Cosmic Realm Wars – A lone girl’s Technology

Chapter 22: Chapter 22 – Gossip of Geniuses

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No one dared argue with Buzz Starmash. Like the principal Janus Estroid, he was a fourth-level realm ruler. In the whole of Polaris, he was a famous powerhouse. The three upset boys were only newly awoken realm rulers, but they naturally understood the disparity between them.

“I know you’re not convinced. But it is the truth!” Buzz Starmash reaffirmed.

He glanced at the other four, excluding Marceline Nabu, and continued, “If you want to refute me, speak with you strength! Now let’s go.”

After he spoke his assumptions, he turned around first and left. He led the students to the entrance of the school. The annual event of the Polaris Tourney, No.7 High School attached great importance to it because many watched the results. At the school’s entrance a specially prepared rune car was awaiting them.

Because the air traffic rules of Polaris, a rune car from a realm with rune energy of the high-level energy was rare. Although the price was low to successful realm rulers, permission mattered.

‘Fast, clean, comfortable, and not powered by tiny explosions’ Terra Stars thought as she rode it. She missed the carriages of death metal powered by explosions. Terra Stars looked forward to when Babylon develops combustion engines.

The tourney was held at the largest venue in Polaris, Polaris Prime Venue. If it were for Earthly sports it would be a Stadium, but this world was different. Outside the venue the media reporters had already gathered and set up. Due to the competition consisting of only newly graduated High School students, the media was prohibited from entry or doing interviews before the event.

Talisman materialized from a realm blocked entry to the venue. With Buzz Starmash as the lead, the group of six went through security. Strict identity checks were done to avoid accidents or unrelated people getting in. After entering they headed to a huge lounge-style waiting room.

Buzz Starmash turned to the students and said, “There is still some time before the opening ceremony. Freely rest however you want.”

He walked straight to a lounge near the entrance with familiarity, he begun relaxing with others there. Terra Stars and the other four were left only for a moment. Marceline Nabu and Mark Ferrous each walked to the side. The extra boy seemed to have seen someone he knew and went to them.

Ban Anabunch’s eyes lit up as he looked in a certain direction. A lounge hosting three fashionable girls fell into his sight. With him going towards them, Terra Stars was left alone at the entrance. The large room had plenty of seats, she found a secluded one easily.

The last to leave was the first to reappear near Terra Stars again. Ban Anabunch was driven away from anywhere near the popular girl group.

At the side of the spacious lounge area, the leading teachers from all Polaris High Schools gathered. They chatted with each other. Buzz Starmash’s arrival was welcomed.

“It’s Starmash.”

“There he is.”

“I didn’t expect someone of your position to waste time here.”

“Can’t you tell? This year’s tourney is full of geniuses, and even the province lord is paying attention.”

Such chatter flowed, Buzz Starmash nodded in response to the greetings.

“I heard your school has produced an incredible genius this time, someone with a spiritual-level energy realm.” A teacher from No. 2 High School who was close with Buzz Starmash said.

Buzz Starmash calmly replied, “You mean Marceline Nabu? She does have some hope of entering the top ten… but she is the only one from my group.”

“It’s your second High School that is expected to occupy several places there.” He continued.

A teacher next to Buzz Starmash interjects, “Yes, especially Kendric Hypight of your second high school. The realm awakened at the beginning was more than 30 kilometres, and now it has passed the 150 kilometres. It is very possible to win the championship.”

“Winning? That’s too exaggerated.”

“Although Kendric Hypight is talented, it’s a bad year to dream of winning.”

“With his strength, top three is to be expected. As for the championship…”

The group of teachers all directly opposed the teacher’s remark about Kendric Hypight winning.

Even the teacher from No. 2 High School was agreeing with the masses, said, “With the one from No.1 High School, it should be good for Kendric to be in the top four.”

Chatter begun about the student from No. 1 High School. They remarked the disparity between her and the other students. Of the numerous teachers in the lounge, all shared the same thought. A rare agreement was reached, the expected tourney victor was already decided before it even started.

“Okay, it is almost time, let’s gather our teams.” An old teacher stated.

At this time the rest of the lounge continued to grow lively. The arrival of more and more well-known students flamed the flames of gossip. Discussions and whispering fill the spacious room.


The wave of gossip couldn’t be blocked by not talking, Terra Stars’ silent wait was disrupted by Ban Anabunch. She followed where he pointed, she saw a burly boy with a mature face. A significant group of people rush to keep up with his quick walking pace.

