Cosmic Realm Wars – A lone girl’s Technology

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 – Rise of the Apes(Humans)

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With the Cambrian period ended and the Jurassic period started. The Species on Gaia had reached unprecedented heights. Either the quantity or life level were far more than before. As the periods continued to quickly pass by they brought more vitality to the realm.

The greatest change with the flow of periods, and the most conspicuous to Terra Stars, was the rapid growth in the diameter of the planetary realm. Those periods passed and the Anthropocene period arrived. The notable point of era change was by the appearance of a creature that represented that era.

The Cambrian period started with the appearance of low-level primitive animals and plants. Jurassic period heralded advanced modern animals and plants. Anthropocene period was when intelligent life of humans emerged.

The diameter of the realm continued to expand, it reached more than 100 kilometres. With the warm and humid climate and the right environments, the realm gave birth to more life of more advanced levels. Of note, human ancestors, apes had appeared.

With the beginning of the Anthropocene period the first ancient apes were born, the proconsul. With it, other ancient apes appeared in sequence. They progressed with each evolution toward the direction of human ancestors. After the ancient apes were born, human-like apes emerged.

The greatest difference between ancient apes and the human-like great apes was the great apes were able to use tools. During the development of the great apes several stages occurred.

In order of precedence, it was divided into four stages: early ape-man, late ape-man, early homo sapiens, and late homo sapiens. The final stage marked the beginning of the modern human.

In a forest of Gaia, the first human being of the realm was born.

Accelerated time continued to flow by, slowly it drained the portion of origin energy within Terra Stars body. More and more humans appeared, they struggled to survive against the beasts around them. For better survival the weak humans formed a small group.

The emergence of life with intelligence like humans brought a lot more vitality compared to the rest of the realm’s species. Intelligence was a huge mark for life level. With the increase of vitality, the diameter of Gaia increased again.

“I can see why other Realm Rulers develop from intelligent life to begin with. The difference is staggering.” Terra Stars remarked as she continued to watch. She smiled in anticipation of her realm.

The realm had evolved to this point, a huge amount of time passed within her realm. The real vitality growth began now. Other realms with extraordinary energy had significantly more vitality with the birth of intelligent life. Being extraordinary and having intelligence was two equally massive milestones for life level that determined the realm’s size and vitality.

“Hmm, lets see. The number of humans on the entire planet is only a few hundred people now…” Terra Stars checked the situation of humans in each area with her abilities as the ruler of the realm.

With the benefit from the excellent planetary environment, humans were not born without food around them. The main threat to them was the mighty beasts that were born with the progression of time, but with teamwork humans made tools and started to hunt the large creatures.

Gradually they became the dominate species in their area. As time passed, humans began to walk out of the lush forest and claimed the rich plains and drove the beasts there away. From there the kindling spark of civilization formed in the form of houses, planting edible plants, and domesticating other creatures.

Civilization rose from the humble hands of the realm’s humans. The first language and writings began to form. The number of humans gradually increased, making them the master species of the realm. With the domination of other threats, friction and conflict began to arise among the various small groups.

Battles broke out, some humans dying, and their group being absorbed by the winners. After an age of battles the dozens of small groups became two larger groups. More powerful and brutal than before. Marking the beginning of the most primitive two tribes of humanoids.

One was called “Wild” and were barbarous and occupied the ripe lands.

The other was “Man” who occupied barren plains.

Both tribes had a population of hundreds of people. Neither could defeat the other in one go. Constant friction with small battles continued, but no big conflict occured. After decades of development to the tenth generation, the Wild tribe ushered in a powerful leader.

Between the two tribes, Terra Stars named every leader the same thing. The primitive humans also did the same without her interference. They were called “Wild” and “Man”. The new leader of the Wild Tribe was a tall, sturdy, and powerful warrior. As a tribe that advocated force, and worship of the mighty be it beast or man.

Wild constantly challenged the various warriors in the tribe, beating them one by one he showed his might. This raised the cohesion of the Wild tribe to an unprecedented height. After he dominated his tribe, Wild started to target the Man tribe of the barren plains.

