Cosmic Realm Wars – A lone girl’s Technology

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 – Early Expectations and Boasts

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The students couldn’t wait once finished awakening attempts. Terra Stars followed the flow into the filled plaza. Newly awakened students, parents, school staff, businessmen, and even some news reporters all gathered in the plaza together.

She saw a handsome boy surrounded by her peers. The groups discussion spreading loudly.

“Mark Ferrous’ awakened realm has a diameter of 26.7 kilometres?!”

“I hear it’s second only to Marceline Nabu’s realm.”


“No. 1 High has Quasar Goddess, well now we have Iron God Mark!”

Words of praise and boasts came one after another. Past the group that was shifting to fanatics, an even larger group was growing at a visible rate. At the center was a beautiful girl, on Earth she could easily be a model without the need for editing. Terra Stars knew who she was.

The popularly recognized school flower of Seventh High School, Marceline Nabu. Her results had always been first since the beginning of school. In the six months of life in this world, Terra Stars had only spoke to the school’s top student on a few occasions. Enough to count on her fingers at most.

“Marceline, congratulations, your awakened realm is an amazing achievement. A diameter of 29.9 kilometres is right at the cusp of the super genius threshold.” A teacher monitoring the plaza went over and congratulated her.

“Thank you teacher, I was lucky.” Marceline Nabu replied modestly. Her modest words and calm actions could not hide the pride in her eyes.

“Students, parents, and honored guests.” The vice-principal walked out of the exam hall. His actions quieting the swarms of people. Drawing all of the attention to himself atop the raised entrance.

The vice-principal swept his gaze over everyone and nodded to the students. “This year’s awakening ceremony has ended successfully. Our school has achieved great results. About Half of the graduates this year have successfully awakened a realm. Of the 600 students to undergo the ceremony…”

“There are 150 realms with a diameter of more than 10 kilometres.”

“There are 21 realms with a diameter of more than 20 kilometres.”

“There are two realms with a diameter of more than 25 kilometres, Mark Ferrous and Marceline Nabu from Class One.”

The vice-principal’s voice continued to announce, stopping at the two of class one. All eyes turned to the crowds of Mark Ferrous and Marceline Nabu. Thousands of eyes focused on both of them. Chatter explodes from the people filling the plaza.

“Over 25 kilometres? That would mean they are in the ranks of top geniuses of Polaris!”

“There are actually two top geniuses here?!”

“Great! Fantastic!”

The vice-principal wasn’t finished. He glanced at the two figures of focus with slight pity towards them, before he cleared his voice and continued, “I would like to congratulate Terra Stars from Class Two. During this awakening ceremony, the diameter of the realm she awakened exceeded 30 kilometres! At 35.5 kilometres, she broke the record set by First High School not long ago! Creating a new historic record for our Polaris!”

His words silenced the crowd’s excitement, stunning everyone present. Everyone’s first thought was they had heard it wrong. Seventh High School actually produced a student whose planet was more than 30 kilometres. Even above 35 kilometres. A never before seen result.

Smashing previous records, even beating the arrogant top of First High School. Although it was only half a kilometre above 35, everyone knew each kilometre after 30 was a huge increase to the realm. Setting 35 kilometres as the level of monsters was for a reason, only the best of the best had a realm that size immediately after the awakening ceremony.

In a moment everyone’s heads turned to one target. Their eyes fell on a girl with short fluffy brown hair, Terra Stars. A spectrum of gazes all landed on her. Some were amazed, some envious, some shocked silly, and others confused. But not a single one was jealous.

The people present didn’t dare to dream so high because such dreams would be disillusioned nonsense. Mark Ferrous and Marceline Nabu’s expressions were a little twisted, both of them awakened a realm over 25 kilometres. They created the best results in this generation at no. 7 High School, but Terra Stars’ 35.5 kilometres realm eclipsed the both of them.

Originally this was a moment of glory for both of them. Now it became Terra Stars’ exclusive stage. Even if the person herself didn’t desire to be the flaunted top.

“I originally thought there were no opponents in this school, but I didn’t expect this…” Marceline’s expression relaxed and returned to her usual calm face. Gazing at Terra Stars she subconsciously clenched her fist.

“Such a shocking result, but the initial realm size doesn’t matter. What really matters is the subsequent civilization developed.” She thought to herself.

Mark Ferrous had similar thoughts to comfort himself.

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“Terra Stars, follow me.” The vice-principal waved to Terra Stars. He led her out of the scene to an office.

“The principal’s office?” Terra Stars glanced at the building and tilted her head.

