner has been able to achieve since the Demon War, and that was a king who accomplished it. And then there's me, a mount and mage that most kings would be unable to obtain. You figured out that you and Alex have such compatibility that it would result in a nearly epic-level summon. Even if you didn't know it for sure then, you must surely be aware of it now. Alex is an asset you cannot afford to lose. Ever. I would recommend the pact, Lady. Bring him over completely. But prepare him first."

Olivia sat back, nearly collapsing in her state of shock. "The... the pact? That would be highly unfair to Alex, he would never be able to... to..." She sighed deeply. "Solaria, I will bring it up to him when the time is right."

"Do it sooner than later, my lady. I feel you will need him by your side from now on, and keeping him here all the time as a summon will be a drain on your mana."

"We would have to be wed, you do realize that."

"I have eyes. That will be no problem. Your warrior is smitten with you, and you with him, even if you both deny it so ardently."

Olivia chuckled. "You are far too perceptive for anyone's good, Solaria."

If a griffon could smirk, the look on Solaria's face would be a reasonable approximation. "I suppose so, my lady."

Olivia finally rose from the bed, straightening her dress and fixing her hair as best she could. "I suppose it is time for me to join the conversation between the Dutchess and my protector, then." She turned to Solaria and bowed deeply. "Thank you for your counsel. I will follow your suggestions, even... even that one."

Solaria bowed deeply before stepping into the portal that appeared behind her. She turned and spoke before disappearing. "Take care of yourself, Lady Olivia. I would not bear losing another summoner." The portal closed, and the creature was gone. Olivia sighed deeply, the stress of the day once again pressing down upon her shoulders. She finally strode to the door and opened it.

Lady Victoria and Alex were standing just outside, the latter briefing the former of the events of the incursion, the lady deep in thought with a serious frown plastered on her usually regal countenance. They both turned as the door opened. "Ah, Lady Olivia, I am glad you're awake." Alex moved to her side, giving her his arm, which she grabbed onto like a lifeboat during a tempest. "I was filling the Dutchess in on the events of the attempt on your life and the unfortunate loss of the guardsman during the foray." Olivia nodded, looking up at Alex shyly. "Don't... don't let me stop you, I'm sure you have it well in hand, Alex."

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Her mind was in turmoil after all Solaria had laid on her, especially when it came to her relationship with Alex. He had transitioned into the role thrust upon him by her so seamlessly, with such little effort, that it seemed he was more at home here than she herself felt. She leaned into him, whispering in his ear. "We have something I need to discuss with you after all is settled down, okay? It's very important."

Alex nodded, smiling slightly. "Of course, Olivia. I look forward to it."

Olivia looked toward Victoria, who was smirking at the pair, her eyebrows arched in clear mirth. "So cute, you two." Olivia's blush deepened. Victoria laughed. Come, let us move this discussion to somewhere more comfortable." She turned, leading them to a pair of doors at the end of a corridor off the main hall, which turned out to be a large and well-appointed library. Mahogany bookcases lined the wall, reaching at least twenty feet in height, and they were full of amazingly well-kept tomes on every subject imaginable, within the realms of legality, at least.

There was a large desk made of the same mahogany as the shelves off to one side, with a large armchair decorated in purple with gold trim work, a very comfortable looking piece fit for the desk it accompanied. Olivia was admiring it, her head filled with plans, when Victoria cleared her throat and gestured for the pair to sit on the couch opposite her. Olivia and Alex sat, Olivia still gripping Alex's arm, her face slightly pink, but she was unwilling to let him go despite her shyness. Victoria grinned at the pair.

"Well, let us continue, then." Victoria filled Olivia in on what she and Alex had already touched upon, and Olivia began giving her version of events, trying hard to remember any little helpful detail she could have picked out from among the chaotic battle and aftermath. Alex filled in their capture of the assassin and his current location, along with their plans for the prisoner's interrogation.  

Victoria cut in. "And this," she said flatly, "is where I have to deliver the bad news. Word of the attack has already reached the crown, and the king is demanding the prisoner be turned over to his inquisitors at once for questioning and the king's justice." Olivia winced. She did not envy the assassin the path that was now set before him. Alex spoke up. "So that's it? I get no chance before the king swoops in and destroys any chance of gaining the intel we need to combat this threat?"

"Watch your words, Alex." Victoria said coldly. "The king will do everything to root out the perpetrator of this act. He has already invested much in our dear Olivia, and will continue to do so. You can indeed trust him, if no one else at court." Alex arched his brow. "Does that include you and the baron?" His voice had ice and fire within it, and Olivia clamped down on his arm. "Alex, that is enough. Listen to the Dutchess, I am certain she has only our best interests at heart here."

 Alex shut up, but his glare told both ladies that he would not let this go so easily. "Look," Victoria sighte, raising a hand to her face, pinching the bridge of her nose as she pushed the emotions back down, calming herself. "I will request that Alex be allowed to observe the interrogation. Observe, nothing more. Are we clear?" She glared at Alex.

"Crystal clear, Dutchess." Alex's glare was still directed at Victoria, who was taken aback at the amount of spite that flowed through his words.

"Alex, let's remain friends. It is out of my hands, and I know that you have had bad experiences with authority in the past, but please, give me a modicum of your trust, okay? I am on your side." Victoria was basically pleading with him, and Olivia felt the tension leave his body as he forced himself to calm down and think things through.

"Of course, Lady Victoria. I apologize for my words, they were unfair to you. I have just had such leads disappear from my grasp in the past after those in charge got their hands on them, robbing my men..." he sighed deeply, "robbing those who deserved justice of the very thing that could have seen them at rest."

Victoria stood, crossing the room and wrapping Alex in a hug. "I am sorry for that, Alex, and I will do all I can to prevent that outcome this time, okay?" Her voice was gentle, gentler than Olivia had ever heard the woman, and she reflexively hugged Alex from the other side possessively. Victoria chuckled, raising a hand and stroking Olivia's hair. "Cute," she whispered.

Soon, Victoria excused herself, leaving Olivia and Alex in the library as she made her way out to see to arrangements for transportation of the prisoner. Olivia looked up at Alex. "Thank you," she whispered. Alex stared down at her, his eyes meeting hers, filled with an emotion that Olivia could swear was affection. "It's my job to protect you in all the ways I can, my Lady," his voice then dropped to a whisper, "and my pleasure."

Olivia sighed contentedly. "Well, we had better go get prepared, something tells me the king will be requesting our presence far too soon for our comfort." Alex nodded. "Unless," he said, "you wish to discuss the matter from earlier?"

Olivia shook her head. "After this is all settled. I have a feeling that will be a long, and very important discussion, and I don't want your attention split while we figure this out." Alex nodded, giving his arm to her again. She quickly took it, clinging onto it like a lifeline. she hummed happily as Alex escorted her back to her chambers, and they split to make preparations at her door.

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