Cosmic Realm Wars – A lone girl’s Technology

Chapter 21: Chapter 21 – Progress and Gathered Talents

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The raw materials of black powder were not complicated. It was composed of saltpeter, carbon, and sulfur in certain proportions. All the materials were easy to gather in the monolithic Babylon Kingdom, but to produce explosives, it was not so simple. Achieving the correct ratio took time.

Inside the palace lands, in a deserted courtyard used as a testing site. The first batch of finished black powder arrived. Researchers participated in the test had anticipation and excitement in their eyes.

They were witnessing the test of a mighty weapon. Terra Stars arrived in her own way and watched on with them. As the person who led the research and development, Kai himself lit the primitive fuse to the result of his research.

After a while. A thunder like sound filled the air. The sky shook with sonic booms, the sound could be heard from far away. The resulted sound was deafening. Having seen this result Terra Stars approved, she considered it a success even thought it was not a perfect ratio. It was lethal enough.

The crowd was full of excitement everywhere apart from Kai. His face was calm, and he held some dissatisfaction. ‘It can be better. The explosion can be bigger.’ Kai silently thought. He did not relax the work on black powder, instead continued to immerse himself in it. This test had been insightful for him.

“Teacher, I might know what you mean by supersonic weapons.” Kai stood alone on the high platform. He Looked into the sky as he mumbled to himself, a habit he developed in the recent years.

“At the moment of the explosion, the separation speed of the black powder is faster than the speed of sound, right?”

“If I can make the black powder smaller whilst keeping the power, would that be a supersonic weapon?” He guessed.

Unfortunately, he was thinking in the wrong direction, Terra Stars gave no response. She felt a little pity, Kai’s talent was very rare. Feeling he was born in the wrong era, with Gaia still being in the initial stage of technology. Many important concepts and disciplines had not appeared. If it were a hundred years later, he may have been a great scientist like Newton or Einstein of Earth.

Nonetheless, the talent continued to work hard. The improvement and research on black powder continued. The practical experience for the Great Discovery Army continued too. Terra Stars had a trip to the Society of Realms, she brought the connection for five extraordinary realms at once. The strength of these realms was higher than the last three. More uniqueness to deal with.

The planet in her realm space rotated around the artificial sun. A year passed by.

On the surface of Gaia, everything was in a state of constant change. The black powder research led by Kai advanced consistently, and the practical experience of the Great Discovery Army had been completed.

The extraordinary research team that accompanied the army continued to increase, inevitably reaching fifty. The fifty scholars were subdivided into several teams to better target all kinds of extraordinary subjects and strange realms.

During this year, the realms experienced by the expedition group grew progressively stronger. The Great Discovery Army began to suffer casualties, but each casualty was rewarded with great gains. The momentum of the elite soldiers continued to increase. The Became sturdy wall of willpower in the face of extraordinary creatures, they started to look at them like how a predator looked at its prey.

The Cavalry showed its hand, coupled with the infantry, it played vital roles on several occasions.

The training in low-level energy realms had come to an end. The next step being medium and high-level energy realms. Terra Stars didn’t plan to train a lot this time. The number of unowned realms of these levels was far less than low-level energy realms.

Of medium-level energy, Terra Stars chose three. For high-level energy realms she picked two. She didn’t look for any spiritual-level civilizations. They were impossibly rare to find unowned, and the dangers would be great for the current forces of Gaia.

The planet in Gaia, called Gaia, completed a lap around the sun. It marked another year had passed.

The Great Discovery Army had become far more developed. Medium-level energy realms and high-level energy realms did not stump them. They owed their success to the extraordinary research team whose role was very vital. Against many seemingly impossible opponents, they would find a way. Some bizarre weapons were invented and developed.

In the royal compound, on the high platform, Kai is alone. Looked into the sky. These two years had been shown its mark on him, he was exhausted. He was in charge of the research and development of black powder, managing the expedition affairs of the Great Discovery Army and finally, leading the nation in his successor’s place whilst Charles led the expeditions.

It was obvious he had aged significantly in these couple years. Terra Stars formed her air silhouette with him on the lonely platform. She knew that the Babylon royal family has been working all their lives for her.

Even though she wasn’t one to be sentimental or become attached to the creatures of her realm, she wanted to comfort the old man she once saw reading each of her messages with fascination as a kid. So, she faced him.

“Teacher!” Kai’s weary expression was overcome by joy.

