Cosmic Realm Wars – A lone girl’s Technology

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 – The Era of Dinosaurs

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Continuing to watch the evolution of Gaia, Terra Stars sensed deeper into her mind for the realm data panel. Some obvious changes have occurred on it.

Realm name: Gaia

Realm Level: 1

Realm diameter: 51.4 kilometres.

Realm Species: 321

Analysis Result: A growing recreation of Earth, the world is in the process of changing. This planet-like realm has a lot of potential, it is incredibly stable. Cambrian Explosion \o/

“321 species?” Terra Stars was briefly confused. Counting the total number of species after the birth of life in the realm it would be many times more. She realized the reason, with the emergence of new species, some of the lower species died out. Some species not capable of adapting to the new environment disappeared too.

The data panel was about the real-time realm. The extinct species not being counted. A constant song and dance of extinction and new species evolving. With evolution higher level life appeared and provided greater vitality. Terra Stars continued the acceleration of the realm space.

She silently observed from anywhere in her realm as its sole ruler. From the birth of life on the planet to the present, Terra Stars hadn’t intervened with life. Only adjusting the natural forces of the planet along with the artificial sun. To help remember Gaia’s history, she still divided time of the world into several epochs.

With the passage of time, the Phanerozoic era was of note. The realm was still in the Phanerozoic Era. But it could be further divided into several periods. Unlike earth of her previous life, with fine division, Gaia would be roughly divided into several major periods.

The major reason for this was the sheer scale. The diameter of the Earth exceeded 12,000 kilometres, whilst Gaia was currently only 50 kilometres in diameter. A huge difference lead to less species to develop.

The first period division, Terra Stars named it Cambrian. The current realm was in the midst of the explosion of life, the Cambrian period. Lower fish, ancient amphibians and ancient reptiles appear one after another. Insects and amphibians flourish in the realm that was mostly ocean. The plants were dominated by marine algae.

A few primitive plants began to grow on the few pieces of land poking out of the ocean with the growth and change of the realm. Ferns had developed and flourished to the extreme forming dense forests and was an important part of the coal-forming period.

In the sea the earliest vertebrates began to appear, jaw-less fish. The level of life continued to improve growing the realm. At the same time the crustal movement inside the planet was quietly continuing. Pushing more land to the surface of the oceans that dominated the realm. No longer was land a tiny minority, it broke up the dominate ocean.

Many huge mountain systems appeared. Alpines, hills, mountains, and so on all appear one after another. The smooth orb of water becomes colorful and covered in grand details.

On Earth, the mass extinction of species would begin. Here in the realm, Gaia was much smaller and Terra Stars as the realm ruler used the analysis system. Averting the mass extinction event in this ever-growing planet.

As the blue and green planet quickly orbited the artificial sun, the Cambrian period gradually came to an end. New species continued to be born and evolution advances onward. This continued with Terra Stars source of origin energy, draining at a far slower rate than the awakening ceremony.

A new period had begun, the Jurassic period. Terra Stars was too lazy to bother making new names with her being the only one to know. She directly adopted the name from her old world. Among the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods, she used the well know “Jurassic” for the next time period. Marking another difference between Earth and Gaia’s life.

Since the awakening of the realm. This is the most important period for modern life. With the Cambrian period’s end, and Jurassic period’s beginning, species in the realm had reached unprecedented heights. Both quantity and quality have increased, continuing to bring increased vitality to the realm in unimaginable amounts. Leading to the rapid growth of the realm’s diameter, quickly seen on the realm data panel.

Realm name: Gaia

Realm Level: 1

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Realm diameter: 88.8 kilometres.

Realm Species: 505

Analysis Result: A growing recreation of Earth, the world is in the process of changing. Don’t make a theme park now, everywhere is the Jurassic period. Everything is stable and growing well.

The system had been growing expressive during its brief analysis result. It is agreeing with Terra Stars’ opinion. The Jurassic period was coming, and it was accelerating the realm’s growth.

Terra Stars was also looking forward to it. On Earth, of the many epochs it went through before the modern era she lived in. Jurassic was probably the most famous of all. Terra Stars thought about them in her heart, “Who isn’t excited by dinosaurs.”

The main reason for this was naturally what lived in this period. Certain well known large creatures, dinosaurs. These incredible creatures were referenced by countless films and shows of her generation on Earth.

“Will dinosaurs appear on my planet? Can Gaia also have an era of dinosaurs?” Terra Stars couldn’t help and asked aloud, only the void of her realm and the world in her mind heard her.

In reply to her questions, the orbiting realm continued to evolve but no creatures like Earth dinosaurs appeared. The conditions of Gaia were completely incomparable to Earth. The area was not enough to support the giant creatures that came during Earth’s Jurassic Era.

Deep in Terra Stars’ heart, she knew it would be hard to give birth to large creatures like dinosaurs and the reality of her realm proved it. After the Jurassic period begun, the planet became warm and dry in many places. Primitive mammals appeared, along with the first vertebrates that could fly evolving.

The earliest turtle in the world, the protojawed turtle, was born. The ancestors of snakes, moths, bees, and many small mammals begun to appear along side creatures that would not have a modern descendant. Then birds began to appear. Mammals developed slowly and stably whilst flowering plants made their evolutionary debut.

The flowering plants represented the beginning of the highest and largest group in Earth’s plant kingdom, Angiosperms. Boarding the evolutionary train along with the rest of the planetary realm. Magnolia, willow, maple, birch, pal, and so on filled the forests of Gaia. Angiosperms flourished rapidly and spread all over the lands in different forms.

The emergence and development of angiosperms produced a large amount of food for some animals, namely insects, birds, and mammals. Animals became even more diverse. Horses, antelope, and bison were born along with other common species.

The planetary structure continued to change. Land and sea gradually finish their battle of balance surfacing and drowning. Grassland, alpine, forest, hills, basins, deserts, and other terrains became constant. The habitats of modern life appeared one by one. The crustal movement stabilized, and the climate became more suitable for the survival of modern life.

If it was assumed the Cambrian period of Gaia was called ‘The explosion of life’. The Jurassic period of Gaia would be ‘The Big Bang of life’. Number and quality of species present during this period was far above the Cambrian period for the realm called Gaia.

To feel pity for Terra Stars would be normal. The dinosaurs that were famous on Earth for a long time never appeared, they didn’t have the chance. In their place there have been many odd creatures. Some species that were not quite the same as Earth, showing again and again that after all, they were two different planets. The evolutionary direction couldn’t possibly be the exact same, even with the help of the analysis system.

The system’s goal was to achieve evolution to humans and the stability of the realm, so its instructions and data skipped some things and added steps elsewhere. It’s support had been vital to Terra Stars. She could see it with the blooming of life all over her realm.

The realm approached the late Jurassic period, although this period was not long, it was the most vibrant. All kinds of new species were born and set up for the future lives. Contributing to the planet by growing the vitality of the realm. Visually, the diameter of the planet had exceeded 100 kilometres without taking a break.

“Has Gaia hit the thousand species milestone yet? It will shock the standard data of other realms if it has.” Terra Stars estimated while watching the continual orbit. If other knew about it, she would scare a lot of people to death.

As reference, even a level 4 realm couldn’t possibly have so many species. Not to mention newly awoken realms. Even a dozen of species was considered very good to achieve in a short period of time. So, with little regret of not being able to have dinosaurs, Terra Stars moved on, as did her realm. To the next stage, the third period of the Phanerozoic Era.

Following the Jurassic period, another period of great value. It was also the most critical and crucial period since the creation of the realm. Anthropocene, the dawn of man approached.


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