“It’s Marcus Gravon from No. 3 High School!”

“Isn’t that the strongest graduate from No. 3 High School, a super genius with an initial realm diameter of 31.4 kilometres?”

“That’s right! One of the favored contenders for top three this year!”

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The discussions around the room all begun to focus on the burly boy. The topic of their words ignored everything and walked straight to the middle of the lounge. Another group in a different uniform stood there proudly.

“You’re here, Kendric Hypight.” Marcus Gravon stared at a tall and thin boy of the group.

“Marcus Gravon, last time you stole from us.” Kendric Hypight meet the burly boy’s eyes.

His eyes turned sharp as he glared, he continued, “This time, if we meet I will not be polite.”

“If you get out of the group stage first” Marcus Gravon taunted.

“This year, every school has geniuses here.” He added as if he were above those geniuses he mentioned.

Their confrontation sparked new discussions. The spread of rumored expected high rankers along with the reveal of initial realm diameters were points of shock. These conversations only continued for a short while.

Another commotion occurred at the lounge’s entrance. A team in fancy uniforms enter. Leading the group, a handsome boy with bright white hair pulled a lot of eyes. A future model if he didn’t have his life as a Realm Ruler. Many boys glared as the handsome boy held the attention of many girls.

“It’s Arthur Sunlight from Polaris Military High School.”

“He is known as the star of Polaris Military high school.”

“He looks so handsome…”

“He is one of Polaris’ five super geniuses. They all had an initial realm diameter of over 30 kilometres.”

“Five super geniuses? I only know Arthur Sunlight and Marcus Gravon. Who are the other three?”

“The other three are Kendric Hypight from No. 2 high school, the one from No. 1 high school, and a student from No. 7 high school.”

“There are a lot of geniuses this year.”

“Yeah, not only are there the five super geniuses that started at over 30 kilometers, but there are also many top geniuses with an initial diameter of more than 25 kilometres.”

“According to our teacher, this year’s competition is the most talented year in Polaris history!”

The constant chatter went hushed with an exclamation from a short boy. Words stopped by a collective inhaled breath.

Overhearing the loud discussions, Ban Anabunch couldn’t help but sigh. Their No. 7 high school really was nothing in the face of the top three. Ban Anabunch’s depression was halted with the arrival of Buzz Starmash. He looked between the strange pair.

“Where are the others?” He asked.

Ban Anabunch, with his attention always toward the rest of the room replied, “Over there.”

In the direction he pointed the other boy and Marceline Nabu were there. Following the direction Ban pointed, Buzz Starmash saw something that changed his expression.

Immediately Buzz Starmash said, “Come with me, there is a VIP guest.”

The nosy boy didn’t know and was curious, but still did as he was told. Terra Stars followed behind as she resists the urge to have some black powder materialized for boring times like these. She responsibly went along with the others. At the edge of the room, Marceline Nabu stood with a man in his thirties having a conversation.

“Hahaha, what wind brought you to our Polaris, Nathan Nabu.” In front of this man, the stern and proud Buzz Starmash changed. He politely and meekly greeting.

“Buzz Starmash, long time no see.” The man smiled to Buzz.

He continued, “I came to Polaris this time on behalf of the school behind me, the admissions teacher at our school in Nebula Province this year is probably me.”

The man’s words made Buzz’s pupils shake slightly.

“Welcome, welcome.” Buzz Starmash quickly welcomed the man.

He then turned to the group of students from no.7 high school, “This is Nathan Nabu, the teacher of Heavenholm University. Maybe you will be admitted to Heavenholm University to study under him.”

Ban Anabunch, Mark Ferrous, and the extra boy were all shocked. Heavenholm University was one of the top 32 colleges and universities in the country. To be a teacher in this kind of school, one must be a fourth-level realm ruler or above.

“These must be the top performers of No.7 High School.” Nathan Nabu looked at Terra Stars and the others with a smile.

Buzz Starmash replied, “It’s just the students from our school who were qualified for the competition this time. They’re not very talented.”

“It can’t be compared with other schools at all.” He added.

“Your Polaris Province has quite a few geniuses this year.” Nathan Nabu agreed and noted the statistically different results than usual.

Whilst the others were shocked, Terra Stars looked between the two red haired people. There were similarities between their faces too. She guessed they were siblings.

Before the university teacher and high school teacher delved into a long chat, the whole venue went silent.

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