Cosmic Realm Wars – A lone girl’s Technology

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – Record Rewards

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Terra Stars eye twitched and she replied, “Sorry to disappoint, it is not super-level.”

“Not super-level?” Janus Estroid’s eyes grew dull.

He immediately recovered and said, “Then it’s spiritual level, that is not bad either. In the future, a powerful civilization can be created.”

“it’s not spiritual-level either.” Terra Stars said.

Hearing her answer, the smile on his face instantly froze. Arguably, the diameter of the realm Terra Stars awoke was more than 35 kilometres. The probability of gaining super-level energy was very high. Even with bad luck, spiritual-level energy should be guaranteed.

Janus Estroid didn’t imagine anything less was possible. His heart feeling uncomfortable from the results. But as a principal for decades, he maintained his composure and calmed his heart.

After a moment of silence, Janus Estroid stared at Terra Stars and said, “Is it High-level energy? High-level is not too bad. Many civilizations made from it are not much worse than advanced civilizations.”

He comforted himself reluctantly. With Terra Stars’ score, gaining only high-level energy was like placing first in the college entrance examination, only to go to a community college.

“it’s not high-level energy either.” Terra Stars stated, her expression unchanged and no hesitation in her words.

“…” He was stunned speechless.

Janus Estroid didn’t know what to say, if it was not even high-level energy, that leaves the two fodder levels. Unable to comfort himself he asked, “Which level is it?”

Maintaining hope if the right medium-level energy was had the realm’s size will boosts its potential. Even if in the end the future was walled early, there are chances to progress there.

“The energy I have is somewhat special, it is not extraordinary energy…” Terra Stars stated with a straight face, pausing for a moment.

“It’s light energy.”

“That is ordinary energy!”


Upon hearing Terra Stars’ words, Janus Estoid’s body trembled. He slammed his hand onto the coffee table between them abruptly. Even as a fourth-level realm ruler, and serving as a principal for decades, this news was an unimaginable storm.

He was surprised by this fact. She was a monster-level genius who broke the province historical record. To have energy that is not extraordinary energy, but instead ordinary energy. No one would believe it at all.

To prove it, according to past records, realms consisting of origin energy were very small. The largest was no more than 15 kilometres. So, the results of Terra Stars was an absurd result. It was completely inconsistent with normal knowledge of realm awakening. He also knew Terra Stars couldn’t lie. This kind of thing was easy to check, and it will be clear as daylight.

“Principal, if there is nothing else, I’ll go first.” Terra Stars found it fun watching the elderly principal’s face, but she was ready to leave.

“Okay, okay, you go back.” Janus Estoid subconsciously replied. His mind was stalled as the originally prepared speech was useless now. It was directly disrupted by Terra Stars’ “Special” news.

Swiftly leaving the principal’s office. Terra Stars followed the flow of people leaving the school. Outside the school gate, there were crowds of media and people from all walks of life gathered. Blending with the crowd, Terra Stars didn’t get much attention. She headed straight home.

She was an orphan, so she lived in federal relief housing. Once home, she couldn’t wait to open the box she just got from the principal, a wide grin forming on her previously serious face. Inside the crystal ball was a full portion of origin energy.

“With this, I can continue the acceleration of Gaia. The realm will continue to evolve rapidly.” Terra Stars thought to herself.

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Before focusing on her realm, Terra Stars pulled her second-hand communicator out. A product of an immortal civilization realm inside is engraved with an ultra-miniature teleportation array. Information could be directly transmitted in space. A fantasy version of a space phone for only communication.

Opening it up, she found the screen was filled with all kinds of messages. The obvious cause was because Terra Stars broke the Polaris Province record. All forces and companies with connections here knew. Many sent congratulatory messages, and cooperation requests.

Terra Stars browsed a few, finding the general pattern of the deals. Most of them were from some capital or realm management group, a few were local families with power.

The goal was to provide resources to help build her realm. Of course, they then claimed a share of the realm and could impact the direction of the realm with requests for profit. A standard process, a famous win-win. An orphan was the favorite of major companies.