The wild tribe showed great might. They became unstoppable, they won more, and lost rarely.

In the Man tribe, the leader of this generation was different to Wild. His general physique was weaker, he had a feeble air about him. Instead of being brave and ruthless in combat, Man preferred to study tools and used words to reach an agreement. Often he thought alone late into the night.

“Interesting.” Unbeknownst to the humans of Gaia. For the first time since the dawn of life, Terra Stars focused on a single creature, on one person.

Terra Stars wanted to develop a scientific and technological civilization. The key to have that occur was the most important talent for the start of all science, research talent. The drive and talent to do scientific research.

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Wild, although physical strong and charming, he was not what Terra Stars wanted. Man’s actions proved he had the vital talent needed to drive humanity toward science and technology. Unable to progress in the direction she wanted, Man had to face another problem, the threat from the Wild tribe.

“Analysis system, can you tell me how much will it affect the development of the ecosystem if I help here.” Terra Stars asked.

With her prompt she felt something process her question in her mind, around where she felt the realm data panel new panels formed. Upon them brief data was laid out about every part of the ecosystem. The main points could be summed up in two ways.

First, if she directly helped the danger to the Man tribe, it may lead to irreversible consequences, and the probability of ecological disturbance was upwards of 40%.

The next way was if she helped secretly, the probability of disturbance will be less than 1%. She skimmed the rest of the data and briefly thought of the two choices, she quickly came to a decision.

“In that case, secret help it is. Good idea.” Terra Stars decided immediately.

As the creator and ruler of the realm. The options to secretly help available to Terra Stars was wide, with many easy to execute options. She could directly control the soil of the realm and write in front of the Man tribe leader. As the realm ruler she knew the text of the tribes. Even when they were not even words at this point, just some symbols.

The leader of the tribe on the barren plains, Man rested under one of the big trees he frequented with most of his time. Worried about the future of the tribe, his mind was in turmoil.

“Do you know the biggest difference between humans and beasts?” One line of text appeared at his feet.

“The biggest difference?” Man was taken slightly interested, wanting to think about the question. He suddenly realized something, he jumped three meters away in panic.

“Who… what are you?” Man was stunned, curiosity fueled by his interest in learning and words made him give attention to the ground.

“I am the person of the world” Terra Stars replied in the soil.

“Person of the world?” Reading the words on the ground, Man gradually calmed down. From a primitive tribe, blind belief in divine was a reasonable act. Man was only relatively smart based on primal humans

“Answer my previous question.”

The words in the soil reformed and pushed Man to thought. Thinking about the question, he spent a long time thinking. Man began to grow a little frustrated as he had no clue to start with.

“It is wisdom” Terra Stars revealed the answer. She continued to use the script made by the analysis system

“Wisdom?” He read the soil, Man’s entire body shook, enlightenment begun to occur in his mind.

With the systems help, Terra Stars wrote out a prompt to push him along. “Human beings are far weaker than beasts in terms of individuals, but with wisdom, you can use tools and work together. That’s what enables humans to defeat beasts.”

“To be the master of this land, if you do not use wisdom, how else can weak humans fight those ferocious beasts?” She finished off the exchange, Terra Stars left Man to contemplate.

She was testing the primal man, if Man couldn’t rely on his own wisdom to get the tribe out of their crisis, she would simply give up on him. Not to disappoint her, after a long time of pondering Man thought of a solution from the message in the soil.

He began using his own wisdom. He took the initiative to invite Wild to come to a junction between the two tribes for a friendly exchange. Man used some unwilling flattery and a few jars of poor wine and became sworn brothers of Wild’s own initiative. He proposed to work together to deal with the wild beasts outside.

Man’s plan went forward, they paid praise and a lot of materials, the alliance was a complete success. The Man tribe of barren plains had also temporarily escaped the crisis of war.

Year after year, Man continued to act submissive. He continued to act of treating Wild as his big brother. Annually paying large amount of tribute to lower the Wild tribe’s desire to attack, safety was gained. At this time Man began secretly learning from Terra Stars.


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