“You have some doubts.” Terra states, still forever forming text from water vapor.

“Yes… Teacher seems to be preparing… For something very important.” He expressed his thoughts.

Terra thought for a moment and formed a new message, “It is not very important to you. It is about honor and rewards far above the simple life here.”

“Can I know?” Kai asked. He could guess but couldn’t understand the happenings of Terra Stars world.

“Yes.” She replied.

Her next line continued, “This is a contest between rulers like me. Many such rulers participate.”

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“We do not fight ourselves but use the life on our planet. The winner will gain honors and rewards.” She told him.

“The reason why I have been giving the Great Discovery Army challenges these past two years is to win this battle.” Finishing her speech.

Kai read the messages, the old and weary eyes grew brighter and wider in shock. He knelt on one knee and solemnly said, “I know I’m old, but I still have courage and strength in my heart.”

“Please allow me to lead the team in this battle of honor.” He requested with all his heart. Holding great respect to the wise teacher that made him and Babylon what they were today. Where Terra Stars owed them, they owed her for the realm she made.

“You may.” Terra agreed. She could tell there was not much time left for Kai, she wanted him to pass without any regrets.

Under the acceleration of time controlled by Terra Stars. The two years for Gaia equated to half a month in reality. This day was the day of the Polaris Tourney mentioned by Janus Estroid.

Waking early and eating a simple breakfast, like an ordinary school day. Terra Stars arrived at school nonchalantly after a month has passed. Dressed in her uniform she entered the school she was barely a part of anymore.

Although public transport and other extraordinary products for travel existed. Terra Stars had been frugal in both sets of memories. Saving money where she could was ingrained in her soul. She arrived at Polaris No. 7 High School. Reaching the open field used as a playground on normal days.

“Terra Stars here” A voice called at her.

She looked and found it was a peer from her class, Ban Anabunch. His initial awakening was very good. Both his parents were realm rulers, making them quite well off. A simple reason for how he was also selected for the team from the school. A decent start with sufficient external help meant he rose to the top four excluding Terra Stars

To Terra Stars, they were unacquainted. They really were not familiar with each other, she just knew about his family because it was often spoken about around her. Her unacquaintance extended to the bulky boy standing beside Ban. She knew nothing about him.

After Terra Stars walked over to the pair, another student arrived. It was Mark Ferrous, who ranked third during the initial awakening score. Mark gave a slight nod towards the others before he stood alone a small distance away.

“This guy is really arrogant” Ban Anabunch muttered softly.

The other boy heard, and replied, “It is said Mark Furrous’ awakening achievement are place within the top of the whole of Polaris. Plus, his family’s heavy investment has led to the diameter of his realm passing 150 kilometres.”

“No wonder, no wonder he doesn’t put us in his eyes.” Ban understood. As a standard Realm Ruler you could find anywhere, Ban had the common sense of the area unlike Terra Stars who had no idea what other realms grew to.

He suddenly turned his head and looked somewhere. Both Terra and the other boy follow his line of sight. A scarlet haired model walked towards them. Marceline Nabu, the person that lost for the first time in her life to Terra.

“Marceline Nabu, I heard that the diameter of your realm has exceeded 150 kilometres?” Ban Anabunch asked when she got close.

“Mn.” She hummed a confirmation.

Marceline Nabu’s gaze looked Terra Stars up and down for a while. She then turned away. To her, the ordinary realm of Terra Stars was not something she should care about anymore.

A few minutes later a tall figure appeared, walking over to the wide group of five. The figure was a stern-faced man.

“Mr. Starmash!” Both Ban and the other boy immediately exclaim to greet him.

Buzz Starmash nodded to them, he stole a glance at Terra Stars before speaking loudly, “This time our school will be led by me! The five of you are the best five selected from thousands of people in the school”

“Compared with the geniuses from other schools, you are all still lacking a lot!”

“This time, among the five of you, only Marceline Nabu has a chance to qualify!” Buzz Starmash announced.

“The rest of you have no chance!” He firmly declared.

Everything he said went in one ear and out the other for Terra Stars as soon as he grouped her with the normal of this world. But Ban Anabunch, Mark Furrous, and the other boy all clenched their jaws tightly. They couldn’t argue back, Marceline Nabu was talented.

Terra Stars just looked on with a polite smile. She just wanted to hurry up and participate in the competition. Sooner she started, the sooner she would win. Only the rewards was of interest. She had a world to evolve.


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