They would assist with the realm’s stability and provide avenues to resources, at the cost of them taking resources from the realm to sell for their own profits or having a share in all sales made by the realm ruler themselves. A true sign of the high civilization level of this world with them treating fantastical realms as new resource channels.

But to an ordinary Realm Ruler, such a situation was what they want. They receive support in everything and can earn huge amounts of money within a few years.

If not for the analysis system, she would need to accept the favor of these forces. Forced to spend a huge amount of money, she would need support. The making of a realm was a huge resource and funds expedition.

If the family doesn’t not have tens of millions of funds, getting external support was a must. Even for newly awakened realm rulers. Unlike Terra Stars, to maintain a realm at least one professional realm management team was required. They planned the realm’s artificial ecosystem and future plans for maximum results.

If a realm ruler does not pay attention to an ordinary artificial ecosystem, it was=s likely to crash. Let alone one with extraordinary life. Various expensive resources were required to keep extraordinary life going and more expenses for maintaining the realm’s balance was needed. Everything requiring huge amounts of money to begin.

Fortunately, Terra Stars had the analysis system. It does what a management team would. Gaia was a natural ecosystem, so her interference was rarely needed. Just let the world take its course, evolving life like Earth. With some nudges according to the system humanity would appear eventually.

Terra Stars noticed a few different messages. They asked her to endorse their company’s products, the endorsement fee was quite high. Shortly after the same companies sent a new message, to cancel the endorsement plan. The reason was simple to guess, Terra Stars didn’t need to think about it to know. They had learned the fact her realm had only ordinary energy.

“Aye, corporations are cruel.” Terra Stars couldn’t help but sigh. Ordinary energy realm were worthless in their eyes. Not the to mention the potential, known by all its valuable products were nonexistent. Historically all attempts to grow a realm with ordinary energy was impossible. In the end, their ecosystem collapsed and became a dead realm, or they were crushed into slag by extraordinary realms when competing.

Having ordinary people fight against supernatural beings such as magicians or warriors was asking for death. It was a common joke to imagine such battles. But now Terra Stars planned to prove it. An ordinary realm was still capable of developing a powerful civilization.

After cooking herself a cup of noodles, Terra Stars did not rest. Instead, focused on her realm to continue its evolution. Feeling the realm space in her mind, her consciousness entered it. A blue planet slowly spun around a white star.

Confirming that no accidents had occurred, and the realm was stable. She pulled the origin energy within the crystal ball. Controlling the new origin energy to do a new round of time acceleration. This time, Terra Stars does not use such a huge ratio. Faster the acceleration, the more origin energy consumed. She only had one portion and a little left over from the awakening ceremony, so saving some for later was important.

After setting a new acceleration ratio with assistance from the analysis system. Terra Stars relaxed, taking a spectator place to watch the evolution of Gaia. Spinning quickly as it orbited the artificial sun, the ecology of the entire planet was undergoing revolutionary changes.

The first oxygen-producing organism on the planet expanded in numbers. Using sunlight energy to synthesize organic nutrients from water and carbon dioxide found everywhere on the planetary realm, releasing oxygen as a waste gas.

The oxygen continued to increase, changing the oxygen-deficient environment. Preparing for the subsequent birth of higher life. Multicellular life began to flourish, marking the end of the Proterozoic Era. And heralding the start of the evolutionary march to modern life.

Terra Stars was too lazy to think of new names for the evolutionary ages that Earth also went through. She divided it in accordance with Earth too. Hadean, Archean, Proterozoic, and Phanerozoic Eras. At the end of the Proterozoic Era, the tide of advanced life was to begin. The Cambrian explosion was coming.

The first organisms of life unable to adapt to the new environment would perish. New higher life emerged. Arthropods, barachiopods, worms, sponges, chordates, and the other ancestors of all modern animals begun to appear.

The realm continues to grow, expanding rapidly under the accelerated time. Be it species diversity or the sheer number of lives, compared to the awakening ceremony there had been a huge increase, boosting the realm’s vitality. Even without reaching the point of modern life, the accumulated quantity and continual advancement of life level were unimaginable together, leading to the realm’s continued growth.


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