Cosmic Realm Wars – A lone girl’s Technology

Chapter 23: Chapter 23 – Group Draws

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Silence quenched the heated discussions within the lounge.

Everyone turned their heads in one direction. To the entrance the dozens of pairs of eyes gathered. A new team had entered. All of them dressed in neat white uniforms with sparkling gold trims.

Unlike the other groups so far, the team had a completely calm and confident demeanor. There was no trace of agitation or stage fright to be seen. With formal etiquette the group out classed the rest of the people at the venue.

In the middle of the team an elegant girl walked with grace. Barely an adult like all the other young people in the lounge, yet an aura of experience and maturity flowed from her. Ice blue hair fluttered behind her as the air chilled with her sharp snow-white eyes.

“Did it just get cold?”

“It’s like stepping on the moon!”

“She is the enchanting monster level genius from No.1 High School, Camille Winter? The undisputed expected champion of this competition?!”

“She is the only genius in Polaris to gain super-level energy!”

“Our teacher commented that she is the strongest genius in the history of Polaris Province!”

“With her here, there is no suspense to the championship.”

“The rest of us are competing for second and third!”

One after another, discussions started again. All in a similar view. Camille Winter frowned as the sole focus of the many people of the room. She found their blind faith unfitting for a future powerful realm ruler.

“Brother, is this the only person you think I can’t beat?” Marceline Nabu looked at the graceful and impressive Camille Winter and asked towards the older scarlet haired person.

Nathan Nabu nodded and said, “Yes, anyone else you have a chance to win. But Camille Winter… you are far from her.”

“This competition, do your best for second place.” He encouraged.

Fighting spirit welled in Marceline Nabu’s eyes as she voweled rivalry with the cool and mature genius from No.1 High School. Confidence supported her thoughts.

Further towards the center of the room, in the location of the other famous students. Worry begun to spread between the most boastful. After witnessing the presence and aura of Camille Winter, they felt they were far from the top now.

“Is she really that strong?” Someone asked.

“The energy of Camille Winder’s realm is super-level energy, Immortal Qi. A realm of immortality! If there is no accident, she is the champion of this competition.” Marcus Gravon declared with a dignified expression on his face.

“Marcus Gravon, we can’t compete for the championship, so let’s see who can enter the finals.” Kedric Hypight added on the side.

With the arrival of all the participants, No. 1 High School being the final group. The Polaris Tourney begun.

Numerous teams moved into the main arena of the venue. A teacher led each school’s representatives. Shortly after the principal of each school arrived too. This event would be opened by the province lord himself, as the ruler and the strongest in Polaris, which principal wouldn’t give him respect.

The stadium reminded Terra Stars of an Esports stadium. Lots of seat capacity, even private VIP booths were available. The spectators encircle a dozens of pairs of rooms in the center with a huge number of panels and runes act as the way to view the battlefield realms used.

After a short wait in the arena. A heavy aura descended from the high platform in the center of the arena. Terra Stars looked on with considerate interest. She saw a tall and majestic man appeared in the air.

From her memory, she knew this man was the lord of the Polaris Province. The strongest fifth-level realm ruler in this region. With his advent, the whole venue grew silent. None dared to speak aloud.

The Lord of Polaris swept his gaze over everyone, paused only for a moment as he met eyes with Terra Stars. He loudly spoke, “Everyone, you are the best students in our Polaris Province. I hope you do your best to compete, have no regrets!”

He only said a brief speech, ending the opening ceremony with that. The Polaris Tourney officially started. What drew everyone’s focus was the first part of the event begins, the group drawing ceremony.

A total of 32 groups. Following the rules, there are 32 seeds. Here Terra Stars realized why Janus Estroid would bother an apparent ordinary realm owner like her.

This tourney had more than 100 schools participating. The total of participants was 320.

Not every school could bring the same number of participants. Based on the comprehensive results of each school in the Polaris Tourney of the previous five years, the current quota was determined.

In the previous years, Polaris No. 7 High School ranked in the top ten overall. Giving them five spots. Polaris No. 1 High School, the five-time consecutive winning, got the maximum of eight places.

With 32 groups, each had ten people in it. It was single round robin format. Only one participant could qualify from each group, the participant count dropped from 320 to 32 in the span of just the qualifiers.