“Go in, the principal is waiting.” The vice-principal said before turning to leave. Terra Stars knocked on the door.

“Come in.” A slightly grand voice came from inside. She pushed open the door and entered.

At a glance, sat behind a desk, a man with white hair and a dignified face. The principal of Polaris No. 7 High School, Janus Estroid. A powerful fourth-level Realm Ruler.

Janus Estroid’s grand presence shifted. Putting on a kind smile he appeared like a kind and healthy grandfather. He stood up and said kindly, “Student Terra Stars, come sit on the sofa over there.”

“Alrighty, principal.” Terra Stars had lived a couple decades in her previous world and decided to be successful here. Having no restraint, she sat down on the sofa without hesitating.

Seeing her natural and calm appearance, Janus Estroid developed a better impression of her. Not arrogant or impetuous, the dark horse result became a little more understandable.

Janus Estroid looked at Terra Stars and said, “First of all, congratulations to you for being first in our school for this year’s awakening ceremony. You also set a new record for the whole Polaris Province.”

“Thanks.” Terra Stars briefly replied. These did not matter to her, achievements couldn’t be eaten or used in her realm. The principal was not an overly formal person, after the initial congratulations he got straight to the point.

“According to our school’s regulations, coming first in the year. A reward of 500,000 Federal Coins will be awarded.” Janus Estroid smiled lightly.

“Half a million?” Terra Stars’ eyes narrowed slightly, she grew fully invested in the reward. The identity when she crossed over she was an orphan, raised on federal aid. Half a million coins was naturally a huge sum of money for her.

Unlike other people who had successfully awakened, Terra Stars created a natural ecosystem in her realm. In theory, it did not require too many external resources to be maintained. As long as she had enough realm energy and origin energy it will continue to progress.

The price of one portion of origin energy is very high, the official price was a million federal coins. Terra Stars’ net worth couldn’t afford it at all. Janus Estroid naturally understood the common financial situation of students, he smiled at her.

“In addition to your achievements this time, you have broken Polaris Province’s historic record, so…” Janus Estroid continued, “The school has decided to give an additional 500,000 as a reward.”

Adding up, a reward of a million federal coins. Just enough money for a portion of origin energy. “That…” Thinking of this, Terra Stars was embarrassingly interested in origin energy.

“Can these rewards… be directly exchanged for a portion of origin energy?” She asked. Although the price of one portion was a million federal coins, that’s the official pricing. If she were to buy it herself, she had no doors or channels to directly buy so a third party will be in between. The price increased from there. Since there was a chance, Terra Stars didn’t hesitate and inquired.

“Hmm?” Janus Estroid didn’t mind the details but looked at her with some puzzlement.

“That will be your whole reward, shouldn’t you use money to buy other realm resources first?” He asked.

The normal process after awakening a realm was to cultivate more life first. Various external resources were needed to nurture new life. For example, buying extraordinary life to bring back in the form of animals and plants to put into the realm space. Part of why being a Realm Ruler was such a different life to not being one, transferring things to other Realm Rulers was an industry whilst bringing non-alive objects out was a constant cash flow.

“I need the origin energy first, my realm is a bit special.” Terra Stars smiled and replied.

“Okay, since you are sure. I just happen to have a portion here, so I will give it to you in place of a reward.” Janus Estroid went to his desk, he pulled a detailed box from the desk drawer.

Inside the box was a transparent crystal ball. Sparkling origin energy filling the ball. Thinking of Terra Stars decision, Janus Estroid didn’t understand her plan, but he didn’t think too hard. Instead, thought positively of her even more. To be a powerful Realm Ruler, thick skin was naturally better. Seeing her take the box but not open it immediately, he felt good with the unsaid trust there.

“By the way, can you tell me what initial energy your realm has?” He stared at Terra Stars. An important detail to know. Initial Realm size was important for boasts. The most important factor for the future was the initial energy. Higher level energies were more likely to create high-level civilizations that empower the realm greatly.

A planet with a diameter of more than 30 kilometres often had a spiritual-level civilization. Even Super civilizations were possible. Over 35 kilometres was naturally much more likely to be Super-level.

“The energy of my awakening is somewhat special.” Terra Stars vaguely answered.

“Could it be super-level energy? Void Energy? Pure Qi? Or another kind?” Janus Estroid quickly guessed. Hope and interest burned in his eyes.

For Super-level energy, Pure Qi was the most common. Other common ones were Full Spirit Energy and Void Energy. Throughout the history of Seventh High School, Super-level energy had never appeared. Now there was Terra Stars, it was natural for the principal to be excited.

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