Cosmic Realm Wars – A lone girl’s Technology

Chapter 10: Chapter 10 – ‘Let me show you the world’

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“Another planet?!” Kai was naturally stunned. His guess that there were other planets in this world had been reinforced.

“After three months, the channel will be opened.” Terra Star displayed her plans in text.

“Once it opens, you will enter that planet with your army. Beware, the natives of this planet are not like ordinary people.” She warned briefly.

“They are superhuman who are stronger than beasts.” Her final note was far bolder than the rest.

“Superhuman?!” Kai was surprised and interested. Unsure what such a word really meant.

“Superhuman, as it suggests, is a human whose strength far exceeds that of ordinary people. Even facing the most powerful warrior of the Babylon Kingdom is like beheading a chicken.” Terra Stars explained.

Her text continued after a brief pause. “But their numbers are very few. You can rely on the military might of quantity to suppress them... In short, they are like dealing with mighty wild beasts, you must be well prepared.”

After informing Kai of her plan to connect her realm to an unowned realm, Terra Stars immediately left the realm space to let it smoothly accelerate.

On Kai’s face was a look of shock and joy. Although the message from Terra was only a few short sentences, but each was more shocking than all previous knowledge he learnt.

“There really is another world outside this planet, and people actually live on it. It’s really interesting.” Kai muttered. After shock and joy, his mind quickly calmed, and his determination grew.

“Is World Teacher opening the channel to plunder the resources of the other planets?” His passing brief guess was fairly on point.

Kai couldn’t wait to act, he muttered to himself, “This is the first time World Teacher has given a mission, I must do it well.”

The excited and keen ruler full of determination swiftly spread orders. Having the most elite group of soldiers of the Babylon Empire transferred to the capital. Kai planned to train himself too.

The time flowed by in a flash, three months passed quickly for the realm. Terra Stars had accelerated the time so only a day had passed outside. Under the guidance of the staff at the Society of Realms Terra Stars was led up the towering building.

The staff member lead her to the connection assistant room Society of Realms built to smoothly connect the inhabitant’s realm with the desired realm. Each room was identical with several formations engraved in it. Many other people moved around the halls leading to these rooms. Most of them were first-level realm rulers like Terra Stars.

Some entered rooms together whilst the rest were alone, but their purpose was all the same. To connect their realm to an unowned realm to plunder the origin energy and notable resources. After walking for quite a while in the sprawling floors, the staff led Terra Stars to an open room.

“You will be able to easily feel the other realm in here, creating the connection will be supported by us once you initiate it.” The guide explained briefly. The main purpose of the toll paid was to maintain these rooms and keep the documentation of unowned realms accurate.

“You may enter now.” He declared as the strange silver metallic door covered in blue and gold engravings slid to the side automatically.

She entered the room, Terra Stars saw the complicated formations all over every surface. Only a medical bay style bed sat in the middle. Once she took a step further in, the door slid shut with great speed and the sound of something locking was muffled within the wall.

Terra Stars took a few more glanced around, she found this was really complex magic technology. She climbed onto the bed. Reaching into her realm space, she felt something highlighting outside of the space she ruled. A realm that was not her own realm. With a thought, she followed the connection and instantly knew the realm was unowned, giving it a brief glance, she confirmed it was the one she read about the previous day.

Recalling the explanation and tips from the guide, she repeated them in her mind. ‘The information on unowned realms is always being updated, there are many realms that have not been updated for many years. No one will know what exactly is going on inside.’

‘If you encounter special circumstances, for example, the strength of the realm’s native species exceeds predictions. Then let the species of your realm withdraw through the passage immediately, and then close it. You will understand how once you open it.’

With the key points memorized she returned her focus into her own realm. Terra deliberately adjusted the flow of time in her realm to a certain rate.

Within the Babylon Kingdom, Great Development City, a small hill not far from the palace. Barracks had been set up all over the hill.

Inside the barracks, teams of soldiers trained with full tension. Kai stood atop a high platform, he looked down at the elite warriors below. In the past three months he was personally responsible for the training the army.

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For the whole of summer, soldiers carefully selected from all the soldiers. With the treat of the extraordinary, elite of the elites were selected. Kai was looking forward to seeing the world outside of their own, a land of discovery waited him. So, the army was named ‘Great Discovery Army’. It was currently the army with the highest specification in the Babylon Kingdom.

“Soldiers.” Kai glanced at the soldiers below. His voice resounded throughout the square.

All actions stopped, the soldiers looked up at their king and leader upon the stage. “Today is the day of the expedition to the alien planet… Are you ready!” Kai shouted loudly.

“Ready!” A resounding reply came, with force to move mountains and stop tsunamis. After three months of learning. All the soldiers knew outside their planet was another world where other people lived.

“World Teacher, do you see it? These are my elites.” Kai looked to the sky, his mutter known only to him and Terra Stars.

She was naturally observing the scene. Kai did not let her down, the army had been specially established to fight in foreign lands, primarily alien planets. In her mind Terra Stars checked the changes in her realm data panel. Gaia had developed significantly since the last time she checked. Various details improved greatly.

Realm name: Gaia

Realm Level: 1

Realm diameter: 231.6 kilometres.

Realm Species: 1004

Analysis Result: A growing realm with similarities to Earth. The technological civilization machine has just begun.

With a long time passing, today there were hundreds of thousands of people. Babylon Kingdom also just broke away from the tribe era, it still maintained a ‘might is right’ mentality, but it is matched by craftsmanship. All the population could be soldiers in the event of an emergency. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers would be mobilized if the need arose.

The huge army gathered in front of her numbered only 10,000. But they were the elite of the elites. Equipped with state-of-the-art weapons and advanced leather armor. The soldiers that had been trained day and night for three months by the genius Kai had very strong combat ability.

Terra Stars turned her attention back to the highlighting of the alien realm. She channeled her will into the imprinted highlight. A connection was made between her realm and the unowned realm with a nonexistent click. The connection was made easily even a novice could do it without help.

After she checked the situation of Gaia for the last time, she created the realm channel. She saw it form in her own realm. A huge door of light ten metres high. She uttered her thoughts aloud, “This is… the passageway between realms?”

Terra Stars stared at the door of light, a subtle scent flowed from it along with a new presence. The energy that did not belong to her realm, that was to say the other side of the passage was another realm.

Within the Great Development City, there was no need for Terra to notify Kai. His men already discovered the door of light and reported it. Kai immediately rushed over with the Great Discovery Army. Everyone was shocked seeing the huge door of light.

“What kind of technology is this… to create such a spectacular sight?” Kai’s heart pounded. He would love to do some research right now, but he knew the most important task at hand was to lead the army through this light gate.

“Soldiers! The time has come to show your courage, follow me!” Kai signaled as he marched at the forefront of the army. Being the first to step into the gate, the army followed behind him.

With Kai’s entrance, Terra Stars finally saw the unowned realm visually. Her senses reached a set range around the beings from her realm, she followed them into the alien realm.

Terra Stars finally saw the unowned realm. According to the information of the Society of Realms, this was a martial arts realm on the verge of collapse. The reality was as the data said. Upon entering, she saw the entire land and sky were lifeless yellow.

The extraordinary energy within the realm was extremely thin. Terra Stars could feel its presence but not the details of the fantastical energy called extraordinary energy. On the surface there was hardly any vegetation remaining. She couldn’t sense much vitality from the realm and it’s shrinkage was clearly apparent, it very severe. It was estimated to be less than 100 kilometres in diameter.

Martial Artists begun to appear on the surface of the realm, they approached the invading army. Terra Stars was surprised to see their state.


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