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In order to save the exciting matches for the more accurate times, the popular contestants were not allowed to meet in the group stages. They made use of a seeding system, a total of 32 seeded contestants were selected. Chosen according to the realm’s initial diameter.

Terra Stars realm when she finished awakening was 35.5 kilometres in diameter. She was the only student in Polaris with a measurement of more than 35 kilometres, she even set the historical record of Polaris.

So, no doubt or contest, she was ranked the number one seed. Terra Stars only needed one look at Janus Estroid’s wide smile. He only thought to have her participate because of the seed and her apparently large realm compared to her peers. He likely believed the power of numbers was enough for the group stage at this stage of realm development.

In recent years, the number one seed had almost always been swept up by students from No. 1 High School. The rest of the time, it was taken by top ranking schools such as No. 2, No. 3, or Polaris Military High School.

The principal’s purpose was to have No. 7 High School put beside the place of first seed. Even if he felt doubtful of how far Terra Stars would go.

Camille Winter was second seed.

And the list went on.

Marceline Nabu ranked seventh, she took the seventh seed.

Of the top ten seeds, two of them are from No. 7 High School. The always stern looking Janus Estroid had a wide smile.

On a projected screen in front of everyone, the names, and schools of the 32 seeds appeared. One at a time, starting with the first one. Terra Stars’ name topping the illustrious Camille Winter. The sight of the goddess being below anyone unnerved the viewers.

“Terra Stars? The one who broke our Polaris Province record?”

“Yeah, that’s her, but… I heard there was an accident during the awakening and what she created in the end was an ordinary realm.”

“Ordinary realm? Impossible, with an initial diameter of 35.5 kilometres has to be extraordinary.”

“It’s absolutely true. I heard it from a teacher who heard it from the leaders at No. 7 High School. They are sure it is true.”

“A pity…”

“Mhm, maybe this Terra Stars could have created another super-level realm.”

“Why would she participate? She’s just asking to have her realm collapsed.”

There were many people discussing amongst themselves. Most people already knew the barely insider story. The spread of gossip when well known figured gathered in this world would startle Terra Stars herself if she were not oblivious to majority of it and uncaring of the rest.

Everyone acknowledged ordinary realms had no future. Some gave the benefit of doubt for the early stages of realm development. But even those who considered it possible to battle extraordinary with ordinary accept the fact ordinary species can’t match up to spiritual-level or higher realms.

With the reveal of the 32 seeded players. The drawing of lots followed. Its rules were very simple. First, the strength of each group should be roughly equal. Second and finally, students from the same school would not meet in the same group.

The teachers from each school took turns drawing. The results quickly finalized. The draw for the 32 groups were complete. The projection screens showed the list of students for each group.

Seeing Terra Stars’ group, Janus Estroid breathed a sigh of relief. He turned to her and said, “You are lucky, this group is not very strong.”

Terra Stars hide her thoughts of wondering when Babylon would develop the combustion engine and just smiled in response. She knew because of her monstrous initial diameter, the group balancing rules would have a bias towards smaller realms for her group. It just made similar averages per group.

With the lottery over, the tourney begun. As the first seed of the first group, Terra Stars was the first match. She was led under the guidance of venue staff to the island rooms of the arena. It’s appearance and construction appeared similar to the connection assistance rooms of the Society of Realms, but here they were specialized for battles.

Preliminary expectations and guesses begun between the teachers and principals. Through the projection, they could see the happenings of the randomly selected realm used for battles like this.

“It seems that the overall strength of the first group is the weakest, but that makes it the most unpredictable. It is impossible to see who is most likely to qualify.” A teacher analyzed.

“It’s a real shame the record breaker made such a mistake. A monstrous 35.5 kilometre diameter only to have ordinary energy.” Another teacher sighed.

“Exactly, how can ordinary realms fight with extraordinary ones? This Terra Stars may be the first number one seed in history to not make it out of the group stage.” A teacher from No. 1 High school said with a smirk.

“Richard Stellum, you better watch out for your first High School.” Buzz Starmash frowned and replied. No. 1 and No. 7 had always had contention and disagreements.

The teacher named Richard Stellum laughs and says, “Let’s wait and see, shall we?”

Sparks flew between Buzz Starmash and Richard Stellum. The rest of the teachers stayed silent, but they all know. The words of Richard Stellum were rude, but they were also true. They had all seen a confrontation between ordinary realms and extraordinary realms. Those scenes were always incredibly cruel and horrific.

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